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Catfight Spotlight on Brooke Shields


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Brooke Shields is one of those actresses I always wanted to see in a
movie/t.v. catfight. I suspect that several of you have shared that
sentiment. Unfortunately, Ms. Shields rarely showed any inclination to
get down and dirty in a female fight despite the fact that she has
been in numerous films and television productions which gave her the
opportunity to do so. I had just about given up hope of ever
witnessing Brooke in a girl fight when, out of the blue, she suddenly
engaged in one on a t.v. show which you would not consider to be a
likely source of a female fight. It was a pretty good bout, too.

The television series in question was Just Shoot Me, a comedy that had
a seven season run on the NBC network from 1997 to 2003. Brooke
Shields was a guest star in the fifth season episode titled "Erlene
and Boo" in which she played series regular Wendie Malick's sister.
Brooke and Wendie get into a disagreement in a bar which escalates
into a very nicely done albeit relatively brief catfight. Ms. Shields
was dressed in tight shorts, a tank top and boots while Ms. Malick was more conservatively attired in pants and a shirt. You can find a series of stills of the fight on the old Frenchman Celebrity Muscle web site ( in the "fighting" section.

A word of warning. NBC shot three different endings for "Erlene and
Boo" and then somehow let viewers in different regions vote on which
of the three they preferred to see. Apparently only one of the
versions includes the catfight, so there is no guarantee that you will
see it if you track down the episode. That would be a shame since the
novelty of watching Ms. Shields in what I believe to be her only
movie/t.v. catfight is one that no catfight fan should be deprived of.

By the way, Brooke Shields turns forty-one in May. Hard to believe,
isn't it?

Carole Laure



Carole Laure was a very cute girl. She had I think two catfights.
I remember a French film in which she was defeated by Marie Dubois. The male lead was Yves Montand. Then I remember another film in which she was dominated by Shannon Tweed. Edstips or someone else, I know you can remember more about her catfights than I can.

Answer for selcaro1


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Earlier today (message numbe 2766, "Any Jane Russell catfights?")
selcaro1 inquired if the beautiful actress Jane Russell has been in
a movie/t.v. catfight with Ann Miller or any other actress. While
Jane never squared off with Ann Miller, she did take part in two
female fights from films. The first occurred in the Bob Hope comedy
The Paleface (1948) in which Ms. Russell portrayed Calamity Jane.
Iris Adrian makes a play for Mr. Hope's character, which leads to a
confrontation with Ms. Russell. Despite a promising buildup, the
fight between Jane and Iris was extremely disappointing. One of the
combatants starts and ends the bout by landing a hard punch to her
adversary's jaw, putting her on the ground. The recipient of the
punch manages to get back on her feet but instead of fighting back
makes a hurried exit. Below average.

Jane Russell's second movie/t.v. catfight is far superior to her
brief encounter with Iris Adrian in The Paleface. Jane plays a fiery
gypsy who falls in love with Cornel Wilde in the movie Hot Blood
(1956). Helen Westcott plays Ms. Russell's rival for Mr. Wilde's
affections. The women finally have it out in what I recall was a
restaurant or tavern. Jane finds Helen putting her paws all over
Cornel and initiates a catfight. It's a good one too, with each
combatant giving a good account of herself in an entertaining fight
that continues for a reasonable amount of time. I rate the quality
of the Russell-Westcott bout as above average.

Jane Russell, one of the sexiest actresses ever to grace the screen,
will celebrate her eighty-fifth birthday in June.

Any Jane Russell catfights?


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Does anybody know of any catfights that involved the wonderful Jane Russell? I think that she would be an incredibly sexy fighter. Did she ever have a catfight with Ann Miller? That would have been my dream catfight.

Catfight Spotlight on Sheila Ryan


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This is an appropriate post in light of the one riceyroo2002 put on
the board earlier today (message number 2764, "Another Classic Black
and White Catfight Clip") in which he gave us the rapidshare link to
a clip of the brunette versus blonde catfight from the film
Railroaded (1947). The brunette was Sheila Ryan while Jane Randolph
played the blonde. Ms. Ryan, the good girl, was out to prove that
her brother had been wrongfully accused of participating in a
holdup. Ms. Randolph was in cahoots with the film's bad guy, Duke
Martin (portrayed by the underrated actor John Ireland), and had
helped frame Sheila's innocent brother. The scene in the clip
riceyroo2002 referred us to opens in Jane Randolph's apartment. Jane
is lounging on a couch while Sheila Ryan pleads with her to confess
that her sibling had nothing to do with the crime he has been
accused of committing. Unbeknownst to Sheila, John Ireland was in
the apartment when she arrived and has secreted himself in another
room from which he is watching the women. After Ms. Randolph refuses
to admit that her brother has been set up, the frustrated Ms. Ryan
calls her a liar. This enrages Jane, who leaps from the couch and
attacks Sheila. The women then engage in a very entertaining
catfight, well described by riceyroo2002, highlighted by a great
sequence in which they tumble over the couch while wrestling and
crash down to the floor. John Ireland must have enjoyed the fight as
much as I did when I first saw it years ago since he made absolutely
no effort to break it up, content to watch it from start to finish.
The fight ends with the winner storming out of the apartment while
her vanquished foe lay on the floor, whimpering. The quality of this
little gem is well above average and justifies downloading the clip.

Sheila Ryan engaged in one other movie/t.v. catfight, which occurred
in the very next film she made after Railroaded. Caged Fury (1948)
is set in a seedy circus. Larry "Buster" Crabbe, who almost always
played the good guy (you may remember him as Flash Gordon and Buck
Rogers in the old Universal serials), was the villian in this one,
portraying a homicidal circus clown. The female leads were Sheila
Ryan and the curvy Mary Beth Hughes, another blonde. There is bad
blood between Ms. Ryan and Ms. Hughes, which thankfully leads to a
catfight between the two. The quality of the Ryan-Hughes bout doesn't equal that of Sheila's battle with Jane Randolph in Railroaded but it is still worth a look.

Another Classic Black and White Catfight Clip



Another classic black and white catfight has been put up by a contributor to the Femalesfighting runboard. It's relatively short but has everything including hair pulling, slapping and wrestling from the 1947 crime drama RAILROADED. The download link:

Re: New Group Members Part 1 Netflix Rentals


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First of all, thanks for the continued maintenance of
this list. It, along with Ed's continuous nuggets of
golden information, are a great help to all female fighting

I have a quick question on the "Wrestling - Pro"
section. Are the descriptions in this section your
own? I was easily able to tell that the WWE
descriptions were not exactly created by Vince
McMahon. I particularly liked the incredibly
accurate description of the WWE Women's title as
"useless." However, some of the other descriptions
were more questionable. Most notably, the description
of "Pro Wrestling Chick Fight" sounds like it came off
the box. If that's the case, then I'm a little
suspicious. However, if the description is your's,
then I have a DVD to rent.


--- leonovak2000 <leonovak@...> wrote:

toggle quoted messageShow quoted text

For the new members that don't have the time to go
through the 2,750 plus informative messages that Ed
has fathered, I will provide a very brief synopsis
of rentals available from Netflix that have
catfights so that our new members don't waste their
time trying to hunt them down. Because of the size
of the content and the perimeters set by Yahoo there
will be a need for continued postings with Ed's

DVD/VHS Catfight Alert


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Having heard that it contained some decent catfight scenes, I had
been trying over the past few months to get my hands on the movie
The Halfway House (2004). It never showed up in any of the video
stores that I patronize nor was I able to find it on television even
though it supposedly has aired on the Showtime cable channel. I
finally secured the dvd from Netflix ( and
watched the flick yesterday. Sadly, while the film does contain two
female fights their quality was less than I had hoped for.

The Halfway House is a horror/comedy movie. Janet Tracy Keijser
plays a young woman who infiltrates a Catholic home for wayward
girls to investigate the disappearance of her sister. The home is
run by Father Fogerty, played by Joseph Tatner, and Sister Cecelia,
portrayed by grade B movie mainstay Mary Woronov. Ms. Keijser
quickly comes into conflict with Athena Demos, whose character is
the leader of a gang of tough girls within the facility. It's pretty
obvious when these two meet that they are headed for a showdown. It
comes when Janet enters a room where she finds Ms. Demos and two of
her gang members abusing a girl who Ms. Keijser has befriended.
Janet belts Athena, prompting the latter's cohorts to move toward
Ms. Keijser in a threatening manner and leading me to conclude that
this was going to be another one of those uninspiring two or more
against one catfights. Things looked promising, however, when Ms.
Demos told her flunkies to stay out of it since Ms. Keijser "is
mine." Janet and Athena face off as soon as those words have left
the latter's mouth. Ms. Demos secures a quick and unfair advantage
by pulling a knife on her unarmed foe, but Ms. Keijser avoids
Athena's thrusts with the weapon and then adroitly kicks it from her
grasp. The combatants quickly go into a clinch subsequent to which
they wrestle on their feet and strategically pull hair. I was
certain at this point that the Keijser-Demos catfight was well on
its way to earning a rating of above average. Unfortunately, the
filmmakers then decided to do what more often then not ruins a
movie/t.v. catfight by attempting to inject some laughs into it. One
of the girls who was standing guard at the door so that the fight
would not be interrupted utters a warning to be quiet since the
aforementioned Father Fogerty is making his nightly rounds through
the hallway outside of the room. Ms. Keijser and Ms. Demos promptly
stop fighting and remain frozen in a stationary position, each
clinging to the other's hair, like a couple of statues until the
girl who issued the warning says that the priest has left. Janet and
Athena then resume the fight, wrestling vigorously until the girl
warns that Father Fogerty is again passing by the room. The
combatants once again go into the motionless mode, locked together,
until they get the all clear sign upon which the fight restarts.
This start-stop-start action makes what could have been a very
appealing catfight look silly instead of sensuous and caused me to
give it a grade of only average. I will say that the actual fighting
scenes were decent and worth watching so long as you can put up with
the annoying comedic angle.

The second catfight in The Halfway House is a snoozer. It pits Janet
Tracy Keijser against the evil nun played by Mary Woronov. Ms.
Woronov has a talent for engaging in lackluster movie/t.v. catfights
as evidenced by her feeble efforts in her mud wrestling match with
Remy O'Neill in Angel of H.E.A.T. (1983) and the unexceptional
altercation she had with an unidentified actress in Hollywood
Boulevard (1976). Her bout with Ms. Keijser, an extremely weak
effort the quality of which is undeniably below average, was no

New Group Members Part 7 Netflix Rentals



(Nothing yet)

Rabid (aka Rage) /1977; Horror; 90min (vampiric attacks)

Rage and Honor /1992; Action / Crime / Drama; 40/89min (martial arts
alley brawl with Cynthia Rothrock (as Kris Fairfield) fighting a
redhead and a black girl with all women wearing long pants)

Railroaded! /1947; Crime / Film-Noir / Drama; 71min (B&W catfight
between Sheila Ryan and Jane Randolph, a blonde woman comes off the
couch into the dark haired woman and she pushes her back down on the
couch. They went into each other and there is some rolling on the
floor and hair pulling. After they both came off the floor, there is
some pushing and twisting before they both went back over the back of
the couch and on the floor again. The blonde is knocked out cold as
the other woman gets off of her and the fight is over)

Rapid Assault /1997; Thriller; near end/90min (catfight between good
girl blonde Lisa Mazzetti (as Angela Strichman) and an unknown dark
haired actress as the villainess. The fight, which is a pretty good
one, takes place in an undersea laboratory. Ms Mazzetti is dressed in
jeans and a tee shirt while her opponent wears a one-piece military
style jumpsuit. Female fisticuffs with the exception of one well
placed kick and the use of a weapon by one of the combatants near the
fight's conclusion, the women limit their combat to exchanging
several nicely thrown punches)

Redline (aka Deathline 1997) (aka Armageddon 1997/I) /1988;
Action / Adventure; near end/96min (athletic fist fight after gun
chase into basement between redhead Yvonne Scio (as Marina K/Katya)
wearing blue mini dress and blonde Idilko Szucs (as Antonia) wearing
a white mini dress who gets knocked out)

Red Sonja /1985; Fantasy / Action / Adventure; 74/89min (swords;
brunette Sandahl Bergman (as evil Queen Gedren) engages in an
extremely lengthy fight with redhead Brigitte Nielsen (as Red
Sonja).Their battle was limited to fighting with swords with little
hand-to-hand action)

Red Wolf, The (aka Hu meng wei long) /1995; Hong Kong / Action; 91min

Reform School Girl /1994 TVm cable remake; Drama; 85min (quick

Reform School Girls /1986; Action; 13, 19, 31, 46, 65, 69/94min
(inmate brawls; catfight in the dormitory between Wendy O Williams
(as Charlie Chambliss) who floors Linda Carol (as Jenny) with a hard
punch. Linda then gets up and rushed Wendy but she got overpowered
and Wendy put her in a schoolgirl pin and started slapping her back
and forth. Another girl tried to stop the beating but Wendy threw her
off. The typical, stocky and ugly guard/nurse arrives and pulls them
apart. They have a short fight a little later on in the girl's room.
Just a few punches are thrown but once again, Linda is on the
receiving end. Wendy has her up against the wall and is punching her
in the gut and at least one punch to the face. Also, the big ugly
guard slaps Linda across the face on at least 3 different occasions)

Return of the Living Dead III (aka Return of the Living Dead Part
III) /1993; Horror / Sci- Fi; 97min (good girl fights female demon
with weapons to the death)

Revenge of the Cheerleaders /1976; Comedy; 88min

Revenge of the Musketeers (aka Fille de d'Artagnan, La) (aka
D'Artagnan's Daughter) (aka Daughter of D'Artagnan, The) /1994;
France / Adventure / Comedy; near end/125min (better catfight between
heroine Sophie Marceau (as Eloïse d'Artagnan) wearing long pants and
the villainess Charlotte Kady (as Eglantine de Rochefort) wearing a
long dress in a bedroom and is of decent quality but too brief)

Ringmaster (aka Jerry Springer: Ringmaster) (aka Springers) /1998;
Comedy; 90min (3 catfights)

Roadie /1980; Comedy; 22/105min (catfight in a country bar)

Roxie Hart /1942; Comedy; 20/88min (B&W 1m30s scene in jail, Ginger
Rogers (as Roxie Hart) has a rolling obscured catfight with a bitchy
female jailed reporter, the uninterested matron slams their heads
together knocking both women out)

Rush Hour 2 /2001; Action / Comedy / Thriller / Crime; 70/91min (gun
struggle and martial arts fight between two Asian women, Roselyn
Sanchez (as Isabella Molina) and Zhang Ziyi (as Hu Li) both wearing
sexy evening gowns, decent length with some nice moves, the best
being the one where Roselyn and Ziyi each elevates a leg and then
pushes her foot up against her adversary's. Ms Sanchez loses)

Sadist, The (aka Profile of Terror) (aka Sweet Baby Charlie) /1963;
Horror; 54, 72/92min (B&W, catfight over knife; unbalanced teen
girlfriend Marilyn Manning (as Judy Bradshaw) pulls a pistol in front
of the garage and is about to shoot Richard Alden when Hellen Hovey
(as Doris Page) jumps her, setting off a catfight during which the
women battle for possession of the gun. Both are in dresses. Not a
bad little fight except that it is way too brief)

Satanik /1968; Italy / Horror / Thriller; 44/80min (good leggy
fight, sexy villianess Magda Konopka (as Dr. Marnie Bannister)
wearing a skirt fights another woman is wearing a short frilly
nightie so there's lots of panty shots in an apartment. The girl gets
a few licks in, but it's Magda on top most of the time. The women
roll around on a bed and to the ground. Magda slaps the woman's face
back and forth and then knocks her out with a karate chop)

Save the Last Dance /2001; Romance / Drama; 75/112min (brief
catfight between white girl Julia Stiles (as Sara Johnson) and black
girl Bianca Lawson (as Nikki) each wearing shorts and a tee shirt
during gym class in high school while playing basketball)

Scared to Death /1947; Horror / Mystery; 65min

Scary Movie 3 /2003; Comedy / Horror; 1, 25, 45, 70/80min (4 fight
scenes with various quick fight outbursts, first fight between Jenny
McCarthy and Pamela Anderson are dressed in their Catholic schoolgirl
uniforms. 1 extra fight on the DVD as a deleted scene (matrix style)

Scream Bloody Murder /2003; Horror; 53, 75/87min (instantly broken
up catfight; pitchfork chase)

Screamers /1996; Horror / Sci-Fi; near end/108min (Jennifer Rubin
fights her double, both women wearing long pants)

Scream 2 (aka Scream Again) (aka Scream Louder) (aka Scream: The
Sequel) /1997; Horror / Mystery / Thriller; near end/120min (one
punch; Neve Campbell (as Sidney Prescott) and Laurie Metcalf (as
Debbie Salt) go toe-to-toe in a rough fight that leaves both of them
bloodied and battered. It takes place near the end of the movie in a
theater. Both women are attired in pants. Ms. Metcalf is armed with a
pistol when the confrontation begins but switches to a knife during
the course of the fight. Ms. Campbell counters with a well-placed
punch and kick. A vigorous, lengthy fight that also features some
nice grappling on the floor. The Campbell-Metcalf catfight is an
evenly matched affair that could have gone on for an even longer
period of time had it not been interrupted by a male member of the
cast. Above average and recommended)

Seduced /1985 TVm; Drama / Mystery; 100min

Señorita Justice /2003; Action / Crime; 117/123min (female lawyer
Yancy Mendia (as Anna Rios) has a fight against an Oriental hit woman
Grayce Wey (as Chiba) with both women wearing long jeans. It's
primarily a fistfight with a little martial arts thrown in. Even
though it's a pretty long bout it is just slightly above average
because of slower motion filming)

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers /1954; Comedy / Family / Musical /
Romance / Western / Drama / Adventure; 85/103min (multi-gal shove

Sexy and Dangerous (aka Gu huo nu zhi jue zhan jiang hu) /1996;
Hong Kong / Action; 92min

Shadow Boxers /2000; Documentary; 72min (boxing)

Sheba Baby /1975; Action / Crime / Drama; 61/90min (rolling catfight
on a yacht between black woman Pam Grier (as Sheba Shayne) and a
blonde white woman who loses, both women wearing dresses)

She Gods of Shark Reef (aka Shark Reef) /1956; Action / Adventure;

She Mob /1968; Drama; 82min (B&W)

She Shoots Straight (aka Huang jia nu jiang) /1990; Hong Kong /
Action; near end (fight between a cop Joyce Godenzi (as Mina Kao) and
the buff Agnes Aurelio (as Yuan Ying) which is one of the most brutal
slugfests between two women ever reduced to film. The fight seems to
go on forever and leaves both combatants bruised and battered)

She's The Man /2006; Comedy / Romance; 105min (debutante catfight)

Shining Through /1992; Thriller / Drama; 109/132min (WW II Nazi
German spy, blonde Joely Richardson (as Margrete Von Eberstein)
wearing a red dress, shoots brunette Melanie Griffith (as Linda Voss)
wearing a dress in the bathroom. While leaning over her Ms Griffith
stabs Ms Richardson with scissors, a very short but nicely done floor
struggle over the gun occurs with Ms Richardson losing getting shot
in neck)

Showdown in Little Tokyo /1991; 79min (female sumo wrestling)

Silver Hawk (aka Fei ying) (aka The Masked Crusader) /2004; Hong
Kong / Action / Adventure; 99min (Michelle Yeoh (as Silver Hawk)
wearing long pants has four separate martial arts fights with bad
girl Bingbing Li (as Jane) wearing black shorts. The fights are
repeatedly interrupted)

Single White Female /1992; Thriller / Drama; 97/107min (gun struggle
between red hair Bridget Fonda (as Allison "Allie" Jones) and red
hair Jennifer Jason Leigh (as Hedra "Hedey" Carlson) that leads to a
chase to the elevator for a long choke out fight as they are
descending to the basement and ends in a stabbing in the basement)

Slaves in Bondage (aka Crusade Against the Rackets) /1937; Crime /
Drama; 70min (B&W rolling, punching catfight)

Slaves of the Realm (aka Chained Sinners: Medieval
Fleshpots) /2003; Czech Republic / Fantasy / Action / Adventure;
87/99min (reasonable length swordfight between Rena Mero (as Shira)
and Daniela Krhutova (as Briana/Daniela Krhut) but never evolves into
hand-to-hand fighting)

Sleepaway Camp (aka Nightmare Vacation) /1983; Horror / Mystery;
88min (slap)

Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers (aka Nightmare Vacation
II) /1988; Horror; 80min

Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland (aka Nightmare Vacation
III) /1989; Horror; 80min

Smash-Up, the Story of a Woman (aka Smash-Up) (aka Woman Destroyed,
A) /1947; Drama; 68/103min (B&W catfight between Susan Hayward (as
Angelica 'Angie'/'Angel' Evans Conway) and Marsha Hunt (as Martha
Gray, Elliott's Secretary) that is average at best)

Smilla`s Sense of Snow /1997; Action / Thriller / Crime / Mystery /
Drama; 79/125min (rough treatment, crotch grab)

Smokers, The (aka Forbid to Break) /2001; Drama; 96min

Snapdragon /1993; Thriller; near end/96min (twins fight hand to hand
on a bed with women both dressed in long white Chinese style dresses
with a slit on one side, one fighter is Pamela Anderson)

