A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf · 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (2024)

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (1)


1. Simplify: 2/3 + 4/9 x 7 ½ + 9948/49 x 245.

2. Simplify: 21/25 divided by

9/20 x

5/12 divided by


3. Simplify: 5 x 5 minus 5

5 divided by 1/5


4. Simplify: 10 – [41 – {28 + (12 – 3 – 1 )}]

5. Simplify: 3.732 x 3.732 minus 1.732 x 1.732

3.732 plus 1.732

6. Simplify: 1.5 + 0.4 (2 – 0.5) + 0.1 + 0.4

7. Simplify: 7/8 of

32/63 +

5/6 divided by


8. If 1/3.718 = 0.2689, then 1/0.0003718 = ?

9. In a school 4/9 of the pupils are boys. There are 125 girls. How many boys are


10. If A:B = 3:4 and B:C = 5:6, find A:C?

11. If x:y = 3:4 and y:z = 4:5, find x:y:z?

12. If A:B = 2:3 and B:C = 9:5 find A:B:C?

13. If A:B = 3/5 :

5/7 and B:C = ¾:

2/5 Find A:B:C?

14. If R:S = 0.01:0.11 and S:T = 2.2:1, Find R:S:T?

15. In a school, Under Sanchayika Scheme, Rekha saves 11/2 times the savings of

Bindu, Geeta saves 4 times the savings of Rekha. Find the ratio of the savings

of all the three in least terms?

16. A certain sum of money is divided between A and B in the ratio of 11/4 : 1


and A got Rs. 360/-. Find the total sum of money and B’s share?

17. In an office, the ratio of the salaries of an officer and a clerk is 15:7. If the

salary of a clerk is Rs. 720/- less than the salary of the officer, find the salary

of each?

18. In an election to a municipal council, the votes secured by two candidates are

in the ratio 13:19. The elected candidates gets 312 votes more than the second

candidate. How many votes are secured by the second candidate?

19. A certain sum of money is divided between Murthy and Prasad in the ratio 31/7

: 22/3. I Murthy gets Rs. 120/- more than Prasad, find the share of each?

20. In a cricket test series, the runs made by Raju and Tendulkar are in the ratio

5:9 and Tendulkar and Azar are in the ratio 6:7. What are the runs made by

them if Azar makes 187 runs more than Raju?

21. Annual incomes of the families of Sita and Latha are in the ratio 4:3 and their

annual expenditure are in the ratio 3:2. What is their annual income if they

save Rs. 3000/- in a year?

22. The cost of 10 books is Rs. 80/-. Find the value of 15 books?

23. The cost of 48 bags of paddy is Rs. 16,800/-. What is the cost of 36 bags of


24. Monthly expenditure of a family of 4 members is Rs. 2,800/-. What is the

expenditure if there are 3 members in the family?

25. If 18 tones of grass is needed for 12 cattle. How many tones of grass is

required for 30 cattle?

26. If 80 men can do a piece of work in 10 days, in how many days can 40 men do

the same piece of work?

27. If 80 men can do a piece of work in 10 days, in how many days can 20 men do

the same piece of work?

28. If 80 men can do a piece of work in 10 days, how many men are required to do

the same work in 4 days?

29. If 80 men can do a piece of work in 10 days, how many men are required to do

the same work in 2 days?

30. 36 men can do a piece of work in 12 days, in how many days 9 men can do it?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (2)

31. 18 men can dig a well in 10 days. After they have worked for 4 days, how

many more men shall be employed to complete the work in 4 days from then?

32. The mess charge for 35 students for 24 days is Rs. 6300/-. In how many days

will the mess charges be Rs. 3375/- for 25 students?

33. Rice costing Rs. 480/- is needed for 8 members for 20 days. What is the cost

of rice required for 12 members for 15 days?

34. 10 men can lay a road of 75 Km long in 5 days. In how many days can 15 men

lay a road of 45 Km long?

35. 24 men working at 8 hours a day can do a piece of work in 15 days. In how

many days can 20 men working at 9 hours a day do the same work?

36. 175 men can dig a canal of 3150 metre long in 36 days. How many men are

required to dig a canal of 3900 metre long in 24 days?

37. If the Cost Price is Rs. 10/- and the Selling Price is Rs. 12, What is the Profit

or Loss?

38. If the Cost Price of one book is Rs. 10/- and the Selling Price is Rs. 12/-, what

is the Profit or Loss on 100 books?

39. If the Cost Price is Rs. 500/- and Profit is Rs. 50/-, what is the Selling Price?

40. If the Cost Price of 10 bags of Paddy is Rs. 5000/- and the Profit is Rs. 500/-

what is the Selling Price of each bag of Paddy?

41. If the Selling Price is Rs. 6/- and loss is Rs. 0.50 ps, what is the Cost Price?

42. If the Cost Price is Rs. 640/- and Selling Price is Rs. 680/- What is the Profit


43. If the Cost Price is RS. 528/- and Profit is Rs. 44/- What is the Selling Price

and what is the profit percentage?

44. A book seller brought a gross of pencils at Rs. 144/- and sells the same in

retail at Rs.2/- per pencil. What is the Profit or Loss percentage?

45. A bookseller brought a ream of white paper for Rs. 100/- and sells at 24 sheets

for Rs. 6.50 ps. Is there any profit or loss?

46. An animal trader buys a calf for Rs. 800/- and sells at a profit of 10%what is

the selling price of the calf?

47. An animal trader buys a cow for Rs. 1200/- and sells at a loss of 81/3 % What

is the Selling Price of the cow?

48. If the Marked Price of an article is Rs. 54/- and discount is Rs. 6/- what is the

Selling Price?

49. If the Selling Price of an article is Rs. 42/- and discount is Rs. 3/- what is the

Marked Price?

50. If the Marked Price is Rs. 20/- and the discount is Rs. 2/- what is the discount


51. If the Selling Price is Rs. 35/- and the discount is Rs. 5/- what is the discount


52. If the discount is 20% and the Marked Price is RS. 250/- what shall be the

Selling Price?

53. If the Marked Price is Rs. 1280/- and the discount is 31/8 % what shall be the

Selling Price?

54. The marked price of a cycle is Rs. 1280/-. By allowing a discount of 10%, it

gives a profit of Rs. 72/-. Find its Cost Price?

55. If the principal amount is Rs. 45/- and the rate of interest is 5% per annum,

What shall be the interest in three years?

56. If the Principal amount is Rs. 1000/- and rate of interest is 6% per annum,

what shall be the interest in 3 years six months?

57. On what Principal amount the simple interest payable shall be Rs. 50/- in 2

years at the rate of 5% per annum?

58. On what Principal amount the simple interest payable shall be Rs. 31.50 ps in

one year 3 months at the rate of 51/4 % per annum?

59. Find the Principal amount if the simple interest paid is Rs. 312.75 ps in 2 years

3 months at the rate of 6.25% per annum?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (3)

60. What is the rate of interest per annum, if the interest payable is Rs. 3/- in two

years on a sum of Rs. 60/-?

61. What is the rate of interest per annum, if the interest payable is Rs. 42/- in two

years 4 months on a sum of Rs. 180/-?

62. What is the rate of interest per annum, if the interest payable is Rs. 90/- in two

years 6 months on a sum of Rs. 1080/-?

63. In what time will Rs. 1250/- amount to Rs. 1400/- at 6% per annum?

64. Find the simple interest on a sum of Rs. 1000/- for 4 years at the rate of 3%

per annum?

65. Find the simple interest on a sum of Rs. 250/- at 2% per annum for 4 years?

66. Find the simple interest on a sum of Rs. 4000/- for 6 months at the rate of 4%

per annum?

67. Find the simple interest on a sum of Rs. 800/- for 4 years at the rate of 2 ½ %

per annum?

68. Find the simple interest on a sum of Rs. 10/- for 4 months at the rate of 3 ps

per rupee per month?

69. Find the amount in 1 year compounded half yearly on Rs. 5000 at 6%.

70. Sunitha scored 17 marks out of 20 in Mathematics. What is her percentage of


71. There are 1500 students in a school. Out of which 20% are Muslims, 15% are

Christians and the rest of Hindus. Find the number of Hindus in the school.

72. The population of a village is 1000. Out of which 44% are men, 35% are

women and the rest are children. Find the number of children in the village?

73. A man had Rs. 800/-. He spent 25% of it. How much had he left?

74. A Group D employee has to secure 50% marks to qualify in the examination

for promotion to Group C. If he gets 163 marks and fails by 37 marks, find the

maximum marks?

75. There are 500 students in a school. 100 of them come to school by bus, 200

come by bicycle and the rest by foot. What percent students come by foot?

76. Ram, Sham and Gaurav started a business with Rs. 8000/-, 12000/- and

15000/- respectively. Find their shares of profit of Rs. 7000/- after one year?

77. Mahesh and Ramesh started a business with Rs. 4000/- and Rs. 6000/-

respectively. After an year there was a profit of Rs. 1000/-. What is the share

of Mahesh in the profit?

78. Mr. X invested Rs. 450/- in a business for 4 months and Mr. Y invested Rs.

600/- for 3 months. What is the share of Mr. Y in the profit of Rs. 400?

79. Ram and Shyam started a business with capitals of Rs. 4000/- and 6000/-

respectively and made a profit of Rs. 1500/- what is the share of each of the


80. A, B and C started a business with a capital of Rs. 5000/-, Rs. 7000/- and Rs.

8000/- respectively. At the end of the year there is a profit of Rs. 800/-, find

the share of each?

81. Find the average of 7, 10, 12, 15 and 16?

82. Find the average of Rs. 9.50 ps., Rs. 0.50 ps., Rs. 8.50 ps., Rs. 5.50 ps.

83. A milk man sold 20 litres of milk on first day, 17.5 litres of milk on second

day and 21 litres of milk on third day. Find the average sales of the milk man?

84. A train traveled 52 Kms., in the first hour, 60 Kms., in the second hour and 58

Kms in the third hour. In the fourth hour there was a trouble in the engine and

it could run only 26 Kms, Find the average speed of the train?

85. The average age of two children and their father is 17 years. The average age

of the two children and their mother is 15 years. If the age of the father 36

years what is the age of the mother?

86. The average age of seven members is 40 and the average age of three of them

is 28. Find the average age of the other four?

87. A can do a piece of work in 6 days and B can do the same work in 12 days.

How long will they take to complete it, if they both work together?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (4)

88. Anil and Sunil work together and finish a work in 8 days. Anil alone can do it

in 12 days. How many days will Sunil take to finish the work alone?

89. Raju can do a piece of work in 3 hours. Navin can do it in 6 hours. How long

will they take if they both work together?

90. A can do a work in 15 days. B in 25 days and C in 30 days. How long will

they take to do the work if they work together?

91. 5978+6134+7014=? A)16226 B)19126 C)19216 D)19226

92. 18265+2736+41328=? A)61329 B)62239 C)62319 D)62329

93. 39798+3798+378=? A)43576 B)43974 C)43984 D)49532

94. 9358-6014+3127=? A)6381 B)6471 C)6561 D)6741

95. 9572-4018-2164=? A)3300 B)3390 C)3570 D)7718

96. 7589-?=3434 A)721 B)3246 C)4155 D)11023

97. 9548+7314=8362+? A)8230 B)8410 C)8500 D)8600

98. 5358X51=? A)273258 B)273268 C)273348 D)273358

99. 360X17=? A)5120 B)5320 C)6120 D)6130

100.587X999=? A)586413 B)587523 C)614823 D)615173

101.935421X625=? A)57564125 B)584638125 C)584649125 D)585628125

102.12846X593+12546X407=? A)12846000 B)14203706 C)24038606

103.1307X1307=? A)1601249 B)1607249 C)1707249 D)1708249

104.David obtained 75,65,82,67 and 85 marks(out of 100).What is his average


105.A library has an average of 510 visitors on Sundays and 240 on other days.

The average number of visitors in a month of 30 days beginning with Sunday


106.What % of a day is 3 hours?

107.3.5 can be expressed in terms of % as

108.270 candidates appeared for examination of which 252 passed. The pass % is

109.A man buys a cycle for Rs.1400 and sells it at a loss of 155. What is the

selling price of the cycle?

110.If A:B:C = 2:3:4, then A/B:B/C:C/A is equal to:

111.If A:B = 2:3, B:C = 4:5 and C:D = 6:7, then A:B:C:D is:

112.An athlete runs 200 metres race in 24 seconds. What is his speed?

113.6 students secured 34, 23, 29, 32, 11, 43 out of 50 marks in a paper. What is

the average of the marks?

114.There are 44, 46, 38, 40 students in A, B, C & D sections of 10th class in a

school. What is the average students in a class?

115.What is the simple interest for Rs.2000/- at the rate of 7 ½ % p.a. for 5 years?

116.The population of a town during 2000 census was 27860. During 2005 census

the population has increased by 5%. Calculate the increase in population.

117.The total emoluments of an employee is Rs.17650/-. Out of this following

deductions are made:

PF – 1060, VPF – 5000/-, HRA- 1260/-, HBA – 2300/-, Festival advance

150/, CGIS-30, Professional tax 150. What is his take home salary?

118.What will be the compound interest on a principle of Rs.6000/- in two years

at the rate of interest 10% p.a.?

119.A train travelling with 90 KMPH speed covers a distance in 1 ½ hours. What

is the distance ?

120.A purchased a car for Rs. 1,35,000/- and spent Rs. 25,000/- for repairs. At

what cost the car was sold if he earned 10% profit on it?

121.How long a train 70 mts long travelling 72 KMPH per hour? Take to pass a

station platform of 130 mts long. The time should be given in seconds.

122.A dealer marks his goods 10% above the cost price and allow 10% discount.

What does he gain or loose percent?

123.In a Hostel of 50 boys there are provisions for 40 days. If 30 new boys joined

how long will these provisions last?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (5)

124.AP express running at an average speed of 95 KMPH reached Kazipet from

Secunderabad in 1 hour 50 minutes. What is the distance between

Secunderabad and Kazipet?

125.The Cost Price of 40 mts of terricotton cloth is Rs. 2440/- Find the cost price

of 22 Mts?

126.A pay clerk has the following denominations of currency notes and coins left

in the cash box after payment to the staff: What is the total amount with the

pay clerk at the close of the day?

Notes Number

of notes

Coins Number

of coins

Rs. 100/- notes 157 Rs. 5/- coins 25

Rs. 50/- notes 132 Rs. 2/- coins 48

Rs. 20/- notes 52 Re. 1/- coins 133

Rs. 10/- notes 18 Rs. 0.50 coins 100

127.In the above question, if the amount left over is equal to 50% of the amount

he had before the payment. How much amount he has paid to the staff?

128.A labor earns Rs. 4950/- in 30 days. What will be his earnings if he works

for18 days, 101 days and 300 days?


I. Essay Writing: (in about a page or 150 words) (don’t use your name of

identity) 1. Diwali

2. Dasara

3. Sankranti

4. Holy – the festival of colours.

5. Ramzan

6. Christmas

7. Friendship

8. Excursions

9. Television

10. Radio

11. Libraries

12. Computers

13. My teacher whom I like

14. My best friend.

15. Poverty in India

16. My child-hood.

17. My school days.

18. If I were the Prime Minister

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (6)

19. The Book I like the most

20. The Sport I like the most

21. The cinema I like the most.

22. The National Leader I like the most.

23. The political party I like the most.

24. Important tourist places of Andhra Pradesh

25. My hobby.

26. Dowry system

27. Population in India

28. Indian Railways

29. S.C. Railway and its divisions.

30. Un-employment in India

II. Letter Writing: in about 100 words (Assume your name as A) 1. A letter to your friend inviting him to spend Vacation with you

2. A letter to your friend describing important sight-seeing places in AP

3. A letter to the Editor about the problems in your locality

4. A letter to the Municipal Commissioner for regular supply of drinking water

5. A letter to the Municipal Commissioner describing the conditions of the roads

in your locality.

6. A letter to a leading company for a job of Junior Assistant.

7. A letter to a Post Master complaining about the non-receipt of your parcel

from your friend at Bombay.

8. A letter to your Officer requesting sanction of leave

9. A letter to your father about the new job you have taken up recently.

10. A letter to your friend in America describing the problems of un-employment .

11. A letter to your friend inviting him for your marriage.

12. A letter to your father describing your progress in studies

13. A letter to your brother congratulating him at his success in the examination.

14. A letter to your friend describing the annual day function of your school.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (7)

15. A letter to your fiend expressing condolences on the death of his mother.

16. A letter to a Publisher for supply of certain books by VPP.

17. A letter to a Police Inspector about a theft in your house.

18. A letter to the Editor of a News Papers regarding frequent strikes and bandhs.

19. A letter to your friend expressing your inability to attend his marriage


20. A love letter to your girl/boy friend.

A. Write the Feminine gender of the following:

Bachelor, Boy, Brother, Buck, Bull/Ox, Horse, Husband, King, Lord, Man,

Monk, co*ck, Dog, Drake, Father, Gander, Gentleman, Nephew, Sir, Son,

Uncle, Author, Host, Lion, Manager, Poet, Duke, Emperor, Prince, Tiger,

Master, He, Hero, Grandfather, Man-servant, Landlord, Salesman,

administrator, washer-man, Milkman, Grandfather, Papa.

B. Give the Plurals of the following:

Son-in-Law, Daughter-in-Law, Mango, Class, Brush, Branch,

Match, Dish, Watch, Buffalo, Potato, Mango, Hero, Dynamo, Solo,

Momento, Stereo, Kilo, Baby, Lady, Story, City, Thief, Wife, Wolf,

Life, Loaf, Half, Leaf, Knife, Calf, Shelf, Chief, Safe, Man, Mouse, Foot,

Tooth, Goose, Ox, Child, Scissors, Spectacles, Cattle, People, Index, Child,

Radius, Memorandum,

C. Identify the Adjectives from the following sentences:

a) Sita is a clever girl

b) There is little time for preparation

c) The boy is lazy

d) She is afraid of the Ghost.

e) Kolkata is a large city.

f) He is an honest man

g) The foolish old crow tried to sing

h) He has little intelligence.

i) You have no sense.

j) We have had enough exercise

k) He did not ear any rice

l) There are no pictures in the book

m) I taught you many things

n) Sunday is the first day of the week

o) I hate such things

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (8)

p) He comes here every day

q) He won the second prize.

r) He was absent last week

s) My uncle lives in the next house.

D. Fill in the blanks with suitable Adjectives:

a) The _________ prize was won by him

b) This is a very _________ matter

c) Suddenly there arose a ___________ storm

d) The injured man wants ___________ advice

e) India expects __________ man to do his duty

f) Have you any __________ reasons to give

g) There were riots in ____________ places

h) I have no ___________ cash

i) He was a man of ___________ ambition

j) The hand has _____ fingers.

E. Give Comparative and Superlative degrees:

Speed, Small, Tall, Bold, Clever, Kind, Young, Great, Fine, White,

Brave, Large, Able, Wise, Happy, Easy, Heavy, Merry, Wealthy, Big, Hot,

Thin, Sad, Fat, Beautiful, Difficult, Good, Bad, Little, Much, Many, Late, Old,

Far, poor, less, sharp, industrious, learned, sweet, strong, good, bad, well, ill,

far, in, near, pretty, rich, light.

F. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

a) Prevention is ___________ than cure

b) Tendulkar is the ___________ batsman in the world

c) The pen is ____________ than sword

d) The __________ buildings are found in America

e) The Pacific is ___________ than any other Ocean

f) Who is the _____________ boy in the Class

g) My Uncle is ____________ than my father

h) Ooty is ______________ than Chennai

i) Mount Everest is the _________ peak of the Himalayas

j) He is one of the _________ speakers in Telugu

k) China is the _________ populated in the world

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (9)

l) This is the ___________ of my two sons

G. Use articles and fill up the blanks: a) I saw _______ tree in ______ garden.

b) _____ tree I saw was Banyan.

c) He is ______ most intelligent boy.

d) _______ Godavari is _______ longest river in South India.

e) I want _____ cup of tea.

f) _______ Ramayana was written by Valmiki.

g) Iron is ______ useful metal.

h) Honesty is _______ best policy.

i) Tirupati is one of _______ pilgrim centers of Andhra Pradesh.

j) ______ Indians love music.

k) There is _____ insect in the glass.

l) Jack and Jill went up _____ hill.

m) Flowers in ____ garden are beautiful.

n) Gelelio was ______ Italian scientist.

o) _____ thief was sent to ____ prison.

p) He aims to become ______ engineer.

q) My brother is _______ teacher.

r) Spain is ______ European country.

s) I will come in ______ hour.

t) I never saw such ______ incident.

u) This is _____ exercise to test _____ knowledge in English.

v) I went to ______ hospital to see _____ patient.

w) _____ dinner was arranged at ____ Hotel Taj.

x) His vehicle makes _____ loud noise.

y) I saw _____ elephant in ______ zoo.

z) Wordsworth wrote poetry on beauty of _______ nature.

aa) What ______ beautiful flower it is!

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (10)

bb) He is _______ best friend of mine.

cc) _____ Sun rises in ______ East.

dd) You are _____ man to do it.

ee) This is ______ historic event.

ff) The passengers want ______ help of _____ few volunteers.

gg) He is as stupid as _____ ass.

hh) _____ Lotus is ______ beautiful flower.

ii) Look at _____ sky, how beautiful _____ stars look!

jj) She wept like _____ child.

kk) According to _______ Bible, God made ____ world in six days.

ll) ______ Ambassador should be _____ man of pleasing manners.

mm) Mussolini was ________ Hitler of Italy.

nn) He is _____ native who knows ________ way in the jungle.

oo) Sita is ______ purest woman.

pp) ______ Earth is round.

qq) Draw _____ map of India.

rr) The doctor restored sight to _______ blind.

ss) Twelve inches make ______ foot.

tt) Not _____ word he said.

uu) Wisdom is ______ gift of heaven.

vv) Delhi is ______ capital of India.

ww) Newton was ____ great philosopher.

xx) I met him at _______ church.

yy) A bird in _____ hand is worth two in _____ bush.

zz) The darkest cloud has _____ silver lining.

aaa) Copper is ______ useful metal

bbb) He is not ______ honorable man

ccc) Do you see _____ blue sky

ddd) Varanasi is ____ holy city

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (11)

eee) Alladin had ______ wonderful lamp

fff) He returned after _____ hour

ggg) _______ sun shines brightly

hhh) French is ______ easy language

iii) Who is ______ girl sitting there

jjj) Which is the ______ longest river in India

kkk) He has come without ____ umbrella

lll) Mumbai is _______ very costly place

mmm) The children found _______ egg in the nest

nnn) I bought ________ Horse _____ Ox and _____ Buffalo.

H. Fill in the blanks with suitable Relative Pronouns:

1) We always like those boys _____ speak the truth

2) He ______ does his best shall be praised

3) I know ______ you mean

4) She has gone to Chennai __________ is her birth place

5) He gave away ________ he did not need

6) Here is the pen _______ you lost

7) Most people get ________ they deserve

8) He is a man _______ you can trust

9) Where is the book _________ I gave you

10) Listen to ______ I say

11) Did you receive the letter ________ I sent yesterday?

12) Do you know ________ has happened?

13) Do the same _______ I do

14) God helps those _______ help themselves

15) No man can lose ___________ he never had

16) That man _______ does not work must starve

17) He plays the game ______ he likes best

18) I do not believe ________ you say

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (12)

19) ___________ you say is not true

20) I gave it to the man ______ I saw there

21) I know ________ you are praising.

22) You have not brought the book ________ I asked for

23) Please recite ______ you have learnt

I. Join together the following pairs of sentences:

a) I know a man. The man had been to Iceland.

b) The thief stole the watch. The thief was punished

c) Show the road. The road leads to Delhi

d) I met a boy. He was very kind

e) The man is honest. The man is trusted

f) We met a girl. The girl had lost her way

g) He is a rogue. No one trusts him.

h) I have found the umbrella. I lost it.

i) I saw a girl. She was singing.

j) Here is the book. You were asking for the book.

k) This is the building. It was built in a month.

l) I met my Uncle. He had just arrived.

m) The boy is my cousin. You see him there.

n) The boy tells lies. He deserves to be punished.

o) Here is the book. The book contains pictures.

p) Give me the ruler. The ruler is on the desk.

q) He has a friend. He is a clever artist.

r) The boy was very proud. He had won the first prize.

s) This is the cat. It killed the rat.

J. Split each of the following sentences into two:

1) Bring me the book that is on the table.

2) The elephant that was sick died.

3) I have found the book, which I lost.

4) The boy whom you see there made top score in the match.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (13)

5) He is a poet whose works are widely known.

6) The task which you have to do is easy.

K. Change the voice:

1) The cat killed the mouse

2) The man cut down the tree

3) Columbus discovered America

4) His teacher praised him

5) The police arrested the thief

6) The boy caught the ball

7) My father will write a letter

8) The hunter shot the lion

9) The girl opened the door

10) Everyone loves him

11) We expect good news

12) They sell radios here

13) I have sold my bicycle

14) We prohibit smoking

15) Open the door

16) He was praised by his father

17) The first rail engine was built by George Stephenson

18) The horse was frightened by the noise

19) The teacher was pleased with the boy’s work

20) He was taken to the hospital by his friends

21) The road was lined with people

22) Shakuntala was written by Kalidas

23) The building was damaged by fire

24) Those cars were built by Robots

25) The child was knocked down by a car

26) We elected Babu as Captain

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (14)

27) I saw him opening the box

28) We must listen to his words

29) Without effort nothing can be gained

30) Do not insult the weak

31) My watch was lost

32) The master appointed him monitor

33) He made his friend do the work

34) Prem Chand wrote this novel

35) I bought the baby a doll

36) I opened the door

37) They know me

38) He taught me to read Hindi

39) We expect good news

40) I offered him a chair

41) We must listen to his words

42) Who taught you Urdu

43) Somebody has put out the light

44) The letter was written by the clerk

45) He was seen by my brother

46) Honey is made by bees

47) I was offered a chair

48) My watch has been stolen

49) The boy was praised by the teacher

50) He was chosen leader

51) The bird was killed by a cruel boy

52) We shall be blamed by everyone

53) By whom was this jug broken

L. Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb given in the brackets:

1) The earth ………… round the Sun (move,moves,moved)

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (15)

2) My friend ………. the Principal yesterday (see,have seen,saw)

3) She ………. worried about something (looks,looking,is looking)

4) He ………. asleep while reading (falls,fell,has fallen)

5) He …….. a mill in this town (have,has,is having)

6) I ……… a strange noise (hear,am hearing,having been hearing)

7) Don’t disturb me.I ……. my homework (do,did,am doing)

8) The soup ……. good (taste,tastes,is tasting)

9) He …….. TV most evenings (watches,is watching,watch)

10) The baby ………… all morning (cries,has been crying)

11) I ………. him at the zoo (saw,have seen,had seen)

12) She ……… unconscious since 4’0 clock (is,was,has been)

13) The sun …….. over the hills (rises,is rise,is rising)

14) When I ……… my dinner,I went to bed (had,have had,had had)

15) She jumped off the bus when it …… (moved,has moved,was moving)

M. Change the verbs into Past Tense in the following: 1. Rama writes to his mother every week

2. She sings sweetly

3. He comes of a good line

4. I know him for an American

5. I forgot his name

6. He gets along fairly well

7. He throws cold water

8. They all tell the same story

C. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE I. Expand the abbreviations:

SBF - Staff Benefit Fund

MBF - Mutual Benefit Fund

CCO - Chief Claims Officer

CPRO - Chief Public Relations Officer

CTE - Chief Track Engineer

CBE - Chief Bridge Engineer

CPDE - Chief Planning & Development Engineer

PCE - Principal Chief Engineer

CMPE - Chief Motive Power Engineer

CME - Chief Mechanical Engineer

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (16)

CWE - Chief Workshop Engineer

CRSE - Chief Rolling Staff Engineer

CEE - Chief Electrical Engineer

CESE - Chief Electrical Service Engineer

CELE - Chief Electrical Loco Engineer

CSTE - Chief Signal & Telecommunication Engineer

CCE -Chief Communication Engineer

COS - Controller of Stores

CMM - Chief Materials Manager

CPO - Chief Personnel Officer

CPO/A - Chief Personnel Officer Administration

CPOIR- Chief Personnel Officer Industrial Relation

COM - Chief Operations Manager

CPTM - Chief Passenger Traffic Manager

CFTM - Chief Freight Traffic Manager

COFMOW – Central Organization for Modernization of Workshop

CPM - Chief Projects Manager

CRB - Chairman Railway Board

CRS - Commissioner Railway Safety

DRM - Divisional Railway Manager

CSC - Chief Security Commissioner

CCM - Chief Commercial Manager

CMD - Chief Medical Director

CAO/C- Chief Administrative Officer/Construction

ADRM-Additional Divisional Railway Manager

FA&CAO- Financial Advisor and Chief Accounts Officer

AGM - Additional General Manager

EDPM- Electrical Data Processing Manager

SWSO- Senior Work Study Officer

IRCON- Indian Railway Construction Organization

IRWO- Indian Railway Welfare Organization

RITES-Rail India Technical & Economic Services

RRB - Railway Recruitment Board

RCT - Railway Claims Tribunal

RRT -Railway Rates Tribunal

ICF - Integral Coach Factory

DLW - Diesel Locomotive Works

CLW - Chittaranjan Locomotive Works

RCF - Rail Coach Factory

RWF - Rail Wheel Factory

CRS - Carriage Repair Shop

RDSO – Research Design & Standards Organization

IRISET- Indian Railway Institute of Signal Engineering &


CGEGIS - Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme

ZRTI – Zonal Railway Training Institute

RDC - Railway Degree College

STC - Supervisor Training Center

APPSC - Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission

UNICEF - United Nations Children’s Educational Fund

WHO - World Health Organization

LAP - Leave at Average Pay

LHAP – Leave at Half Average Pay

HBA - House Building Advance

RELHS – Railway Employees Liberalized Health Scheme

IREM - Indian Railway Establishment Manual

IRCTC- Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (17)

RVNL – Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd

UNO – United Nations Organization

ILO – International Labour Organization

II. Fill in the Blanks :

1) Lepakshi is in the District of ________

2) Bharat Heavy Electricals is at________

3) Nagarjuna Dam is in the State of _________

4) Konark Express run between Mumbai________

5) Osman Sagar is situated at__________

6) Kovalam Beach is in __________state

7) ICF is situated at __________

8) Sun Temple is at _________

9) Golcumbaz is at ____________

10) Qutub Minar is at________

11) Charminar is at __________

12) India Gate is at___________

13) Gate Way of India_________

14) Rail Coach Factory is at__________

15) Rail Wheel Factory is at __________

16) Integral Coach Factory is at _______________

17) There are _____________Zones in Indian Railways

18) There are _____________Divisions on SC Railway

19) Tar is a product of ____________

20) Steel Plant in AP is at___________

21) Fuel used for train Engine is ________ or ____________.

22) Wagon Workshop is situated at _______________ on S.C. Railway.

23) Carriage Repair Shop is situated at ______________ on S.C. Railway

24) ELS stands for ___________________________.

25) Electric Loco Sheds are set up at _______________________________

on S.C. Railway.

26) Railway Officers are trained at _____________________________.

27) A brother who is below _______ years of age can be a dependent to be

included in the pass declaration.

28) A request to CCM is made for release of berths from ________________.

III. Types of Leave:

1) ______ days of CL are entitled in a calendar year for staff in administrative


2) _____ days of Restricted Holidays are entitled in a calendar year

3) ______ days of LAP are credited in half a year

4) _______ days of LHAP are credited in a year.

5) Extra Ordinary Leave of _______ years can be sanctioned at a maximum.

6) Maternity Leave is ________ days.

7) Paternity leave is _____ days.

8) Maximum LAP that can be granted at a stretch is _______ days.

IV. Advances:

1) Festival Advance is Rs.__________

2) Cycle Advance is Rs. _________.

3) Scooter Advance is Rs.____________ in the first occasion.

4) Motor Car Advance is Rs. _____________ in the first occasion.

5) Computer advance is Rs. ____________.

6) HBA is _______ times the basic pay plus DP

V. Allowances:

1) DA stands for _____________________

2) CCA stands for __________________

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (18)

3) HRA stands for _____________________

4) TA stands for ___________________

VI. Labour Organisations:

NFIR stands for ___________________________________

AIRF stands for ____________________________________

JCM stands for ____________________________________

PNM stands for ____________________________________

SCRMU stands for ___________________________________

SCRES stands for ____________________________________

VII. Say True or False:

1. The lowest pay scale is Rs. 2610-3540.

2. The V Pay Commission recommendations are made effective from


3. A peon of CPO’s Office can be posted to Vijayawada on promotion.

4. A substitute in Group ‘D’ is entitled to appear for selection to Gr.’C’ post.

5. The pay scale of Junior Clerk is Rs. 4500-7000.

6. White paper is non-stock item.

7. Tables and Chairs required for an office are stocked items.

8. A supervisory official is entitled to draw a brief case for official purposes.

9. The rate of increment in scale Rs.3050-4590 is Rs.150/-.

10. Employees with II Class pass are allowed in Guard’s Break van.

11. A Station Master is capable to cancel a train.

12. Chief Operations Manger belongs to Traffic Service.

13. Chief Claims officer has to verify the arrear claims of the staff before

disbursem*nt of the payment.

14. IRPS officers are recruited by RRB.

15. UPSC recruits Station Managers.

16. Stenographers are personal staff of officers recruited by them.

17. A Bungalow Peon is recruited by RRB.

18. Bunglow Peons are initially engaged with the approval the officer


19. A substitute bunglow peon attains temporary status after 120 days service.

20. Asst. Officers are entitled to a Substitute Bungalow Peon.

21. Bungalow Peons are transferable to any Railway along with the officer to

whom he is attached.

22. SR stands for Suitability Record because the suitability of an employee is

decided for promotion on perusal of the SR.

23. 100% of CL service counts for pensionery benefits.

24. CL service means service done on Casual Leave.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (19)

25. Bonus on Railways is payable twice a year.

26. Monthly wages are paid to the staff on the first day of the month.

27. There are weekly and daily wage periods on Railways.

28. In case of any grievance, staff must approach the local political leader first.

29. DAR action can be taken if any staff represent their grievances through


30. No wages are paid during suspension since the employee is not required to

work during the suspension period.

31. Suspension means punishing the employee for coming late to the office


32. Staff get half payment during suspension for unauthorised absence.

33. The cost of spectacles is reimbursed under Mutual Benefit Fund.

34. The co-operative society lends loans to all Railway employees.

35. A Group D employee cannot take gifts worth Rs. 20/- from others on

certain functions in the house.

36. Wife and husband, if both working as peons can be posted in the same


37. A group D employee should have minimum VIII Class qualification for

recruitment on Railways.

38. Pension is payable to a Railway servant who retires from service with 5

years’ qualifying service.

39. If a Group D employees dies after putting in 2 years service can be paid


40. Leave encashment is payable at the time of retirement only.

41. Deposit Linked insurance scheme is linked to the PF balances of an


42. Railway employees are given free food during IOD.

43. Workmen get compensation if one is injured while on duty and in the

course of one’s duty.

44. If a Gangman is run over and killed while on duty, he is entitled for ex-

gratia payment in addition to the workmen compensation payable to


45. Group D employees are entitled to free diet while taking treatment as in-

patient in a Railway hospital.

46. Un-married female employees are not entitled to Maternity Leave.

47. SC/ST candidates are given a free pass to enable them to attend the written

examination conducted by RRB.

48. 70% of daily TA is payable to a Railway employee on line beyond 8 Kms

for 3 hours.

49. A Senior Clerk can remove a peon from service.

50. AP Express runs between Secunderabad and Mumbai.

51. All Rajadhani Expresses are to and fro Delhi.

52. Cattle can also be transported by Trains.

53. Fish cannot be carried by passenger trains.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (20)

54. The rate of Railway Time Table is Rs.125/-.

55. The Railway Time Table gives the information about break journey.

56. A pass holder cannot break his journey before completion of 500 Kms.

57. A local train ticket is valid for 8 hours.

58. Refund is granted by Station Master after two days of departure of the

concerned train.

59. Full refund of fare is entitled on an unconfirmed ticket .

60. The reservation charges are non-refundable.

61. A privilege pass is valid for 4 months during which the holder can travel

any number of times.

62. A TC should collect amount from ticket-less traveler if he is not a staff


63. Ticket checking staff are running staff who are entitled for running


64. Drivers are non-running staff.

65. Staff should be sober while on duty.

66. Breathalyser test is to test the driver whether he is breathing is properly.

67. Taking intoxicated drinks before 10 hours of commencement of the duty is

punishable under DAR.

68. Peons are entitled to washing allowance.

69. Washing allowance is an allowance payable to Group D staff who accept

the work of washing plates, cups and saucers etc.

70. The daily sale proceeds of the Railway staff canteen are credited to

Railway revenues and draw the necessary expenditure from Railway

towards purchase of provisions.

71. Some trains are called freight trains because of their frightening speed.

72. CFTM looks after movement of Freight Trains.

73. Container Corporation sells containers.

74. IRCTC stands for Indian Railway Catering and Transport Corporation.

75. RailTel is a department of Railways who tells about Railways to the


VII. General Questions:

1. Who is the General Manager of S.C. Railway?

2. Who is the Additional General Manager of S.C. Railway?

3. Who is the Pricipal Chief Engineer of S.C. Railway?

4. Who is Chief Administrative Officer/Construction of S.C. Railway?

5. Who is the Chief Personnel Officer of S.C. Railway?

6. Who is the Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer?

7. Where is the Headquarters of Hyderabad Division?

8. Where is the Headquarters of Secunderabad Division?

9. What is the other name of Vijayawada?

10. How many privilege passes are eligible to Group D and Group C employees?

11. How Many Post Retirement passes are eligible for Group C and D employees,

who have put in 25 years service?

12. In which Division the following stations are situated?

Nanded, Tirupati, Raichur, Nandiyal, Parli

13. Who is the Prime Minister of India?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (21)

14. Where Rail Wheel Factory situated?

15. Who wrote Natioanl Anthem

16. Who is the Present Captain of Indian Cricket?

17. Who Invented television?

18. Which is the capital of Uttaranchal?

19. What is the minimum service required for promotion of junior clerk to senior


20. What is the minimum distance an employee to travel to become eligible for


21. How many days casual leave a fitter in workshop is eligible in a year?

22. How many Zones are there in Indian Railways?

23. How many Workshops are there in Indian Railways?

24. Who is the Minister for Railways?

25. Where is the Railway Board situated?

26. What is the currency of the following countries?

USA ,Dubai, Singapore, Australia, Bangladesh, Russia, China , Sri Lanka,


27. Who is Election Commissioner of India?

28. How Many states are there in India?

29. How many Union Territories are there in India?

30. Who is the Chief Justice of India?

31. Who was called as Punjab Kesari?

32. Where is the Railway Museum located?

33. Who is the Head of the Indian Railways?

34. Which Department handles health care of the employees?

35. Who is the Head of the Zonal Railway?

36. How many major workshops are on SC Railway?

37. Who is the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu?

38. Who is the Governor of AP?

39. Write any two allowances admissible to you?

40. Write any two allowances admissible to Railway servant?

41. What is meant by D & A Rules?

42. How many sets of passes and PTOs are entitled to a Group D employee who

has put in 4 years of service?

43. What are important Tourist places on S.C. Railway?

44. What is the recruitment agency for S.C. Railway?

45. Where is the only Degree College on Indian Railways?

46. What is SBF?

47. Who are the Chairman and members of SBF Committee?

48. What are the schemes introduced by SBF Committee on S.C. Railway?

49. Who is the General Secretary of SCRE Sangh?

50. Who is the General Secretary of SCRM Union?

51. How many Trade unions are recognized on Indian Railways? What are they?

52. Who is the Correspondent for the Railway Schools/Colleges?


Question Bank for selection from Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ (Jr.Clerk) (16

2/3 % Matriculates Quota )

A. MATHS: I. Real Numbers:

5. The area of a square is 4 hectares. Find the length of its side.

6. A house site is in the shape of a square. Its area is 1225 sq. metres. What is its


7. The area of a square field is 7396 sq. metres. Find its perimeter?

8. The length and breadth of a rectangular field are in the ratio 4:3. The area of the

field is 1 hectare 2288 sq. mts. Find the length and breadth of the field.