Snowboard Academy /1996; 81/89min (Bad girl blonde Brigitte Nielsen
fights a brunette smaller girl with ski poles and fists inside a ski
lodge store. Both women are wearing long pants and Ms. Nielsen gets
knocked out)

So Close /2002; Hong Kong / Sci-Fi / Action; 51/110min (leggy
martial arts catfight between police detective Karen Mok (as Hong Yat
Hong) wearing long pants and hit woman Qi Shu (as Lynn) wearing a
skirt which permits her to exhibit a great set of legs during the
fight. The fight is very long, nicely choreographed and features
enough in close fighting to make it more enjoyable than the standard
martial arts battle. The fight is concluded without either woman
having the upper hand by the arrival of a large number of henchmen
and the gunfight that followed)

Son-in-Law /1993; Comedy; 20/95min (mud wrestling in a bar)

Sore Losers, The /1997; Action / Sci-Fi; 67, 71/90min (distant nude
catfight; cat struggle, both brief)

Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama (aka Imp, The) /1988;
Comedy / Horror; 80min (5 hard to define incidents; two catfights
although neither will make anyone's best ever list. One is a brief
confrontation between Michelle Bauer (as Lisa/Michelle McClellen) and
Brinke Stevens (as Taffy) a near average catfight. The second pits
Linnea Quigley (as Spider) against Robin Stille (aka Babs
Peterson/Robin Rochelle) which is longer and the better of the two
but is no more than average in quality)

Sorority House Massacre II /1990; Horror / Thriller; 64/88min (death

Spiderbabe /2003; Action / Adventure / Comedy; 26, 61, 84/90min
(unrated version) (weak wrestling in a ring between long red hair
Misty Mundae (as Patricia Porker/Spiderbabe) a long red hair female
wrestler that ends nude as a sex fight, 4m34s scene; fight between
Ms. Mundae and long hair blonde Julian Wells (as Lucinda
Knox/Femtilian) that contains special effects, martial arts, slaps
and groin punch in a building with both women wearing costumes, 1m58s
scene; fight on the roof top of a building between Ms. Mundae and Ms.
Wells that contains special effects, martial arts, punching and
kicking with both women wearing costumes, Spiderbabe bloodies the
nose of her opponent and kicks her off the building, 2m42s scene)

Springtime in the Sierras (aka Song of the Sierra) /1947; Western;
75min (good girl Jane Frazee (as Taffy Baker) lays into bad girl gang
leader Stephanie Bachelor (as Jean Loring) who ends up black-eyed and
stretched out. Both women wear long pants during their outdoor
battle, which takes place after a long horseback chase. Jane catches
up to Stephanie and performs the time honored cowboy movie tactic of
leaping off your horse onto your adversary and hauling him or her
down to the ground. Stephanie and Jane wrestle and grapple for a
while before Ms. Frazee ends the fight with a solid punch to her
opponent's jaw. The catfight takes place close to where Roy Rogers is
fighting with one of Ms. Bachelor's male associates. A decent little

Start the Revolution Without Me /1970; Comedy; 75, 80/91min

Stay Tuned /1992; Comedy; 25/88min (pro style)

Steel Magnolias /1989; Drama / Comedy / Romance; 104/120min

Stepdaughter, The /2000; Thriller; near end/92min (average at best
catfight between bad girl blonde Andrea Roth (as Susan Heller) and
brunette Lisa Dean Ryan (as Linda Conner) the good girl in a stable.
Ms Ryan is no match for the blonde who gets her on the ground quickly
and begins to choke her to death with a leather horse bridle. Someone
shows up and puts an end to the fight decisively saving Ms Ryan from
a certain demise)

Sting of the Black Scorpion /1995 (TV series compilation)

Strange Impersonation /1946; 68min (B&W excellent catfight between
Brenda Marshall (as Nora Goodrich) and Ruth Ford (as Jane Karaski).
Ms. Ford is holding a gun on Ms. Marshall when Brenda jumps her a
wild, lengthy catfight ensues that features a lot of crashing around
the room)

Stranger Inside /2001; Drama; 97min (fistfights)

Street Crimes /1992; Drama; 32/96min (pretty good kickboxing into
wrestling fight between blonde lady cop Fran Joseph (as Jeannie) and
brunette female gang member Pixie Elmore (as Female Kickboxer) in a
ring in front of several police officers and gang members. It starts
out as a kickboxing match with
the women wearing boxing gloves. After going at it for a while, they
discard the gloves and proceed to duke it out barehanded, Ms. Joseph
knocks out Ms. Elmore)

Stripes /1981; Comedy; 53/105min (mud wrestling in bar)

Submerged (aka Enemy Within) /2005; Action / Adventure / Horror;
96min (fight between Christine Adams (as Dr. Chappell) and Alison
King (as Damita), a couple of lookers. The catfight takes place in a
passageway on the submarine. Ms. King is dressed in a military style
outfit consisting of a tee shirt, pants and boots. Ms. Adams is
attired in a matching outfit except for the fact that she has gone
sleeveless. The fight doesn't break out spontaneously. After an
exchange of some unpleasant remarks, Alison pulls out a military
style knife, hands it to Christine and challenges her to try and use
it on her. Ms. King and Ms. Adams, the latter armed with the knife,
then face off. After a short struggle, one of the combatants
overwhelms the other and puts her on the floor. She lets her up, and
then the women face off again with Ms. Adams still armed with the
knife. Another brief struggle ensues and ends the same way as the
first, with one of the combatants overpowered by the other. They
separate once more and prepare to go at it again, this time with the
knife in Ms. King's possession. She lunges at Ms. Adams with it and
we get another quick finish with one of the fighters flat on her
back. The women then disengage and go their separate ways)

Sunland Heat /2005; Action / Adventure; 80min (The heroine blonde
Alex Van Hagen (as Jennifer) is a skilled martial artist whose
specialty is kickboxing and is pressured into competing in
underground female fighting matches by her sadistic husband. There is
only one female combat scene, by means of a flashback, but it is a
good one. The scene takes place in a gym fight club atmosphere
crowded with spectators, Ms. Van Hagen's opponent is played by the
dark haired Renata Pimentel, a native of Brazil who in real life is
one of the world's most skilled female practitioners of jiu-jitsu.
Alex wears a traditional white judo outfit while Renata's outfit,
shorts and a tank top, is a bit more risqué. They are both
barefooted. Instead of wearing gloves, each woman's hands are wrapped
with tape and/or strips of cloth. Their fight is best described as a
mixed martial arts bout that is heavy on punching. It continues for a
good amount of time during which the advantage shifts back and forth.
We are treated to some nice action, understandable when you take into
account the women's backgrounds, the quality of which is much better
than what you usually get in a martial arts catfight. The Van Hagen-
Pimentel bout earns a rating of above average and is recommended

Sunstorm /2001; Action / Adventure / Crime / Thriller; 80/89min
(decent catfight in an old fortress between redhead Karen Nation
wearing shorts and a blue tee shirt and short hair brunette Natelie
Aranda Calderon wearing a black leotard type body suit)

Supercop (aka Jing cha gu shi III: Chao ji jing cha) (aka Police
Story 3) /1992; Hong Kong / Action / Thriller / Comedy / Crime;
53/91min (crotch kick and disarm; heroine, Michelle Khan is
confronted by Kim Penn a white blonde packing a Machine pistol who
hesitates before shooting, as Michelle is decked out with explosives
this gives Michelle a chance to clamp her hands down on the gun, so
foiling the cursing Blonde's attempt to raise it and shoot Michelle
in the head. Michelle then gives the Blonde a groin kick and we see
her painful reaction this leads the Blonde to let go of the gun, and
Michelle then kicks her in the stomach, sending her crashing back
into some boxes. Turning to flee the Blonde is gunned down by some

Supercop 2 (aka Chao ji ji hua) (aka Once a Cop) (aka Police Story 3
Part 2) (aka Police Story 4: Project S) (aka Police Story V) (aka
Project S) (aka Supercop - UK) /1993; Hong Kong / Action / Comedy /
Crime / Thriller; 3/102min (terrorist Yukari Oshima (as Oshima
Yukari) gets into a martial arts catfight with policewoman Michelle
Yeoh (as Jessica Yang)

Superfights (aka Superfights: The Movie) /1995; Action / Thriller;
0/95min (martial arts catfight between Kelly Gallant (as Angel) and
an unidentified actress. A second version of the movie, which had
been edited to delete about twelve minutes of the original, was
released in 1996. Ms. Gallant's catfight was one of the scenes, which
had been removed, by virtue of which the second version is devoid of
any female fights. Both versions feature Ms. Gallant in mixed martial
arts combat against men)

Superman II /1980; 122/127min (2 punching incidents)

Superstar /1999; Comedy; 31/80min (nice brawling between brunette
Molly Shannon (as Mary Katherine Gallagher) wearing a catholic school
girl short skirt and blonde Elaine Hendrix (as Evian Carrie Graham)
wearing a blue short cheerleaders outfit who gets her tits punched
and is dragged form the room by her hair, average at best)

Superstarlet A.D. /2002; Comedy / Action / Adventure; 21, 27/70min
(backhand; weak struggle)

Swamp Fire /1946; first half/69min (catfight)

Swamp Girl /1971; Drama; 64/78min (average at best swampy struggle
fight between Simone Griffeth (as Janeen) and an actress believed to
be Carolyn Gilbert)

Swamp Women (aka Swamp Diamonds 1966) (aka Cruel Swamp) /1955;
Crime; near end/67min (fist fights between women wearing shorts; The
first fight is brief between Carole Matthews (as Lt. Lee Hampton) and
Beverly Garland (as Vera) that is quickly broken up and nothing
spectacular. The second and third, however, are of good length and
well above average. The second, probably the best of the three, is a
tremendous battle between Ms. Garland and Jil Jarmyn (as Billie), the
women, wearing tight cutoffs, exchange punches and wrestle in a
protracted catfight, which starts on land and concludes in the
water. The third pits Ms. Matthews against Marie Windsor (as Josie)
and features a nice combination of fist fighting and wrestling)

Swashbuckler (aka Scarlet Buccaneer) /1976; Adventure; 1st ½ /101min
(decent slapping, rolling and dress ripping pirate tavern catfight
between brunette Genevieve Bujold (as Jane Barnet) a noblewoman and a
blonde Pirate's lady with both women wearing dresses, blonde gets
knocked out)

Sweet Home Alabama /2002; Comedy / Romance; near end/108min (one
punch, blonde Reese Witherspoon (as Melanie Carmichael) knocks
Candice Bergen (as Mayor Kate Hennings) to the ground at an outside

Sweet Justice /1992; Action / Adventure; 0, 50/92min (mixed and f/f

Swinging Cheerleaders /1974; Comedy; 2nd ½ /91min (knife threat)

Swing Shift /1984; Romance; 83/100min

Switch /1991; Comedy; 67, 78, 86/101min (punches; throttling)

Switchblade Sisters (aka Jezebels, The) (aka Playgirl Gang) /1975;
Action / Crime / Drama; 7, 11, 78/91min (rough handling; multi-woman
fracas in jail; bloody knife fight between Robbie Lee (as Lace) and
Joanne Nail (as Maggie) who stabs Ms Lee in the throat killing her)

Sword of Venus (aka Island of Monte Cristo) /1953; Adventure; 73min

Tabu (aka Tabu, a Story of the South Seas) /1931; Drama / Romance;
84min (B&W brief but nice little scrap, a girl lover fights with one
of her tribal rivals in a stream. The fight is only about a minute or
so, the women are very sexy and barefoot, they seem to be getting
into the spirit of the pushing, pulling battle)

Taming of the Shrew, The (aka Bisbetica domata, La) /1967; Comedy /
Drama; 122min (one sided chase and whip play, staring Elizabeth

Teaching Mrs. Tingle (aka Killing Mrs. Tingle) /1999; Comedy /
Thriller; 96min (Helen Mirren finds herself in a fight against Katie
Holmes, although near the fight's conclusion Marisa Coughlan jumps
into the fray to help Katie, average at best)

Teenage Catgirls in Heat /1997; Comedy; 84min

Teenage Doll (aka The Young Rebels) /1957; Drama; 68min

10 Violent Women /1982; Action / Drama; 29, 52, 54, 59, 65, 72,

The Librarian: Quest for the Spear /2004 TVm; Action / Drama / Sci-
Fi / Thriller / Comedy; near end /120min (martial arts fist fighting
type catfight between butt-kicking heroine blonde good girl Sonia
Walger (as Nicole Noone) and evil henchwoman similarly skilled Asian
brunette Kelly Hu (as Serpent Brotherhood Member) with both women
wearing long pants)

The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra /2001; Comedy / Horror / Sci-Fi;
(catfight between Fay Masterson (as Betty Armstrong) and Jennifer
Blaire (as Animala) wearing a tight fitting cat suit. Although played
for comedic effect the Masterson-Blaire bout is a passable catfight)

The Princess Blade (aka Shura Yukihime) /2001; Action / Sci-Fi;
(martial arts and sword fight between good girl Yumiko Shaku (as
Yuki) and bad girl Yoko Chosokabe which is a run-of-the-mill martial
arts weapons fight, a lot of moves which are too fantastic to be
believable or enjoyable)

Tomb Raiders (aka Ba hai hong ying) (aka Avenging Quartet) /1992;
61, 81/90min (Asian female martial arts fights includes Yukari Oshima
(as Oshima), Moon Lee (as Feng), Cynthia Khan (as Chin) and Michiko
Nishiwaki (as Sen); the best fight is in a gym between Ms. Oshima and
Ms. Nishiwaki)

Tombs of the Blind Dead (aka Noche del terror ciego, La) (aka Blind
Dead, The) /1971; Spain / Horror; 2 in 2nd ½ /93min (two fights:
group of people wonder into an abandoned monastery home to a group of
vampire monks. The first is a struggle fight between a woman morgue
attendant and a female vampire that pretty much consists of the two
women bear-hugging until they catch on fire. The second is a longer
and better all around slap fight between the heroine and the
villain's girl friend)

Torque /2004; Action / Crime / Thriller; 71/81min (fight on
motorcycles between bad girl brunette Jamie Pressly (as China) and
good girl blonde Monet Mazur (as Shane) who does a backflip to knock
Pressley off her bike)

Torture Ship /1939; Horror; 57min (B&W intense catfight in a cabin
on a boat between good girl Julie Bishop (as Joan Martel/Jacqueline
Wells) and bad girl blonde Sheila Bromley (as Poison Mary Slavish)
who struggle over a gun. Both women are wearing dresses and there's
some rolling around and the bad girl gets the gun, the fight is
relatively one-sided)

Total Recall /1990; Action / Adventure / Sci-Fi / Thriller;
65/113min (fistfight between bad girl blonde Sharon Stone (as Lori)
and Latin good girl brunette Rachel Ticotin (as Melina) with both
women wearing long pants. The good girl is out cold after putting up
a valiant fight and see the defeated girl struggling to
shake off the cobwebs after the losing the fight)

Toxic Avenger, Part II, The /1989; Action / Adventure / Comedy /
Horror; 39, 79/96min (lesbian rough up; multi-gal tangle)

Trancers 6 (aka Trancers 6: Life After Deth) /2002; Sci-Fi; near
end/88min (gun chase by evil brunette Jennifer Capo (as Shauna
Wilder) and fight between good girl brunette Zette Sullivan (as
Josephine Forrest/Jo Deth) outside in daylight)

Troma's War (aka 1,000 Ways to Die) /1988; Action / Adventure /
Thriller; 87min (struggle and mixed; catfight between Brenda Brock
(as Kim) and Aleida Harris (as Nancy). The women are both in the
military and wear fatigues during the fight. The bout is promising at
the start but concludes too quickly)

Two Days in the Valley /1996; Crime / Drama; 73/104min (brutal fist
fight between blonde Charlize Theron (as Helga Svelgen) wearing long
pants and brunette Teri Hatcher (as Becky Foxx) wearing shorts, Ms
Hatcher wins)

2 Fast 2 Furious (aka Fast and the Furious 2, The) /2003; Action /
Thriller / Crime; 107min (fight?)

Undercover Blues /1993; Comedy; near end/90min (muddy brawl
catfight between Kathleen Turner wearing long pants and bad girl
Fiona Shaw wearing a dress split up the side displaying some nice
moves as well as some nice legs. The bad girl has Ms. Turner beat and
is just about to finish her off when Dennis Quaid shows up with a
flame-thrower, Ms. Turner then sucker kicks her)

Undercover Brother /2002; Action / Comedy; 49/87min (martial arts
comic catfight between black girl Aunjanue Ellis (as Sistah Girl) and
blonde Denise Richards (as White She Devil) with both women wearing
long pants)

U. S. Seals II (aka U.S. Seals II: The Ultimate Force) /2001;
Action / Adventure; 79/91min (good girl brunette former Miss Korea
Karen Kim (as Kamiko (2)/Nikki (10) and bad girl blonde Sophia
Crawford (as Sophia) go at it primarily in a martial arts fight with
swords in a large warehouse with both women wearing long pants,
interrupted by multiple cutaways, Ms. Crawford gets killed after a
long fight)

Vampire Effect (aka Chin gei bin) (aka The Twins Effect) /2003; Hong
Kong / Action / Adventure / Comedy / Horror; 107min (catfight, which
is just as bad as the remainder of the film. It's between two
attractive Asian actresses, Gillian Chung (as Gypsy) and Charlene
Choi (as Helen), but is nothing more than the typical Kung
foolishness that you see far too often in these martial arts
productions. Ms. Chung and Ms. Choi are each armed with a long shaft
and the entire fight consists of the two of them exchanging and
warding off blows with those weapons. This fight is well below

Vice Academy /1988; Comedy; 16, 51, 65/90min (hand to hand training;
groin punch; police trainee Linnea Quigley gets into a catfight with
fellow trainee Ginger Lynn Allen. The fight takes place on the police
academy training grounds and is reasonably long although no better
than average in quality)

Vice Academy Part II /1990; Comedy; 55, 77, 79/94min

Vice Academy Part III /1991; Comedy; 7, 19, 79/89min

View from the Top /2003; Comedy / Romance; 62/87min (3m26s scene in
a compartment on an airliner, blonde nice girl Gwyneth Paltrow (as
Donna Jensen) wearing a stewardess dress outfit is overpowered in a
short, not-so-great flight attendant 49s catfight with tramp
Christina Applegate (as Christine Montgomery) wearing a blouse and
short skirt who is on top when men break up the fight)

Walk on the Wild Side /1962; Drama; 106/114min (B&W quick but noisy

Wasp Woman, The (aka Insect Woman) (aka The Bee Girl) /1959;
Horror / Sci-Fi / Thriller; 69/73min (B&W, monster vs. woman struggle)

Water's Edge (aka Wicked Season, The –2002) /2003; Drama / Thriller;
71/97min (brawl, very good fight to the finish between brunette
Emmanuelle Vaugier (as Rae Baines) wearing a short dress and blonde
Chandra West (as Molly) wearing long pants in a shed, Ms Vaugier
knocks her out with a pipe)

Waxwork (aka Reise zurück in der Zeit) /1988; Germany / Horror;
37/98min (bloody vampires fight)

Weather Woman (aka Otenki-oneesan) (aka Weather Girl) (aka
Weatherwoman, A) /1995; Japan / Anime / Animation / Comedy /
Romance / Adult; 73/84min (powers, weapons; maga-esque duel between
the Chairman's daughter and the panty flasher, who both use their
magical weather controlling powers against each other in a live
battle to the death)

Wes Craven's Summer of Fear (aka Stranger in Our House) /1978 TVm;
Horror; last quarter/100min (long darkroom catfight between good girl
Linda Blair (as Rachel Bryant) wearing long pants and bad girl Lee
Purcell (as Julia) wearing a dress)

Whatever Happened to Aunt Alice? /1969; Thriller; 1st third/100min
(much rough treatment)

When Father was Away on Business (aka Otac na sluzbenom putu)/1985;
Yugoslavia / Drama; 136min (catfight)

When the Daltons Rode /1940; Western; 80min (B&W)

Wicked (aka The Second Wife) /1998; Thriller; 31/88min (chase,
tackle and strangle)

Wildthings /1998; Crime / Thriller; 66/108min (slapping pool
catfight between blonde Denise Richards (as Kelly Lanier Van Ryan)
and brunette Neve Campbell (as Suzie Marie Toller) very hot, Denise
totally dominated Neve)

Wild Things: Diamonds in the Rough (aka Wild Things 3) /2005;
Action / Drama / Mystery / Thriller; 10/86min (short pool catfight
during party in daylight)

Wild Women of Wongo, The /1958; Drama / Fantasy; 71min (primitives
catfight, considered to be one of the worst movies ever made, but it
has a nice fight between Adrienne Bourbeau and an unidentified
brunette on a beach with both women wearing skimpy two piece cave
girl outfits)

Willie Dynamite /1974; Crime / Drama; 29, 59, 68/102min (black woman
social worker wearing blue dress disarms a knife from a hooker in
apartment; minor cat spat between hookers in apartment; nasty
inside catfight between rival prostitutes brunette white girl Leslie
McRae and a black girl Norma Donaldson wearing a short black dress
who gets her throat cut by another blonde white girl)

Women in Cages (aka Women's Penitentiary III) /1971; Philippines /
Action / Drama; 24/78min (prison mess hall catfight between blonde
Roberta Collins (as Stoke) and Asian brunette Sofia Moran (as
Theresa) wearing skimpy prison dresses designed to show a lot of leg)

Women in Fury (aka Femmine in fuga) /1985; Italy / Action / Drama;
10, 12, 13, 40, 44, 67/90min (hair grab; bloody crotch kick; towel
beating; catfights; knife attack; good girl Suzane Carvalho has a
fight with a bad girl named Paula who is wearing only skimpy panties
and Suzane is wearing a prison dress. By the end, Paula has the
moaning Suzane pinned and is choking her when another woman kicks her
off. Then a big black woman named Debise gives Paula a beating and
ends it by stabbing her. There is another brief fight between two
escaped prisoners in a stream, but it's broken up quickly)

Wrestling Women vs. the Aztec Mummy, The /1965; 77min (3 pro; 2nd

Wu Tang Clan Presents: Midnite Angels (aka Tian shi xing dong) (aka
Midnight Angels) (aka Angel) (aka Angels) (aka Fighting Madam -USA)
(aka Iron Angels) /1987; Taiwan / Action; 51, 85/90min (brief martial
arts fight between bad girl Yukari Oshima (as Madame Yeoung/Sue) a
drug smuggler and good girl Elaine Lui (as Elaine, Angel#3); lengthy
brutal and vicious fight between Ms. Oshima and Moon Lee (as Moon,
Angel #2) to the death)

Xtracurricular /2003; Comedy; (Catfight?)

Young Sherlock Holmes /1985; Thriller; 80/105min (struggle)

Zakhmi (aka Zakhmee) /1975; India / Action; (catfight)

Zoolander /2001; Comedy; 73, 77/89min (knee; trip and smack)

New Group Members Part 6 Netflix Rentals



Ice Queen /2005; Horror; (Ami Veevers-Chorlton (as Ice Queen) gets
into a catfight with the knife wielding Tara Walden which turns out
to be surprisingly competitive considering the ice queen's superior
strength. The bout is interrupted by a male member of the cast and is
average. It was preceded by another female fight involving Noelle
Reno and Jennifer Hill competing for the same man. They have a
confrontation that evolves from angry words and insults into a
catfight which features slapping, some wrestling on the floor and a
nice leg show by Ms. Hill. While what you get to see isn't bad, the
Reno-Hill fight is pretty brief and broken up before a clear winner
emerges. It's the best of the six female fights but still only
receives a rating of average, primarily because of its short length)

In Crowd, The /2000; Drama / Thriller / Mystery; near end/104min
(long homicidal-type fight between blonde heroine Lori Heuring and
bad girl brunette Susan Ward at night in the woods, so the darkness
obscures what appear to be some decent fight moves, including the use
of a shovel. The fight breaks off when one girl flees, and a game of
cat-and-mouse then ensues, until the girls have a final face-to-face
near a country club swimming pool)

Independent, The /2000; Comedy; 1st quarter/95min (fistfight clips)

Indian (aka Hindustani) /1996; India / Action / Drama / Musical;
(very brief but still watch able catfight between Urmila Matondkar
(as Sapna) and gorgeous Manisha Koirala (as Ishwarya) the
granddaughter of the ex-Prime Minister of Nepal)

Inseminoid (aka Horror Planet) /1981; Horror / Sci-Fi / Action /
Drama; 42, 51/86min (bloody homicide; head banging attack)

In the Line of Duty 5: A Beginning Queen's High (aka Hong fen zhi
zun) (aka In Line of Duty: A Beginning) (aka In the Line of Duty
5) /1991; Hong Kong / Action; near end/100min (martial arts sword
fight between Asian actress Cynthia Khan (as Michelle) and Australian
blonde Kim-Maree Penn, starts out as hand-to-hand combat subsequent
to which the ladies each grab a sword and continue the fight by
dueling with those weapons. The women also find time to throw each
other through some glass display cases, some pretty decent action)

Irma La Douce /1963; Comedy / Romance; 87, 102/142min (barroom

Jane and the Lost City /1987; Action / Comedy; 62, 83/94min (1
punch knockdown scene in a native village where Kirsten Hughes (as
Jane) is confronted by the extremely good looking Elsa O'Toole (as
the Leopard Queen). Kirsten and Elsa sort of face off which results
in one of them delivering a solid punch to the other's jaw that
deposits her on her shapely derriere, holding her jaw with a startled
look on her face. Not a knockout, but the punch quickly and
conclusively ended the fight; excellent dresses catfight within the
hold of a cargo plane between blonde heroine Kirsten Hughes (as Jane)
and Maud Adams (as Lola Pagola) her nemesis a Nazi agent in an
extended hard fought encounter. The two women have a great wrestling
match in a plane in which they each display a lot of leg and garters,
well above average)

Jawbreaker /1998; Comedy; 60/87min

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back /2002; Adventure / Comedy; 83/104min
(comic hitting and kicking fight, brunette Eliza Dushku (as Sissy aka
Faith from Buffy) is beaten by blonde Shannon Elizabeth (as Justice),
long scene cuts)

Jerk, The /1979; Comedy; 46/94min (one punch knock out)

Johnny Mnemonic /1995; Action / Sci-Fi / Fantasy / Thriller; 21,
30/95min (head slam on table in bar; brunette six-foot tall Tracy
Tweed (as Pretty) a female bodyguard and blonde Dina Meyer (as Jane)
a female bodyguard have a short fistfight in a warehouse some pretty
solid blows, Ms. Tweed wins with both women wearing long pants)

Josie and the Pussycats /2001; Comedy / Music; 80/99min (nefarious
record producer Parker Posey (as Fiona) gets into a fight with the
leader of the band Rachael Leigh Cook (as Josie McCoy). Although it
gets off to a promising start, the Posey-Cook catfight is no better
than average)

Judge Dredd /1995; Action / Crime / Sci-Fi; 79/96min (blood drawing
fist fight between brunette Diane Lane (as Judge Hershey) and Chinese
woman Joan Chen (as Ilas) who loses and gets knocked out by Ms Lane
with a bloody head butt, both women wearing long pants)

Jungle Virgin Force (aka Perawan rimba) /1983; Indonesia / Action;

Junior Bonner /1972; Action / Adventure; 80/103min (one punch)

J. W. Coop /1972; Drama; 75/115min (pool catfight)

Kansas City Bomber /1972; Drama; 99min (roller derby; pretty
realistic brutal fist fight between Raquel Welch (as K.C. Carr) and
Helena Kallianiotes (as Jackie Burdette) at night on a railroad track
with each woman getting in some solid licks before one gains the
upper hand)

Kickboxer's Tears (aka Xin long zhong hu dou) /1992; Hong Kong; 41,
72/94min (fairly brief martial arts fight between Yukari Oshima (as
Mrs. Wang) and Moon Lee (as Li Feng) in a coffee shop type
establishment; prearranged long grudge martial arts fight to the
death between Ms. Oshima and Ms. Lee that takes place in a circular
arena, both women wearing long pants)

Kill and Kill Again /1981; Action / Adventure; 85, 95/100min
(martial arts)

Kill Bill: Volume 1 (aka Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill: Volume
One) /2003; Action / Adventure; Crime / Drama / Thriller / Martial
Arts; 5, 76, 77, 90/111min (blonde Uma Thurman (as The Bride) fights
black woman Vivica A Fox (as Vernita Green) hand to hand, in a
furniture smashing, blood drawing fight that has face punches, kicks,
throws across the room and a kick Ms Fox's groin, Ms Fox pulls a
knife and the 2m12s fight is at a stand off interrupted when Ms Fox's
daughter comes home from school, the confrontation continues in the
Kitchen with both women talking when Ms Fox shoots at Ms Thurman with
a hidden gun and Ms Thurman throws a knife into her chest that kills
her, both women are wearing long pants; short sword fight Ms Thurman
kills Asian woman wearing a mans suit 0m30s; Bloody uninterrupted
weapons fight between Ms Thurman wearing long pants armed with a
sword and an Asian girl dressed in a school girl outfit armed with a
spiked ball and chain weapon, Ms Thurman while being choked with the
chain from the weapon hits the Asian girl with board containing
spikes in the left foot and then kills her 3m30s; Bloody
uninterrupted sword fight between Ms Thurman and Asian woman Lucy Liu
(as O-Ren Ishii) in a darkened setting with snow falling, Ms Liu is
beheaded 7m02s)

Kill Bill: Vol. 2 /2004; Action / Adventure; 75/min (long trailer
brawl between Uma Thurman and Daryl Hannah)

Killing in a Small Town, A /1990 TVm; Drama; last third/100min
(struggle over axe; ends with murder)

Knockout /2000; Action / Drama; 15, 19, 47, 58, 80/99min (boxing)

Lady Dragon /1992; Action / Adventure; 1st quarter, 2nd half/97min
(mud, 4 woman pool scuffle)

Lady in Red, The /1979; Action; 93min (15, 25, 28/120min) (shoving;
inmate/matron fight)

Lady Jayne: Killer (aka Betrayal) /2003; TVm; Action / Adventure; 42,
55, 82/90 min (gas pedal struggle; Two sexy blondes wearing long
pants in both fights, Erika Eleniak (as Emily Shaw) and Julie DuPage
(as Hit Lady Jayne Ferre) struggle and fist fight in moving car to
gain control and Erika escapes; near end a gun struggle with nice
take down, rolling, punches and choke fight with Erika killing Hit

Lair of the White Worm, The /1988; Horror; 40/94min (sexy stewardess
catfight dream sequence with Amanda Donohoe (as Lady Sylvia Marsh)
and Catherine Oxenberg (as Eve Trent) both dressed as stewardess's
grapple in the passenger compartment aisle of a plane, brief leggy
fight and does feature a pretty nice head scissors)

Last House on the Left, The /1972; 91min (fierce roll around outside
between mature Cynthia Carr wearing long pants and Jeramie Rain
wearing a skirt who gets thrown into pool and has her throat cut)

Latin Kingz /2003; 75/85min (1m26s beach scene, Hispanic girl
wearing blue bikini is pulled from a beach table toward the water by
another Hispanic girl wearing black bikini for a short 45s in water
fight, the girl in blue tries one attempted slap, gets her hair
pulled while in the water and loses her top with no skin shown. A guy
trying to video the lame action interrupts the scenes)

League of Their Own, A /1992; Comedy / Drama; 72/128min (infield
rolling catfight between brunette Rosie O'Donnell (as Doris
Murphy/3rd base) and a smaller blonde with both girls wearing short
baseball skirts. The blonde attacks and jumps upon Ms. O'Donnell's
back and takes her down to the grass)

Libertine, The (aka Matriarca, La) (aka Matriarch, The) /1969;
Italy / Comedy / Drama; 90min

Living Coffin, The /1965; 72min (rolling struggle)

Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart at the River Styx (aka Kozure Ôkami:
Sanzu no kawa no ubaguruma) /1972; Japan / Action; 81min

Love and Anarchy (aka Film d'amore e d'anarchia) (aka Film d'amore e
d'anarchia, ovvero 'stamattina alle 10 in via dei Fiori nella nota
casa di tolleranza...') /1973; Italy / Drama; 108min (choke fight)

Loves of Carmen, The /1948; Drama; 13/99min (catfight)

Low Down Dirty Shame, A /1994; Action / Comedy / Crime; 95/100min
(fists and kicks catfight between Sally Richardson (as Angela) and
Jada Pinkett Smith (as Peaches Jordan) two black women. Richardson
has a gun, but is soon disarmed and then they get it on. Richardson
lands the first blows and tries to finish Pinkett off with a vicious
foot stomp, but the tables are turned and then Ms. Richardson truly
gets her ass kicked, both wearing long pants)

Lust for Freedom (aka Georgia County Lockup) /1987; 19, 31, 34, 56,
67, 82/90min (slap, karate, fists, knife, Very long ring fight in the
prison gymnasium between massive two hundred plus pound 6'4" tall Dee
Booher (as Big Eddie (as Dee "Queen Kong" Booher) and half her size
Donna Lederer (as Donna) both inmates who dislike each other. They go
at it for an extended period of time in the presence of numerous
other inmates and despite the size disparity, the much smaller Ms.
Lederer gives Ms. Booher all she can handle in a pretty entertaining

Mackenna's Gold /1969; Action / Adventure / Western; 70, 74,
108/128min (fight between a Indian girl brunette Julie Newmar (as
Hesh-Ke) swimming nude and a blonde cowgirl Camilla Sparv (as Inga
Bergmann) swimming wearing clothes, Ms Newmar almost wins but Ms
Sparv is saved by male; night knife attack by Ms Newmar at Ms Sparv
which is stopped by male; fight while riding fast down a mountain
trail on horses between Ms Sparv and Ms Newmar who loses and falls
off her horse and off a big cliff)

Man Called Horse, A /1970; Western / Adventure / Drama; 20/114min
(blanket and hair pulling)

Maniac (aka Sex Maniac) /1934; Horror; 45/52min (B&W long thrashing
clothes ripping catfight between Thea Ramsey (as Alice Maxwell) and
Phyllis Diller (as Mrs. Buckley) with scene cuts. Mad Doctor tricks
and convinces each that the other woman is deranged and must be
sedated with a hypodermic syringe which they jab at one another)

Maniac Nurses (aka Maniac Nurses find Ecstasy) /1990; Horror;
75min (brief catfight between brunette with a assault weapon wearing
short blue jean shorts and a blonde wearing short pant outfit that
becomes topless)

Marci X /2003; Comedy / Music; 43/84min (tall blonde actress, Lisa
Kudrow, from Friends (as Marci Feld) has a quick fight with a Latino
girl in a nightclub)

Married to the Mob /1988; Comedy / Crime; 25, 60, 88/103min
(arguing; 2 punches; throughout the movie Michelle Pfeiffer (aka
Angela de Marco) is at odds with Mercedes Ruehl (as Connie Russo) and
the two women have a showdown near the end of the film which is
quickly concluded by one delivering a hard punch which sends the
other into dreamland)

Massacre in Dinosaur Valley (aka Nudo e selvaggio) /1985;
Italy /Action / Adventure; 88min (struggle; dusky lady captor fondles
her blonde captive. Brunette friend of blonde captive tries to pull
dusky lady off, but another captor (considerably uglier) pulls the
brunette off. That's it)

Mata Hari /1985; Drama / War; 62, 87/108min (topless sword fight;
tackle; Sylvia Kristel (as Mata Hari) gets into a dispute with Emese
Balogh (as Marquesa de la Casa Funta) at a dinner party. The two
women decide to resolve their disagreement by having a duel with
swords, which they engage in topless in the presence of the dinner
guests. The fight goes on for a reasonable period of time until one
of the duelists prevails with a quick thrust)

Medallion, The /2003; Hong Kong / Comedy / Action / Fantasy /
Thriller; 73/89min (martial arts fist fighting type catfight between
brunette good girl Claire Forlani (as Nicole James) and similarly
skilled evil henchwoman blonde Nicola Berwick (as Kidnap Nurse/Nikki
Berwick) in a castle, above average)

Mercy /2000; Mystery / Thriller; 52, 60, 89/100min (one punch; gun
struggle and punch; struggle with topless woman and bloody kill)

Midnight Kiss (aka In the Midnight Hour) /1993; Horror; 85min
(female detective Michelle Owens (as Carrie Blass) who is bitten by a
vampire which causes her to become one. Michelle gets into two fights
with female vampires. The first is against Atalia Malichi (as Corpse
#2) that takes place in a morgue and is of average quality. The
second catfight, which matches Ms. Owens against Darla Grant (as
Carol) in a deserted residence, is excellent. It goes on for a long
time, starting out on the second floor and concluding on the first
after the women battled their way down the stairs. Superb female
fighting action)

Midnight Tease II /1995; Thriller / Drama; 91min (yelling
strippers; fistfight with choke-out, Tane McClure battles Kimberly
Kelley in a one-sided fight)

Midsummer Night's Dream, A /1999; Comedy; 68/106min (yelling and
tackle into mud)

Million Dollar Baby (aka Rope Burns) /2004; Drama; 137min (Hilary
Swank (as Maggie Fitzgerald) a female boxer engages in other female
ring boxing fights)

Mini-Skirt Mob, The /1968; Action / Drama; 24/82min (leggy ground
rolling catfight, leader of some biker chicks blonde Diane McBain (as
Shayne) wearing a mini skirt beats up good girl brunette Sherry
Jackson (as Connie) wearing a bathing suit, Ms Jackson gets slapped

Miss Congeniality /2000; Comedy; 101/110min (struggling, one punch)

Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous /2005; (short and
uninspiring bout between Faith Minton, playing a bank robber and
Susan Chuang playing an FBI agent)

Modesty Blaise /1966; Comedy / Crime / Thriller; 105/119min (outside
hand to hand short catfight between leggy blonde Monica Vitti wearing
a short white dress on the losing end and evil assassin Rosella Falk
wearing long pants, Ms Falk gets hung by rope)

Mommie Dearest /1981; 89/129min (mom and daughter choke fight)

Monster-In-Law /2005; Comedy / Romance; 20, 28, 79 & 86/102min
(tackle; knee to the groin; slap fight. Deleted scenes catfight and
gag reel) (Jane Fonda (as Viola Fields) shoves Jennifer Lopez (as
Charlotte "Charlie" Cantilini) face first into a cake on a dining
room table)

More American Graffiti /1979; Comedy; 111min (short bar fight with
split screen)

Mortal Kombat: Annihilation /1997; Fantasy / Action / Adventure; 41,
71/98min (muddy martial arts fight between blonde Sandra Hess (as
Sonya Blade) wearing tiny shorts and brunette Dana Hee (as Mileena)
wearing long pants, Ms Hess eventually gets the upper hand and kills
the female ninja on the ground with a kick to the head; martial arts
fight between Talisa Soto (as Princess Kitana) and the sultry Musetta
Vander (as Queen Sindel) that is inter-cut with other fights)

Mother, Jugs and Speed /1976; 0/97min (pro wrestling)

Moulin Rouge /1952; Drama; 9/123min (comic catfight between two
dance hall girls Muriel Smith (as Aicha) and Katherine Kath (as La
Goulue) that takes place in a cabaret. The actresses exchange some
catty remarks and then fight it out in front of an appreciative group
of onlookers. Not a bad fight but it would have been better had the
two opponents been a tad more svelte)

Moving Violations /1985; Comedy; 73/90min (prolonged comic catfight)

Mr. Deeds /2002; Comedy / Romance; 73/96min (Pizza Parlor comic
catfight, heavy woman fights light weight cute blonde)

Mummy Returns, The /2001; Adventure / Action / Fantasy / Horror;
130min (long weapons and knife fight between Latin brunette Patricia
Velasquez (as Meela Nais/Anck Su Namun) and brunette Rachel Weisz (as
Evelyn Carnahan O'Connell/Princess Nefertiri) wearing terrific two-
piece outfits showing their amazingly well-toned bodies in front of
the royal audience. Ms. Velasquez ends up knocking down Ms. Weisz at
the end and having her at knifepoint, not a KO but close. Ms. Weisz's
sexy stomach is going up and down as the bad girl has her down on the
floor at the end of this real looking battle. Ms. Velasquez turns
chicken and runs away midway through her second fight with Ms. Weisz)

Muriel's Wedding (aka Muriel) /1994; Comedy / Romance; 27/106min
(rolling catfight in a Nightclub)

My Lucky Stars (aka Fuk sing go jiu) /1985; Hong Kong / Action /
Comedy; 85/96min (martial arts catfight between two Asian women, good
girl Sibelle Hu (as Swordflower) takes a licking from the muscular
bad girl Michiko Nishiwaki (as Japanese Fighter) inside a building.
Ms. Nishiwaki suddenly appears wearing a geisha girl type robe, which
covers most of her body. Ms. Hu, wearing long pants, spots her and
moves toward her in anticipation of a fight. As Sibelle approaches,
Ms. Nishiwaki lets the robe drop to the floor which maneuver reveals
an extremely buff body attired in a tight fitting black one-piece
bathing suit. Michiko then assumes a body builder's pose and flexes
her biceps, which causes Sibelle to stop in her tracks and gasp.
After a momentary pause, Ms. Hu continues to advance toward Ms.
Nishiwaki and the women proceed to engage in a fierce catfight. This
is one of the better female fight scenes from the martial arts genre)

Mystery Men /1999; 43/122min (very short candidate heroine catfight)

Naked Kiss, The (aka Iron Kiss, The) /1964; Drama; ½ way/93min (B&W
slap, 2 tussles; one-sided catfight between prostitute Constance
Towers (as Kelly) and the proprietress of a bar Virginia Grey (as
Candy) in which one of the women secures the advantage by employing
her purse as a weapon, barely average in quality)