9. The length and breadth of a rectangular field are in the ratio 5:3. The area of the

field is 1 hectare 3500 sq. mts. Find its perimeter.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (22)

10. A field is rectangular in shape and its length is 11/2 times its breadth. If its area

is 2.4576 hectares, what is its perimeter?

11. A sum of Rs. 1728 is distributed equally among some persons and each got

11/3 times as many rupees as there are persons. Find the number of


12. Simplify: 2/3 + 4/9 x 7 ½ + 9948/49 x 245.

13. Simplify: 21/25 divided by

9/20 x

5/12 divided by


14. Simplify: 5 x 5 minus 5

5 divided by 1/5


15. Simplify: 10 – [41 – {28 + (12 – 3 – 1 )}]

12. Simplify: 3.732 x 3.732 minus 1.732 x 1.732

3.732 plus 1.732

13. Simplify: 1.5 + 0.4 (2 – 0.5) + 0.1 + 0.4

14. Simplify: 7/8 of

32/63 +

5/6 divided by


15. If 1/3.718 = 0.2689, then 1/0.0003718 = ?

16. A man left 1/3 rd of his property to his wife and 3/5 th of the remainder to his

daughter. He gave the rest to his son who received Rs. 6400/-. How much

was his original property worth?

17. In a school 4/9 of the pupils are boys. There are 125 girls. How many boys are


II. Ratio & Proportion: 18. If A:B = 3:4 and B:C = 5:6, find A:C?

19. If x:y = 3:4 and y:z = 4:5, find x:y:z?

20. If A:B = 2:3 and B:C = 9:5 find A:B:C?

21. If A:B = 3/5 :

5/7 and B:C = ¾:

2/5 Find A:B:C?

22. If R:S = 0.01:0.11 and S:T = 2.2:1, Find R:S:T?

23. In a school, Under Sanchayika Scheme, Rekha saves 11/2 times the savings of

Bindu, Geeta saves 4 times the savings of Rekha. Find the ratio of the

savings of all the three in least terms?

24. A certain sum of money is divided between A and B in the ratio of 11/4 : 1


and A got Rs. 360/-. Find the total sum of money and B’s share?

25. In an office, the ratio of the salaries of an officer and a clerk is 15:7. If the

salary of a clerk is Rs. 720/- less than the salary of the officer, find the

salary of each?

26. In an election to a municipal council, the votes secured by two candidates are

in the ratio 13:19. The elected candidates gets 312 votes more than the

second candidate. How many votes are secured by the second candidate?

27. A certain sum of money is divided between Murthy and Prasad in the ratio 31/7

: 22/3. I Murthy gets Rs. 120/- more than Prasad, find the share of each?

28. In a cricket test series, the runs made by Raju and Tendulkar are in the ratio

5:9 and Tendulkar and Azar are in the ratio 6:7. What are the runs made by

them if Azar makes 187 runs more than Raju?

29. Annual incomes of the families of Sita and Latha are in the ratio 4:3 and their

annual expenditure are in the ratio 3:2. What is their annual income if they

save Rs. 3000/- in a year?

30. The cost of 10 books is Rs. 80/-. Find the value of 15 books?

31. The cost of 48 bags of paddy is Rs. 16,800/-. What is the cost of 36 bags of


32. Monthly expenditure of a family of 4 members is Rs. 2,800/-. What is the

expenditure if there are 3 members in the family?

33. If 18 tones of grass is needed for 12 cattle. How many tones of grass is

required for 30 cattle?

34. If 80 men can do a piece of work in 10 days, in how many days can 40 men do

the same piece of work?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (23)

35. If 80 men can do a piece of work in 10 days, in how many days can 20 men do

the same piece of work?

36. If 80 men can do a piece of work in 10 days, how many men are required to do

the same work in 4 days?

37. If 80 men can do a piece of work in 10 days, how many men are required to do

the same work in 2 days?

38. 36 men can do a piece of work in 12 days, in how many days 9 men can do it?

39. 18 men can dig a well in 10 days. After they have worked for 4 days, how

many more men shall be employed to complete the work in 4 days from


40. The mess charge for 35 students for 24 days is Rs. 6300/-. In how many days

will the mess charges be Rs. 3375/- for 25 students?

41. Rice costing Rs. 480/- is needed for 8 members for 20 days. What is the cost

of rice required for 12 members for 15 days?

42. 10 men can lay a road of 75 Km long in 5 days. In how many days can 15 men

lay a road of 45 Km long?

43. 24 men working at 8 hours a day can do a piece of work in 15 days. In how

many days can 20 men working at 9 hours a day do the same work?

44. 175 men can dig a canal of 3150 metre long in 36 days. How many men are

required to dig a canal of 3900 metre long in 24 days?

III. Profit and Loss: 44. If the Cost Price is Rs. 10/- and the Selling Price is Rs. 12, What is the Profit

or Loss?

45. If the Cost Price of one book is Rs. 10/- and the Selling Price is Rs. 12/-, what

is the Profit or Loss on 100 books?

46. If the Cost Price is Rs. 500/- and Profit is Rs. 50/-, what is the Selling Price?

47. If the Cost Price of 10 bags of Paddy is Rs. 5000/- and the Profit is Rs. 500/-

what is the Selling Price of each bag of Paddy?

48. If the Selling Price is Rs. 6/- and loss is Rs. 0.50 ps, what is the Cost Price?

49. If the Cost Price is Rs. 640/- and Selling Price is Rs. 680/- What is the Profit


50. If the Cost Price is RS. 528/- and Profit is Rs. 44/- What is the Selling Price

and what is the profit percentage?

51. A book seller brought a gross of pencils at Rs. 144/- and sells the same in retail

at Rs.2/- per pencil. What is the Profit or Loss percentage?

52. A bookseller brought a ream of white paper for Rs. 100/- and sells at 24 sheets

for Rs. 6.50 ps. Is there any profit or loss?

53. An animal trader buys a calf for Rs. 800/- and sells at a profit of 10%what is

the selling price of the calf?

54. An animal trader burs a cow for Rs. 1200/- and sells at a loss of 81/3 % What is

the Selling Price of the cow?

55. An animal trader buys a calf and a cow at Rs. 800/- and Rs. 1200/-

respectively and sells them at 10% profit and 81/3 % loss respectively, what

shall be profit or loss percentage on the whole?

56. A purchased an article for Rs. 96/- and sold it at a profit of Rs. 81/3 % to B. If

B sells it at a loss of 5% what shall be the Selling Price of B?

57. By selling coconuts at the rate of Rs. 6/- each, a trader gained 20%. Find the

cost of 100 coconuts?

58. Gopi bought a house for Rs. 70,500/- and sold it at a gain of 12%. What is the

profit or loss?

59. Gopi bought a house site for Rs. 16,500/- and sells it at a loss of 20% what

shall be the loss.

60. Gopi bought a house for Rs. 70,500/- and a site for Rs. 16,500/-. He sells the

house at a gain of 12% and the house site at a loss of 20%, what shall be

the gain or loss on the whole?

61. A trader sells two cycles at Rs. 1188/- each gains 10% on the first and loses

10% on the second. Find his profit or loss percentage on the whole?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (24)

62. A mechanic sells two scooters each at Rs. 10,976/- gaining 12% on the first

and losing 2% on the second. Find his gain or loss percent on the whole?

63. A trader gains 20% by selling 25 cycles at a rate of rs. 1200/- each. If the

company reduces the price of cycle by Rs. 50/-, what shall be his gain


64. A fruit merchant purchased some fruits and sold half of them at a gain of 60%

and half of the balance at a gain of 20%. The rest are spoiled. Find his gain

or loss on the whole?

65. The cost of an article decreases every year by 20% to its previous value. If its

value is Rs. 19,200/- after three years, what was its original cost?

66. A sold an article to B at a profit of 5% and B sold it to C at a profit of 10%. If

the profit percentages are reversed i.e., if A sold it to B at a profit of 10%

and B sold it to C at 5% what is the Cost Price of C?

67. Anil purchased a radio for Rs. 400/- and sold it for Rs. 450/-. What is his profit


68. Rakesh purchased a bicycle for Rs. 250/- and sold it for Rs. 300/-. What is his

gain percentage?

69. Pramod bought 12 litres of Kerosene Oil for Rs. 180/- and sold it at the rate of

Rs. 18/- per litre. What is his profit percentage?

70. Govind purchased 15 Kg of Ghee for Rs. 3000/- and sold the ghee in retail at

the rate of Rs. 220/- a Kg. What is the profit percentage?

71. Umesh purchased a chair for Rs. 2500/- and sold it for Rs. 1600/-. What is his

loss percentage?

72. Mathura purchased a cow for RS. 15000/- and due to certain reasons sold it at

Rs. 12000/- What is her loss and what Percentage?

73. Hareram purchased a cow at Rs. 12000/- and incurred an expenditure of Rs.

500/- for its transportation. At what price should he sell to make a profit of


74. A radio dealer paid Rs. 387.50 ps for a radio. He sold it at Rs. 492.20. If his

other expenses are Rs. 12.50 ps. whether he gained or lost what


75. Raju purchased a bicycle for Rs. 3500/- and sold it at a loss of 20%. Find the

price at which he sold the bicycle?

76. Harish purchased a tape recorder for Rs. 4800/-. At what price should he sell it

to gain 20% profit?

77. Rajesh purchased 5 dozens of oranges for Rs. 12/- a dozen and sold them at

the rate of Re.1.50 ps. each. What is the gain or loss percentage?

78. If the Selling Price of an article is RS. 540/- and the seller incurred a loss of

10%. What is its Cost Price?

79. A fruit seller purchased 25 dozens of bananas at Rs. 20/- and out of them 50

were rotten. If he incurred Rs. 5/- towards transportation, at what price

should he sell each banana so that he neither gains nor loses?

IV. Trade Discount: 80. If the Marked Price of an article is Rs. 54/- and discount is Rs. 6/- what is the

Selling Price?

81. If the Selling Price of an article is Rs. 42/- and discount is Rs. 3/- what is the

Marked Price?

82. If the Marked Price is Rs. 20/- and the discount is Rs. 2/- what is the discount


83. If the Selling Price is Rs. 35/- and the discount is Rs. 5/- what is the discount


84. If the discount is 20% and the Marked Price is RS. 250/- what shall be the

Selling Price?

85. If the Marked Price is Rs. 1280/- and the discount is 31/8 % what shall be the

Selling Price?

86. The marked price of a cycle is Rs. 1280/-. By allowing a discount of 10%, it

gives a profit of Rs. 72/-. Find its Cost Price?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (25)

87. The Marked Price of a machine is Rs. 18,000/-. By selling it at a discount of

20%, the loss is 4%. What is the Cost Price of the machine?

88. The cost of manufacturer of a tape recorder is Rs. 1150/-. The Marked Price is

fixed at 20% above the cost. What percentage of discount may be allowed

so that there may be a gain of 8%?

89. The Cost Price of a table is Rs. 250/-. Marked Price is Rs. 300/-. What

percentage of discount may be allowed so that there may be a profit of


V. Simple Interest: 90. If the principal amount is Rs. 45/- and the rate of interest is 5% per annum,

What shall be the interest in three years?

91. If the Principal amount is Rs. 1000/- and rate of interest is 6% per annum,

what shall be the interest in 3 years six months?

92. On what Principal amount the simple interest payable shall be Rs. 50/- in 2

years at the rate of 5% per annum?

93. On what Principal amount the simple interest payable shall be Rs. 31.50 ps in

one year 3 months at the rate of 51/4 % per annum?

94. Find the Principal amount if the simple interest paid is Rs. 312.75 ps in 2 years

3 months at the rate of 6.25% per annum?

95. What is the rate of interest per annum, if the interest payable is Rs. 3/- in two

years on a sum of Rs. 60/-?

96. What is the rate of interest per annum, if the interest payable is Rs. 42/- in two

years 4 months on a sum of Rs. 180/-?

97. What is the rate of interest per annum, if the interest payable is Rs. 90/- in two

years 6 months on a sum of Rs. 1080/-?

98. In how many years a sum of Rs. 6500/- yields a simple interest of Rs. 455/- if

the rate of interest is 21/3 %?

99. In how many years a sum of Rs. 1875/- yields a simple interest of Rs. 675/- if

the rate of interest is 12%?

100. In how many years a sum of Rs. 6500/- becomes Rs. 7670/- at the rate of 6%

per annum?

101. What is sum of money that becomes Rs. 2250/- in 2 years at the rate of 121/2

percent per annum?

102. Find the rate of interest if the sum of Rs. 2750/- becomes Rs. 3570/- in two

years six months?

103. Principal amount is Rs. 1020/-, rate of interest is 8% per annum, What shall

be the amount in 3 years 4 months?

104. A certain sum of money amounts to Rs. 312/- at 4% simple interest per

annum and Rs. 324/- at 8% simple interest per annum. Find the Principal

and period of time?

105. If a certain sum amounts to Rs. 515 in three years and to Rs. 530 in 6 years,

find sum and rate of interest.

106. In how many years the interest on Rs. 1200/- at 5% is equal to interest on Rs.

800/- at 7.5% in 2.5 years?

107. In what time will the interest on Rs. 3600 at the rate of 10% be equal to the

interest on Rs. 1800 at the rate of 121/2 % in 4 years?

108. In how many years certain sum amounts to (i) double (ii) three times to

principal at the rate of 162/3%?

109. At what rate will the interest on Rs. 480 in 15 months equals the interest on

Rs. 800 at 5% rate of interest in 9 months?

110. A man borrowed some money at 15% simple interest and cleared the debt at

the end of 2 years 8 months, by paying Rs. 9240. Find the sum borrowed.

111. A sum of Rs. 450 amounts to Rs. 495 in 2 years. In what time will the sum of

Rs. 820 amounts to Rs. 943 at the same rate?

112. In what time will Rs. 1250/- amount to Rs. 1400/- at 6% per annum?

113. If a certain sum doubles itself in 16 years at simple interest, in how many

years will it triple itself?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (26)

114. Find the simple interest on a sum of Rs. 1000/- for 4 years at the rate of 3%

per annum?

115. Find the simple interest on a sum of Rs. 250/- at 2% per annum for 4 years?

116. Find the simple interest on a sum of Rs. 4000/- for 6 months at the rate of 4%

per annum?

117. Find the simple interest on a sum of Rs. 800/- for 4 years at the rate of 2 ½ %

per annum?

118. Find the simple interest on a sum of Rs. 10/- for 4 months at the rate of 3 ps

per rupee per month?

119. Find the simple interest on a sum of Rs. 125/- at the rate of 9% per annum

from 25th February to 9

th May, 1975?

120. Find the simple interest on a sum of Rs. 700/- at the rate of 2% per annum

from 30th September, 1975 to 31

st March, 1976?

121. Mahavir helped his friend by giving him Rs. 600/-. The rate of interest was

5% per annum. How much money will he return to Mahavir after 4 years?

122. The interest on Rs. 325/- for 3 years is Rs. 39/- Find the rate of interest per


123. The simple interest on Rs. 1200/- for 5 years is RS. 360/-. Find the rate of

interest per annum?

124. A bicycle costs Rs. 2500/- if purchased in cash. It can also be purchased by

paying Rs. 250/- per month for a year. Determine the rate of interest?

125. If A gets three times the money invested at the end of 16 years, what is the

rate of interest?

126. A sum of Rs. 400/- becomes RS. 480/- in 4 years. What will it amount to if

the rate of interest is increased by 2%?

127. If Rs. 500/- becomes Rs. 540/- in 2 years, what is the rate of interest per cent

per annum?

128. A sum of money lent out at simple interest amounts to Rs. 2520/- in 2 years

and to Rs. 2700/- in 5 years. Find the rate of interest?

129. In what time the simple interest on Rs. 300/- at the rate of 5% p.a.is Rs. 30/-?

130. In what time will Rs. 1100/- amount to Rs. 1331/- at 5 ¼ % per annum?

131. In what time will the simple interest on RS. 800/- at 5% per annum be the

same as the simple interest on RS. 500/- for 8 years at 4% per annum?

132. What sum of money will produce Rs. 286/- interest in 6 ½ years at 5% per


133. A sum of money lent out at simple interest amounts to Rs. 440/- in 2 years

and to Rs. 500/- in 5 years. Find the sum?

134. A man borrowed Rs. 1000/- at 6% per annum. At the end of 3 ½ years, he

cleared his account by paying Rs. 360/- and a horse. What is the cost of

the horse?

VI. Compound Interest: 135. Find the amount of compound interest on Rs. 2500 for two years at 12%.

Also find the compound interest.

136. Find the amount at compound interest on Rs. 2500 for two years at 6%. Also

find the compound interest.

137. In what time will it amount to Rs. 5221.30 on Rs. 3750 (Principal) at 18%?

138. Find the amount in 1 year compounded half yearly on Rs. 5000 at 6%.

139. Find the amount in 6 years compounded for every two years on Rs. 5120 at


140. Find the difference between simple interest and compound interest on Rs.

3200 at 5% rate of interest in 2 years?

141. Ramayya borrowed Rs. 7500 at 16% compound interest. How much he has to

pay at the end of two years to clear the loan?

142. Sitamma borrowed Rs. 9600 and it is amounted to Rs. 12150 in two years.

Find the rate of compound interest.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (27)

143. John borrowed Rs. 2000 from James at 4% Compound interest for First year

and at 71/2% from then. How much amount James gets at the end of third


144. A person borrows Rs. 2048 at 61/4% compound interest. Immediately the sum

borrowed is given to another person at the same rate on the condition that

the interest is compounded for every half year. Find the amount gained by

the first person in 11/2 years.

145. A person borrows Rs. 2500. The moneylender has given two options. First is

at 4% compound interest the second option is at 6% for first year and at

2% for the second year. Which option is profitable and by how much?

146. In a bank a person deposited Rs.1000/- at 4% compound interest for two

years. Now the bank is in the state of bankruptcy. It could pay only 75

paise per a rupee. How much amount does the person receive?

147. A person borrowed Rs. 8000 at 5% compound interest, Rs.1600 was paid

back at the end of fist year. How much has to be aid at the end of third


VII. Percentages:

148. Sunitha scored 17 marks out of 20 in Mathematics. What is her percentage of


149. There are 1500 students in a school. Out of which 20% are Muslims, 15% are

Christians and the rest of Hindus. Find the number of Hindus in the school.

150. The population of a village is 1000. Out of which 44% are men, 35% are

women and the rest are children. Find the number of children in the


151. An army lost 10% of its men in a war. 10% of the remaining died due to

illness and 12% of the rest were declared disabled. Thus the strength of the

army was reduced to 712800 active men. Find the original strength of the


152. A man had Rs. 800/-. He spent 25% of it. How much had he left?

153. A Group D employee has to secure 50% marks to qualify in the examination

for promotion to Group C. If he gets 163 marks and fails by 37 marks, find

the maximum marks?

154. Kamala gets Rs. 40/- from her father for Divali. She spends Rs. 10/- on

crackers, Rs. 15/- on toys, Rs. 7/- on sweets and saves the balance in a

Bank. What percentage of money does she save?

155. There are 500 students in a school. 100 of them come to school by bus, 200

come by bicycle and the rest by foot. What percent students come by foot?

156. Gupta was placed under suspension and his wages were reduced by 50%.

Again the reduced wages were increased by 50%. Find the percentage of

his loss?

157. The population of a village is found to increase at the rate of 8% every year.

If the present population is 6250 find the population after 2 years?