Naked Weapon (aka Chek law dak gung) /2002; Hong Kong / Action /
Romance; 90min (four catfight scenes; The first is relatively brief,
depicts several of the girls engaging in martial arts combat on a
beach. The second takes place in their barracks near the end of their
training. They are instructed by the evil Almen Wong (as Madame M)
who operates the camp, that they must all fight and "kill the girl
next to you." A wild brawl breaks out among the women, who probably
number about forty at this point in the movie, and results in about
half of them getting killed. Madame M tells the survivors that they
must next fight in an elimination type contest to be conducted
in "the cage" which will continue until only one of them is alive.
That person will be the camp's sole "graduate" who will then commence
her career as an assassin for hire. The third catfight takes place in
the aforementioned cage and features the best fight scenes in the
movie. All of the women are armed, some with machete type weapons and
others with spears. After a lot of fighting, all of the remaining
women are killed with the exception of the characters portrayed by
Maggie Q, Anya and Jewel Lee. The three of them are engaged in a two
against one fight (Maggie and Anya against Jewel) when Madame M stops
the action and announces that she has decided that, because of the
great fighting skill each of them has displayed, all three as opposed
to only one will survive and serve as assassins. The fourth catfight
scene pits Maggie Q against Ms. Lee in a martial arts battle. The
quality of this fight, a large part of which finds the actresses
leaping and flying through the air, is poor)

Needful Things /1993; Drama / Horror / Thriller; ½ way/120 min
(knife vs. cleaver, Amanda Plummer and Valri Bromfield have an
absolutely brutal fight which has one armed with a butcher knife and
the other with a meat cleaver. An action packed fight that ends with
the death of both women)

Neon Maniacs /1986; Horror; 1st ½ hour/91min

Net Games /2003; Thriller; near end/90min (catfight between blonde
Lala Sloatman (as Angel) wearing a short nightie and brunette Monique
Demers (as Jennifer Williams) wearing long pants. They battle over
the internet through much of the movie and then have a woman-to-woman
showdown near its conclusion. Their fight is excellent, with the
loser Ms Sloatman getting her head shoved through the computer
monitor and electrocuted)

New Girlfriend, The (aka Envy 1999) /2003; Thriller; 55, 62/83min
(bathroom fight between older woman and a younger blonde; choke)

Night Evelyn Came out of the Grave, The (aka Notte che Evelyn uscì
dalla tomba, La) (aka Night She Arose from the Tomb, The) (aka Night
That Evelyn Left the Tomb, The) /1971; Italy / Drama / Horror /
Thriller; 103min (gory catfight)

Night Hunter /1995; Action / Drama / Horror; near beginning, @
¾ /86min (2 fistfights,; decent length fistfight between vampire
Sophia Crawford (as Carmella) and vampire Dena Ridgley Miller (as
Mary Cutter) that is the better of the two; shorter fistfight, six
punches to the face, 1 elbow and a finishing back hand fight between
vampire Maria Ford (as Tournier) and good girl Melanie Smith (as
Raimy Baker) in an elevator and is slightly above average in quality)

Night of the Bloody Apes (aka Horripilante bestia humana, La - 1968)
(aka Gomar: The Human Gorilla) (aka Horror and Sex) (aka Horror y
sexo - racier version) /1969; Mexico / Horror / Sci-Fi / Thriller;
2, 18, 24/83min (pro; 7th luchadoras)

Night of the Demons /1988; Horror; 67/88min

Night of the Seagulls (aka Noche de las gaviotas, La) (aka Blind
Dead 4, The) /1976; Spain / Horror; 89min

Nights of Cabiria /1957; 15/110min (hookers catfight)

Nine ½ Weeks /1986; Romance; 98/113min (flailing slaps)

99 Women (aka 99 mujeres) /1969; Spain / Drama / Action; 16. 21,
36, 51, 56, 81/90min (catfights; pretty Maria Rohm totally
overpowered by a brunette; disarm; guard beat down)

Ninja Cheerleaders /2002; Action / Comedy; 12, 18, 32, 35, 38, 54,
74/91min (blow-up doll comes to life nude; outside 3 girls wearing
short skirt sexy Cheerleader outfits fight girls wearing short skirt
sexy Catholic school girl outfits and a blow-up doll with hair pulls,
kicks, topless tit slaps and nice panty shows, a fourth Cheerleader
then fights the 4 Catholic girls and wins; Catholic girls in
classroom punch, kick, and choke fight with another girl getting
involved; topless Cheerleader with short skirt and no panties on;
karate fight practice; 4 Cheerleaders fight 4 Catholic girls; finally
with 4 Cheerleaders fighting 4 Catholic girls; All fights are comic,
not serious or real looking)

Nun's Story, The /1959; Drama; 60/149min (2m06s Scene, Audrey
Hepburn (as Sister Luke) wearing a Nun outfit and working in a
sanatorium is persuaded by inmate Colleen Dewhurst wearing a short
dress to unlock the door and when she does Colleen pulls her into the
cell and a fight ensues between them. Very well performed fight as
the two actress's battle it out in a manner you would expect to see
in a real catfight)

Nymphs Anonymous /1968; Comedy; (B&W)

Oklahoma! /1955; Musical / Romance / Western; 53/145min (catfight)

Olga's Girls /1964; Thriller / Crime / Horror; 70min (B&W long floor
rolling struggle between Audrey Campbell wearing tight pants and
boots and Rickey Bell (as Collette) wearing a short skirt)

Omen IV: The Awakening /1991 TVm; Horror; 7, 51, 114/120min

Once Bitten /1985; Comedy / Horror; 63/93min (dance fight)

One Million AC/DC /1969; Drama / Fantasy; 49/80min (weak topless
catfight between two gals intercut with the dueling lizards from One
Million B.C.)

One Million Years B.C. /1966; Adventure / Sci-Fi / Fantasy; 74min
(classic cave girl brawl between blonde Raquel Welch (as Loana) and
brunette Martine Beswick (as Nupondi) that is one of the sexiest
physical confrontations between two women ever to appear on film)

Operation Cobra (aka Inferno) /1997; Action; near end/82min (good
girl Indian actress Dipti Bhatnagar (as Shalimar) is fighting it out
with bad girl Tane McClure (as Callista) on an upper floor. Both
women are attired in pants. Not a bad catfight, hindered however by
frequent and lengthy cutaways to the Wilson-Lurie fight on lower

Opponent, The /2000; Drama; 36, 48, 60, 68/90min (Erika Eleniak (as
Patty) plays a woman boxer. Aunjanue Ellis (as June), Suzi Tasca (as
Caris "The Rocket") and Alicia Ashley (as Buff Opponent) play the
other female boxers. Erika does not come off as a very convincing
pugilist; @ 36min blonde Ms. Eleniak gets knocked out by a big
brunette; @ 48min Ms. Eleniak boxes a black girl; @ 60min sex in
bed cur a ways to female boxing scenes; @ 68min main event, Ms.
Eleniak boxes brunette former female police sergeant and her hale
trainer throws in the towel, Ms. Eleniak the loses 7m39s scene)

Osterman Weekend, The /1983; Thriller / Action; 60/102min (1 punch

Outlanders /1986; Anime / Animation / Sci-Fi; (catfight)

Outlaws is Coming, The /1965; Comedy / Western; 62/89min (comic
street shoot out, fistfight, hair pulling and clothes ripping battle
between Nancy Kovack (as Annie Oakley) wearing a dress and Marilyn
Fox (as Bell Star-First Girl) wearing long pants)

Outrageous Fortune /1987; Comedy / Mystery; 24/100min (comic
catfight between leggy Shelley Long wearing a dress and Bette Midler
wearing long pants in a morgue room)

Paper Bullets (aka American Samurai - UK) /1999; Action / Crime;
(fight with good belly punching, rough bad girl works over the
captured heroine and a blow to the stomach brings the good girl to
her knees and leaves her in tears crying)

Parent Trap, The /1961; Family; 14/124min (catfight)

People Under the Stairs, The /1991; Horror; 101min

Perfect Blue /1997; Japan / Animation / Mystery / Thriller; 75/85min
(anime, long bloody fight)

Pete `n Tillie /1972; Drama / Comedy / Romance; last ½ hour/100min
(surprisingly great vicious and funny knock-down brawl catfight
between Carol Burnett (as Tillie) and Geraldine Page (as Gertrude) A
pretty spirited display, but the two aren't the sexiest looking women)

Phantom Empire, The /1986; Sci-Fi / Fantasy / Horror; 72/83min (1
punch; topless cavegirl catfight between Michelle Bauer (as Cave
Bunny #1) and Tricia Brown (as Cave Bunny #1), both wearing fur
bikinis' engage in a rather unexceptional catfight intended primarily
to permit them to tear off each other's tops, slightly below average)

Pirates of Tortuga /1961; Action / Adventure; 97min

Pit Fighter (aka Legend of Pit Fighter - USA) /2005; Action; (no-
holds-barred fight in the ring between two attractive women)

Planet of the Apes /1968; Sci-Fi / Fantasy; 39/112min (two women
dressed in cave girl outfits have a brief fight in the background of
other detained prisoners outside in a cage)

Player's Club, The /1999; Comedy / Drama; 67, 85/103min (attempted
attack; intense fistfight in a dressing room between two black girls
Lisa Raye (as Diana Armstrong/Diamond) and Chrystale Wilson (as
Ronnie) that is long and extremely realistic, Ms. Wilson gets bloody
and knocked out)

Poison Ivy: The New Seduction /1997; near end/ 95min (weak bedroom
brawl between blonde and brunette good girl with both wearing
dresses, blonde gets killed falling down stairs)

Policewomen (aka Insiders, The) (aka Police Woman) /1974; Action /
Crime / Drama; 1, 6, 33, 62, 80, 96/99min (martial arts-type hand-to-
hand; redhead police officer Sondra Currie (as Lacy Bond) knocks out
a number of female convicts with single karate chops and kicks. Later
aboard a yacht, a gang of bikini girl smugglers try attacking Lacy
with weapons but never land a blow as she uses karate on them one by
one. Brunette Susan McIver (as Laura) is sent flying by a single
karate kick and is knocked out by hitting the side rail. Lacy knees a
second brunette in the face and flings her to the deck. A third girl,
a redhead is floored by Lacy's single face punch. Finally blonde
Dorrie Thomson (as Caroline) gets kicked ignominiously round the deck
by Lacy who quickly finishes her with a boot in her face, smashing
Caroline back to the deck and knocking her cold)

Polymorph /1996; Action / Sci-Fi; 86min (fistfight between a hot
redhead in leather and a hot blonde in jeans and a T-shirt)

Pom Pom Girls, The (aka Palisades High) /1976; Comedy; 66/90min

Powerplay (aka Power Play) /1999 TVm; Drama / Thriller / Comedy;
near end/88min (outside fight in an alley between Shannon Tweed (as
Jacqueline Knight) and Danielle Ciardi (as Candice Alcott) with both
wearing long pants)

Practical Magic /1998; Fantasy / Mystery / Drama / Romance; 103min
(Nicole Kidman (as Gillian Owens) gets backhanded by Sandra Bullock
(as Sally Owens). It was just a slap that knocked her right out, not
much of a fight)

Prehistoric Women /1967; Adventure / Fantasy; 30, 75/90min (chase
with knife; Cavewoman groups shoving and roll around, Martine
Beswick (as Kari) has a brief scuffle with Edina Ronay (as Saria)
that is very disappointing)

Primal Instinct /2002; Thriller; 79/84min (weak knife struggle)

Princess Blade, The (aka Shura Yukihime) /2001; Japan / Action /
Sci-Fi; 93min (fight between Japanese model and pop star Yumiko Shaku
and female assassin Yoko Chosokabe. The fight starts in a building
and concludes in a forest and consists primarily of swordplay with a
little martial arts thrown in. While it is reasonably long and
features a lot of action, this female fight is geared strictly for
the martial arts crowd)

Private Benjamin /1980; Comedy; 100min (short one sided Army
barracks catfight between Goldie Hawn (as Pvt. Judy Benjamin/Goodman)
wearing full military uniform and brunette Toni Kalem (as Pvt.
Gianelli) in only her underwear. There was a brief bit of rolling
around on the bed but then Goldie gets punched out. Later in the
film, they have a spirited test of strength, but shake hands after it)

Project A-Ko /1986; 53/86min (anime; long, interrupted superpowered

Prom Night III: The Last Kiss /1989; 97min (chokes)

Punch /2002; Canada / Drama; 2, 21, 41, 51, 63, 78/90min (1m04s
scene of an unseen fight in girls locker room; 1 punch; 3 scenes
topless boxing; nice uninterrupted 2m18s bloody fist fight in the
barn between older brunette Meredith McGeachie (as Julie) and younger
blonde Sonja Bennett (as Ariel). The fight ends on the ground with
Ms. McGeachie on top with a schoolgirl pin and punching her bloody
with Ms. Bennett losing and left crying)

New Group Members Part 5 Netflix Rentals



8 Femmes (aka 8 Women) /2002; French; 24; 74; 78; 95/110min (old
women push each other around; old women struggle and one is knocked
out with bottle; short catfight between young girls with one wearing
a skirt and the other wearing pants, they slap, hair pull and leg
show; leggy catfight between mature blonde Catherine Deneuve wearing
a blue dress and mature brunette leggy Fanny Ardant wearing a red
dress, gun disarm, hair pull, leg rolls and kissing each other at end)

Empire /2002; Action / Drama; 73/90min (one punch, Denise Richards
(as Trish) is slapped across the face by a very pregnant pretty girl
but doesn't fight back)

Enemy Gold /1993; Action / Adventure; 78/92min (disarm fight and
some hand-to-hand combat between bad girl six foot tall Julie Strain
(as Jewel Panther) and government agent Suzi Simpson (as Becky
Midnite) who briefly kicks her ass)

Error in Judgment /1998; Thriller; 84min (pretty good catfight
between psychiatrist Joanna Pacula (as Liz) and Korean actress and
former Playboy model Sung Hi Lee (as Toni) one of her patients who
has some homicidal tendencies. Ms. Lee eventually shows up at
Joanna's house with the intention of killing her. A protracted fight
ensues, which is occasionally interrupted by Ms. Pacula's efforts to
flee her assailant but one of the combatants had a clear advantage
when the fight was stopped by the male lead)

Escape from Hell (aka Femmine infernali) (aka Escape) (aka Hellfire
on Ice, Part 2: Escape from Hell) (aka Infierno de las
mujeres) /1980; Italy / Action; 5, 18, 28, 54, 78/93min (slap;
drowning; 3 thrashing fights)

Eulogy /2004; Comedy / Drama; 26/91min (scene in which the rather
large clan is having dinner. An argument breaks out between Debra
Winger (as Alice Collins) and Kelly Preston (as Lucy Collins) that
becomes increasingly heated. Kelly finally grabs Debra and pushes her
up against a wall. This prompts a catfight, which culminates with the
women, both wearing pants, grappling on the dining room floor. To the
family's credit, nobody leaves his or her seat to break up the fight,
done fairly well but its duration is way too brief)

Excessive Force 2; Force on Force /1995; Action / Drama; 40,
48/88min (catfight in a hotel room between blonde policewoman Stacie
Randall (as Harly Cordell) wearing blue and a black hooker wearing
lingerie, the hooker gets knocked out; apartment one-sided fight
between Ms. Randall and the same black hooker)

Exit to Eden /1994; Comedy; 113min (Dominatrix roll around between
brunette Rosie O'Donnell wearing black and a sexy black girl wearing

Exposure /2000; Germany / Thriller / Romance; 90min (better
protracted female fight between Alexandra Paul (as Jackie Steerman)
and Elizabeth Hawthorne (as Detective Shoorwell)

Extreme Challenge (aka Dei seung chui keung) (aka C3
Fighters) /2001; Hong Kong / Action / Adventure; 89min (two separate
occasions, a free-for-all breaks out among the numerous contestants
during which you get brief glimpses of fighting between female
competitors at a martial arts championship; one-on-one elimination
bout between Korean American model/actress Patricia Ja Lee (as Tang
Ning) and blonde Nicole Berwick (as Nikki Berwick) the fight takes
place on a platform located in the middle of a body of water. The
women are armed with weapons, Ms. Lee using two short rods and Ms.
Berwick a longer staff)

Eyes in the Night /1942; Crime / Drama / Mystery; 80min (B&W one
punch; Donna Reed (as Barbara Lawry) felled a female opponent with
one good and loud punch)

Eyes of Laura Mars /1978; Thriller; 17/103min (photo shoot outside
mock model catfight)

Eyes of Texas /1948; Western; 70min

Face the Evil (aka No Contest II) (aka No Contest II: Access
Denied) /1997; Action; near end/86min (blonde Shannon Tweed (as
Sharon Bell) wearing a skirt is chased by brunette Fiona Highet (as
Lisette) with a gun and wearing long pants into a screening room
where they engage in an excellent uninterrupted long action punching
and kicking fight which ends in the death of Ms Highet by being
flipped upon a long standing stake)

Fallen Angels /2002; Horror; 72/97min (quick hair grab)

Fangs of the Living Dead (aka Malenka) (aka Nipote del vampiro,
La) /1969; Spain / Horror; 69/75min (vampire catfight between Rosanna
Yanni (as Blinka) and Andriana Ambesi (as Freya Zemis (as Audrey
Ambert) which is nicely done, competitive, of reasonable length, and
the winner dragging the loser across the floor by her hair)

Fatal Attraction /1987; Drama / Horror / Thriller; near end/119min
(bathroom knife struggle and homicidal fight between blonde Glenn
Close (as Alex Forrest) wearing a white dress and brunette Anne
Archer (as Beth Gallagher) wearing a bath robe for panty shot.
Michael Douglas interrupts the fight and Ms. Archer shoots Ms. Close)

Fatal Beauty /1987; 72/104min (fist fight between Whoopi Goldberg
and a blonde with both wearing long pants. Ms Goldberg punches the
blonde through a window and into the swimming)

Fatal Instinct /1993; Comedy / Crime / Thriller; 17, 81/91min (comic
stunt fight in office between blonde and brunette; comic drowning in
bath tub)

Fatal Lessons: The Good Teacher /2004 TVm; Drama / Thriller; 90min
(villianess Erika Eleniak (as Victoria Paige) has a disappointing
very quick end fight with the heroine struggling over a needle
containing an injection of paralyzing formula)

Fathom /1967; Adventure; ½ way/99min (gun struggle between Raquel
Welch wearing a red dress and older Ann Lancaster (as Mrs. Trivers)
who gets shot, below average and probably Raquel's weakest
catfight effort)

Female Convict Scorpion: Jailhouse 41 (aka Joshuu sasori: Dai-41
zakkyo-bô) (aka Scorpion: Female Prisoner Cage #41) /1972; Japan;
20, 60/89min (gang kicking; gang stripping)

Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion (aka Joshu Sasori 701-go Urami
Bushi) /1972; Japan / Drama / Thriller / Crime; 83min

Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters /1997; Indonesia / Action /
Comedy; 1, 12, 17, 23, 29, 35, 43, 66/93min (judo, pro, martial arts,

Final Examination /2003; Thriller; 81, 86/98min (gun threat; decent
but short catfight between brunette Debbie Rochon (as Taylor Cameron)
wearing a black long dress and blonde Amy Lindsay (as Kristen Neal)
wearing a long shirt and panties inside an apartment suite. Ms.
Rochon dominates the fight and is interrupted by a cop with gun)

Final Voyage /1999; Action / Drama; 95min (brunette Claudia
Christian (as Max) has a disappointing fight against former Baywatch
babe blonde Erika Eleniak (as Gloria Franklin) on an ocean liner. Ms.
Eleniak disposes of gunwoman Ms. Christian in a brief altercation and
Ms. Christian is accidentally gunned down at the conclusion by
another baddie)

Firewalker /1986; Action / Adventure / Comedy; 28/104min (knife

Five Bloody Graves /1970; Action / Adventure; 88min

Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe /1940; 12 Chapter Serial; 270min
on DVD (Ch. 5-slap; Ch. 10-pistol struggle, hand to hand)

Flightplan /2005; Action / Drama / Thriller; 98min (flight attendant
Jodie Foster (as Kyle) has a "one punch and it's over" confrontation
with evil stewardess Kate Beahan (as Stephanie), unimpressive well
below average)

Flowers in the Attic /1987; Thriller; 95min (2 slap incidents)

Forbidden Zone /1980; Musical / Sci-Fi; 62/76min (B&W overstated

Four Musketeers, The (aka Four Musketeers: Milady's Revenge,
The) /1974; Action / Adventure / Romance / Comedy; 33, 90/110min
(catfight between Raquel Welch (as Constance de Bonancieux) and Faye
Dunaway (as Milady de Winter)

Foxy Brown /1974; Action / Crime / Drama; 52, 56, 86/94min (multi-
woman bar brawl; a catfight between two black women Pam Grier (as
Foxy Brown) fights Juanita Brown (as Claudia); Ms. Grier gets slapped
on floor with blouse ripped by brunette white girl after being
captured; Ms. Grier shoots white girl)

Freeway /1996; Crime / Drama / Thriller; 66/110min (bloody one-sided
prison fight between Reese Witherspoon (as Vanessa Lutz) and Alanna
Ubach (as Mesquita) who takes a severe beating)

Friday the 13th /1980; Mystery / Horror / Thriller; near end/98min
(slapping fight; catfight at night between the evil older woman Betsy
Palmer (as Pamela Voorhees) and younger woman Adrienne King (as Alice
Hardy) with both women wearing long pants)