VIII. Partnership:

158. Ram, Sham and Gaurav started a business with Rs. 8000/-, 12000/- and

15000/- respectively. Find their shares of profit of Rs. 7000/- after one


159. Mahesh and Ramesh started a business with Rs. 4000/- and Rs. 6000/-

respectively. After an year there was a profit of Rs. 1000/-. What is the

share of Mahesh in the profit?

160. Mr. X invested Rs. 450/- in a business for 4 months and Mr. Y invested Rs.

600/- for 3 months. What is the share of Mr. Y in the profit of Rs. 400?

161. P and Q started a business with equal capital. But Q withdrew from the

business after 9 months. If the profit at the end of the year is Rs. 8540/-,

what is the share of each?

162. Lal started a business and after some time Paul joined him. If their

investments are in the ratio of 3:4 and their profits at the end of the year

are equal, find when Paul joined Lal in the business?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (28)

163. Rani started a business with a capital of RS. 2525/- and Vani joined her some

time later with a capital of RS. 1200/-. If at the end of the year Rani gets

Rs. 1212/- as her share out of the total profit of Rs. 1644/- find when Vani

joined her in the business?

164. Ram and Shyam started a business with capitals of Rs. 4000/- and 6000/-

respectively and made a profit of Rs. 1500/- what is the share of each of

the partners?

165. A, B and C started a business with a capital of Rs. 5000/-, Rs. 7000/- and Rs.

8000/- respectively. At the end of the year there is a profit of Rs. 800/-,

find the share of each?

166. A, B and C started a business. A invested Rs. 500/- for 2 years, B invested

Rs. 400/- for 15 months and C invested Rs. 300/- for 10 months. If there is

a profit of Rs. 192.50 ps, find the share profit of A?

167. Mohan, Mahavir and Bankey hire a house for 2 years and agree to pay Rs.

450/- per annum. They live together for 4 months after which Bankey

quits. After another 8 months Mahavir also leaves. Find out the share of

rent to be paid by Mohan?

IX. Averages: 168. Find the average of 7, 10, 12, 15 and 16?

169. Find the average of Rs. 9.50 ps., Rs. 0.50 ps., Rs. 8.50 ps., Rs. 5.50 ps.

170. A milk man sold 20 litres of milk on first day, 17.5 litres of milk on second

day and 21 litres of milk on third day. Find the average sales of the milk


171. A train traveled 52 Kms., in the first hour, 60 Kms., in the second hour and

58 Kms in the third hour. In the fourth hour there was a trouble in the

engine and it could run only 26 Kms, Find the average speed of the train?

172. The average age of two children and their father is 17 years. The average age

of the two children and their mother is 15 years. If the age of the father 36

years what is the age of the mother?

173. The average age of seven members is 40 and the average age of three of them

is 28. Find the average age of the other four?

174. The average expenditure of A for 4 days is Rs. 6/-. If he spends Rs. 7.70 ps

on first day, RS. 6.30 ps on second day and s. 10/- on third day, What is

his expenditure on fourth day?

175. The average temperature on Monday, Tues and Wednesday is 36oC. The

average temperature on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is 38o C and

that for Tuesday was 34o C. What was the temperature on Monday?

176. The average score of a cricket player for five innings is 20. If he scored 14,

30, 40 and 10 in 4 innings respectively. How many runs did he score in

fifth inning?

177. The average expenditure of a man for the first five months is Rs. 120/- and

for the next seven months is RS. 130/-. Find his monthly average income if

he saves Rs. 290/- during the year?

178. In a class of 20 boys 5 boys secured 50 marks each in a test, 7 boys 45 marks,

6 boys 25 and 2 boys 15. What was the average score of the class?

179. The average of three numbers is 135. The largest number is 180. If the

difference of the other two numbers is 25 find the smallest number?

180. The average marks secured by 18 students is 75, the average marks secured

by 18 students is 50 and the average marks secured by 12 students is 30.

Find the average marks secured by all?

181. The average of 10 numbers is 13.7. If the average of first 5 numbers is 12.4

and the last 6 numbers is 14.5, find the value of the fifth number.

X. Time & Work: 183. A can do a piece of work in 6 days and B can do the same work in 12 days.

How long will they take to complete it, if they both work together?

184. Anil and Sunil work together and finish a work in 8 days. Anil alone can do it

in 12 days. How many days will Sunil take to finish the work alone?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (29)

185. Raju can do a piece of work in 3 hours. Navin can do it in 6 hours. How long

will they take if they both work together?

186. A can do a work in 15 days. B in 25 days and C in 30 days. How long will

they take to do the work if they work together?

187. One tap fills a tub in 15 minutes and another tap in 12 minutes. How long

does it take to fill the tub, if both the taps are open simultaneously?

188. One tap can fill a tank in 60 minutes while the other can empty it in 50

minutes. If the tank is full and both the taps are opened, in what time will

the tank be emptied?

189. Sandeep and Sekhar together can do a piece of work in 15 hours. If Sandeep

alone can do it in 20 hours, how long will Sekhar alone take to do the


190. A cistern can be filled by a tap in 6 hours. After four hours how much part of

the cistern will remain empty?

191. Two taps can fill a cistern in 6 and 7 minutes respectively. If the taps are

opened turn by turn each for a minute, find the time taken by them to fill

the cistern?

192. A and B can do 1/3 rd of a work in a day. A alone can do the whole work in

12 days. How long will B take alone to finish the work?

193. A and B can do a piece of work in 10 hours. B and C in 15 hours, while C

and A can do it in 12 hours. How long with Raju take to complete the

work independently?

194. If 8 men can mow a field in 12 days, in how many days would 6 men mow

another field which is 4 times as big?

195. A garrison of 200 men has provision sufficient for 24 weeks. At the end of

the first week a reinforcement of 80 men arrives. How long did the food

last them?

196. A contractor undertook to build a road in 100 days. He employed 110 men.

After 45 days, he found that only ¼ could be built. In order to complete the

work in time how many more men should be employed?

GENERAL MATHEMATICS 196. 5978+6134+7014=? A)16226 B)19126 C)19216 D)19226

197. 18265+2736+41328=? A)61329 B)62239 C)62319 D)62329

198. 39798+3798+378=? A)43576 B)43974 C)43984 D)49532

199. 9358-6014+3127=? A)6381 B)6471 C)6561 D)6741

200. 9572-4018-2164=? A)3300 B)3390 C)3570 D)7718

201. 7589-?=3434 A)721 B)3246 C)4155 D)11023

202. 9548+7314=8362+? A)8230 B)8410 C)8500 D)8600

203. 5358X51=? A)273258 B)273268 C)273348 D)273358

204. 360X17=? A)5120 B)5320 C)6120 D)6130

205. 587X999=? A)586413 B)587523 C)614823 D)615173

206. 935421X625=? A)57564125 B)584638125 C)584649125

207. D)585628125

208. 12846X593+12546X407=? A)12846000 B)14203706 C)24038606

209. 1307X1307=? A)1601249 B)1607249 C)1707249 D)1708249

210. 12345679X72=? A)88888888 B)888888888 C)898989898 D)999999998

211. David obtained 75,65,82,67 and 85 marks(out of 100).What is his average


212. A library has an average of 510 visitors on Sundays and 240 on other days.

The average number of visitors in a month of 30 days beginning with

Sunday is?

213. The average weight of 16 boys in a class is 50.25 and that of remaining 8

boys is 45.15. Find the average weight of the boys.

214. The average age of 35 students in a class is 16 years. The average age of 21

students is 14. What is the average age of remaining 14 students?

215. The average score of a cricketer in 10 matches is 38.9. If the average for the

first 6 matches is 42,find the average of the last 4 matches.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (30)

216. 3.5 can be expressed in terms of % as

217. 270 candidates appeared for examination of which 252 passed. The pass % is

218. What % of rupees 2650 is 1987.50? a)60% b)75% c)80% d)90%

219. What % of a day is 3 hours?

220. I gain 70 paise on Rs 70. My gain % is

221. A shopkeeper purchased 70kg of potatoes for Rs 420 and sold the whole lot

at the rate of Rs 6.50 per kg. What will be his gain %?

222. 100 oranges are bought at the rate of Rs 350 and sold at the rate of Rs 48 per

dozen, The 5 of profit or loss is:

223. A man buys a cycle for Rs.1400 and sells it at a loss of 155. What is the

selling price of the cycle?

224. A man gains 20% by selling an article for a certain price. If he sells it at

double the price, the % of profit will be:

225. A man sold 18 cots for Rs 16,800, gaining thereby the cost price of 3 cots.

The cost price of a cot is:

226. A man bought apples at the rate of 8 for Rs 34 and sold them at the rate of 12

for Rs 57. How many apples should be sold to earn a net profit of Rs 45?

227. A fair price shopkeeper takes 10% profit on his goods. He lost 20% goods

during theft. His loss percent is:

228. A man buys an article for 10% less than its value and sells it for 10% more

than its value. His gain or loss percent is:

229. A cloth merchant sold half of his cloth at 20% profit, half of the remaining at

20% loss and the rest was sold at the cost price. In the total transaction, his

gain or loss will be:

230. List price of an article at a showroom is Rs 2000 and it is bring sold at

successive discounts of 20% and 10%. Its net selling price will be:

231. A fan is listed at Rs 1500 and a discount of 20% is offered on the list price.

What additional discount must be offered to the customer to bring the net

price to Rs 1104?

232. The marked price of a watch was Rs 720. A man bought the same for Rs

550.80 after getting two successive discounts, the first being 10%. What

was the second discount?

233. A trader marked the selling price of an article at 10% above the cost price. At

the time of selling, he allows certain discount and suffers a loss of 1%. He

allowed a discount

234. If A:B:C = 2:3:4, then A/B:B/C:C/A is equal to:

235. If A:B = 2:3, B:C = 4:5 and C:D = 6:7, then A:B:C:D is:

236. A can finish a work in 18 days and B can do the same work in half the time

taken by A. Then, working together, what part of the same work they can

finish in a day?

237. A man can do a piece of work in 5 days, but with the help of his son, he can

do it in 3 days. In what time can the son do it alone?

238. A can lay railway track between two given stations in 16 days and B can do

the same job in 12 days. With the help of C, they did the job in 4 days

only. In how many days C alone can do the job?

239. A takes twice as much time as B or thrice as much time to finish a piece of

work. Working together, they can finish the work in 2 days. In how many

days B can do the work alone?

240. A and B can do a work in 12 days, B and C in 15 days, C and A in 20 days. If

A, B and C work together, in how many days will they complete the work?

241. A can do a piece of work in 4 hours; B and C together can do it in 3 hours,

while A and C together can do it in 2 hours. How long will B alone take to

do it?

242. A can do a certain work in the same time in which B and C together can do it.

If A and B together could do it in 10 days and C alone in 50 days, in how

many days B alone could do it?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (31)

243. A is thrice as good a workman as B and therefore is able to finish a job in 60

days less than B. in how many days they can do it together?

244. A can do a work in 15 days and B in 20 days. If they work on it together for 4

days, what is the fraction of the work left?

245. A does 4/5 of a work in 20 days. He then calls B and they together finish the

remaining work in 3 days. How long B alone would take to do the whole


246. Kim can do a work in 3 days while David can do the same work in 2 days.

Both of them finish the work together and get Rs 150. What is the share of


247. If 12 men and 16 boys can do a piece of work in 5 days: 13 men and 24 boys

can do it in 4 days, then the ratio of the daily work done by a man to that

of a boy is:

248. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 20 and 30 minutes respectively. If both

the pipes are used together, then how long will it take to fill the tank?

249. Pipe A can fill a tank in 5 hours, pipe B in 10 hours and pipe C in 30 hours. If

all the pipes are open, in how many hours will the tank be filled?

250. Three taps A, B and C can fill a tank in 12, 15 and 20 hours respectively. If A

is open all the time and B and C are open for one hour each alternately, the

tank will be full in:

251. An athlete runs 200 metres race in 24 seconds. What is his speed?

252. How long will a boy take to run round a square field of side 35 metres, if he

runs at the rate of 9 km/hr?

253. A truck covers a distance of 550 metres in 1 minute whereas a bus covers a

distance of 33 kms in 45 minutes. What is the ratio of their speeds?

254. A train covers a distance of 10.KMs.in12minutes.If its speed is decreased by

5k.m.p.h, what will be the time taken by it to cover the same distance?

255. A boy goes to his school from his house at a speed of 3 kmph and returns at a

speed of 2 kmph. If he takes 5 hrs in going and coming, what is the

distance between his house and the school?

256. A train moves with a speed of 108 kmph. What is its speed in M/Sec?

257. In what time will a train of 100 mts. long cross an electric poll if its speed be

144 kmph?

258. A train of 800 mts. long is running at a speed of 78 kmph. If it crosses a

tunnel in one minute. What is its length?

259. A person borrows Rs.5000/- for two years at 4% p.a. simple interest. He

immediately lends it to another person at 6 1/4% p.a for two years. Find

his gain in the transaction for per year.

260. At what rate % of simple interest will the sum of money double itself in 12


261. What is the difference between compound interest on Rs 5000/- for 1 1/2

years at 4% per annum compounded yearly and half-yearly?

262. At what rate compound interest per annum will a sum of Rs 1200/- become

Rs. 1348.32 in 2 years?

263. The compound interest on Rs 30000/- at 7% per annum is Rs 4347. What is

the time period in years?

264. What will be the difference between simple and compound interest at 10%

per annum of a sum of Rs 1000/- after 4 years?

265. What will be the compound interest on a sum of Rs 25000/- after 3 years at

the rate of 12%?

266. A invested Rs 8000/- for 2 years at compound interest of 5%.What is the

maturity value?

267. The difference between simple and compound interest annually on a certain

sum of money for 2 years at 4% per annum is Rs 1. What is the principle?

268. 6 students secured 34, 23, 29, 32, 11, 43 out of 50 marks in a paper. What is

the average of the marks?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (32)

269. A invested Rs.6500/- at a rate of 12.5% per annum interest for a period of 8

years. How much amount will he get after 8 years?

270. There are 44, 46, 38, 40 students in A, B, C & D sections of 10th class in a

school. What is the average students in a class?

271. Aravind has taken Rs.200/- to the market. He has purchased 2 dozens of

oranges at Rs.3/- per fruit and 2 dozens of plantains at a cost of Rs.12/- per

dozen. What will be the balance he will have?

272. A & B started a business investing a capital at the ratio of 3 : 2. If A’s share

is 24000/- what is the share of B?

273. What is the simple interest for Rs.2000/- at the rate of 7 ½ % p.a. for 5 years?

274. The population of a town during 2000 census was 27860. During 2005 census

the population has increased by 5%. Calculate the increase in population.

275. The railway fare to a place by sleeper class is Rs.260/- and AC 3 tier charge

is 750/-. If a man purchase 2 sleeper class tickets and 1 AC 3 tire ticket

and given Rs. 1500/- what will be the balance he will get?

276. The total emoluments of an employee is Rs.17650/-. Out of this following

deductions are made:

PF – 1060, VPF – 5000/-, HRA- 1260/-, HBA – 2300/-, Festival advance

150/, CGIS-30, Professional tax 150. What is his take home salary?

277. What will be the compound interest on a principle of Rs.6000/- in two years

at the rate of interest 10% p.a.?

278. A train travelling with 90 KMPH speed covers a distance in 1 ½ hours. What

is the distance ?

279. A purchased a car for Rs. 1,35,000/- and spent Rs. 25,000/- for repairs. At

what cost the car was sold if he earned 10% profit on it?

280. How long a train 70 mts long travelling 72 KMPH per hour? Take to pass a

station platform of 130 mts long. The time should be given in seconds.

281. A dealer marks his goods 10% above the cost price and allow 10% discount.

What does he gain or loose percent?

282. In a Hostel of 50 boys there are provisions for 40 days. If 30 new boys joined

how long will these provisions last?

283. AP express running at an average speed of 95 KMPH reached Kazipet from

Secunderabad in 1 hour 50 minutes. What is the distance between

Secunderabad and Kazipet?

284. The Cost Price of 40 mts of terricotton cloth is Rs. 2440/- Find the cost price

of 22 Mts?

285. A pay clerk has the following denominations of currency notes and coins left

in the cash box after payment to the staff: What is the total amount with

the pay clerk at the close of the day?

Notes Number

of notes

Coins Number

of coins

Rs. 100/- notes 157 Rs. 5/- coins 25

Rs. 50/- notes 132 Rs. 2/- coins 48

Rs. 20/- notes 52 Re. 1/- coins 133

Rs. 10/- notes 18 Rs. 0.50 coins 100

286. In the above question, if the amount left over is equal to 50% of the amount

he had before the payment. How much amount he has paid to the staff?

287. In a pit 765 cubic metres of sand can be stored. If the breath of the pit is 17

mts and depth is 1.5 mts what is the length of the pit?

288. A house was purchased for Rs.12,55,000/- and sold for 14,75,000/- What is

the gain percentage?

289. One rectangular hall is 18 mtrs long and 2 mtrs wide. If a carpet is to be

spread on the floor of the hall at a rate of Rs. 50/- per sqm., what is the

total cost of the carpet?

290. A contractor engaged 25 men, 20 women, and 12 boys on a work. Their

wages are Rs.120/-, Rs. 100/- and RS. 70/- respectively. In August wage

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (33)

bill prepared by the contractor, showing 6 days holidays, how much

amount had he paid to the workers?

291. The population of a village is 55,000. Out of which 68% are farmers, 12% are

traders and the balance are Coolies. Find out the number of villagers in

each category?

292. An amount of Rs.35,000/- has been given to A&B in the ratio of 5:2. But, by

mistake the amount was distributed in the ratio 2:5. Does A gain or loose?

How much?

293. A labor earns Rs. 4950/- in 30 days. What will be his earnings if he works

for18 days, 101 days and 300 days?


A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (34)


I. Essay Writing: (in about a page or 150 words) (don’t use your name of

identity) 31. Festivals of India

32. Diwali

33. Dasara

34. Sankranti

35. Holy – the festival of colours.

36. Ramzan

37. Christmas

38. Pen Friends

39. Excursions

40. Television

41. Radio

42. Libraries

43. Computers

44. My teacher whom I like

45. My best friend.

46. Poverty in India

47. My child-hood.

48. My school days.

49. If I were the Prime Minister

50. The Book I like the most

51. The Sport I like the most

52. The cinema I like the most.

53. The National Leader I like the most.

54. The political party I like the most.

55. Important tourist places of Andhra Pradesh

56. My hobby.

57. Dowry system

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (35)

58. Education in India

59. Population in India

60. Reservation policy in recruitment in India.

61. Constitution of India

62. Superstitions – its effects.

63. Indian Railways

64. S.C. Railway and its divisions.

65. Habits – effects on health.

66. Electronic media.

67. Un-employment in India

II. Letter Writing: in about 100 words (Assume your name as A) 21. A letter to your friend inviting him to spend Vacation with you

22. A letter to your friend describing important sight-seeing places in AP

23. A letter to the Editor about the problems in your locality

24. A letter to the Municipal Commissioner for regular supply of drinking water

25. A letter to the Municipal Commissioner describing the conditions of the roads

in your locality.

26. A letter to a leading company for a job of Junior Assistant.

27. A letter to a Post Master complaining about the non-receipt of your parcel

from your friend at Bombay.

28. A letter to your Officer requesting sanction of leave

29. A letter to your father about the new job you have taken up recently.

30. A letter to your friend in America describing the problems of un-employment .

31. A letter to your friend inviting him for your marriage.

32. A letter to your father describing your progress in studies

33. A letter to your brother congratulating him at his success in the examination.

34. A letter to your friend describing the annual day function of your school.

35. A letter to your fiend expressing condolences on the death of his mother.

36. A letter to a Publisher for supply of certain books by VPP.

37. A letter to a Police Inspector about a theft in your house.

38. A letter to the Editor of a News Papers regarding frequent strikes and bandhs.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (36)

39. A letter to your friend expressing your inability to attend his marriage fuction.

40. A love letter to your girl/boy friend.

III. Grammar: A. Write the Feminine gender of the following:

Bachelor, Boy, Brother, Buck, Bull/Ox, Horse, Husband, King, Lord, Man,

Monk, co*ck, Dog, Drake, Father, Gander, Gentleman, Nephew, Sir, Son,

Uncle, Author, Host, Lion, Manager, Poet, Duke, Emperor, Prince, Tiger,

Master, He, Hero, Grandfather, Man-servant, Landlord, Salesman,

administrator, washer-man, Milkman, Grandfather, Papa.