From Russia With Love (aka Ian Fleming's "From Russia with
Love") /1963; Thriller / Action / Adventure / Drama; 43/118min (gypsy
catfight between former beauty pageant winners and aspiring actresses
Miss Jamaica Martine Beswick (as Zora) and Miss Israel Aliza Gur (as
Vida) with both wearing dresses)

Full Contact (aka Xia dao Gao Fei) /1992; Hong Kong / Action; 99min
(long fistfight)

Full Impact (aka American Streetfighter 2: The Full Impact) /1997;
Action; (illegal underground female fight scene primarily fistfights
with a little kicking thrown in and ends with a clear winner, with
cut a ways)

Galaxy Fraulein Yuna (aka Ginga ojousama densetsu yuna) /1995;
Japan / Animation; 35min (anime)

Gangland /2001; Action / Sci-Fi; 7, 60/90min (hair pulling in a
street brawl; blonde Kathleen Kinmont punches, kicks and fights a
powerfully built brunette with two blonde streaks in hair woman
outside in a daylight fight with both women wearing pants and Ms
Kinmont wins with a knock out kick to her face that lays her out on
her back on the ground)

Get Christie Love! /1974 TVm; Action / Adventure; 50/74min (slap
exchange and hammerlock)

G.I. Joe: The Movie /1987; Animation / Action / Adventure / War;
93min (martial arts fight)

Ginger /1971; Crime / Drama; 23/90min (3m58s scene, blonde Cheri
Caffaro (as Ginger) wearing a light silver blue bikini gets into a
rolling strip fight on the beach with a big busted brunette Cindy
Barnett wearing a black bikini, leaving Ms Barnette face down in the
sand tied up nude with her bikini; Ms. Caffaro tangles briefly with
another actress)

Ginger Snaps /2000; Horror; 108min

Girlfight /2000; 2, 68, 82, 91/110min (fists, mixed boxing, boxing)

Girls Are for Loving /1973; Crime / Drama; 86/94min (extremely one-
sided stripping slap fight between blonde Cheri Caffaro (as Ginger
McAllister) wearing evening gown and redhead Jocelyn Peters (as
Ronnie St. Claire) wearing evening gown at a party, winning and
dragging Ms Peters to the bedroom leaving her tied up nude)

Girls Fight Tonite (aka Chick Street Fighter) /2001; Germany /
Action / Drama; 7, 25, 42, 49, 68, 75/91min (un-involving fists and
kick boxing, features multiple fistfights between various actresses
including C. C. Heidik, Tiffany Mayes and Maisi Mayo and is
disappointing. The fights are short and each fight ended when one
girl gave up)

Gold of the Amazon Women (aka Amazon Women) (aka Quest for the Seven
Cities) /1979 TVm; Adventure; 100min (70/120min) (raft pole fight
between two girls, they start to fight, first with sticks then
briefly hand-to-hand. No great shakes, but a nice final punch knocks
one girl off her feet and into the water)

Golfballs! /1999; Comedy; 86min

Gone With the West (aka Bronco Busters) (aka Little Moon and Jud
McGraw -1978) (aka Man Without Mercy-1969) /1976; Western; 92min
(quick hotel room to the street catfight between Barbara Werle and
Elizabeth Leigh (unaccredited)

Good Wife, The /1987; Australia / Drama; 64/92min (quick catty

Gore Gore Girls, The /1972; Horror; 33/81min (weak shoving around)

Great Muppet Caper, The /1981; Children / Family; 95min

Great Race, The /1965; Action / Comedy / Musical / Adventure;
68/150min (glimpses of saloon fight)

Gun Fury /1953; Western; 54/83min (outside short, dusty catfight
between Donna Reed (as Jennifer Ballard) and Roberta Haynes (as
Estella Morales) which unfortunately was broken up shortly after it

Gunslinger (aka Yellow Rose of Texas, The) /1956; Western; 9, ½
way/71min (Beverly Garland (as Marshal Rose Hood) wearing long jean
pants with a gun belt strapped on and the statuesque Allison Hayes
(as Erica Page) wearing a floor length saloon hostess dress duke it
out in a saloon brawl in front of the delighted saloon clientele. Ms.
Garland pulls her pistol and shoots out one of the lights in the
saloon to enforce a curfew to close the establishment, which prompts
Ms. Hayes to attack Ms. Garland. The women engage in a combination
fistfight and wrestling match, Ms Hayes gets knocked out striking her
head against the bar after taking a solid right hook and left laying
on the floor; Ms. Garland is tied up by 3 girl bar maid gang)

Guys and Dolls /1955; Musical / Comedy / Romance; 86/150min (dance
floor fist fight)

Guy with the Secret Kung Fu, The (aka Cai yang nu bang zhu) /1981;
Hong Kong:

Hand that Rocks the Cradle, The / 1992; Thriller / Drama; near
end/110min (mean grapple to homicidal finish between evil nanny
blonde Rebecca De Mornay and good girl brunette Annabella Sciorra.
After the women exchange a few blows with what appeared to be
fireplace pokers, there is a pause in the fight while Ms. De Mornay
taunts a winded Ms. Sciorra. After Rebecca walks away, Annabella gets
to her feet and rushes her. The fight resumes and the women struggle
on the floor for a short period of time before Ms De Mornay gets
thrown out of the second story window)

Hard As Nails /2001; Action / Crime; 88min (2 apartment fights
between blonde Kim Yates (as Kat) wearing a short skirt and Asian bad
girl Chona Jason (as Tic/Jade) wearing long pants)

Harvard Man /2002; 45/99min (hammerlock restraint)

Havoc /2004; Crime / Drama / Romance; 1/90min (very brief fistfight
between long hair brunette busty Anne Hathaway (as Allison) an upper
class girl who joins a gang wearing a short white and red top with
long light blue jeans and a Latino or Black girl wearing a long blue
top with long dark jeans during a mass gang brawl outside in a
darkened setting with many cut interruptions to other fighting, below

Hawk's Revenge (aka Hawk's Vengeance) /1997; Action; near end/92min
(blonde Jayne Heitmeyer wearing a combat type outfit takes down a
nurse in an operating room wearing a leggy scrub dress for a quick
panty show during an operating room rescue. There are scene cuts for
male fights and in the end Jayne takes out the once again attacking
nurse with a heart shock defibrillator)

Hellcats, The (aka Biker Babes) /1967; Crime / Drama; 90min

Hell Hole (aka Escape from Women's Hell Hole - USA) (aka Hellhole -
Europe) (aka Women of Hell's Island) /1978; Philippines / Action /
Horror / Thriller; 82min

Hellhole Women (aka Sadomania - Hölle der Lust) /1981; Spain /
Germany / Adventure / Drama / Action / Crime / Thriller; 69min
(topless roll around; knife vs. spear; contains a couple of catfights
between a white prisoner and a black guard. The first breaks out
during an outdoor work detail and is a traditional hand-to-hand
catfight. The cruel female warden, played by the late transsexual
Ajita Wilson, who orders the two women to engage in a fight to the
death, interrupts it. The combatants are marched to the area where
they are to fight and each is provided with a weapon, the black girl
with a knife and the white girl with a spear. The second fight is
strictly a duel with these weapons and ends up with one of the women
meeting her maker)

Here Comes the Groom /1951; 96/113min (B&W entertaining little bout
between Jane Wyman and Alexis Smith)

High Voltage /1997; Action / Adventure / Thriller; 55/95min (short
energetic martial arts bar fight between brunette Shannon Lee (as
Jane Logan) wearing black leather long pant outfit and short red hair
biker chick Simonne Sabato (as Female Bar Patron) wearing red top and
blue jeans)

Hollywood Boulevard /1976; Comedy; 20, 35, 77/83min (roller derby;
shoves; hand-to-axe)

Hollywood Vice Squad /1986; Comedy; 101min

Homicidal /1961; Thriller; 84/87min

Honeybee /2002; 17, 31, 36, 40, 45, 61, 67, 71/90min (boxing)

Honey Britches (aka Moonshiners' Women) (aka Death Farm - USA) (aka
Demented Death Farm Massacre: The Movie - UK) (aka Hillbilly Hooker -
USA soft porn version) (aka Moonshiners' Women - USA) (aka
Shantytown Honeymoon - USA) /1971; Horror / Thriller; (oversold cat
struggle, Karen starts a catfight that ends with Reba Sue bludgeoning
in the big city girl's brains with a big jug of moonshine)

Hood Angels /2003; 67, 73, 78/90min (3 clunky martial arts fights
all between black girls; during a six person brawl in an office the
Kenia Brown and Erica Goings catfight is a combination of wrestling
and martial arts; After this six person brawl ends, one of the
heroines' male cohorts arrives on the scene to rescue them. His
arrival prompts Ms. Goings to flee, pursued by the good girls who
split up in an effort to find her. As Erica is exiting an elevator,
carrying a pistol, Kita Sha who kicks the weapon out of her hand
confronts her. The two then engage in a fairly lengthy fistfight
after which Ms. Goings again manages to escape. The good girls catch
up with her and Erica then has a rematch with Ms. Brown, which
combines fist fighting and martial arts. All three catfights take
place in a large office complex within a period of approximately ten

Hope and Glory /1987; Comedy / Drama / War; 53/113min (shoving and
slapping fight between mother and blonde teenage daughter)

Hope Floats /1998; Drama; 56/114min (very young school girl fight
2m20s scene, big red headed bully wearing dress beats up Mae Whitman
(as Bernice Pruitt) wearing jeans after school, not much of a fight)

Hot Dog... The Movie /1984; Comedy; 96min

Hotel /2001; Comedy; 93 to 114min

Hotel New Hampshire, The /1984; Drama; 7/110min (thrashing
cheerleaders, Jodie Foster attacks a big breasted blonde)

Hot Lead and Cold Feet /1978; Family / Western / Action;

Hot Shots! Part Deux /1993; Action / Comedy / War; near end/86min
(comic survivor fight with stick weapon)

Hot Wax Zombies On Wheels /2000; Horror; 66/82min (comic catfight)

House of Frankenstein /1944; Horror; 71min (B&W)

House on Sorority Row, The /1983; Horror; 91min (shove)

House Party 2 /1991; Comedy; 72/95min (hard shoving and 1 punch)

How the West was Won /1962; Action / Adventure; 1st ½ hour/155min
(quick knockdown)

How to Stuff a Wild Bikini /1965; Comedy; 27/90min (game of chicken
on guys' shoulders)

Hudson Hawk /1991; Comedy; 84/100min (head butt)

New Group Members Part. 4 Netflix Rentals



Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy (aka Meet the Mummy) /1955;
Comedy / Adventure / Horror; 1/79min (B&W staged acrobatic fight)

Abductors, The /1972; Action; 80min (mixed fight with woman being

Absolute Beginners /1986; Musical / Drama; 96/107min (catfight bits)

Ace Drummond /1936; Adventure / Action; 253min 13 Chapter Serial

Adam Had Four Sons (aka Legacy) /1941; Drama / Romance; 81min (B&W)

Aeon Flux /2005; Action / Adventure / Drama / Sci-Fi / Thriller;
(Charlize Theron (as Aeon Flux) fights Sophie Okonedo (as Sithandra)

Agent Aika: Final Battle /1998; Japan / Animation / Action /
Adventure / Fantasy; 15, 31, 40, 43, 47, 58, 74/90min (anime fights
of various kinds and length in very short skirts and white panties;
Heroine takes on a clutch of French maids)

Agent Red (aka Captured) /2001; Action; 95min (two fights between
Natalie Radford (as Nadia) and Meilani Paul (as Linda Christian) with
both women wearing U.S. Navy uniform, Ms Radford loses)

Airplane! /1980; Comedy; 16/86min (leggy Girl Scouts bar fistfight
brawl with panty show)

Airport '77 /1977; Drama / Action / Thriller; 2nd ½/113min (struggle
over plane door with one punch knock out)

Alien from L.A. /1988; Sci-Fi / Fantasy; 44/88min (pit fight-may or
may not be women)

Allan Quartermain and the Lost City of Gold /1987; 92/100min (weak-
sword attack, flip)

Alley Cat /1982; Action; 82min (two brief prison fights, the heroine
wins both and is pretty typical and kind of lame)

Amazons /1986; Action / Fantasy / Adventure / Sci-fi; 71/76min
(sword vs. axe)

Amazons and Gladiators /2001; Drama / Action / Adventure; 94min
(various battles between female gladiators including Nicole Hiltz,
Wendi Winburn and Melanie Gutteridge with the most notable being the
one between Ms. Hiltz and Ms. Gutteridge)

Angelfist (aka Angel Fist) /1993; Action / Thriller; 4, 29, 34, 40,
52, 68/81min (kickboxing)

Angel of H.E.A.T. (aka Angel from H.E.A.T.) (aka The Protectors,
Book 1) /1982; Action; 31, 80/93min (mud; chokes)

Annie /1982; Family / Musical; 5/128min (tykes tussle)

Arena, The (aka Naked Warriors - USA reissue title) (aka Rivolta
delle gladiatrici, La - Italy) /1973; Action / Adventure; 26, 31,
34, 43, 59/83min (multiple "gladiatrix bouts" between various
actresses including Daniele Vargas, Lucretia Love and Mary Count but
the featured fight is between Pam Grier (as African slave Mamawi) and
blonde Margaret Markov (as Bodicia); brawl in the slaves' dining
quarters, the most prominent of the action pits Ms. Markov against
Ms. Grier, during which confrontation you get to see Margaret and Pam
clamp headlocks on each other; Ms. Markov engages in two female
gladiatrix fights, the first is a less than spectacular bout with
Lucretia Love during which the women duel with swords. The second,
near the film's conclusion, once again matches Margaret against Pam
Grier. It is the longest and the best of the female fights in the
movie. Ms. Markov and Ms. Grier are attired as gladiatrixes with the
former armed with a sword and the latter a trident. The combatants
are evenly matched for a while, and then one starts to gain the
advantage. Before she can claim victory, however, the fight is
interrupted and concluded when a revolt by numerous of the slaves in
attendance breaks out in the arena. Despite its decent length, the
quality of this catfight is only a bit above average since the
fighting was restricted to the use of weapons)

Arena, The /2001; Adventure / Drama / Action; 18, 44, 64, 81/92min
(mostly swords, Lisa Dergan (s Bodicia) sword fights primary opponent
in the arena Karen McDougal (as Jessemina)

Armitage: Dual Matrix /2002; Japan / Action / Animation / Sci-Fi /
Adventure / Thriller; 52, 65, 72/90min (2 skating on 1 fight with one
woman topless; woman battles genetically engineered clones of herself)

Assault of the Killer Bimbos /1988; Comedy; last 15/85min (3 gal

Asylum Night /2004 TVm; UK / Horror; near end/90min (undercover
female reporter has her showdown with the other attractive vampire.
The reporter is dressed in a nurse's uniform and the vampire is in a
short maroon overall. The struggle is long but there are too many
cutaways to other things going on)

A Tale of Two Cities /1958; Drama; 117min (B&W rolling fight; loyal
and intrepid English maid Athene Seyler (as Miss Pross) blocks the
evil, hateful Frenchwoman Rosalie Crutchley's (as Madame Therese
Defarge) entrance into a room, the women grapple on their feet for a
while and then Madame Defarge pulls a pistol which discharges and
kills one of the women. Both women are somewhat plain and in the
latter stages of middle age)

Ator, the Fighting Eagle (aka Ator l'invincibile) (aka Ator) (aka
Ator the Invincible) (Ator,

Attack of the 60 Foot Centerfold /1995; Action / Adventure / Sci-
Fi; 72/84min (long giantess cat struggle and catfight between blonde
J. J. North (as Angel Grace) and red hair Tammy Parks (as Betty).
They play rival centerfolds that consume a formula, which causes each
of them to grow to a huge height with both of them wearing bikinis.
The fight goes on for a considerable period of time and is pretty
much limited to the women grappling on their feet while the horrified
townspeople attempt to flee the area where the giantesses are
battling, slightly above average)

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (aka Austin
Powers) /1997; Comedy / Action / Music / Adventure; 94min (one hit,
brunette Elizabeth Hurley (as Vanessa Kensington) karate chops the
neck of machine gun toting brunette bad girl Fabiana Udenio (as
Alotta Fagina). Unfortunately we only see part of Alotta's head and
hear her screech)

Avengers, The /1998; Action / Adventure; 64/95min (hand to hand)

Ayane's High Kick /1996; Action / Animation; 19, 43/60min (anime;

Baby, The /1973; Horror; 102min

Baby Cakes (aka Babycakes) /1989; Comedy / Drama / Romance;
(93/120min) (dance floor attack)

Babylon 5: Thirdspace /1998 TVm; Drama / Sci-Fi; 91min (Claudia
Christian (as Lieutenant Commander Susan Ivanova) has a decent but
brief fight with Shari Belafonte)

Bad Girls Dormitory /1984; Drama / Action / Comedy; 20, 69, 77/95min
(three catfights; Two involve Jennifer Delora (as Lisa) an inmate and
the much larger Rachel Hancock (as Harper) a prison guard. They
profoundly dislike each other and eventually agree to meet in an
empty cellblock to fight. Their bout lasts a long time and is quite
competitive. Despite the size disparity, Ms. Delora manages to hold
her own. The fight ends without a clear winner and the women
agree, "this isn't over yet," clearly setting up a rematch. The
rematch comes in the midst of an inmate riot when Jennifer and Rachel
come upon one another in what appeared to be the prison's basement.
Their second fight is also long, although this one ended much more
decisively than the first)

Bad Girls from Mars (aka Emmanuelle in Hollywood) /1991; Comedy /
Horror / Thriller; 86min (2 fights; topless battle of reasonable
duration which features a lot of wrestling and rolling around on the
floor between Edy Williams (as Emanuelle) and Dana Bentley (as
Martine) but fairly boring and the better of the two; fight between
Ms. Williams wearing a chorus girl type outfit and Brinke Stevens (as
Myra) wearing a body suit and wears a mask at the beginning of the
fight. There's quite a bit of wrestling around on the floor before
Edy pulls her opponent's mask off to reveal that it's Ms. Stevens who
she is fighting. Until Brinke is unmasked, it was difficult to
determine if Ms. Williams is battling a man or a woman, which
detracts from the fight's quality. The women stop their battle when
Edy pulls off the mask and talk for a while before they resume
fighting. Unfortunately, the fight ends quickly after its resumption
and we don't get to see much of Ms. Williams taking on an unmasked
Ms. Stevens)

Barbarian Queen II: The Empress Strikes Back /1989; Action /
Adventure / Fantasy; 80min (tall sexy blonde Lana Clarkson (as
Princess Athalia) wearing a white dress arriving at a rebel camp site
in forest and is attacked by redhead Orietta Aguilar (as Erigena)
wearing a two piece outfit and with punching, slaps and a shove into
a wagon a barrel of water spills which starts a long rolling catfight
in the mud that soon becomes topless, Ms Clarkson knocks out Ms
Aguilar and then throws a bucket of water on her for a quivering
revival of her defeated opponent)

Barfly /1987; Comedy / Drama / Romance; 93/97min (rolling hair
pulling bar catfight between Faye Dunaway (as Wanda Wilcox) wearing a
dress for some nice panty shots and Alice Krige (as Tully Sorenson)
wearing long pants. The fight is broken up but Ms Dunaway had the

Bar Girls /1994; Drama; near end 93min (brief scuffle between an
Asian and white woman in a lesbian bar)

Batman and Robin /1997; Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Thriller;
110/125min (lots of high kicking, Uma Thurman (as Poison Ivy - Dr.
Pamela Isley) loses to Alicia Silverstone (as Batgirl/Barbara Wilson)
in a very lame fight)

Baywatch: Hawaiian Wedding /2003 TVm; Action / Drama / Adventure; 2
in 1st ½ /100min (mean game of chicken; pool catfight; blonde Gena
Lee Nolin fights a reasonably long "water fight" in a swimming pool
with Alexandra Paul; Later in the movie, Alexandra is holding a gun
on Gena and a few others. Ms. Nolin jumps and disarms her in an
unspectacular altercation, neither fight is very good)

Battle Skipper (aka Bishôjo yûgeki-tai battle skipper) /1995;
Japan / Animation / Sci-Fi; (anime catfight)

Beauty Investigator (aka Miao tan shuang jiao) (aka Beauty
Inspectors) (aka Beauty Investigator) /1992; Hong Kong / Action;
86min (3 martial arts fights; outdoors martial arts fight between
Yukari Oshima (as The Hit woman) and Moon Lee (as Li Min-Feng);
martial arts fight between Ms. Oshima and Ms. Lee in the living room
of a residence; outdoors martial arts fight between Ms. Oshima and
blonde Sophia Crawford (as Lisa) on the premises of a construction

Behind Locked Doors (aka Hinter verschlossenen Türen) (aka The Human
Gorilla – USA reissue title) /1948; Drama / Film-Noir; 62min (B&W)

Best Shot (aka Hoosiers) /1986; Drama; 115min

Beyond Atlantis /1973; Fantasy / Horror; 79/91min (water fight,
Native girl blonde Leigh Christian wearing a bikini faces off against
brunette Lenore Stevens wearing tight fitting panties and a shirt,
through a jungle for a while before catching up with her by a lake.
The women grapple briefly on land before falling into the water.
Leigh and Lenore then do a bit of underwater wrestling before one of
them prevails, slightly above average with the majority of the fight
taking place in a lake)

Biches, Les (aka Bad Girls) (aka Does, The) (aka
Girlfriends) /1968; France / Drama; 100min

Big Bad Mama II /1987; Action / Comedy; 55/83min (punching and
floor rolling catfight between blonde sisters with both girls wearing
leggy dresses in an illegal after hours bar)

Big Bird Cage, The (aka Women's Penitentiary II) /1972;
Philippines / Action / Drama; 88min 35, 50, 52/88min (black girl
taunts a tall lesbian blonde who has one leg chained to her bed but
tries to get to the black girl; Pam Grier and black girl have a
confrontation outside; Pam Grier quickly defeats two white girls one
at a time; outside multi-girl brawl ending up in the mud

Big Business /1988; Comedy; 83/97min (restraining struggles)

Big Doll House, The (aka Bamboo Dolls House) /1971; Action / Drama;
41, 43, 49, 73, 75, 77/93min (one good long mud fight between blonde
Roberta Collins and Pam Grier in a prearranged fight which takes
place in a rice paddy during a prison work detail, wearing rather
skimpy prison attire)

Big Girls Don't Cry...They Get Even (aka Stepkids) /1992; Comedy;
96min (one punch)

Big Top Peewee /1988; Adventure / Family / Comedy; 16, (?)/90min
(kids mud wrestle)

Bikini Hotel /1997; Comedy; 77/89min

Black Godfather, The (aka Street War) /1974; Crime / Action / Drama;
90min (One of the roughest and most one-sided black/white encounters
between a martial arts skilled black woman who kicks a gangster's
white girlfriend all over the place)

Black Mama, White Mama /1972; Action / Drama; 12, 15, 24, 64/87min
(slaps; dining room catfight between black girl Pam Grier (as Lee
Daniels) and blonde Margaret Markov (as Karen Brent); slapping and
rolling catfight outside in a field between Ms. Grier and Ms. Markov
chained to one another with both girls dressed in short prison
dresses for a nice panty show)

Black Scorpion /1995 TVm; Action / Crime / Fantasy / Sci-Fi; 92min
(leggy Joan Severance (as Darcy Walker/Black Scorpion) engages in a
couple of two against one catfights against Anita Hart (as Scary
Mary) and Rosine "Ace" Hatem (as Connie the Crusher) both fights
relatively lackluster)

Black Scorpion: Ground Zero (aka Black Scorpion 2:
Aftershock) /1997; Action / Crime / Fantasy; 18, 45, 79/85min (shove
down; energetic fist fight 1m07s long between brunette Joan Severance
(as Darcy Walker/Black Scorpion) and blonde Sherrie Rose (as Prof.
Ursula Undershaft/Aftershock) with both women wearing their super
heroine outfits; 1 punch)

Blood from the Mummy's Tomb /1971; Horror; 90/94min (knife struggle)

Blood Sisters: Vamps 2 /2002; Fantasy / Horror; 75/85min (blonde
good vampire Glori-Anne Gilbert (as Heather) and evil dark haired
vampire Amber Newman (as Elizabeth) engage in a relatively long
protracted punching and wrestling fight with both women wearing tight
fitting pants)

Blowup (aka Blow-Up) /1966; Drama / Thriller / Mystery; 111min
(dress ripping struggle)

Body Chemistry 3: Point of Seduction /1994; 90min (staged catfight)

Body Count (aka Codename: Silencer) /1996; Action / Thriller; near
end/93min (gun chase and rolling fistfight in a streetcar warehouse
between blonde Brigitte Nielson (as Sybil) wearing long pants and
blonde Cindy Ambuehl (as Special Agent Janet Hood) wearing long
pants. Both combatants roll out from underneath a lowering streetcar
during fight and a moving streetcar kills Ms Nielson on her side)

Boom /2003/I; India / Action / Crime / Mystery / Thriller; 100min
(catfight between former Miss India Madhu Sapre (as Anu Gaekwad) and
the gorgeous Joey Matthews. Ms. Sapre and Ms. Matthews portray rival
models who get into a catfight, which is central to the movie's plot,
on a catwalk during a fashion show, average at best)

Brain that Wouldn't Die, The /1962; Horror / Sci-Fi; 33/85min (B&W
catfight between two strippers Paula Maurice (a brunette) and Bonnie
Sharie (a blonde). Not a bad little tussle between two well built
women, rate it as slightly above average)

Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo /1984; Drama; 24, 52, 73/94min (dance
fight; quick shove fight)

Bride of Re-Animator /1990; Horror; 96min

Bringing Down the House /2003; Comedy; 41/106min (2m40s long
uninterrupted mean brawl between leggy blonde Missi Pyle (as Ashley)
wearing bathing suit and hefty black girl Queen Latifah (as Charlene)
in a Ladies Powder Room. Ms Pyle loses having her head toilet dunked
and is hung on a hook to dry)

Bring It On Again /2004; Comedy; last quarter/90min (quick

Bulletproof Monk /2003; Action / Adventure / Sci-Fi; 84/104min
(martial arts & fist fighting type catfight between brunette good
girl Jaime King (as Jade) and evil Nazi henchwoman similarly skilled
blonde Victoria Smurfit (as Nina)

Burial of the Rats (aka Bram Stoker's `Burial of the Rats') (aka
Roger Corman Presents `Burial of the Rats') /1995 TVm; Adventure /
Horror; near end/78min (swordfight between blonde Maria Ford (as
Madeleine) wearing a long white dress and brunette Olga Kabo (as
Anna) wearing black leather bikini outfit. Their battle is fairly
long and a nice exhibition if fencing. Ms Kabo loses and gets a sword
run through her stomach)

Buying the Cow /2000; Comedy; 48/88min (shoves and one punch)

Cabaret /1972; Drama / Musical / War; 20/124min (mud wrestling)

Caddyshack II /1988; Comedy; 86/93min (hard shove)

Caged Heat (aka Caged Females) (aka Renegade Girls) /1974; Action /
Drama; 26/83min (inmate catfight)

Caged Women (aka Violenza in un carcere femminile) (aka Violence in
a Women's Prison) /1982; Italy / Action / Drama / Thriller;30, 32,
59, 80/98min (nightstick beating; catfight; rolling fight; beating)

Callie and Son (aka Rags to Riches) /1981 TVm; 142min (28/150min)
(struggle over rifle)

Candleshoe /1977; Children / Family; 101min (62/120min) (3 girls

Cannibal Women in the Avacadoe Jungle of Death /1988; Comedy; (weak
restraining; weapons fight)

Carmen, Baby /1966; Crime / Drama / Romance; 97min

Carmen Jones /1954; Musical / Drama; 11/105min (black girl Dorothy
Dandridge (as Carmen Jones) wearing a black blouse with a red skirt
catfights another black girl wearing a dress)

Carnival Story /1954; Drama; 32/95min (catfight)

Carry on Camping /1969; Comedy; 88min (long flailing catfight
between Barbara Windsor (as Babs) and Gilly Grant (as Sally G-String)
with women wearing relatively skimpy outfits. This fight is the best
of the three and probably the longest from the series. Pretty good
action for a comedic catfight as the women engage in an energetic
battle that features a lot of wrestling and rolling around)

Cat Girl Nuku Nuku Vol. 2 /1992; 60min (anime)

Catwoman (aka Untitled 'Batman Returns' Spin-off) /2004; Action /
Crime / Fantasy; 64, 89/104min (2 stunty brawls between Halle Berry
and Sharon Stone, while being dimmed slightly by special effects is
worth the price of admission. The first is a relatively brief
encounter that takes place in a luxurious mansion. Halle is wearing
her Catwoman outfit while Sharon shows up for the fight in snazzy red
pajamas. This one, other than one nice maneuver performed by Ms.
Stone, is an inconsequential confrontation. Ms. Stone gets in the
first hit with a golf club and knocks down Ms Berry and they both
tumble down the stairs; the second fight is extremely long and takes
place in the bowels of some type of large industrial complex. Halle
wears her Catwoman outfit while Sharon has on a sleeveless, light
colored and quite stylish pantsuit. Ms. Berry relies almost
exclusively on martial arts moves while, even more disappointing; Ms.
Stone eschews hand-to-hand combat almost entirely in favor of
utilizing weapons. Ms. Stone is on the losing side of this fight)

Cellblock Sisters: Banished Behind Bars (aka Banished Behind
Bars) /1995; 35, 45, 54, 85/92min (stabbing; nude shower fight; multi-
gal punch out; gun chase to a boiler room for fight with fists and
groin kicks)

Chained Girls (aka Caged Girls) /1965; Documentary / Drama; 65min
(B&W lesbian pin struggling, lesbians get married, have vicious cat-
fights over their femmes, and even initiate young debs into the
Daughters of Lesbos!)

Charlie's Angels /2000; 75/98min (martial arts)

Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle /2003; Action / Comedy / Adventure /
Mystery; 9, 87/107min (quickie mixed pro and roller derby; hyper-
martial arts, disappointing fight between Cameron Diaz and Demi Moore)

Cheerleader Ninjas /2003; Comedy; 20, 33, 56, 75/96min (bad
cheerleader kung fu)

Chopper Chicks in Zombietown /1989; Comedy / Horror; ½ way/86min
(whip vs. knife, pretty
decent catfight between two biker babes, Jamie Rose and Catherine

Chosen One: Legend of the Raven, The /1998; Action / Fantasy; near
end/105min (punching fight in a darkened alley between Carmen Electra
(as McKenna Ray/The Raven) and brunette Priscilla Lee Taylor (as
Betz). Both actresses are dressed in Superheroine type costumes
during the fight, which is of good length and nicely done, Ms Taylor
gets her throat cut)

Circuitry Man /1990; Sci-Fi; 93min

Civil Brand /2002; Drama; 12, 18/91min (yard fight; slap and

Cleopatra Jones /1973; Action; near end/89min (kung fu brawl
between 6' 2" tall black woman Tamara Dobson (as Cleopatra Jones) who
beats up and kills overweight Shelley Winters (as Mommy) a white

Coffy /1971; Action / Crime / Drama; 30, 43/91min (knife threat and
chase in an apartment; party catfight brawl with all women wearing
dresses between Pam Grier (as Coffy) and two other women a blonde and
a black girl who is stripped topless and the blonde has her hands cut)

Cold Vengeance (aka Sometimes a Hero) /2000; Drama; (above average
fistfight between Christina Cox and Luraina Undershute. They are both
sexy blondes and the fight is of decent length, but it does cut away
to other male fight scenes twice)

Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen /2004; Comedy; 89min (punch
scene, Lindsay
Lohan (as Mary Elizabeth Cep/Lola) causes a catfight with the female
rival of the show)

Cotton Comes to Harlem /1970; Action / Adventure; 39, /97min (2
shoving fights)

Counterstrike /2003 TVm; Action / Adventure / Thriller / Drama; 31,
108/120min (1m51s scene hard sparring between brunette Rachel Blakely
(as Brittany Cooper) and Asian Marie Matiko (as Maggie Chang) who
wins with both women wearing long pants; 2m28s scene with gun battle
and chase by Ms Blakely wearing a long split maroon evening dress and
Ms Matiko wearing a light blue pant dress have a tough uninterrupted
punching and kicking fight on a cruse ship to the finish, Ms. Matiko
catches Ms. Blakely off balance and nails her with a great shot to
the midsection which makes Rachel grimace but Ms Matiko gets thrown
off to a lower floor, 1m38s fight scene)

Cradle 2 the Grave /2003; 90/101min (martial arts fight between
Kelly Hu and Gabrielle Union with both women wearing long pants, many
scene cut-a-ways)

Craft, The /1996; Comedy / Drama / Horror / Thriller / Fantasy;
96/101min (Robin Tunney (as Sarah Bailey) wearing a Catholic
schoolgirl outfit complete with knee-socks and Fairuza Balk (as Nancy
Downs) engage in a less than impressive catfight in a spooky mansion
while a thunderstorm rages outside. Ms. Balk, armed with an ominous
looking dagger, rushes at Ms. Tunney and tackles her. The women crash
into a wall and then have a brief altercation on the floor. The fight
is a combination of magic and physical combat, poorly done and
disappointing considering the lengthy buildup to the fight)

Crimes of the Heart /1986; Comedy / Drama; 85/105min (broom chase)

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (aka Wo hu cang long) /2000;
Taiwan / Adventure / Action / Fantasy / Romance; near end/120min
(long fight with swords that takes place in some type of a combat
training room stocked with weapons between Michelle Yeoh (as Yu Xiu
Lien) and Zhang Ziyi (as Zhang Ziyi)

Cyborg /1989; Action /Sci-Fi; 86min (2 fights, day stream fight;
near end fight inside a building at night)

Cyborg II: Glass Shadow /1993; Action / Sci-fi; 42, 62/99
(unspectacular martial arts fight between Karen Sheperd and Angelina
Jolie. Second fight between Ms Sheperd and Ms Jolie consists of
little more than one jumping the other and then dragging her around a

New Group Members Part 3 Netflix Rentals



Wrestling - Pro:

G.L.O.W.: Vol. 1 /1986; (International Women's Wrestling Federation
exciting, action-packed female wrestling extravaganza)

G.L.O.W.: Vol. 2: The Saga Continues (aka Gorgeous Ladies of
Wrestling: Vol. 2) /2003; (Olympia vs. Jungle Woman; Spanish Red vs.
Americana; Corporal Kelley vs. The Southern Belles and much more)

G.L.O.W.: Vol. 3: Fans Beware /1987; (action-packed female wrestling
extravaganza includes: Spanish Red, Jungle Women w/ Nature Boy vs.
The Cheerleaders; Dallas vs. Ninotchka; and California Doll Farmers
Daughter Tina & Ashley vs. Hollywood & Vine The Soul Patrol)

ingerie Bowl 2004: The Ultimate Catfight /2004; (They jiggled. They
tackled. They fought. They pulled hair. Quite simply, it was the
ultimate catfight as a bunch of lingerie models masqueraded as NFL
stars. And Janet Jackson got all the flak)

Pro Wrestling Chick Fight /2005; (The world of women's wrestling
offers some jaw-dropping bouts that are easily equal to, if not
better then, the man's game. Pro Wrestling Chick Fight is another
release in the "Chrome" series, offering eight strong proponents of
the sport as they enter into some ferocious fights with each other.
Whittling the list down over a series of bouts, the final showdown
between the two finalists is really a sight to be seen)

Women's Extreme Wrestling: Vols. 1-4 (2-Disc Series) /2003; (You'll
be cheering for more of the hard slamming' action found only in
the "squared circle" when you watch these superstar divas going for
broke. If you're looking for dynamite matches with all the requisite
mayhem -- hair pulling, chair throwing, etc. -- then this is the DVD
for you. So go ringside and get ready to rumble in the ultimate
Women's Extreme Wrestling smack down. Definitely not for the

Women's Extreme Wrestling: Vols. 5-8 (2-Disc Series) /2003; (You'll
be cheering for more of the hard slamming' action found only in
the "squared circle" when you watch these superstar divas going for
broke. The dynamite matches feature notorious champs such as the
Hardcore School Girl, the Smoked-Out Icon, the "Queen of Extreme"
Francine, Tai "Killer" Weed and the Exotic Latin Goddess, among
others. So get ready to rumble in the ultimate Women's Extreme
Wrestling smack down)

Wrestling Women USA /2001; (Here's a vintage look at the Golden Age
of Female Wrestling, back when the Cold War was hot, television was
new, and Women's Wrestling first exploded on the national scene! See
six spectacular all-star matches featuring catfights, scissor locks,
and buxom body-slamming action)

WWE: Armageddon 2003 /2003; (Molly vs. Ivory. Women's Championship:
Molly retains after a poor finish)

WWE Backlash 2002 (aka WWF: Backlash) /2002; (WWF Women's Title:
Trish Stratus vs. Jazz. Jazz defended her women's title against
Trish, which was well its the women's division)

WWE: Backlash 2003 /2003; (WWE Woman's Title: Trish Stratus vs. Jazz)

WWE: Backlash 2004 /2004; (Victoria vs. Lita for the Women's
Championship. Molly Holly and Gail Kim attacked both the contestants
after the match)

WWE: Bad Blood '04 /2004; (Trish vs. Gail Kim vs. Lita vs. Victoria.
Women's Championship: One of the best women's matches in a long time.
Very good work rate and Gail Kim has definitely improved)

WWE: Divas 2005 /2005; (Diva Matches, Bikini Contest, Lingerie
Pillow Fights)

WWE Global Warning Tour: Melbourne 2002 /2002; (Bra and Panties

WWE Great American Bash 2004 /2004; (Torrie vs. Sable. Torrie pins
Sable despite Sable's right shoulder are nowhere near the mat, five

WWE Great American Bash 2005 /2005; (Match 7, Bra & Panties Match:
Torrie Wilson vs. Melina with Candice Michelle as Referee Melina have
talent, Torrie is still pretty bland in the ring and you got Candice
as the hot chick referee for this match! An entertaining match with a
good crowd and unpredictable finally)

WWE: History of Wrestlemania /2004; (The Kat with Mae Young vs.
Terri with the Fabulous Moolah)

WWE: Invasion 2001 (aka WWF Fully Loaded) (aka WWE: Invasion) /2001;
11, 94/180min (arm wrestling & ring brawl; bra & panties match: Lita
& Trish Stratus vs. Stacy Kiebler & Torrie Wilson. Trish nearly
removes Torrie's top, Lita strips Stacy's top off first and then
Stacy & Torrie stripe Lita's top. Torrie removes Trish's top and
Trish removes Torrie's long pants and leaves her in her panties.
Trish & Lita remove Torri's top leaving her in her bra & panties.
Trish pulls Stacy into the ring and her and Lita strip off Stacy's
long pants leaving her in her bra and panties. Lita & Trish end with
their bra and long pants on. Lita & Trish Stratus defeat Stacy
Kiebler & Torrie Wilson. 6m12s)

WWE: Judgment Day 2002 /2002; (Women's Title: Trish Stratus vs.
Stacy Keibler)

WWE: Judgment Day 2003 /2003; (match 6, Bikini Contest: Torrie
Wilson vs. Sable, Torrie kissed Sable after her win in answer to
Sable's mind games; match 9, WWE Women's Championship, Jazz (C) with
Theodore Long vs. Victoria with Steven Richards vs. Trish Stratus vs.
Jacqueline, Jazz pinned Jackie after a solid DDT, 4m47s)

WWE: Judgment Day 2004 /2004; (match 6, Torrie Wilson vs. Dawn
Marie, Dawn is hot! But the match is not. Biggest pop of the night
comes when Dawn loses her pants and her ass is fully exposed for
about one minute! Torrie wins)

WWE: King of the Ring 2002 /2002; (Match 5, WWE Women's Championship
Molly Holly vs. Trish Stratus The WWE Women's Championship went on
the line next with Molly Holly attempting to take the title from
Trish Stratus. Molly started off by wrapping Trish in an arm bar, but
the champ reversed into a rollup that the challenge had to kick out
of. Molly climbed the top turnbuckle, but was sent crashing to the
ring with a hurracanrana by Trish. Molly went for the Stratusfaction,
but Molly pushed her off and countered with a belly-to-belly suplex.
The two continued to tangle, with each using tremendous agility and
strength to roll the other woman up. Molly came out on top and jerked
on Trish's tights to gain enough leverage for a three-count!. Molly
Holly became the new WWE Women's Champion! Winner and New WWE Women's
Champion: Molly Holly)

WWE: New Year's Revolution /2005: (Lita vs. Trish Stratus vying for
the women's title, Trish wins)

WWE: No Mercy 2002 /2002; (Women's Title: Trish Stratus vs.
Victoria; Torrie Wilson vs. Dawn Marie)

WWE: No Mercy 2004 /2004; (match 7, Dudleyz and Dawn Marie vs.
Charlie Haas, Rico and Miss Jackie. what a lame excuse for a match)

WWE: No Way Out 2004 /2004; (Jamie Noble vs. Nidia)

WWE: Rebellion 2002 /2002; (Torrie Wilson and Dawn Marie?)