B. Give the Plurals of the following:

Son-in-Law, Daughter-in-Law, Mango, Class, Brush, Branch,

Match, Dish, Watch, Buffalo, Potato, Mango, Hero, Dynamo, Solo,

Momento, Stereo, Kilo, Baby, Lady, Story, City, Thief, Wife, Wolf,

Life, Loaf, Half, Leaf, Knife, Calf, Shelf, Chief, Safe, Man, Mouse, Foot,

Tooth, Goose, Ox, Child, Scissors, Spectacles, Cattle, People, Index, Child,

Radius, Memorandum,

C. Identify the Adjectives from the following sentences:

a) Sita is a clever girl

b) There is little time for preparation

c) The boy is lazy

d) She is afraid of the Ghost.

e) Kolkata is a large city.

f) He is an honest man

g) The foolish old crow tried to sing

h) He has little intelligence.

i) You have no sense.

j) We have had enough exercise

k) He did not ear any rice

l) There are no pictures in the book

m) I taught you many things

n) Sunday is the first day of the week

o) I hate such things

p) He comes here every day

q) He won the second prize.

r) He was absent last week

D. Fill in the blanks with suitable Adjectives:

a) The _________ prize was won by him

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (37)

b) This is a very _________ matter

c) Suddenly there arose a ___________ storm

d) The injured man wants ___________ advice

e) India expects __________ man to do his duty

f) Have you any __________ reasons to give

g) There were riots in ____________ places

h) I have no ___________ cash

i) He was a man of ___________ ambition

j) The hand has _____ fingers.

E. Give Comparative and Superlative degrees:

Speed, Small, Tall, Bold, Clever, Kind, Young, Great, Fine, White,

Brave, Large, Able, Wise, Happy, Easy, Heavy, Merry, Wealthy, Big, Hot,

Thin, Sad, Fat, Beautiful, Difficult, Good, Bad, Little, Much, Many, Late, Old,

Far, poor, less, sharp, industrious, learned, sweet, strong, good, bad, well, ill,

far, in, near, pretty, rich, light.

F. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

a) Prevention is ___________ than cure

b) Tendulkar is the ___________ batsman in the world

c) The pen is ____________ than sword

d) The __________ buildings are found in America

e) The Pacific is ___________ than any other Ocean

f) Who is the _____________ boy in the Class

g) My Uncle is ____________ than my father

h) Ooty is ______________ than Chennai

i) Mount Everest is the _________ peak of the Himalayas

j) He is one of the _________ speakers in Telugu

k) China is the _________ populated in the world

l) This is the ___________ of my two sons

G. Use articles and fill up the blanks: 1. I saw _______ tree in ______ garden.

2. _____ tree I saw was Banyan.

3. He is ______ most intelligent boy.

4. _______ Godavari is _______ longest river in South India.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (38)

5. I want _____ cup of tea.

6. _______ Ramayana was written by Valmiki.

7. Iron is ______ useful metal.

8. Honesty is _______ best policy.

9. Tirupati is one of _______ pilgrim centers of Andhra Pradesh.

10. ______ Indians love music.

11. There is _____ insect in the glass.

12. Jack and Jill went up _____ hill.

13. Flowers in ____ garden are beautiful.

14. Gelelio was ______ Italian scientist.

15. _____ thief was sent to ____ prison.

16. He aims to become ______ engineer.

17. My brother is _______ teacher.

18. Spain is ______ European country.

19. I will come in ______ hour.

20. I never saw such ______ incident.

21. This is _____ exercise to test _____ knowledge in English.

22. I went to ______ hospital to see _____ patient.

23. _____ dinner was arranged at ____ Hotel Taj.

24. His vehicle makes _____ loud noise.

25. I saw _____ elephant in ______ zoo.

26. Wordsworth wrote poetry on beauty of _______ nature.

27. What ______ beautiful flower it is!

28. He is _______ best friend of mine.

29. _____ Sun rises in ______ East.

30. You are _____ man to do it.

31. This is ______ historic event.

32. The passengers want ______ help of _____ few volunteers.

33. He is as stupid as _____ ass.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (39)

34. _____ Lotus is ______ beautiful flower.

35. Look at _____ sky, how beautiful _____ stars look!

36. She wept like _____ child.

37. According to _______ Bible, God made ____ world in six days.

38. ______ Ambassador should be _____ man of pleasing manners.

39. Mussolini was ________ Hitler of Italy.

40. He is _____ native who knows ________ way in the jungle.

41. Sita is ______ purest woman.

42. ______ Earth is round.

43. Draw _____ map of India.

44. The doctor restored sight to _______ blind.

45. Twelve inches make ______ foot.

46. Not _____ word he said.

47. Wisdom is ______ gift of heaven.

48. Delhi is ______ capital of India.

49. Newton was ____ great philosopher.

50. I met him at _______ church.

51. A bird in _____ hand is worth two in _____ bush.

52. The darkest cloud has _____ silver lining.

53. Copper is ______ useful metal

54. He is not ______ honorable man

55. Do you see _____ blue sky

56. Varanasi is ____ holy city

57. Alladin had ______ wonderful lamp

58. He returned after _____ hour

59. _______ sun shines brightly

60. French is ______ easy language

61. Who is ______ girl sitting there

62. Which is the ______ longest river in India

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (40)

63. He has come without ____ umbrella

64. Mumbai is _______ very costly place

65. The children found _______ egg in the nest

66. I bought ________ Horse _____ Ox and _____ Buffalo.

H. Fill in the blanks with suitable Relative Pronouns:

1) We always like those boys _____ speak the truth

2) He ______ does his best shall be praised

3) I know ______ you mean

4) She has gone to Chennai __________ is her birth place

5) He gave away ________ he did not need

6) Here is the pen _______ you lost

7) Most people get ________ they deserve

8) He is a man _______ you can trust

9) Where is the book _________ I gave you

10) Listen to ______ I say

11) Did you receive the letter ________ I sent yesterday?

12) Do you know ________ has happened?

13) Do the same _______ I do

14) God helps those _______ help themselves

15) No man can lose ___________ he never had

16) That man _______ does not work must starve

17) He plays the game ______ he likes best

18) I do not believe ________ you say

19) ___________ you say is not true

20) I gave it to the man ______ I saw there

21) I know ________ you are praising.

22) You have not brought the book ________ I asked for

23) Please recite ______ you have learnt

I. Join together the following pairs of sentences:

a) I know a man. The man had been to Iceland.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (41)

b) The thief stole the watch. The thief was punished

c) Show the road. The road leads to Delhi

d) I met a boy. He was very kind

e) The man is honest. The man is trusted

f) We met a girl. The girl had lost her way

g) He is a rogue. No one trusts him.

h) I have found the umbrella. I lost it.

i) I saw a girl. She was singing.

j) Here is the book. You were asking for the book.

k) This is the building. It was built in a month.

l) I met my Uncle. He had just arrived.

m) The boy is my cousin. You see him there.

n) The boy tells lies. He deserves to be punished.

o) Here is the book. The book contains pictures.

p) Give me the ruler. The ruler is on the desk.

q) He has a friend. He is a clever artist.

r) The boy was very proud. He had won the first prize.

s) This is the cat. It killed the rat.

J. Split each of the following sentences into two:

1) Bring me the book that is on the table.

2) The elephant that was sick died.

3) I have found the book, which I lost.

4) The boy whom you see there made top score in the match.

5) He is a poet whose works are widely known.

6) The task which you have to do is easy.

K. Change the voice:

1) The cat killed the mouse

2) The man cut down the tree

3) Columbus discovered America

4) His teacher praised him

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (42)

5) The police arrested the thief

6) The boy caught the ball

7) My father will write a letter

8) The hunter shot the lion

9) The girl opened the door

10) Everyone loves him

11) We expect good news

12) They sell radios here

13) I have sold my bicycle

14) We prohibit smoking

15) Open the door

16) He was praised by his father

17) The first rail engine was built by George Stephenson

18) The horse was frightened by the noise

19) The teacher was pleased with the boy’s work

20) He was taken to the hospital by his friends

21) The road was lined with people

22) Shakuntala was written by Kalidas

23) The building was damaged by fire

24) Those cars were built by Robots

25) The child was knocked down by a car

26) We elected Babu as Captain

27) I saw him opening the box

28) We must listen to his words

29) Without effort nothing can be gained

30) Do not insult the weak

31) My watch was lost

32) The master appointed him monitor

33) He made his friend do the work

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (43)

34) Prem Chand wrote this novel

35) I bought the baby a doll

36) I opened the door

37) They know me

38) He taught me to read Hindi

39) We expect good news

40) I offered him a chair

41) We must listen to his words

42) Who taught you Urdu

43) Somebody has put out the light

44) The letter was written by the clerk

45) He was seen by my brother

46) Honey is made by bees

47) I was offered a chair

48) My watch has been stolen

49) The boy was praised by the teacher

50) He was chosen leader

51) The bird was killed by a cruel boy

52) We shall be blamed by everyone

53) By whom was this jug broken

L. Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb given in the brackets:

1) The earth ………… round the Sun (move,moves,moved)

2) My friend ………. the Principal yesterday (see,have seen,saw)

3) She ………. worried about something (looks,looking,is looking)

4) He ………. asleep while reading (falls,fell,has fallen)

5) He …….. a mill in this town (have,has,is having)

6) I ……… a strange noise (hear,am hearing,having been hearing)

7) Don’t disturb me.I ……. my homework (do,did,am doing)

8) The soup ……. good (taste,tastes,is tasting)

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (44)

9) He …….. TV most evenings (watches,is watching,watch)

10) The baby ………… all morning (cries,has been crying)

11) I ………. him at the zoo (saw,have seen,had seen)

12) She ……… unconscious since 4’0 clock (is,was,has been)

13) The sun …….. over the hills (rises,is rise,is rising)

14) When I ……… my dinner,I went to bed (had,have had,had had)

15) She jumped off the bus when it …… (moved,has moved,was moving)

M. Change the verbs into Past Tense in the following: 1. Rama writes to his mother every week

2. She sings sweetly

3. He comes of a good line

4. I know him for an American

5. I forgot his name

6. He gets along fairly well

7. He throws cold water

8. They all tell the same story

N. Convert the simple sentences into compound sentences: 1. Hearing their father’s foot steps the boys ran away

2. With a great effort he lifted the box

3. Being a cripple he cannot ride a horse

4. He was rejected owing to illness

5. To avoid punishment he ran away

41. Convert the compound sentences into simple sentences: 1. My friend arrived and went for a walk

2. Be good and you will be happy

3. I ordered to halt but he took no notice

4. I continuously invited him to visit me but he never came

5. He escaped several times but was finally caught

6. He is a good steady worker, only he is rather slow

7. The ink had dried up and I could not write

8. I have lot of work and must do it now

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (45)

9. He has an unpleasant duty and must perform it

10. He found a rupee and was delighted for his luck


A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (46)

C. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE I. Expand the abbreviations:

SBF - Staff Benefit Fund

MBF - Mutual Benefit Fund

CCO - Chief Claims Officer

CPRO - Chief Public Relations Officer

CTE - Chief Track Engineer

CBE - Chief Bridge Engineer

CPDE - Chief Planning & Development Engineer

PCE - Principal Chief Engineer

CMPE - Chief Motive Power Engineer

CME - Chief Mechanical Engineer

CWE - Chief Workshop Engineer

CRSE - Chief Rolling Staff Engineer

CEE - Chief Electrical Engineer

CESE - Chief Electrical Service Engineer

CELE - Chief Electrical Loco Engineer

CSTE - Chief Signal & Telecommunication Engineer

CCE -Chief Communication Engineer

COS - Controller of Stores

CMM - Chief Materials Manager

CPO - Chief Personnel Officer

CPO/A - Chief Personnel Officer Administration

CPOIR- Chief Personnel Officer Industrial Relation

COM - Chief Operations Manager

CPTM - Chief Passenger Traffic Manager

CFTM - Chief Freight Traffic Manager

COFMOW – Central Organization for Modernization of Workshop

CPM - Chief Projects Manager

CRB - Chairman Railway Board

CRS - Commissioner Railway Safety

DRM - Divisional Railway Manager

CSC - Chief Security Commissioner

CCM - Chief Commercial Manager

CMD - Chief Medical Director

CAO/C- Chief Administrative Officer/Construction

ADRM-Additional Divisional Railway Manager

FA&CAO- Financial Advisor and Chief Accounts Officer

AGM - Additional General Manager

EDPM- Electrical Data Processing Manager

SWSO- Senior Work Study Officer

IRCON- Indian Railway Construction Organization

IRWO- Indian Railway Welfare Organization

RITES-Rail India Technical & Economic Services

RRB - Railway Recruitment Board

RCT - Railway Claims Tribunal

RRT -Railway Rates Tribunal

ICF - Integral Coach Factory

DLW - Diesel Locomotive Works

CLW - Chittaranjan Locomotive Works

RCF - Rail Coach Factory

RWF - Rail Wheel Factory

CRS - Carriage Prepare Shop

RDSO – Research Design & Standards Organization

IRISET- Indian Railway Institute of Signal Engineering &


CGEGIS - Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (47)

ZRTI – Zonal Railway Training Institute

RDC - Railway Degree College

STC - Supervisor Training Center

APPSC - Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission

UNICEF - United Nations Children’s Educational Fund

WHO - World Health Organization

LAP - Leave Availed Pay

LHAP – Leave Half Availed Pay

HBA - House Building Advance

RELHS – Railway Employees Liberalized Health Scheme

IREM - Indian Railway Establishment Manual

IRCTC- Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation

RVNL – Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd

UNO – United Nations Organization

ILO – International Labour Organization

II. Fill in the Blanks :

1) Lepakshi is in the District of ________

2) Bharat Heavy Electricals is at________

3) Nagarjuna Dam is in the State of _________

4) Konark Express run between Mumbai________

5) Osman Sagar is situated at__________

6) Kovalam Beach is in __________state

7) RCF is situated at __________

8) Sun Temple is at _________

9) Golcumbaz is at ____________

10) Qutub Minar is at________

11) Charminar is at __________

12) India Gate is at___________

13) Gate Way of India_________

14) Rail Coach Factory is at__________

15) Rail Wheel Factory is at __________

16) Integral Coach Factory is at _______________

17) There are _____________Zones in Indian Railways

18) There are _____________Divisions on SC Railway

19) Tar is a product of ____________

20) Steel Plant in AP is at___________

21) Fuel used for train Engine is ________ or ____________.

22) Wagon Workshop is situated at _______________ on S.C. Railway.

23) Carriage Repair Shop is situated at ______________ on S.C. Railway

24) ELS stands for ___________________________.

25) Electric Loco Sheds are set up at _______________________________

on S.C. Railway.

26) Railway Officers are trained at _____________________________.

27) A brother who is below _______ years of age can be a dependent to be

included in the pass declaration.

28) A request to CCM is made for release of berths from ________________.

III. Types of Leave:

1) ______ days of CL are entitled in a calendar year for staff in administrative


2) _____ days of Restricted Holidays are entitled in a calendar year

3) ______ days of LAP are credited in half a year

4) _______ days of LHAP are credited in a year.

5) Extra Ordinary Leave of _______ years can be sanctioned at a maximum.

6) Maternity Leave is ________ days.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (48)

7) Paternity leave is _____ days.

8) Maximum LAP that can be granted at a stretch is _______ days.

IV. Advances:

1) Festival Advance is Rs.__________

2) Cycle Advance is Rs. _________.

3) Scooter Advance is Rs.____________ in the first occasion.

4) Motor Car Advance is Rs. _____________ in the first occasion.

5) Computer advance is Rs. ____________.

6) HBA is _______ times the basic pay plus DP

V. Allowances:

1) DA stands for _____________________

2) CCA stands for __________________

3) HRA stands for _____________________

4) TA stands for ___________________

VI. Labour Organisations:

NFIR stands for ___________________________________

AIRF stands for ____________________________________

JCM stands for ____________________________________

PNM stands for ____________________________________

SCRMU stands for ___________________________________

SCRES stands for ____________________________________

VII. Say True or False:

1. The lowest pay scale is Rs. 2610-3540.

2. The V Pay Commission recommendations are made effective from 01.04.96.

3. A peon of CPO’s Office can be posted to Vijayawada on promotion.

4. A substitute in Gr.’D’ is entitled to appear for selection to Group C post.

5. The pay scale of Junior Clerk is Rs. 4500-7000.

6. White paper is non-stock item.

7. Tables and Chairs required for an office are stocked items.

8. A supervisory official is entitled to draw a brief case for official purposes.

9. The rate of interest in scale Rs.3050-4590 is Rs.150/-

10. Employees with II Class pass are allowed in Guard’s Break van.

11. A Station Master is capable to cancel a train.

12. Chief Operations Manger belongs to Traffic Service.

13. Chief Claims officer has to verify the arrear claims of the staff before

disbursem*nt of the payment.

14. IRPS officers are recruited by RRB.

15. UPSC recruits Station Managers.

16. Stenographers are personal staff of officers recruited by them.

17. A Bungalow Peon is recruited by RRB.

18. Bunglow Peons are initially engaged with the approval of CPO.

19. A substitute bunglow peon attains temporary status after 120 days service.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (49)

20. Asst. Officers are entitled to a Substitute Bungalow Peon.

21. Bungalow Peons are transferable to any Railway along with the officer to

whom he is attached.

22. SR stands for Suitability Record because the suitability of an employee is

decided for promotion on perusal of the SR.

23. 100% of CL service counts for pensionery benefits.

24. CL service means service done on Casual Leave.

25. Bonus on Railways is payable twice a year.

26. Monthly wages are paid to the staff on the first day of the month.

27. There are weekly and daily wage periods on Railways.

28. In case of any grievance, staff must approach the local political leader first.

29. DAR action can be taken if any staff represent their grievances through


30. No wages are paid during suspension since the employee is not required to

work during the suspension period.

31. Suspension means punishing the employee for coming late to the office daily.

32. Staff get half payment during suspension for unauthorised absence.

33. The cost of spectacles is reimbursed under Mutual Benefit Fund.

34. The co-operative society lends loans to all Railway employees.

35. A Group D employee cannot take gifts worth Rs. 20/- from others on certain

functions in the house.

36. Wife and husband, if both working as peons can be posted in the same office.

37. A group D employee should have minimum VIII Class qualification for

recruitment on Railways.

38. Pension is payable to a Railway servant who retires from service with 5 years’

qualifying service.

39. If a Group D employees dies after putting in 2 years service can be paid


40. Leave encashment is payable at the time of retirement only.

41. Deposit Linked insurance scheme is linked to the PF balances of an employee.

42. Railway employees are given free food during IOD.

43. Workmen get compensation if one is injured while on duty and in the course

of one’s duty.

44. If a Gangman is run over and killed while on duty, he is entitled for ex-gratia

payment in addition to the workmen compensation payable to him.

45. Group D employees are entitled to free diet while taking treatment as in-

patient in a Railway hospital.

46. Un-married female employees are not entitled to Maternity Leave.

47. SC/ST candidates are given a free pass to enable them to attend the written

examination conducted by RRB.

48. 70% of daily TA is payable to a Railway employee on line beyond 8 Kms for

3 hours.

49. A Senior Clerk can remove a peon from service.

50. AP Express runs between Secunderabad and Mumbai.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (50)

51. All Rajadhani Expresses are to and fro Delhi.

52. Cattle can also be transported by Trains.

53. Fish cannot be carried by passenger trains.

54. The rate of Railway Time Table is Rs.125/-.

55. The Railway Time Table gives the information about break journey.

56. A pass holder cannot break his journey before completion of 500 Kms.

57. A local train ticket is valid for 8 hours.

58. Refund is granted by Station Master after two days of departure of the

concerned train.

59. Full refund of fare is entitled on an unconfirmed ticket .

60. The reservation charges are non-refundable.

61. A privilege pass is valid for 4 months during which the holder can travel any

number of times.