WWE: Summerslam 2000 /2000; (Chyna & Eddie Guerrero vs. Val & Trish

WWE: Survivor Series 2001 (aka WWF Survivor Series) (aka WWF
Survivor Series: Winner Take All) /2001; (WWF Women's Championship
Six-Person Match Lita vs. Trish Stratus vs. Ivory vs. Mighty Molly
vs. Jacqueline vs. Mystery Opponent The mystery opponent turned out
to be Jazz, from the old ECW. Trish got the pin on Ivory with a
springboard Stratus-faction bulldog. Winner and New WWF Women's
Champion: Trish Stratus)

WWE: Survivor Series 2002 /2002; (Women's Title (Hardcore Match):
Trish Stratus vs. Victoria)

WWE: Survivor Series 2003 (aka WWE Survivor Series: A Fall From
Grace) /2003; (match 2, Molly Holly defeated Lita to retain the
useless Women's title in a fair match)

WWE: Survivor Series 2004 /2003; (match 5, Lita vs. Trish. Women's
Championship Match ends in one minute when Lita gets disqualified for
using a chair. A story was told to this match as we actually saw a
match promo before it started)

WWE: Unforgiven 1998 (aka WWF Unforgiven) /1998; (Evening Gown Match:
Sable vs. Luna)

WWE: Unforgiven 2002 /2002; (Women's Title: Molly Holly vs. Trish

WWE: Unforgiven 2003 /2003; (Match 4, Gail Kim and Molly Holly vs.
Trish Stratus and Lita. That's more like it! Faster, better and more
energetic than anything before it, with some great moves by Trish)

WWE: Unforgiven 2004 /2004; (Women's Championship Trish Stratus vs.
Victoria, interesting match, both Victoria and Trish are bonified sex
symbols on RAW, and they both can wrestle. Decent)

WWE: Unforgiven 2005 /2005; (Match 5, Trish Stratus and Ashley
defeated Torrie Wilson and Victoria in a useless match)

WWE: Vengeance 2004 /2004; (match 6, Molly Holly vs. Victoria. This
match was for the #1 contender ship for the Women's title currently
held by an injured Trish Stratus. This match (a rematch from Wrestle
Mania XX) wasn't great. Molly & Victoria don't seem to have much
chemistry in the ring but the match wasn't dreadful. Victoria won
with a kick to the face)

WWE: Wrestlemania XX /2004; (match 7, Evening gown match, 4 of the
most talent less females in the WWE = a train wreck. They all look
great but none can wrestle worth a damn; match 8, Women's title
match - Decent enough with a cool finish, Victoria shaving Molly.
It's worth a watch just to see that. This match shows Victoria does
make a pretty cool face character)

WWE: Wrestlemania 21 /2005; (Women's Championship, Christy Hemme vs.
Trish Stratus)

Viva Las Divas of the WWE (Diva Matches, Bikini Contest, Lingerie
Pillow Fights)

New Group Members Part 2 Netflix Rentals



Renegade /1993 TVs; season 1 episode #122 "Fighting Cage (1)" (decent
punching and kicking fight between Kathleen Kinmont (as Cheyenne
Phillips) and Marjean Holden inside a steel cage; 1 pool fight, the
day before underground fighting competition begins they arrange to
have two girls in bikinis fight in a pool with knives between a
blonde and an Asian girl. The Asian girl who gets cut on the arm and
loses, quick editing and completely obscuring the fight)

Sex and the City /2000 TVs; season #3 episode #35 "No Ifs, Ands or
Butts" (at 15min a friendly warning; at 19min a catfight between
blonde Kim Cattrell (as Samantha Jones) wearing a blue long revealing
evening gown and Sundra Oakley (as Adele Williams) wearing a long red
evening gown the sister of an African American man she was dating. It
occurred at a social nightclub gathering. An argument between Ms.
Cattrall and Ms. Oakley progresses to a fight that starts out in
promising fashion but abruptly ends before either woman can gain the
advantage. Average)

She Spies /2002 TVs; season 1 episode #110 "Spy vs. Spy" (at ending
long brutal punching, kicking and table smashing catfight between
Natasha Henstridge (as Cassie McBain) and Claudia Christian (as
Tanya) with both wearing long pants)

She Spies /2002 TVs; season 1 episode #112 "Perilyzed" (1m37s scene
in prison training room, nice catfight between Natasha Henstridge (as
Cassie McBain) and Natashia Williams (as Shane Phillips) with both
wearing long pants, Kristen Miller (as D.D. Cummings) breaks up fight
with two hits. All three She Spies brawl with female prisoners at end)

She Spies /2003 TVs; season 1 episode #115 "You Don't Know Jack" (at
ending during confused brawl Kristen Miller (as D.D. Cummings) fights
and takes out Pat Destro (as Dr. Danielle Kay)

She Spies /2003 TVs; season 1 episode #118 "While You Were Out" (at
ending all 3 she spies brawl with secretaries; high kicking legs in
dresses and the brawl's main event is between Natashia Williams (as
Shane Phillips) and Lisa Thornhill (as Peggy) which is of average
quality with a surprise ending)

Silk Stalkings /1992 TVs; season 2 episode #2-04 "Wild Card" (near
end Mitzi Kapture as Lieutenant Rita Lee 'Sam' Lance) has a spirited
fight with female bounty hunter Carol Huston (as Regina 'Reggie'
Holland) which is a competitive and a back and forth affair)

Silk Stalkings /1992 TVs; season 2 episode #2-05 "In Too Deep" (Mitzi
Kapture as Lieutenant Rita Lee 'Sam' Lance) fights Melanie Smith (as
Jackie Ruiz) another crooked cop, takes place in a hotel room.
Melanie pretends to be giving herself in and turns around to allow
her to be handcuffed but when Mitzi tries to slap the cuffs on,
Melanie wheels around and slugs her and two go at it in a short but
decent fight. Even though she takes the first punch, Mitzi hangs in
there and puts up a decent fight. But strangely, even though she
knows Melanie she makes a move for her gun either in her handbag or
maybe knocked loose during the fight so as she's crawling for it,
Melanie smashes a table lamp over her head, knocking Mitzi out cold.
To add insult to injury, Melanie then handcuffs Mitzi to a doorknob,
where she has to wait to be rescued by her pretty-boy partner)

Silk Stalkings /1994 TVs; season 3 episode #3-15 "Love Bandit" (Mitzi
Kapture as Lieutenant Rita Lee 'Sam' Lance) finishes off the
villainess and she brings down the much taller gun-slinging blonde
killer Christa Daniel with a leg tackle punching her face and locking
her arms up behind her)

Silk Stalkings /1994 TVs; season 3 episode #3-17 "The Scarlet Shadow"
(three fights, Mitzi Kapture as Lieutenant Rita Lee 'Sam' Lance)
taking part in a hand-to-hand combat exercise at a police training
facility in which she takes on Sandra Reinhardt (as Detective Robin
Curry) a fellow police officer and friend. Their bout starts out on a
friendly basis but becomes more combative as each woman slowly
becomes angered by the other's tactics; Mitzi immediately gets into a
brief but nasty altercation with Ellen Rice the female police officer
who was conducting the training session. It's implied that there was
some bad blood between the women; Ms. Kapture has a fight near the
episode's conclusion with Sandahl Bergman (as Sgt. Steele) a corrupt
police officer)

Silk Stalkings /1994 TVs; season 4 episode #4-05 "Carrie & Jessie"
(Before a fatal female shooting, there is a sexy catfight between
these two hot babes with the brunette in the black mini-dress which
rises up to give a nice panty show. They start by going to ground,
then onto a bed, before finishing somewhere in the wardrobe)

Silk Stalkings /1994 TVs; season 4 episode #4-11 "Time Share"
(featured a pretty decent fight between Mitzi Kapture as Lieutenant
Rita Lee 'Sam' Lance) and a blonde that took place in the back yard
of a house from which the blonde had fled. Ms. Kapture takes down
villainess Kathy Trageser (as Audrey Lowe) in quite a good fight)

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World /2000 TVs; season 1 episode
#114 "Time After Time" (@ 42 min, at gunpoint Rachel Blakely (as
Marguerite) taken hostage buy Claudia Karvan (as Catherine Reilly)
41s scene, engage in gun struggle fight in cave that Ms Blakely wins
3m29s scene)

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World /2000 TVs; season 1 episode
#115 "Prodigal Father" (near end, blonde Jennifer O'Dell (as
Veronica) under a spell attacks brunette Rachel Blakely (as
Marguerite) they end up wrestling and slugging it out in a mud hole,
Ms O'Dell seemed to be getting the best of it and locking her arms
around Ms Blakely's head when fight was broken up)

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World /2000 TVs; season 2 episode
#202 "Amazons" (at half way, blonde Jennifer O'Dell (as Veronica) and
brunette Rachel Blakely (as Marguerite) both engage in a nice leggy
kick fight which two blonde Amazons, Ms O'Dell wins and Ms Blakely
loses. Guest staring Bianca Chiminello (as Selena) and Ania Coleby
(as Hippolita)

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World /2001 TVs; season 2 episode
#215 "The Outlaw" (near end, Rachel Blakely (as Marguerite) takes
down Josephine Byrnes (as The Masked Bandit) for a short broken up
floor fight)

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World /2002 TVs; season 3 episode
#319 "Tapestry" (@ 18min, nice blonde against blonde fight between
Jennifer O'Dell (as Veronica) and Lara Cox (as Finn) each attired in
a relatively skimpy outfit. The fight takes place in the jungle,
lasts a decent period of time, is competitive and contains some nice
moves by each actress)

Sledge Hammer /1987 TVs; season #2 episode #24 "Big Nazi on Campus"
(cute long hair blonde Anne-Marie Martin (as Detective Dori Doreau)
wearing a red business jacket top with short black skirt and short
heels pulls her pistol and trains it on Ray Walston in furtherance of
arresting him. Suddenly, short hair blonde Yana Nirvana wearing a
white blouse with black skirt is Ray's stern looking maid who, it
turns out, is his partner in crime bursts into the room and jumps Ms.
Martin. Anne-Marie and the maid engage in a very spirited leggy
catfight that continues until David Rasche enters the room and
discharges his firearm into the air, which causes the women to stop
fighting. Neither combatant had gained the advantage at the time of
Mr. Rasche's unfortunate interruption. The Martin-Nirvana bout didn't
last very long, but the action was so intense that it is an above
average rating)

Smallville /2004 TVs; season 3 episode #055 "Delete" (18min in;
fairly long and above average fight to the finish in school between
Allison Mack (as Chloe Sullivan) and Kristin Kreuk (as Lana Lang)
starting on the stairs and ends in the shower room with Chloe getting
a beating from Lana who has a bloody nose from the vicious right hand
punch that Chloe lands and Chloe ending up with a cut on her forehead
after having her head banged on the steel locker by Lana)

Smallville /2004 TVs; season 4 episode #070 "Devoted" (catfight
involving Cheerleaders)

Stories of the Century /1954 TVs; season 1 episode #101 "Belle Starr"
(Possibly the best catfight from a TV western between Marie Windsor
(as Belle Starr) and Mary Castle (as Frankie Adams) a female railroad
detective in a hotel room. Mary wearing a dress pulls out a pistol in
furtherance of arresting Ms. Windsor who is wearing in pants. Marie
jumps Ms. Castle as the latter is leading her out of the room and a
tremendous fight ensues. It's a back and forth affair with a lot of
crashing around the room before one of the women is knocked

Stories of the Century /1954 TVs; season 1 episode #121 "The Doolin
Gang" (fairly good catfight)

Stories of the Century /1954 TVs; season 1 episode #122 "Little
Britches" (one punch affair)

V (aka "V: The Series") /1985 TVs; season 2 episode #2-14 "The
Champion" ("trial by combat" catfight, Jane Badler (as Diana) faces
off in mortal combat against fellow Visitor June Chadwick (as Lydia)
and the prelude to the fight has the two in preparation putting on
clothes and make up trash talking. Both actresses in matching
jumpsuit type outfits, starts with weapons and progresses to some
pretty good hand-to-hand combat. The fight is stopped before a
conclusion though it appears that June would have taken Jane, above
average fight)

V.I.P. /1999 TVs; season 1 episode #1-05 "Scents and Sensibility"
(Angela Harry (as Dr. Tina Stokes) and Kristen Dalton (as Julie)
grapple for a short period of time in the front seat of a speeding
van, barely average catfight)

V.I.P. /1999 TVs; season 1 episode #1-16 "ThunderVal" (fight on sea-
doo on the water)

V.I.P. /1999 TVs; season 1 episode #1-19 "Mudslide Val" (1 fight,
Tammy Tavares (as Karen Rite) runs into the tanning room and Natalie
Raitano (as Nicolet Janine 'Nikki' Franco) follows her in. Karen
tries to shove Nikki into a tanning bed and closes the lid. She
misses the first time but gets it the second time. Then she gets the
water bottle from the water cooler and tries to electrocute Nikki but
Nikki gets out and shoves Karen into the tanning bed. The bottle
falls in with her and Karen is electrocuted to death)

V.I.P. /1999 TVs; season 1 episode #1-22 "Val The Hard Way" (2
fights, with all three V.I.P. girls and look a likes "The Double D
Girls" fight. Outside near an armor truck Molly Culver and Leah Lail
(as Kay Eugenia Simmons) fight look a likes and win. Inside Molly
Culver fights 2 against 1 on a stage and Pamela Anderson slides down
a wire to take out the last fighter)

Wonder Woman /1975 TVs; season 1 pilot episode "The New Original
Wonder Woman" (near end probably the best fight in the series, Lynda
Carter (as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman) wearing her Wonder Woman outfit
has a lengthy battle with blonde Stella Stevens (as Marcia) a female
Nazi German spy wearing a dress who ends up losing in an empty
government office building)

Wonder Woman /1976 TVs; season 1 episode #1-01 "Wonder Woman Meets
Baroness Von Gunther" (near end a nice fight between Lynda Carter (as
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman) and the leader of a Nazi spy ring
Christine Belford (as Baroness Paula Von Gunther). Lynda tackles a
fleeing Ms. Belford wearing a dress and the two of them roll locked
together in combat down a long, grassy incline. Not nearly as good as
the Carter-Stevens bout but still enjoyable to watch Ms. Carter and
Ms. Belford endlessly rolling down that slope)

Wonder Woman /1976 TVs; season 1 episode #1-02 "Fausta: The Nazi
Wonder Woman" (series' biggest letdown, Lynda Day George (as Fausta
Grabels) an athletic German Olympic champion who is sent to America
by the Nazis to capture Wonder Woman. The anticipated showdown
between the two Lyndas finally arrives near the end of the episode.
After starting in promising fashion, with Wonder Woman and Fausta
slowly circling one another, the confrontation falls flat on its face
and ends quickly and barely qualifies as a catfight)

Wonder Woman /1977 TVs; season 2 episode #2-01 "The Return of Wonder
Woman" (excellent fight between Lynda Carter (as Diana Prince)
wearing a dress and Jessica Walter (as Gloria) a female cat burglar
wearing a tight jump suit and a black mask in an apartment. They
crash around the room until Jessica pulls out a hand- held canister
of gas and releases it, allowing her to escape)

Wonder Woman /1977 TVs; season 2 episode #2-09 "The Man Who Made
Volcanoes" (decent martial arts showdown between Lynda Carter (as
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman) and Irene Tsu (as Mei Ling)

Wonder Woman /1977 TVs; season 2 episode #2-10 "Mind Stealers From
Outer Space (1)" (two against one, Lynda Carter (as Diana
Prince/Wonder Woman) fight a pair of blonde twins Lana Marie Henricks
(as Karen) and Lori Ann Henricks (as Kim) in an apartment)

Wonder Woman /1977 TVs; season 2 episode #2-12 "The Deadly Toys"
(fight between Lynda Carter (as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman) and a very
stiff-looking but identical Wonder Woman robot. The two women proceed
to fight, not bad, but mostly throwing each other around, no real
punches, etc. until one spins the other into a chair and this knocks
her out for some reason. The twist is you're supposed to think Wonder
Woman has lost, but in fact, the real Wonder Woman actually won and
is only pretending to be the robot, the best moment is the shot of
Lynda knocked out in the chair)

Wonder Woman /1977 TVs; season 3 episode #3-06 "Formicida" (fight
between Lynda Carter (as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman) and an actress
playing some kind of Antwoman. The action takes place in a warehouse
and involves a fair bit of throwing each other around)

Wonder Woman /1977 TVs; season? Unknown episode (brief fight between
Lynda Carter (as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman) and a female Nazi Guard
in a cellar)

Xena: Warrior Princess /1996 TVs; season 2 episode #029 "The Return
of Callisto" (3 fights between Lucy Lawless (as Xena) and blonde
Hudson Leick (as Callisto) with the longest one at the end starting
in a cave that finishes in a fight on chariots that crashes both of
them into a pool of quick sand with Ms Leick sinking to the bottom)

Xena: Warrior Princess /1996 TVs; season 2 episode
#030 "Warrior...Princess...Tramp" (blonde Renee O'Connor (as
Gabrielle) has fight with Meg, Lucy Lawless' (as Xena) double,
Renee's least impressive catfight primarily for laughs)

Xena: Warrior Princess /1997 TVs; season 2 episode #038 "A Necessary
Evil" (at ½ Lucy Lawless (as Xena) and blonde Hudson Leick (as
Callisto) fight red haired Melinda Clarke (as Velasca) two on one;
near end short fight on bridge between Ms Leick and Ms Clarke)

Xena: Warrior Princess /1998 TVs; season 3 episode #057 "Maternal
Instincts" (at ¾ Lucy Lawless (as Xena) and blonde Hudson Leick (as
Callisto) have long fight in a cave that Ms Lawless wins)

Xena: Warrior Princess /1998 TVs; season 3 episode #060 "Forgiven" (2
fights, beginning at 3m45s & again at 35min; in a Tavern blonde Renee
O'Connor (as Gabrielle) and a young long hair brunette Shiri Appleby
(as Tara) have a long vicious fight with Ms O'Connor getting her ass
and crotch kicked, scratched, and gets the Mike Tyson move put on
her. Xena saves Gabrielle and breaks up this 2m09s fight scene; At
35min, Ms O'Connor and Ms Appleby stick fight uninterrupted in the
forest this time Ms O'Connor bloodies her opponent with Ms. Appleby
sobbing and wins in this 1m50s fight scene)

Xena: Warrior Princess /1998 TVs; season 4 episode #069 Unknown
episode possibly "Adventures in the Sin Trade (1)" or "Adventures in
the Sin Trade (2)" (Lucy Lawless (as Xena) fights blonde Victoria
Pratt (as Cyane)

Xena: Warrior Princess /1998 TVs; season 4 episode #070 "Adventures
in the Sin Trade (2)" (brief and inconsequential confrontation
between Lucy Lawless (as Xena) and Claire Stansfield (as Xena's
nemesis Alti) The second fight is agonizingly long and is among the
worst catfights ever seen. It relies almost exclusively on the
wirework technique as Xena and Alti shriek and flail away at one
another as they fly endlessly through the tree tops)

Xena: Warrior Princess /1998 TVs; season 4 episode #V076 "Crusader"
(Lucy Lawless (as Xena) has 3 fights with Kathryn Morris a radiant
blonde female warrior, near beginning in an open field, near half in
a tavern which Ms Lawless is badly beaten in a long battle and near
end in a cave saving Renee O'Connor (as Gabrielle)

Xena: Warrior Princess /1999 TVs; season 4 episode #082 "Devi" (Lucy
Lawless (as Xena) has 2 fights, one with an unknown Indian girl and
near end with possessed Renee O'Connor (as Gabrielle)

Xena: Warrior Princess /1999 TVs; season 4 episode #083 "Between the
Lines" (rematch between Lucy Lawless (as Xena) and Claire Stansfield
(as Xena's nemesis Alti) relying heavily on the wirework action, is
not much better. Ms. Stansfield also has a brief bout with Renee
O'Connor, the quality of which is below average)

Xena: Warrior Princess /1999 TVs; season 4 episode #086 "The Convert"
(at ¾ outside in forest blonde Kathryn Morris (as Najara) hair pulls
and overcomes Renee O'Connor (as Gabrielle) 45s scene, with Ms Morris
engaging Lucy Lawless (as Xena) for a long vicious face scratching
and punching battle into the trees ending with Ms Morris wearing
sword in stomach 3m08s scene)

Xena: Warrior Princess /1999 TVs; season 5 episode #093 "Succession"
(5 fights, at beginning Lucy Lawless (as Xena) and blonde female
warrior Jenya Lano (as Mavican) have fight and are sent to a forest
with no weapons to fight 1m26s scene; Gabrielle and Mavican fight at
night 1m48s scene; daylight Gabrielle switches to Xena and Mavican
fight 2m21s scene; night Gabrielle and Mavican fight 1m24s scene;
night Gabrielle and Mavican fight in cave with switch to Xena for
last long fight leaving Mavican stuck hanging in cave 5m48s scene)

Xena: Warrior Princess /1999 TVs; season 5 episode #095 "Them Bones,
Them Bones" (unentertaining fight between Lucy Lawless (as Xena) and
Claire Stansfield (as Xena's nemesis Alti) fighting it out in
skeletal form as opposed to their normal human bodies. Ms. Stansfield
also engages in another below average bout with Renee O'Connor)

Xena: Warrior Princess /2000 TVs; season 5 episode #104 "Amphipolis
Under Siege" (before credits @ introduction, Xena fights several
female warriors & Musetta outside; @ 45 min outside during a mass
fight is probably the best movie/t.v. catfight for Musetta Vander
which is the one she has against Lucy Lawless (as Xena). Ms. Vander,
portraying a female warrior, looks absolutely great in her white
outfit. Her face-off with Ms. Lawless, although it's limited to
swordplay, is action packed and done very nicely. The Vander-Lawless
catfight is one of the better ones to emerge from the series)

Xena: Warrior Princess /2000 TVs; season 5 episode #105 "Married With
Fishsticks" (near end Renee O'Connor (as Gabrielle) fights Alexandra
Tydings (as Aphrodite/Crabella) and Meighan Desmond (as
Discord/Sturgina) outside at a beach wedding, all women wearing

Xena: Warrior Princess /2000 TVs; season 5 episode #106 "Lifeblood"
(Lucy Lawless (as Xena) fights female warriors wearing short white
skirts outside, staring Shelley Edwards and Kate Elliot)