62. A TC should collect amount from ticket-less traveler if he is not a staff only.

63. Ticket checking staff are running staff who are entitled for running allowance.

64. Drivers are non-running staff.

65. Staff should be sober while on duty.

66. Breathalyser test is to test the driver whether he is breathing is properly.

67. Taking intoxicated drinks before 10 hours of commencement of the duty is

punishable under DAR.

68. Peons are entitled to washing allowance.

69. Washing allowance is an allowance payable to Group D staff who accept the

work of washing plates, cups and saucers etc.

70. The daily sale proceeds of the Railway staff canteen are credited to Railway

revenues and draw the necessary expenditure from Railway towards

purchase of provisions.

71. Some trains are called freight trains because of their frightening speed.

72. CFTM looks after movement of Freight Trains.

73. Container Corporation sells containers.

74. IRCTC stands for Indian Railway Catering and Transport Corporation.

75. Railtel is a department of Railways who tells about Railways to the


VIII. General Questions:

1. Who is the General Manager of S.C. Railway?

2. Who is the Additional General Manager of S.C. Railway?

3. Who is the Pricipal Chief Engineer of S.C. Railway?

4. Who is Chief Administrative Officer/Construction of S.C. Railway?

5. Who is the Chief Personnel Officer of S.C. Railway?

6. Who is the Financial Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer?

7. Where is the Headquarters of Hyderabad Division?

8. Where is the Headquarters of Secunderabad Division?

9. What is the other name of Vijayawada?

10. How many privilege passes are eligible to Group D and Group C employees?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (51)

11. How Many Post Retirement passes are eligible for Group C and D employees,

who have put in 25 years service?

12. If an employee opts for widow-complimentary passes, he is entitled for 6 sets

of PTOs.

13. In which Division the following stations are situated?

Nanded, Tirupati, Raichur, Nandiyal, Parli

14. Who is the Prime Minister of India?

15. Where Rail Wheel Factory situated?

16. Who wrote Natioanl Anthem

17. Who is the Present Captain of Indian Cricket?

18. Who Invented television?

19. Which is the capital of Uttaranchal?

20. What is the minimum service required for promotion of junior clerk to senior


21. What is the minimum distance an employee to travel to become eligible for


22. How many days casual leave a fitter in workshop is eligible in a year?

23. How many Zones are there in Indian Railways?

24. How many Workshops are there in Indian Railways?

25. Who is the Minister for Railways?

26. Where is the Railway Board situated?

27. What is the currency of the following countries?

USA ,Dubai, Singapore, Australia, Bangladesh, Russia, China , Sri Lanka,


28. Who is Election Commissioner of India?

29. How Many states are there in India?

30. How many Union Territories are there in India?

31. Who is the Chief Justice of India?

32. Who was called as Punjab Kesari?

33. Where is the Railway Museum located?

34. Who is the Head of the Zonal Railways?

35. Which Department handles health care of the employees?

36. Who is the Head of the Divisional Railway?

37. How many major workshops are on SC Railway?

38. Who is the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu?

39. Who is the Governor of AP?

40. Write any two allowances admissible to you?

41. Write any two allowances admissible to Railway servant?

42. What is meant by D & A Rules?

43. How many sets of passes and PTOs are entitled to a Group D employee who

has put in 4 years of service?

44. What are important Tourist places on S.C. Railway?

45. What is the recruitment agency for S.C. Railway?

46. Where is the only Degree College on Indian Railways?

47. What is SBF?

48. Who are the Chairman and members of SBF Committee?

49. What are the schemes introduced by SBF Committee on S.C. Railway?

50. Who is the General Secretary of SCRE Sangh?

51. Who is the General Secretary of SCRM Union?

52. How many Trade unions are recognized on Indian Railways? What are they?

53. Who is the Correspondent for the Railway Schools/Colleges?


A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (52)


I. English Grammar, Comprehension and Essay Writing:

A. One word substitution: (a few examples only) 1. A word which can be interpreted in any way:

(i) ambiguous (ii) confusing (iii) anachronistic (iv) amphibious

2. A person who renounces the word and practices self discipline to attain salvation:

(i) antiquarian (ii) ascetic (iii) sceptic (iv) devotee

3. A tank where fish or water plants are kept:

(i) apiary (ii) nursery (iii) aviary (iv) aquarium

4. One who can use either of his hands with ease:

(i) gluttonous (ii) amateur (iii) ambidextrous (iv) expert

5. Government of Officials:

(i) oligarchy (ii) aristocracy (iii) plutocracy (iv) bureaucracy

6. Commencement of words with the same letter:

(i) pun (ii) alliteration (iii) oxymoron (iv) transferred epithel

7. Deviation or departure from common rule or standard:

(i) anomaly (ii) anonymity (iii) unanimity (iv) heterogeneity

8. One who abandons his religious faith:

(i) apostate (ii) agonistic (iii) profane (iv) prostate

9. Unknown or unadmitted authorship:

(i) vexatious (ii) anonymous (iii) unanimous (iv) gullible

10. An assembly of listeners:

(i) battery (ii) spectators (iii) audience (iv) crowd

11. A hater of learning and knowledge:

(i) bibliophile (ii) philologist (iii) misogynist (iv) misologist

12. The practice of marrying more than one wife at a time:

(i) bisexual (ii) polyandry (iii) polygamy (iv) blasphemy

13. A person who easily believes others:

(i) meticulous (ii) hilarious (iii) credulous (iv) credible

14. A person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another:

(i) emigrant (ii) immigrant (iii) vagrant (iv) fragrant

15. A person who is unable to unable to pay his debts:

(i) bankrupt (ii) obsolete (iii) callous (iv) insolvent

16. A school for infants and young children:

(i) infantile (ii) nursery (iii) kindergarten (iv) school

17. One who compiles dictionary:

(i) compiler (ii) editor (iii) lexicographer (iv) anthropologist

18. One who studies human beings, their customs & beliefs scientifically:

(i) examiner (ii) socialist (iii) anthropologist (iv) analogist

19. Specialised list of all the words used in a particular language or subject:

(i) raven (ii) lament (iii) caravan (iv) lexicon

20. One who goes from place to place begging alms:

(i) mendicant (ii) itinerant (iii) pedestrian (iv) volunteer

21. One who walks in sleep:

(i) somnilogist(ii) egoist (iii) somnambulist (iv) analogist

22. One who pretends to be what he is not:

(i) hypocrite (ii) mimic (iii) connoisseur (iv) prophet

23. One who has been before another in office or employment:

(i) predecessor (ii) successor (iii) survivor (iv) servitude

24. An official numbering of population:

(i) diocese (ii) canting (iii) census (iv) archer

25. The art of effective speaking or oral reading:

(i) verbose (ii) celibate (iii) elocution (iv) thetoic

26. The science that deals with the study of mankind:

(i) zoology (ii) humanity (iii) anthropology (iv) raceology

27. The study of all heavenly bodies and the earth in relation to them:

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (53)

(i) astronomy (ii) astrology (iii) palmistry (iv) archeology

28. A substance which destroys or weakens germs:

(i) septicism (ii) epidemic (iii) antiseptic (iv) antidote

29. An examination of dead body:

(i) autopsy (ii) pyre (iii) antimortem (iv) epitaph

30. Living for years and years:

(i) annul (ii) penial (iii) perennial (iv) naturalist

31. Smuggling of goods or engaging in prohibited traffic:

(i) mobilize (ii) evacuate (iii) contraband (iv) ordinance

32. Apparatus used by a person to drop safely from an aircraft:

(i) cavalry (ii) parachute (iii) armistice (iv) infantry

33. A person whose job is to treat diseases by adjusting the joints in the back:

(i) anthropologist (ii) Chiropractor (iii) bone grater (iv) none

34. A device to find out whether a person has consumed alchol:

(i) breathalyser (ii) breath loser (iii) alchemy (iv) intoxicant

35. To talk continuously for a long time without any particular purpose:

(i) natter (ii) boaster (iii) booster (iv) vocalist

B. Use of Propositions: (a few examples) 1. This is a book _____ poems. (of) 2. Suresh is going ____ Agra. (to)

3. We hope ____ an easy examination. (for)

4. Swetha writes ___ her left hand. (with)

5. One should be honest ____ business. (in) 6. The dog ran ____ the road. (down)

7. The river flows ____ the bridge. (under) 8. The work was done ___ haste. (in)

9. He is afraid _________ the dog. (of) 10.I am fond ________ music. (of)

11. He died _______ his country. (for) 12. What is that ______ me. (to)

13. Steam engine was invented ___ James Watt. (by)

14. The burglar jumped __ the wall.(out of) 15.He spoke __ me in Urdu. (to)

16. I have not seen him ______ Wednesday last. (on)

17. The moon does not shine _____ its own light. (in)

18. I shall do it _______ pleasure. (with) 19. I am tired _______ walking. (of)

20. This is a matter ___ little importance.(of) 21. I will do it _____ all of you. (for)

22. Nothing will come ______ nothing. (of) 23. He slept ____ eight O’clock. (at)

24. I have eaten nothing ____ yesterday(since) 25. He sat _______ a chair. (on)

26. I have not been smoking __ last week(since) 27. I shall return _____ an hour. (in)

28. I commenced work ___ first January(from) 29. He has been ill ___ five days(for)

30. He will join the school __ tomorrow(from) 31. He is _______ bed. (in)

32. _______ his children, there were present his nephews and nieces. (besides)

33. _________ being fined, he was sentenced to a term of imprisonment. (besides)

34. He lived in Bombay ____ ten years. (for) 35. The cat sprang __ the table(upon)

36. The snake crawled ____ its hole. (into) 37. He ran _____ the school. (to)

38. I speak _____ Shakespeare. (of) 39. He jumped _____ the river. (into)

40. ___ a Ford, he has a fiat car. (besides) 41. They live ______ Delhi. (in)

42. Quinine acts as preventive ___ malaria. (of)

43. Juanpur is famous __ its perfumes (for)

44. People who are averse ____ hard work, do not succeed in life. (to)

C. Idioms and Phrases: (a few examples) 1. backed up: (i) supported (ii) squeezed (iii) warned (iv) beaten

2. blow over: (i) inhale (ii) exhale (iii) bubbling (iv) pass off

3. clear up: (i) close (ii) exhaust (iii) treat (iv) explain

4. dispose of: (i) eat away (ii) sell (iii) pass (iv) see off

5. longed for: (i) everlasting (ii) lingering (iii) desire (iv) elastic

6. prevail on: (i) persuade (ii) support (iii) take rest (iv) in vain

7. show him up: (i) expose (ii) cover up (iii) make up (iv) lose

8. train up: (i) usually (ii) link up (iii) up train (iv) educate

9. well off: (i) in the well (ii) unknown (iii) unwell (iv) comfortable

10. break into: (i) make piece (ii) not known (iii) fall into (iv) enter into

11. bear with: (i) have patience(ii) carry load(iii) support (iv) pregnant

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (54)

12. break down: (i) fall down (ii) count down(iii) fail (iv) cautious

13. bring about: (i) raise (ii) cause (iii) come back(iv) turn round

14. bring out: (i) show (ii) open (iii) take out (iv) release

15. carry out: (i) show out (ii) make out (iii) fall out (iv) execute

16. cast away: (i) bleak (ii) voting (iii) wreck (iv) twist

17. come round: (i) rounded (ii) turn round (iii) feel shy (iv) agree

18. call on: (i) visit (ii) support (iii) take rest (iv) in vain

19. call up: (i) attendance (ii) recollect (iii) ring up (iv) agitate

20. cut down: (i) reduce (ii) cutting (iii) fall down (iv) enhance

21. fall off: (i) magnify (ii) see off (iii) diminish (iv) maximum

22. pull down: (i) careful (ii) linger (iii) erect (iv) demolish

23. turn out: (i) produce (ii) give up (iii) work out (iv) make out

24. stand by: (i) stand aside (ii) support (iii) weaken (iv) rule out

25. work out: (i) working (ii) dislike (iii) solve (iv) spoil

D. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words (few examples) a) Prevention is ___________ than cure

b) Tendulkar is the ___________ batsman in the world

c) The pen is ____________ than sword

d) The __________ buildings are found in America

e) The Pacific is ___________ than any other Ocean

f) Who is the _____________ boy in the Class

g) My Uncle is ____________ than my father

h) Ooty is ______________ than Chennai

i) Mount Everest is the _________ peak of the Himalayas

j) He is one of the _________ speakers in Telugu

k) China is the _________ populated in the world

l) This is the ___________ of my two sons

E. Join together the following pairs of sentences:

a) I know a man. The man had been to Iceland.

b) The thief stole the watch. The thief was punished

c) Show the road. The road leads to Delhi

d) I met a boy. He was very kind

e) The man is honest. The man is trusted

f) We met a girl. The girl had lost her way

g) He is a rogue. No one trusts him.

h) I have found the umbrella. I lost it.

i) I saw a girl. She was singing.

j) Here is the book. You were asking for the book.

k) This is the building. It was built in a month.

l) I met my Uncle. He had just arrived.

m) The boy is my cousin. You see him there.

n) The boy tells lies. He deserves to be punished.

o) Here is the book. The book contains pictures.

p) Give me the ruler. The ruler is on the desk.

q) He has a friend. He is a clever artist.

r) The boy was very proud. He had won the first prize.

F. Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb given in the brackets:

1) The earth ………… round the Sun (move, moves, moved)

2) My friend ………. the Principal yesterday (see, have seen, saw)

3) She ………. worried about something (looks, looking, is looking)

4) He ………. asleep while reading (falls, fell, has fallen)

5) He …….. a mill in this town (have, has, is having)

6) I ……… a strange noise (hear, am hearing, having been hearing)

7) Don’t disturb me. I ……. my homework (do, did, am doing)

8) The soup ……. good (taste, tastes, is tasting)

9) He …….. TV most evenings (watches, is watching, watch)

10) The baby ………… all morning (cries, has been crying)

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (55)

11) I ………. him at the zoo (saw, have seen, had seen)

12) She ……… unconscious since 4’0 clock (is, was, has been)

13) The sun …….. over the hills (rises, is rise, is rising)

14) When I ……… my dinner, I went to bed (had, have had, had had)

15) She jumped off the bus when it …… (moved, has moved, was moving)

G. Essay Writing: (in about a page or 150 words): 1. My teacher whom I like 2. Poverty in India 3. My child-hood.

4. My school days 5. If I were the Prime Minister

6. The Book I like the most 7. The Sport I like the most

8. The cinema I like the most. 9. The National Leader I like the most.

10. The political party I like the most. 11. Important tourist places of AP

12. My hobbies. 13. Dowry system 14. Reservation policy in promotions

15. Superstitions – its effects on society. 16. Indian Railways

17. S.C. Railway and its divisions. 18. Un-employment in India

H. Use the following pairs of words in sentences: 1. Right and Write 2. Rite and Right 3. Book (n) and Book (v)

4. come and cum 5. can (v) and can (n) 6. Kick and Quick

7. Writ and Write 8. absolve and absorb 9. abet and abut

10. Adept and adapt 11. adapt and adopt 12. advice and advise

13. affect and effect 14. afford and effort 15. agitate and hesitate

16. aid and aide 17. artist and artiste 18. suit and suite

19. suite and shoot 20. allot and allocate 21. imminent and eminent

22. anonymous and unanimous 23.angel and angle

24. ante and anti 25. Aries and arise 26. arose and arouse

27. ascent and accent 28. ascetic and Asiatic 29. aspect and expect

30. except and expect 31. assert and exert 32. attach and attack

33. autumn and atom 34. wait and await 35. wake and awake

36. void and avoid 37. ward and award 38. ware and wear

39. ware and aware 40. way and away 41. awesome & awful

42. fore and four 43. pure and poor 44. bear and bare

45. break and brake 46.backing and baking 47. site and sight

48. cite and sight 49. construe and construct 50.confess and confuse

51. confuse and confute 52. consult and consulate 53. compare and compere

54. co-operate and co-ordinate 55. coup and coupe 56. round and around

57. dose and doze 58. fright and freight 59. extent and extant

60. haunt and hunt 61.interrupt and interpret 62. night and knight

63. knot and naught 64. lead (v) and lead (n) 65. mediate and meditate

66. rise and raise 67. riots and ryots 68. personnel and personal

69. perspective and prospective 70. purview and preview 71. tyre and tire

72. coat and quote 73. reel and real 74. rear and rare

I. Correct the spellings: (some examples) 1. praize 2. Matrics 3. Gest

4. Simposium 5. temparary 6. impartant

7. catagory 8. adultary 9. comission

10. auxilary 11. atomatic 12. councel

13. amerge 14. decongesion 15. decaration

16. fourman 17. farward 18. catelog

19. emfasize 20. fieble 21. geografy

22. grafite 23. independance 24. instent

25. indiffarent 26. harbar 27. floot

28. phosforous 29. filasafy 30. fisical

31. adjactive 32. presidant 33. stresed

34. prestresed 35. signifycant 36. signatury

37. sholder 38. showel 39. vacume

40. fritened 41. sanitory 42. sacryfice

43. regulasion 44. riteously 45. rediculuous

46. releave 47. recovar 48. recognision

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (56)

49. resiprocate 50. reces 51. imideately

52. saspicion 53. rampent 54. rabit

55. pronounciation 56. quostion 57. quue

58. magnificient 59. purifycation 60. quiting

61. quartar 62. querie 63. piramid

64. puzzlling 65. parpose 66. pancture

67. punnisment 68. panjent 69. palses

70. sychiatry 71. Physix 72. provacation

73. protoplasam 74. pronounse 75. prolog

J. Comprehension: A passage with questions from the passage.

II. General Awareness and General Knowledge pertaining to Railway working: 1. Monthly magazine being published by Railways is _________.

2. Recruiting Agency for recruitment of Group C staff on Railways is __________.

3. Recruiting Agency for recruitment of Group A Officers on Railways is ________.

3. The Micro Wave frequency used in the Department of Tele-communications in

Railways is from ________ MHz to _________ MHz.

4. The longest Railway tunnel is from _____ to _____.

5. The longest Railway Platform in India is __________________.

6. The largest Zonal Railway in Indian Railways is _________.

7. The biggest Railway yard in Indian Railways is _______________.

8. The Rail Transport Museum is at _________________.

9. The Indrail Pass is allowed to _________________________.

10. Konkan Railway Corporation is a joint undertaking of Governments of _______.

11. The only underground Railway (Metro Railway) is at _____________.

12. Passenger Reservation System through Computers has been introduced in

Railways during ______________

13. Children of ___________ age group are charged half ticket on Railways.

14. Shatabdi Express Trains are introduced in Railways during ________.

15. Special Touring Train called _____ is introduced during 1992.

16. Headquarters of North Central Railway is _______________.

17. Headquarters of East Coast Railway is __________________.

18. Headquarters of East Central Railway is _________________.

19. Headquarters of South Western Railway is __________________.

20. RITES stands for _______________. 21. IRFC stands for __________.

22. IRCON stands for _______________. 23. CRIS stands for __________.

24. CONCOR stands for _____________. 25. KRCL stands for _________.

26. RDSO stands for ________________. 27. IRWO stands for _________.

28. IRISET stands for _______________. 29. IRICEN stands for ________.

30. COFMOW stands for ____________. 31. CORE stands for _________.

32. How many zones are there on Indian Railways? Where is the Headquarters Office

of each one of them is situated?

33. Describe in brief the setting up & development of S.C. Railway and its divisions.

34. What are the important loading points on SC. Railway? What are your suggestions

to capture further business to improve the loading performance?

35. What are the tourist important places of this Railway? What are your suggestions

to improve the transport facilities to those tourist important places?

36. There is heavy ticket-less travel on some sections of this Railway. What are your

suggestions to eradicate the menace?

37. In case the train in which you are traveling off duty on a privilege pass involves an

accident, what should be your immediate reaction to pass on the information

and to rescue the lives of co-passengers?

38. What is UPSC? In what way UPSC is connected to Railways or its working?

39. What is RRB? In what way RRB is connected to Railways?

40. What is RRT? In what way RRT is connected to Railway working?

41. What is RCT? What is its role connected to Railway working? In what way it

differs from Claims Department of Railways?

42. What is meant by GRP? What is its role and how do they differ from RPF?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (57)

43. The main business of Railways is to provide service for transport of public and the

goods – If so, how can you justify setting up of schools/colleges on Railways?

44. The main business of Railways is to provide service for transport of public and the

goods – If so, what is the justification for setting up hospitals and dispensaries

on Railways, when facilities for medical treatment are available in abundance?

45. What are your suggestions for privatization of various activities of Railways?

III. Official Language Act and Rules: A. Objective: 1. In terms of Article 342 (1) of The Constitution of India, __________ language in

_________ script shall be the official language of the Union.

2. Article 343 (2) of the Constitution of India empowers ______________________

to authorize use of Hindi in addition English.

3. The Official Language Act was passed in _______________.

4. According to Official Language Rules, India is divided into ____ regions and they

are ______, _______ and _________.

5. What are the States that come under Region A?

6. What are the States that come under Region B?

7. Region C means the states _____________.

8. Communications from Central Government Offices to the States, Offices and

persons in _________ Region shall be in Hindi, and if it is in English, a Hindi

translation shall accompany.

9. Communications from Central Govt. Offices to States or Offices in ______ region

shall be in Hindi, and if it is in English, Hindi translation shall accompany.

10. Communications from Central Govt. Offices to persons in Region B shall be


11. Communications from Central Government Offices to States or Persons in Region

C shall be in ____________.

12. Communications between Central Government Offices – between one Ministry or

Department and another may be in __________________ .

13. Communications between Central Government Offices – between one Ministry or

Department and attached/subordinate offices in Region A may be in __ depending on

number of persons having another may be in _________.

14. Communications between Central Govt. Offices in Region A shall be in _______.

15. Communications between Central Govt Offices in Region B or C may be in ____.

16. Translations of such communication shall be provided along with the

communication where it is addressed to Offices in _______________.

17. Representations may be submitted by an employee in _______.

18. Representations, when made/signed in Hindi shall be replied to in _____.

19. Notings in Central Government Offices may be made by an employee in _______

and he ____ be required to furnish a translation of it.

20. If an employee has working knowledge of Hindi, he will not ask for English

translation of a Hindi Document, unless it is of _________nature.

21. Manuals, Codes, Forms, Notices etc., shall be printed or cyclostyled in____ form.

22. The forms and heading on registers shall be in ____________.

23. All name plates, sign boards, letter heads, inscriptions on envelopes and other

stationery etc., shall be in ______________________.

24. Responsibility for compliance of Official Language Rules shall be that of ______.

B. Descriptive:

1. When an employee is deemed to possess proficiency in Hindi?

2. When an employee is deemed to have acquired a working knowledge of Hindi?

3. What are the different steps taken by Railways to implement use of Hindi in official


4. What incentives are given for passing various Hindi Examinations?

5 What are the incentives for use of Rajabhasha?

6. Write salient Features of Official Language Act, 1963 as amended in 1976.

IV. Acquisition/condemnation of Typewriters: 1. Are typewriters stocked item? How are they procured for official use in your


A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (58)

2. Write a detailed justification for procurement of five typewriters for your


3. What are your suggestions on the decision of the Government for automation of

the offices?

4. In the present day circ*mstances it is essential for a typist to improve his inputs

and convert himself professionally to meet the pressing demands of the

modern world – how do you substantiate the statement?

5. Write an essay describing the functioning of an office in which all typewriters

are computers and all typists are data entry operators.

6. Write a detailed justification for condemnation of the office typewriters?

7. What are essentialities for condemnation of a typewriter?

8. Write a detailed justification for procurement of five computers for the office

duly justifying as to how viably the computers replace typewriters?

9. What do mean by AMC? What is procedure to keep the typewriters in your

section under AMC?

10. Write briefly about the procedure to be followed for condemnation or worked

out typewriters.

V. Office maintenance: 1. Describe in brief the procedure being followed in an office for receipt,

distribution and maintenance of the files/letters for typing in a typing


2. What is your opinion about the procedure being followed as of now? Do you

feel that the same is adequate in the present day circ*mstances?

3. Assuming yourself as the in charge of the typing section, suggest the procedure

you would follow for better out-turn of the work.

4. In the context of the Government’s decision of to re-designate all the clerks as

clerk-cum-typists, do you feel that the posts of typists are still required?

What are your suggestions to merge them with ministerial cadres?

VI. Broad knowledge of Railway matters:

a) Bird’s eye view of Indian Railways, its structure at all levels, its role in the

national economy and the developments taken place in the recent past: 1. What is performance Budgeting? Explain its purposes and basic steps for

introduction of Performance Budget.

2. Explain the discounted cash flow method for financial justification.

3. What are the two methods under Discounted Cash Flow Method? Explain.

4. What is Zero Base Budgeting? Explain its concept and mechanism.

5. What are the benefits of Zero Based Budgeting?

6. How the Parliament exercises control of Railway Finances? What are the

committees that are set up for the purpose?

7. Explain briefly about:

(i) Railway Convention Committee (ii) Estimates Committee

(iii) Public Accounts Committee (iv) Canons of financial propriety

(v) Railway Users’ Consultative Committees.

8. What are the schemes available for assistance to Railway Employees for Education

of their children?

9. What steps are taken to promote indigenous system of medicine? Explain about

setting up and functioning of hom*oeopathic/Ayurvedic Dispensaries?

10. Write about any five important features of the Railways Act, 1989?

11. What are the salient features of the Central Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985.

12. Explain briefly about:

(i) Permanent Negotiating Machinery (ii) Joint Consultative Machinery

(iii) Participation of Railway Employees in Management

13. What is Corporate Safety Plan of Indian Railways? What are the objectives,

highlights and targets of the Zonal Corporate Safety Plan of this Railway?

14. What is the role of Personnel Department on Railways? Explain briefly about the

functions of the Personnel Department?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (59)

15. What are the Corporate Objectives of Indian Railways?

16. Explain about the structure of Indian Railways at different levels and its role in the

National Economy?

17. Explain about the Management at different levels of Railways right from the apex

executive body.

18. Best transport facilities are essential for economic development of a country –

Substantiate the statement with reference to Railways.

19. What are the important features of Tandon Committee Report?

20. What are the recommendations of the Safety Review Committee.

b) Recruitment Rules – (i) Objective: 1. GDCE stands for _____________________________.

2. The examination fees for the examinations conducted by RRB is _____________.

3. _____% of posts in Group C & D are reserved for persons with disabilities.

4. The minimum age limit for recruitment in Railways is ___________.

5. General Manager can relax the lower age limit by ____________.

6. Upper age limit for CG appointment be relaxed freely. (say true or false)

7. Upper age limit for appointment to Group C services in the lowest scale in

Railways is ____ for general , _____ for OBC and _____ for SC/ST


8. During 2000, Railway Board have directed that recruitment to Group D posts shall

henceforth be undertaken by __________________ themselves.

9. General Managers are empowered to engage Group D staff only as ___________.

10. Currency of panels issued by RRBs is ______ extendable by ________ by GM.

11. LDCE stands for ___________________________.

12. Railway Board have introduced LDCE in the categories of OS/Gr.II and PI/Gr.I to

an extent of __________ of the posts.

13. The scheme of restructuring of the cadres is effective from _____________.

14. During restructuring suitable number of posts were required to be surrendered

since the scheme of restructuring is __________________.

15. The new Pension scheme is effective from ______________.

(ii) Descriptive: 1. What are the rules for recruitment of Group C staff in Railways?

2. What is the procedure for recruitment of Group D staff in Railways?

3. What are the rules of appointment on compassionate grounds?

4. What are the rules for absorption of medically decategorised staff?

5. What do you mean by Service Register? How date of birth should be recorded in

the Service Register? What are the provisions for change of date of birth?

6. What are the different modes of recruitment in Railways to a Group C post?

7. Which is the agency that recruits Group C staff to Railways? What are the rules for

placing an indent on that agency?

8. What are the General Rules regarding Nationality of a candidate for appointment to

Railway Services as laid down in R. 218 of IREC, Vol.I?

9. What is the laid down procedure for publication of employment notices for

recruitment to Group C and D posts?

10. What are the various concessions extended to SC/ST candidates?

11. What are the facilities extended to the SC/ST Railway employees’ Associations?

12. What are the revised classifications of Railway Service and the pay limits?

c) Writing of confidential reports: (i) Objective: 1. ACR stands for ______________________.

2. The ACR should be initiated by the ___________ officer.

3. It is the duty of the reportee officer to give self appraisal not later than ________

days from the date of receipt of the ACR form.

4. In case the reportee officer does not submit self appraisal with in _________ days

despite reminder, the report should be initiated without the self appraisal.

(ii) Descriptive: 1. What are the principles on which the system of reporting of the performance of an

employee depends?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (60)

2. What are the principal objectives of the system of confidential reports?

3. What is the procedure prescribed for filling up the column “ integrity”?

4. What are adverse remarks in Confidential Reports? What is the procedure to be

followed when the integrity of the officer reported upon is found to be


d) Pay and allowances and TA Rules: (i) Objective: 1. Waiting duty allowance is paid to ______________ staff.

2. Waiting duty allowance is paid to the running staff due to detention at the station on

account of __________ or ____________ after they have reported for duty.

3. Trip allowance is paid to the Running staff working on ______________ and

____________ trains for completion of trips.

4. _________ % of the running allowance is reckoned as ay for passes/PTOs.

5. _________ staff who are detained at any station other than their HQrs., due to an

accident for a period exceeding 08 hours shall be paid accident allowance.

6. ________ staff deputed to work temporarily at stations outside their HQrs., either

on running duties or stationary duties shall be entitled to outstation allowance.

7. Breach of Rest allowance is paid to ________ staff when the rest falls short of the

prescribed hours of rest as per ho*r.

8. National Holiday Allowance is paid to staff drawing pay upto Rs. ______.

9. NPA stands for __________ which is paid to ______________.

10. Employees joining training institutions as faculty members are entitled to ______


11. The staff who are paid nursing allowance are not entitled to NDA for the duty

performed during nights. (say true or false)

12. The classification of cities for the purpose of HRA are ___.(A1, A, B1, B2 and C)

13. The classification of cities for the purpose of CCA are _____. (A1, A, B1 and B2)

14. Hyderabad is classified as __________ for HRA and _________ for CCA.

15. The quantum of rent paid is not linked to payment of HRA (say true or false)

(ii) Descriptive: 1. What are the authorised deductions from the Pay bill of a Railway servant?

2. What is consolidated TA? What are the rules for payment of consolidated TA?

3. What are the occasions on which the employees are entitled to TA for journeys?

4. What are the rules regarding payment of conveyance charges for journeys (a) at or

near HQrs., and (b) outside Hqrs.?

e) Rules of reservation for SC/ST/OBC: (i) Objective: 1. Post based rosters have been introduced in Group C & D w.e.f. ________.

2. Post based rosters are applicable to Group B and A posts also (say true or false)

3. _______ years of age concession is given to SC/ST in recruitment.

4. The percentage quota prescribed for SC/ST in recruitment is _______/______.

5. The percentage quota prescribed for SC/sT in promotion is _________/_______.

6. The SC/ST candidates promoted to selection posts on their own merit shall be

charged against ________ points.

7. The SC/ST candidates promoted to non-selection posts on their own seniority shall

be charged to __________ points.

8. A separate _______ shall be maintained for monitoring the grievances of SC/ST.

9. The selection board shall contain one SC/ST officer if ________________.

10. The cost of RRB application for SC/ST candidates is Rs. ___________.

11. SC/ST employees called for written test in recruitment shall not be entitled to a

free pass (say true or false)

12. ______% of vacant quarters shall be earmarked for SC/STs.

13. The SC/ST candidates securing more than 20% of marks in each head only are

eligible for promotion under __________ scheme.

14. __________% of vacancies are reserved for OBCs in Direct Recruitment.

15. There is no reservation for OBCs in _______________.

16. ________ years of age relaxation is permissible for OBCs in recruitment.

f) Various types of advances and eligibility: (i) Objective: 1. ______, ________ and __________ are called advances for conveyance.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (61)

2. Rules regarding Conveyance advances are contained in _______ chapter of the

Indian Railway Establishment Manual.

3. Cycle advance is admissible to non-gazetted employees drawing Pay plus DP less

than ____________.

4. The amount of cycle advance payable shall be ___ or ______ whichever is less.

5. The maximum instalments permissible for recovery of cycle advance are ______.

6. Cycle advance at II time is permissible after _________ years.

7. Scooter/Motor Cycle advance is admissible to Railway employees drawing Pay

plus DP of Rs. ____________ or __________.

8. The amount of Scooter/Motor cycle advance payable shall be ________ or

_________ or __________whichever is less on the first occasion.

9. Maximum instalments permissible for recovery of Scooter/Motor cycle advance are


10. Second or subsequent Scooter/Motor Cycle advance is restricted to _________ or

__________ or _________ whichever is less.

11. Second/subsequent Scooter/Motor Cycle advance is not permissible unless _____.

12. The Railway servant who has availed the advance of Scooter/Motor Cycle shall

produce the registration certificate of vehicle on his own name with


13. Rate of interest collected on Scooter/motor Cycle is ___________.

14. Motor Car advance is admissible to employees drawing Pay plus DP of Rs. ____.

15. The amount of Motor Car advance payable shall be ________ or _________

whichever is less on the first occasion.

16. Maximum instalments permissible for recovery of Motor Car advance are _____.

17. Second or subsequent Motor car advance is restricted to _________ or

__________ or _________ whichever is less.

18. Second or subsequent Motor car advance is permissible only after ______ years

from the date of darawl of last advance.

19. Vehicle should be purchased within ________ from the date of drawl of advance.

20. Rate of interested collected on Motor Car advance is ___________.

21. Table fan advance is admissible to __________ staff only.

22. The table fan advance admissible is _________ or _________ whichever is least.

23. The maximum instalments permissible for recovery of fan advance is ___.

24. There is no provision of fan advance for second time (say true or false)

25. Warm Clothing advance is admissible to Group C & D staff posted to __ stations.

26. The staff posted to hill stations either on first appointment or on transfer for a

period of not less than one year is entitled to ___________ advance.

27. The amount of warm clothing advance is Rs. __________.

28. The warm clothing advance is payable once in __________ years.

29. The wram clothing advance is recoverable in _________ instalments.

30. PC advance is admissible to staff drawing pay of Rs. __________ .

31. The maximum amount of PC advance admissible on first occasion is _________

or __________ whichever is less.

32. The amount of PC advance admissible on second or subsequent occasion is

__________ or ____________ which ever is less.

33. Maximum number of instalments permissible for recovery of PC advance is ___.

34. Advance on transfer is admissible if the transfer is in _______ interest.

35. The interest recovered on transfer advance is __________.

36. The amount of transfer advance payable is _________.

37. The pay for the purpose of transfer advance is ____________.

38. The transfer advance is recoverable in _________________.

39. Transfer advance can be drawn at the old station or new station (say true or false)

40. The transfer advance is not admissible in mutual transfers (say true or false).

41. The advance of TA payable shall be _______________.

42. The advance of TA is adjusted through _____________.

43. The flood advance is recoverable in __________ instalments.

44. Flood advance is permissible on certification about floods by _______ authorities.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (62)

45. Festival advance is payable to staff drawing pay of RS. __________.

46. The amount of festival advance payable is Rs. ___________.

47. The festival advance is recovered in ________ instalments.

48. The interest recovered on festival advance is __________.

49. Festival advance is paid once in a _____________.

50. Temporary employees have to produce _____________ from permanent railway

employees for drawl of Festival advance.

(ii) Descriptive: 1. What are interest bearing advances? Explain the conditions of eligibility, maximum

amount admissible and recovery of any four such types of advances.

2. What are interest free advances? Explain the conditions of eligibility, maximum

amount admissible and recovery of any four such types of advances.

g) Retirement benefits: (i) Objective: 1. The Minimum Pension is __________.

2. The minimum Family pension is __________.

3. The medical allowance payable to the eligible retired employees is Rs. ________.

4. Maximum amount of gratuity payable to a retired railway employees is _______.

5. DCRG payable depends on the rate of DA admissible (say true or false)

6. Pay for the purpose of Gratuity is the last pay drawn plus DP (say true or false)

7. _____% of pension can be commuted on retirement.

8. The relief is payable on ____________ pension.

9. The family pension shall not be less than _________% of the minimum of the scale

held by the employee at the time of retirement/death.

10. The pension shall not be less than ________ % of the minimum of the scale held

by the employee at the time of retirement.

11. The deposit linked insurance scheme is linked to ___________ .

12. Transfer grant payable is linked to the last pay drawn and DP (say true or false)

13. There is no maximum limit for the commuted value payable (say true or false)

14. Post retirement complimentary passes are admissible to railway servants retired

after putting in _________ years of service.

15. Widow passes are admissible to widows of Railway servants if the Railway

servant had drawn _________ PTOs durin g his service.

16. ___% of PF balance can be withdrawn for settlement purposes within one year of


17. Maximum amount of pension payable shall be Rs. _____________.

18. Commuted value payable is linked to the age of the employee retiring from service

(say true or false)

19. Minimum qualifying service for payment of retirement gratuity is _____ years.

20. Minimum qualifying service required for payment of pension is _______ years.

21. Minimum qualifying service for accepting request for voluntary retirement is

________ years.

22. Maximum qualifying service reckoned for fixing the pension is _________ years.

23. One may choose to receive monthly pension by money order (say true or false)

24. The account for drawl of pension can a joint account with wife. (say true or false)

25. An employee removed from service is entitled for pension (say true or false)

26. An employee dismissed or removed from service is entitled to draw

compassionate allowance at the discretion of the ___________ authority.

27. The pension becomes payable to the retired employee from the last working day of

his service (say true or false)

28. The entire gratuity can be withheld if the employee does not vacate the Railway

quarter (say true or false)

29. The leave encashment payable shall be restricted to ________ days of leave at

credit at the time of retirement/death.

30. Leave encashment shall be paid at the discretion of the disciplinary authority, in

case ________ are pending against the retired employee at the time of


31. Leave encashment payable is linked to DA admissible at the time of retirement.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (63)

32. Any amount of arrears admissible to a retired employee can be drawn as usual and

paid through pay clerk. (say true or false)

(ii) Descriptive: 1. List out the retirement benefits admissible to a Railway servant retired on attaining

the age of superannuation?

2. List out benefits admissible to family members of a railway servant on his death?

3. Write briefly about the rules pertaining to voluntary retirement? What are the

benefits admissible to an employee retired voluntarily?

4. What is meant by restoration of pension?What are the rules regarding restoration?

5. What is the formula for calculation of leave encashment for leave at average pay

and leave at half average pay?

(h) Leave Rules: (i) Objective: 1. What are the two categories of strikes?

2. Conversion of one kind of leave into another shall be considered if received within

_______ days.

3. Leave ordinarily begins on the day on which _____________ is effected and ends

on the day preceding that in which _________.

4. CL shall not be combined with any other kind of leave since it is not __________.

5. A railway servant on leave may not take any service in India without previous

sanction of ______________.

6. No railway servant shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period

exceeding _________.

7. Leave shall not be granted to a railway whom a competent authority has decided to

________, or _______ or ________ from service.

8. Permission of the leave sanctioning authority is required to join duty canceling the

leave sanctioned to him. (say true or false)

9. A railway servant who has taken leave on medical certificate may not return to duty

until he has produced a _____________ from ________________.

10. Willful absence from duty after expiry of leave renders a railway servant liable to

disciplinary action. (say true or false)

11. A railway servant other than one who is working in a railway school shall be

entitled to _______ days leave on average pay in a calendar year.

12. The leave account of every railway servant shall be credited with leave on average

pay in advance in ______ instaments of ______ each on the first day of

__________ and _______ every calendar year.

13. The leave at the credit of a railway servant at the close of every half year shall be

carried forward to next half year subject to the condition that the closing

balance does not exceed ______ days.

14. Ordinarily the maximum leave on average pay that may be granted at a time to a

railway servant shall be _______ days.

15. In the year of appointment, LAP shall be credited to the leave account of an

employee at the rate of ____ days for each completed calendar month of


16. In the year of retirement/resignation of a railway employee, LAP shall be credited

at the rate of _____ days for each completed calendar month of service.

17. In case of removal/dismissal/death of a railway servant, credit of LAP shall be

allowed at the rate of ______ days per completed calendar month upto the end

of the month preceding the month in which one is


18. During extra ordinary leave, the credit of LAP to be afforded to the leave account

at the commencement of next half year shall be reduced by _______ of the

period of such leave subject to a maximum of ______ days.

19. During absence treated as dies non, the credit of LAP to be afforded to the leave

account at the commencement of next half year shall be reduced by _______

of the period of such dies non subject to a maximum of ______ days.

20. A permanent/temporary railway servant shall be entitled to leave on half average

pay of _______ days in respect of each completed year of service.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (64)

21. The amount of leave on half average pay that can be availed of in one spell shall

be limited to ________ .

22. The leave on half average pay shall be credited to the leave account of a railway

servant on 1st of ______ and ________ at the rate of 10 days each in advance.

23. In the year of appointment, LHAP shall be credited to the leave account of an

employee at the rate of ____ days for each completed calendar month of


24. In case of removal/dismissal/death of a railway servant, credit of LHAP shall be

allowed at the rate of ______ days per completed calendar month upto the end

of the month preceding the month in which one is


25. In case of retirement/resignation, credit of LHAP shall be allowed at the rate of

______ days per completed month upto the date of retirement/resignation.

26. While calculating the completed months of service, the month may be rounded off

to the next higher if it exceeds more than 15 days (say true or false)

27. In case the period of absence is treated as dies non, the credited to the LHAP

account shall be reduced by ______ of the period of dies non subject to a

maximum of 10 days.

28. There is no limit to the number of days of commuted leave to be availed of during

the entire service.

29. Commuted leave may be granted at the request of the employee even when leave

on average pay is due to him.(say true or false)

30. Grant of Leave not due shall be limited to the leave on half average ay he is likely

to earn thereafter. (say true or false)

31. Leave not due during the entire service shall be limited to ______ days on medical


32. Leave not due is debited against the ________ leave he is likely to earn


33. In case a railway servant who has been granted leave not due resigns from service

or permitted to retire voluntarily, the retirement/resignation takes effect from


34. If the retirement is ____________ on the railway employee, no leave salary for the

period of leave not due availed shall be recovered from the employee.

35. No temporary railway servant shall be granted extra ordinary leave in excess of

three months without a medical certificate. (say true or false)

36. A railway servant who proceeds on LAP is entitled to leave salary equal to the pay

drawn before proceeding on leave on average pay. (say true or false)

37. The increment due on a day during the leave period shall not be drawn till the

employee resumes duty. (say true or false)

38. A railway servant on extraordinary leave is not entitled to any leave salary. (say

true or false)

39. The payment of cash equivalent of leave salary shall be limited to a maximum of

________ days of leave on average pay.

40. Entire leave on half average pay at the credit of railway servant who retire on

superannuation, shall be allowed to be encashed subject to the condition that


41. A female Government servant with less than _______ children may be granted

maternity leave.

42. Maximum of the maternity leave admissible is _______ days.

43. Maternity Leave can be combined with any other kind of leave (say true or false)

44. Total period of Maternity Leave on account of miscarriage/abortion should be

restricted to ______ days in entire career of a female servant.

45. The maternity leave shall not be debited from the leave account (say true or false).

46. A male Government servant with less than ______ children may be granted

paternity leave.

47. Maximum of the paternity leave is ______ days.

48. The paternity leave shall be availed of with in ______ months.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (65)

49. The paternity leave shall be availed during ___________.

50. The paternity leave shall be availed during confinement of his wife i.e., ______

days before or upto _______ months from the date of delivery of the child.

51. In case the paternity leave is not availed off with in 6 months it shall be treated a

lapsed. (say true or false).

52. Paternity leave is granted to a Casual Labour who has been granted ___________.

53. _________ leave is granted to a Railway servant who is disabled by injury

inflicted or caused in or in consequence of due performance of his official

duty or in consequence of his official position.

54. Special disability leave shall be combined with any other kind of leave (say true or


55. Maximum period of Special Disability Leave granted in consequence of any one

disability shall be __________ .

56. Leave salary payable during the first 120 days of Special Disability leave shall be

equal to leave salary while on _____________.

57. Leave salary payable beyond 120 days of Special Disability leave shall be equal to

leave salary while on _____________.

58. Hospital Leave shall be granted to a railway servant other than __________.

59. Total period of Hospital Leave, including other kinds of leave combined with it,

shall not exceed __________.

60. Study Leave shall be granted to Railway servants in accordance with the rules

prescribed in __________ to Indian Railway Establishment Code, Vol.I.

61. Study leave shall count as service for increment. (say true or false).

62. Study leave shall count as service for pension. (say true or false)

63. Study leave shall count as service for seniority. (say true or false)

64. Study leave shall count as service for promotion. (say true or false)

65. Study Leave for study out side India shall be granted by ____________.

(ii) Descriptive: 1. To whom the Railway Servants (Liberalised Leave) Rules, 1949 shall apply?

2. Write short notes on –

Special Disability Leave, Hospital Leave, Extraordinary Leave,

Leave not due, Study Leave, Maternity Leave,

Paternity Leave. Commuted leave, Leave Encashment.

(i) Pass Rules: (i) Objective: 1. Attendant means __________________________________________.

2. Residential Card Passes are issued to __________________________.

3. A school pass may be issued to _______________________________.

4. Powers to include, modify, amend, delete or relax any provisions of Railway

Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 shall vest with


5. Officers in the scale of Rs. ________________ or above and who directly report to

the Railway Board are entitled to Gold Pass.

6. Gold Pass holder is entitled to travel in ___ class with family over Indian Railways.

7. Silver Pass holder is entitled to travel ________ in any class on Indian Railway or

with family in any class other than ________class or in I AC Class on

payment of _______ for his family, subject to reserving a maximum number

of _____ berths.

8. An attendant in _____/______ Class is allowed to travel free while accompanying

the Railway servant traveling on Metal, First A and First Class Duty passes.

9. First Class pass holders are entitled to ___ berth/s in 3rd AC by Rajadhani Express

and ___ seat/s in AC Chair Car by Satabdi Express while traveling on duty.

10. The school certificate wherever necessary under the Pass Rules should be

submitted _________ a year at the _____________ of the academic session.

11. The details of family members/dependent relatives should be furnished to the pass

issuing authority once in ___ years and any change should be intimated


A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (66)

12. Not more than __ dependents can be included in a pass/PTO subject to the

condition that total number of persons included shall not exceed ________.

13. When the Railway servant himself or a member of his family or a dependent is

blind in both eyes and has to travel alone on a privilege pass ______________

may be allowed to travel in the same class.

14. PTO shall be valid for _______ months from the date of issue.

15. Break of Journey on Privilege pass shall be permissible at _________ station as

desired by the pass holder.

16. Bicycles/motor Cycles/Scooters may be allowed to be carried within __________

on privilege passes irrespective of home or foreign lines.

17. When all the passes due are availed, _______ sets of passes and/or _________

sets of PTOs may be issued in advance for journey commencing in the next


18. Advance issue of Passes should not exceed _______ days of the current year from

the date of issue.

19. Passes are not admissible over Nilgiri Railway during the months of

____________, ________ and _____________ except to Gazetted Officers.

20. First Class A Pass form shall be _________ in colour.

21. First Class Pass form shall be ___________ in colour.

22. Second Class A pass form shall be __________ in colour.

23. Second Class Pass form shall be ___________ in colour.

24. A motor cycle/Scooter/moped is accounted as ____ Kgs. and adjusted against the

free allowance admissible if an endorsem*nt is made on the privilege pass.

25. A TV set is accounted as __________ Kgs. and adjusted against the free

weightage allowance admissible if an endorsem*nt is made on the privilege


27. A bicycle is accounted as __________ Kgs. and adjusted against the free

weightage allowance admissible if an endorsem*nt is made on the privilege


(ii) Descriptive: 1. Define ‘Railway Servant” as envisaged in Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986.

2. What is meant by “dependent relative” in relation to a Railway Servant as per Pass


3. To whom the Pass Rules shall apply and to whom they shall not?

4. What are different kinds of passes? Explain each one of them.

5. On what account special passes are issued to Railway servants, family members or

dependant relatives as the case may be?

6. Is monetary value of passes and privilege ticket orders subject to income tax?

7. What is meant by ‘ adopted child’ as defined under Railway Servants (Pass) Rules?

8. What is the definition of family as per Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986?

9. What is meant by ‘pay’ as per Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986?

10. What are the entitlements of a First Class Pass holder on privilege account?

11. What are the entitlements of the holder of a Privilege Ticket Order?

12. Under what circ*mstances, the Privilege pass may be permitted to be issued on

longer route?

13. For what reasons/circ*mstances shall be the family member or dependent relative

as defined under the Pass Rules may apply for and be issued Privilege


14. Mr. A, a Gazetted Officer retired from service on 30.04.2006. Before retirement,

he availed 03 sets of I Class A Privilege passes? How many post retirement

complimentary passes does he entitled to during that year?

15. Mr. X, a Peon whose date of birth is 06.12.1944 and who availed three sets of

privilege passes during 2004, has requested for one set of privilege pass vide

his application dated 22.12.2004 declaring that he is required to reserve for the

journey to be commenced during January, 2005. Can the pass be issued as

requested by him?

16 Write Short notes on:

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (67)

(a) Widow Pass (b) School Pass (c) Post Retirement Complimentary Passes (d)

Residential Card Pass (e) Privilege Ticket Order (f) Gold Pass (g) Silver Pass

(h) Bronze Pass (i) Split Pass

(j) Loss of Passes (k) Powers of General Managers to condone irregularities

(l) Entitlement of luggage allowance on Privilege Passes (m) Kit Pass

(n) Complimentary Pass for Licensed Porters

(j) D&A Rules: (i) Objective:

1. The Railway servants (Discipline & Appeal) Rules came into force on ________.

2. _______ form is used for placing a Railway employee under suspension.

3. Suspension is a penalty under D&A Rules, 1968. (say true or false)

4. ________ form is used for imposition of minor penalty.

5. ________ form is used for imposition of major penalty.

6. ________ form is used for nomination of Inquiry Officer.

7. A retired Railway servant can act as a defense helper (say true or false)

8. Retired Railway servant cannot act as defense helper in more than _________ cases

at a time.

9. The defense helper should be from the same Railway as that of the delinquent

employee. (say true or false)

10. An official of a recognized trade union may assist in more than three pending

disciplinary cases. (say true or false)

11. Termination of an employee on reduction of establishment is a penalty under

D&A Rules, 1968. (say true or false)

12. Withholding of increments for failure to pass any departmental examination is not

a penalty under D& A Rules, 1968. (say true or false).

13. Reversion of a Railway servant officiating in higher service on the ground that he

is considered to be unsuitable for such higher grade is a penalty under D&A

Rules, 1968. (say true or false)

14. No appeal lies against any order of an _____________ nature or of the nature of

______________ of the final disposal of a disciplinary proceedings.

15. Appeal lies against the order of suspension. (say true or false)

16. No appeal shall be entertained unless preferred within ______ days.

17. The period of 45 days for preferring an appeal is reckoned from ____________.

(the date on which a copy of the order appealed against is delivered to the


18. The appeal against an order of the disciplinary authority can be preferred by the

appellant in his own name. (say true or false)

19. The appeal shall be preferred to any higher authority than the disciplinary

authority. (say true or false)

20. The appeal shall not contain any ______________________.

21. No order imposing/enhancing a penalty shall be made by any revising authority

unless the Railway Servant concerned has been given ________________

against the penalty proposed.

22. No proceeding for revision shall be commenced until after the expiry of the period

of limitation for __________.

23. No proceeding for revision shall be commenced until after ___________ of the

appeal preferred.

24. Rule 25.A of the RS(D&A) Rules deal with _____________.

25. Every order or notice under RS (D&A) Rules, 1968 shall be served in person on

the Railway servant concerned or communicated to him by _____________.

26. No authority lower than the appointing authority should appoint an employee to a

post in a grade either on __________ or ___________.

27. The penalties of dismissal/Removal/Compulsory retirement shall be imposed by

an authority not lower than ____________.

(ii) Descriptive: 1. To whom the Railway servants (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1968 are not


2. When a Railway servant may be placed under suspension?

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (68)

3. What is meant by deemed suspension? What are the provisions for deemed


4. What is meant by subsistence allowance? What deductions are permissible from

subsistence allowance?

5. List out the minor penalties prescribed under D&A Rules, 1968.

6. List out the major penalties prescribed under D&A Rules, 1968.

7. What does not amount to penalty within the meaning of Rule 6 of D&A Rules?

8. What is the procedure for imposition of minor penalty under D&A Rules, 1968?

9. What documents shall be forwarded to inquiry Officer by the disciplinary authority

to facilitate conduct of the inquiry?

10. Under what circ*mstances, an inquiry is not required to impose a penalty on the

delinquent employee as an exception to Rule 9?

11. What are the orders against which no appeal lies under R.17 of D&A Rules?

12. Indicate five types of orders against which an appeal lies as per R. 18 of D&A


13. Write briefly about the special provisions available to non-gazetted staff under

D&A Rules, 1968?

14. Who are the revising authorities under the RS (D&A) Rules, 1968?

15. What are the provisions regarding submission of a petition to the President

envisaged under Appendix II of IREC, Vol.I?

16. Distinguish between:

Appellate authority & Disciplinary authority, Revision & Review

Suspension & Deemed Suspension, Minor Penalty & Major Penalty

Presenting Officer & Inquiry Officer.

(k) PF Advances/withdrawls: (i) Objective: 1. The amount of subscription to Provident Fund shall be _______ % i.e., ______

part of the emoluments of the subscriber for the month in case of SRPF

(non-contributory) staff.

2. The amount of subscription to Provident Fund shall be _______ % i.e., ______

part of the emoluments of the subscriber for the month in case of SRPF

(contributory) staff.

3. In case a railway servant is admitted to the fund retrospectively, the arrears of

subscriptions due from him shall be recovered in one lumpsum or in

instalments as may be fixed by the controlling officer. (say true or false).

4. The power to sanction an advance/withdrawl from PF to a Group C employee

may be exercised by ____________.

5. Advance on more than one account shall not be sanctioned simultaneously. (say

true or false)

6. New advance shall not be sanctioned until at least ________ % of the last

advance has been repaid.

7. An advance for construction of a house or flat will be granted only on

submission of __________ duly approved by the local municipal body.

8. An advance for construction of a house or flat shall not exceed the actual

cost.(say true or false).

9. In case of PF advance to meet marriage expenses of male child or dependent of

a subscriber, it shall be limited to ________ months’ emoluments.

10. In case of advance to meet marriage expenses of female child or dependent of

a subscriber, the advance shall be limited to ________ months’


11. In case of PF advance to meet marriage expenses of male child or dependent of

a subscriber, it shall be limited to __ months’ emoluments as a special


12. Confinement is treated as _____ for the purpose of grant of advance under PF.

13. Betrothal ceremony and marriage are treated as two different occasions for the

purpose of granting advance from PF.

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (69)

14. The controlling officer may at his discretion refer an application for advance

from PF to the DMO whenever he considers this as justified. (say true or


15. Advance to meet the funeral and incidental expenses of the subscriber shall be

limited to ________.

16. The funeral advance shall be granted to the person/persons eligible to receive

the PF money.

17. Funeral advance shall be limited to the share of the person receiving the PF.

(say true or false)

18. Withdrawl from PF for house building purpose shall not exceed __________.

19. The house proposed to be acquired or redeemed with the help of the amount

withdrawn, shall be situated at the place of his duty or the intended place

of settlement after retirement. (say true or false).

20. Withdrawl from PF for house building/acquisition/redemption shall be

permissible for one house only provided the railway servant does not

already own a house at the place of his duty or intended place of settlement

after retirement. (say true or false).

21. Construction of house should commence within ____ months of PF withdrawl

and should be completed within ____ of commencement of the


22. PF withdrawl for additions and alterations would be admissible only where

such additions or alterations require approval of _______________.

23. The amount of PF withdrawl for purchase of motor car is limited to _______.

24. The amount of withdrawl from PF for purchase of motor cycle/scootermoted

etc., is limited to __________.

25. Railway servants allowed advance from PF may be permitted to convert the

outstanding amount of advance into final withdrawl after completion of

_____ years of service.

26. A subscriber who has a family at the time of making the nomination shall

make such nomination only in favour of _______________.

(ii) Descriptive: 1. Explain the eligibility conditions and maximum limits of Final Withdrawals

permitted from Provident Fund for the following purposes:

(i) Sickness (ii) Marriage of dependent relatives

(iii) Education (iv) House Building

(v) Funeral Expenses (vi) Purchase of Conveyance

2. Explain eligibility conditions and maximum limits of Temporary Withdrawals/

Advances permissible from Provident Fund for the following purposes:

(i) Sickness (ii) Marriage of self/dependent relatives

(iii) Education (iv) House Building

(l) Various Welfare measures: 1. Write briefly about the schemes introduced on Indian Railways for staff


2. What are statutory and non-statutory canteens? Write about the principles

governing setting up of canteens on Railways.

3. Write briefly about the Handicraft Centres? What is the laid down procedure for

setting up of a Handicraft Centre?

4. Write about Scouting activity on S.C. Railways? What are the privileges

extended to the employees who join the movement?

5. What are holiday homes? What are the broad principles the administrations

should follow in setting up and running of holiday homes?

6. How many types of co-operative societies are functioning on Indian Railways?

7. What is the main objective of the Co-operative Credit Societies? What facilities

are extended t the Co-operative Credit Societies?

(m) SBF Schemes and grants under various schemes: (i) Objective: 1. SBF stands for ______________________

2. Chairman of HQrs., SBF Committee is ___________

A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf· 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (70)

3. The members of HQrs., SBF committee include ________________.

4. The members of Division/Workshop SBF committee include _________.

5. SBF is for the benefit of non-gazetted Railway employees only (say true or false)

6. In case a non-gazetted railway employee is granted scholarship for his son’s

education is promoted to gazetted cadre, the scholarshi granted shall be

discontinued (say true or false)

7. The per capita annual grant to be credited to the SBF every year is Rs. ______.

8. The per capita annual grant is reckoned on the strength of __________.

9. The Staff Benefit fund balances lying with Government earns interest @ 2% p.a.

(say true or false)

10. A retired railway employee can be nominated by the recognized unions to serve on

the SBF committee (say true or false)

11. A railway employee who is under suspension shall be allowed to participate in the

SBF committee meetings. (say true or false)

12. In the divisions, in case of disagreement with the decision of the divisional sub-

committee, the matter shall be referred to _________.

13. A member of the SBF committee shall hold office for __________.

14. If the Chairman disagrees with a majority of the committee, as regards financial

propriety of an expenditure from the fund, he shall refer the matter to


15. The SBF fund shall be augmented to an extent of ________% of the expenditure

incurred on scholarships to the children of railway employees.

(ii) Descriptive: 1. Explain the schemes that are operated under Staff Benefit Fund on S.C. Railway?

2. What are the sources of fund for SBF? What is the per capita credit under each


3. What are the committees of SBF at HQrs., and divisions and how the funds are


4. Write an essay suggesting new schemes for better utilization of Staff Benefit Fund?

5. Explain briefly the schemes introduced for educational assistance under SBF with

details of grants and conditions of eligibility.

6. Explain briefly the schemes for recreation and amusem*nt of staff and their

children under SBF?

7. Explain briefly the schemes for distress and sickness of staff and their children

under SBF?


A. MATHS: / x 245. divided by of - RecruitmentSyllabusrecruitmentsyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/maths.pdf · 25 divided by 9/ 20 x 5/ 12 divided by 10/ 17. 3. Simplify: 5 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.