Xena: Warrior Princess /2000 TVs; season 5 episode #111 "Eve" 10, 40
(2 fights, good outside fight between Lucy Lawless (as Xena) and
brunette Adrienne Wilkinson (as Livia/Eve) her daughter; Inside fight
between Ms Lawless and Ms Wilkinson)

Xena: Warrior Princess /2000 TVs; season 5 episode #112 "Motherhood"
(near end Lucy Lawless (as Xena) fights blonde Goddess to death)

Xena: Warrior Princess /2000 TVs; season 6 episode #114 "Legacy"
(Lucy Lawless (as Xena) fights Amazon blonde Alison Bruce to a kill
on tree, Xena and Gabrielle intervene to help two tribes unite
against their Roman enemies in the North African desert)

Xena: Warrior Princess /2000 TVs; season 6 episode #120 "The Ring
(2)" (Lucy Lawless, Renee O'Connor and another blonde fight blonde
female warriors wearing short skirt silver outfits with wings on
their helmets, staring Brittney Powell, Victoria Hill and Luanne

Xena: Warrior Princess /2000 TVs; season 6 episode #121 "Return of
the Valkyrie (3)" (near half, two blonde female warriors fight each
other inside; Blonde female warrior wearing short skirt silver outfit
with wings on her helmet fights Xena wearing white dress outside and
again in cave, staring Brittney Powell, Victoria Hill and Luanne

Xena: Warrior Princess /2000 TVs; season 6 episode #122 "Old Ares Had
A Farm" (near end Lucy Lawless (as Xena) and blonde Renee O'Connor
(as Gabrielle) fight in a tavern to trick the warlords)

Xena: Warrior Princess /2001 TVs; season 6 episode #126 "Path of
Vengeance" (slap; 1m28s scene where Tsianina Joelson (as Varia)
attempts knife attack on brunette Adrienne Wilkinson (as Livia/Eve)
outside and loses; 1m10s scene, Lucy Lawless (as Xena) confronts and
fights Tsianina Joelson (as Varia) hand to hand in a cave to a draw;
2m42s scene with blonde Renee O'Connor (as Gabrielle) and brunette
female amazon warrior Tsianina Joelson (as Varia) have a long vicious
little bit of wrestling and down and dirty fistfight with Ms O'Connor
getting her ass kicked, bloodied and knocked out with both wearing
leggy two-piece outfits; 4m50s scene a long battle between Lucy
Lawless (as Xena) and Tsianina Joelson (as Varia) using weapons, Ms
Lawless loses)

Xena: Warrior Princess /2001 TVs; season 6 episode #128 "Send in the
Clones" (catfight between Lucy Lawless (as Xena) and Claire
Stansfield (as Xena's nemesis Alti) in a junkyard with some decent
female fight action, although it's marred by more shots of the
characters flying through the air in an exaggerated manner. This
protracted catfight is easily the best of the Xena-Alti battles but
still grades out as just average)

Xena: Warrior Princess /2001 TVs; season 6 episode #130 "When Fates
Collide" (Lucy Lawless (as Xena) and Claire Stansfield (as Xena's
nemesis Alti) have two more awful fights with each liberally
employing the wirework technique)

New Group Members Part 1 Netflix Rentals



For the new members that don't have the time to go through the 2,750 plus informative messages that Ed has fathered, I will provide a very brief synopsis of rentals available from Netflix that have catfights so that our new members don't waste their time trying to hunt them down. Because of the size of the content and the perimeters set by Yahoo there will be a need for continued postings with Ed's permission.

TV Series: Season & Episode

Alias /2001 TVs; season 1 episode #1-03 "Parity" (In Madrid at Auto
Museo (Jennifer Garner (as Sydney) wearing a red evening dress chases
black girl Gina Torres (as Anna Espinosa) wearing long pants into the
basement for intense anything goes fight over a lock box, Jennifer
gets kicked falling down stairs 2m03s scene)

Alias /2001 TVs; season 1 episode #1-04 "A Broken Heart" (Jennifer
Garner (as Sydney) bests black girl Gina Torres (as Anna Espinosa) in
a brutal fight with both women wearing long pants, and recovers a
gold circular crystal from the church's stain glass window in Malaga,

Alias /2001 TVs; season 1 episode #1-08 "Time Will Tell" (Jennifer
Garner (as Sydney) has a fierce fight with black girl Gina Torres (as
Anna Espinosa). In the heat of combat, Anna grabs the book and crawls
back to the surface. As Sydney pursues her arch-rival, she falls from
the rickety ladder and plunges into the darkness)

Alias /2003 TVs; season 2 episode #2-22 "The Telling" @48min (5m20s
scene Jennifer Garner (as Sydney) in 3m15s long mean apartment
destructive fierce fight to the death with black woman Merrin Dungey
(as Francie) with both wearing long slacks)

Alias /2003 TVs; season 3 episode #3-06 "The Nemesis" (Jennifer
Garner (as Sydney) comes face-to-face with someone who was presumed
dead Merrin Dungey (as Allison) but is now a prominent member of The

Alias /2003 TVs; season 3 episode #3-09 "Conscious" (blonde Melissa
George (as Lauren Reed) catfights with Jennifer Garner Jennifer
Garner (as Sydney) inside in a building. Ms. Garner has a dream
during which she gets into a fight with Ms. George. Jennifer snaps
out of the dream but quickly sinks back into it. She and Melissa
resume their fight, during which Ms. Garner's opponent suddenly
changes in appearance from Ms. George to Jennifer Garner. The two
Sydney Bristows proceed to fight each other)

Alias /2004 TVs; season 3 episode #3-22 "Resurrection" (blonde
Melissa George (as Lauren Reed) catfights with Jennifer Garner
Jennifer Garner (as Sydney) outside in what appeared to be some type
of paramilitary encampment. After starting out as a hand-to-hand
affair, Melissa and Jennifer each grabbed a weapon (a shovel and a
pickax, respectively) and dueled with them for a while, above average)

Alias /2005 TVs; season 4 episode #4-07 " Détente" (Jennifer Garner
(as Sydney) is involved in a vicious catfight on a luxurious launch
with a very attractive brunette. There are hard punches, and both
girls were slammed into walls. The fight starts out as a one on one
affair between Jennifer Garner and murderous gun wielding Olga Vilner
as the villainess. After they both fall over a rail and crash onto
another deck, Ms. Vilner tries to strangle a dazed Ms. Garner with a
rope, but Ms. Garner is saved by the timely appearance of Mia Maestro
near the end of the fight, who portrays Ms. Garner's sister
intervenes to give big sis a hand against Ms. Vilner, two good girls
going up against a single bad girl. The only frustrating thing is the
editing and quick cutaway and didn't seem to last as long as some of
the series previous female fights. Ms. Vilner is shot dead by Ms.
Garner at the end)

Alias /2005 TVs; season 4 episode #4-08 "Echoes" (Jennifer Garner (as
Sydney) is involved in a vicious catfight with Gina Torres (as Anna

Alias /2005 TVs; season 4 episode #4-09 "A Man of His Word" (near end
Jennifer Garner (as Sydney) is involved in a vicious catfight with
Gina Torres (as Anna Espinosa) and arresting her)

Alias /2005 TVs; season 5 episode 11/10/05 "Solo" (at 45 min,
catfight between long red blonde hair good girl Rachel Nichols (as
Rachel Gibson) wearing a short maroon skirt and long black hair bad
girl Amy Acker (as Kelly Preston) wearing a black long pant outfit on
an oil rig)

Andromeda /2002 TVs; season 2 episode #214 "Be All My Sins
Remembered" (excellent fight between blonde Lisa Ryder (as Beka
Valentine) and Heather Hanson (as Margot) that takes place on a
catwalk and is hotly contested and evenly matched)

Andromeda /2002 TVs; season 2 episode #216 "In Heaven Now Are Three"
(fight between blonde Lisa Ryder (as Beka Valentine) and Ingrid
Torrance (as Duran) in a nice little battle on an alien planet)

Andromeda /2002 TVs; season 3 episode #301 "If The Wheel Is Fixed"
(brief fight between blonde Lisa Ryder (as Beka Valentine) and series
costar Laura Bertram (as Trance Gemini)

Andromeda /2004 TVs; season 5 episode #509 "What Will Be Was Not" (at
the beginning a barroom brawl erupts and blonde Lisa Ryder (as Beka
Valentine) wearing long pants gets pushed to a table. The redhead
wearing a skirt gets up and immediately punches her twice in the face
then punches her again and pulls Ms. Ryder's hair. They punch, kick
and hairpull until the fight goes outside for more of the same
tactics and then back into the bar. There are cutaways to the rest of
the melee)

Andromeda /2005 TVs; season 5 episode #518 "Quantum Tractate
Delirium" (at 20min, fight between brunette Lexa Doig (as
Andromeda /Rommie) and blonde Brandy Ledford (as Doyle) and at 35min
they fight again with both women wearing long pants)

Annie Oakley /1954 TVs; season 1 episode #112 "Annie and the Lily
Maid" (catfight between Gail Davis (as Annie Oakley) and Maura Murphy
(as Patricia Dennis) that consisted primarily of the two women
wrestling on the floor with first one and then the other on top)

The Avengers /1963 TVs; season 3 episode #3-09 "The Medicine Men"
(below average in quality fight consisting of little more than Honor
Blackman (as Cathy Gale) overpowering the villainess Ellen McIntosh
(as Liza Denham) after a very brief skirmish)

The Avengers /1965 TVs; season 4 episode #4-01 "The Town of No
Return" (nondescript affair, Diana Rigg (as Mrs. Emma Peel) disposed
of a villainess Juliet Harmer (as Jill Manson) and a male villain in
hand to hand fights, the fights were not well arranged at that time)

The Avengers /1965 TVs; season 4 episode #4-03 "The Cybernauts"
(Diana Rigg (as Mrs. Emma Peel) beats a female karate expert and kind
of took the other one out way too fast, they could have made it a
little longer with a little more action)

The Avengers /1965 TVs; season 4 episode #4-06 "The Masterminds"
(Diana Rigg (as Mrs. Emma Peel) has a brief climatic fight with
villainess Patricia Haines (as Holly Trent) behind a movie screen,
and we see only their silhouettes impossible to tell who is who. Then
the screen is broken and out tumbles a defeated Patricia followed by
a triumphant, grinning Ms. Rigg)

The Avengers /1965 TVs; season 4 episode #4-07 "The Murder Market"
(Diana Rigg (as Mrs. Emma Peel) fights two bad girls in the same
catfight Her opponents were Naomi Chance (as Mrs. Stone) and Suzanne
Lloyd (as Barbara Wakefield) while Diana again wears leather and
boots, her two opponents are attired in conservative dresses. Most of
the fight involves the confrontation between Ms. Rigg and Ms. Lloyd,
who is armed with a knife. The Rigg-Chance/Lloyd catfight is pretty
long, although interrupted by periodic cutaways to scenes of Patrick
Macnee fighting multiple bad guys)

The Avengers /1966 TVs; season 4 episode #4-17 "The Girl From Auntie"
(receptionist Yolande Turner torments Diana Rigg (as Mrs. Emma Peel)
with a whip and in the climax, Emma turns on her tormentor, grabs her
arm and pulls her head into the cage, trapping her between the bars.
Not a catfight, more a cat scuffle)

The Avengers /1966 TVs; season 4 episode #4-25 called "How to Succeed
at Murder" (Diana Rigg (as Mrs. Emma Peel) against five secretaries,
two separate catfights, first fight is notable because it is the only
female fight which Ms. Rigg lost. Diana fared much better in the
second fight. Some of her opponents in the two fights were Sarah
Lawson, Anne Cunningham and Angela Browne)

The Avengers /1967 TVs; season 5 episode #5-04 "The See-Through Man"
(near end, Diana Rigg (as Mrs. Emma Peel) wearing long pants disarms
and fights Russian agent blonde Moira Lister (as Elena) wearing a
dress with her gun hidden in her garter belt)

The Avengers /1967 TVs; season 5 episode #5-07 "The Living Dead"
(near end, Diana Rigg (as Mrs. Emma Peel) wearing long blue pants
firstly disarms uniformed enemy agent and Pamela Ann Davy (as Mandy)
wearing long pants and proceeds to give her a series of kicks and
punches. Ms Davy is hopeless and never lands one on Ms. Rigg, each
attempt being parried by Ms. Rigg. Ms. Davy ends up crashing
backwards into a pillar, where Ms. Rigg manipulates her head, making
her lose consciousness. It's all rather slow and phony looking, and
scene cuts to John Steed at a firing squad spoils it)

The Avengers /1967 TVs; season 5 episode #5-13 "Funny Thing Happened
On The Way To The Station" (Diana Rigg (as Mrs. Emma Peel) wearing
long pants has two short fights against brunette bad girl Isla Blair
in a train compartment and a blonde woman in a train dining room
assisted by a male bad guy)

The Avengers /1967 TVs; season 5 episode #5-19 "The 50,000 Pound
Breakfast" (near end, bedroom fight between Diana Rigg (as Mrs. Emma
Peel) wearing long pants and leggy Yolande Turner (as Miss Pegram)
wearing a short skirt is without question one of the sexiest
catfights ever filmed)

The New Avengers /1977 TVs; season 2 episode #2-02 "Angels of Death"
(Caroline Munro (as Tammy) gets her ass kicked by Joanna Lumley (as
Purdey). This is quite a good fistfight and kicking fight)

Battlestar Galactica /2005 TVs; season 1 episode #1-06 "Litmus" (@
36min, short dark scene and about as one-sided as you can get
physical confrontation between the tall Canadian blonde Tricia Helfer
(as Cylon Number 6) and South Korean Grace Park (as Lieutenant
Sharon "Boomer" Valerii) and one of them emerges from the fray bloody
and battered which consisted exclusively of one of the women beating
the stuffing's out of the other without encountering any resistance)

Battlestar Galactica /2005 TVs; season 1 episode #1-13 "Kobol's Last
Gleaming (2)" (at half way; in the second part of the season ending
two-part episode, there is a good catfight between short hair blonde
Katee Sackhoff (as Lt. Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace) wearing military long
pants and long hair blonde Tricia Helfer (as Number 6) wearing black
long pants and sleeveless top that goes to the end with Ms. Sackhoff
attacking Ms. Helfer and both falling into a pit with a cement floor
but Ms. Sackhoff putting up a good fight gets her ass kicked by Ms.

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century /1979 TVs; season 1 episode
#53403 "The Plot to Kill a City (2)" (catfight between Erin Gray (as
Colonel Wilma Deering) and Nancy DeCarl (as Sherese) which is a
lackluster affair and lousy job overall)

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century /1979 TVs; season 1 episode
#53412 "Cruse Ship to the Stars" (brief fight between Erin Gray (as
Colonel Wilma Deering) wearing tight leggings and heels and an
unknown bad girl wearing a miniskirt and halter top looking to kidnap
an intergalactic beauty pageant winner played by former Playboy
centerfold Dorothy Stratten)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /1997 TVs; season 1 episode #1ABB01 "Welcome
to the Hellmouth (1)" (short fight between Sarah Michelle Gellar (as
Buffy) and a female vampire)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /1997 TVs; season 2 episode #2ABB04 "Inca
Mummy Girl" (near end @ 47min a fight scene 48s long, brunette Mummy
Ara Celi wearing a dress fights blonde Sarah Michelle Gellar (as
Buffy) wearing long pants, wins throwing Ms Geller into coffin and
closing lid)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /1997 TVs; season 2 episode #2ABB09 "What's
my Line, Part 1" (near end a very good fight between Sarah Michelle
Gellar (as Buffy) and another Slayer black girl Bianca Lawson (as
Kendra) attacks Ms. Gellar with an axe with the fight to be continued
to next episode)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /1997 TVs; season 2 episode #2ABB10 "What's
my Line, Part 2" (3 brief fights; @ 24min older redhead dressed as a
policewoman with a gun attacks blonde Sarah Michelle Gellar (as
Buffy) who disarms her and the redhead flees the scene; @45min the
older redhead attacks blonde Sarah Michelle Gellar (as Buffy) with
knives and also fights black girl Bianca Lawson (as Kendra) in
another brief fight)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /1998 TVs; season 2 episode
#2ABB16 "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" (4 incidents throughout
the episode where a mob of girls, under a love spell, fight or in
some cases, squabble over a man)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /1998 TVs; season 3 episode #3ABB04 "Beauty
and the Beasts" (good fight between Sarah Michelle Gellar (as Buffy)
and Danielle Weeks (as Debbie) a female vampire)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /1998 TVs; season 3 episode
#3ABB07 "Revelations" (Sarah Michelle Gellar (as Buffy) fights Eliza
Dushku (as Faith)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /1998 TVs; season 3 episode #3ABB09 "The
Wish" (fairly short fight between Sarah Michelle Gellar (as Buffy)
and a vampire ("evil Willow")

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /1999 TVs; season 3 episode
#3ABB16 "Doppelgangland" (a "mirror image" fairly poor fight between
the good and bad incarnations of Willow)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /1999 TVs; season 3 episode
#3ABB17 "Enemies" (Sarah Michelle Gellar (as Buffy) fights Eliza
Dushku (as Faith)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /1999 TVs; season 3 episode
#3ABB21 "Graduation Day (1)" (near end Sarah Michelle Gellar (as
Buffy) wearing long pants goes and confronts Eliza Dushku (as Faith)
wearing long pants and is laying on a bed in her apartment listening
to loud music. They both engage in a long apartment wrecking punching
and kicking fight starting in the living room and crashing through a
window to the outside upper floor patio where their fight continues
until Ms Gellar pulls out a knife stabbing Ms. Dushku who then falls
off the patio onto an open bed truck being driven away)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /1999 TVs; season 4 episode #4ABB01 "The
Freshman" (2 fights, @ 32min, Sarah Michelle Gellar (as Buffy) fights
bad girl Katharine Towne (as Sunday) in the park at night and runs
away, 1m24s scene; near end, fight again with Ms. Towne in a house
after Ms. Gellar falls through the sky light)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /1999 TVs; season 4 episode #4ABB02 "Living
Conditions" (@ 49min, dorm wrecking bedroom fight between Sarah
Michelle Gellar (as Buffy) and brunette roommate)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /2000 TVs; season 4 episode #4ABB15 "This
Year's Girl (1)" (Sarah Michelle Gellar (as Buffy) fights Eliza
Dushku (as Faith) again)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /2000 TVs; season 4 episode #4ABB16 "Who Are
You (2)" (near end Sarah Michelle Gellar (as Buffy) fights Eliza
Dushku (as Faith) except they're in each other's bodies in a church.
Very good fight)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /2000 TVs; season 4 episode
#4ABB22 "Restless" (decent fight, a surreal episode with Sarah
Michelle Gellar (as Buffy) fighting "The Primitive" a black tribal
woman outside during daylight on a sandy desert hillside)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /2000 TVs; season 5 episode #5ABB05 "No
Place Like Home" (near end, Sarah Michelle Gellar (as Buffy) wearing
pants and a halter top takes on sexy blonde demon Clare Kramer (as
Glory) wearing a red dress in a warehouse. Ms Geller doesn't stand a
chance the demon throws her against the wall a couple of times and
kicks her in the belly. Buffy and Ms. Kramer lock fingers in a test
of strength and the demon applies her strength, making Buffy scream
and nearly brings her to her knees and Buffy manages to escape)
Season 5: Disc 2

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /2000 TVs; season 5 episode #5ABB08 "Shadow"
(at ½ way, Sarah Michelle Gellar (as Buffy) wearing pants fights sexy
demon Clare Kramer (as Glory) wearing a foxy dress. Buffy takes Glory
by surprise and comes on like gangbusters, hitting her again and
again, but Glory turns the tables and Buffy gets creamed Glory mops
up the floor with the slayer, punching, kicking and slamming her into
walls. Buffy is thrown around like a rag doll, unable to fight back
or even catch her breath is finally defeated, curled up and
whimpering) Season 5: Disc 2

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /2001 TVs; season 5 episode #5ABB14 "Crush"
(near end a rather brief one-sided fight between chained Sarah
Michelle Gellar (as Buffy) and brunette bad girl Juliet Landau (as
Dursilla) in a cellar while Spike fights a blonde female former

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /2001 TVs; season 5 episode #5ABB20 "Spiral"
(better one-sided fight between Sarah Michelle Gellar (as Buffy) and
bad girl who is a female goddess)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /2001 TVs; season 5 episode #5ABB22 "The
Gift" (near end Sarah Michelle Gellar (as Buffy) wearing gray long
pants with light blue sweater fights demon Clare Kramer (as Glory)
wearing black top and black long pants in a long fight starting on
the ground floor of a warehouse then up into a sky tower and back
down again, Glory gets hit with a large hammer and a wrecking ball
from a crane)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /2002 TVs; season 6 episode #6ABB21 "Two To
Go (1)" (near end, decent fight between Sarah Michelle Gellar (as
Buffy) and Alyson Hannigan (as Willow Rosenberg) a witch with both
wearing long pants, Ms. Geller loses)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /2002 TVs; season 7 episode
#7ABB05 "Selfless" (@ 40min, nice fight inside in a living room
between Sarah Michelle Gellar (as Buffy) and Emma Caulfield (as Anya)
a demon and not nearly as attractive as normal. Ms. Geller runs a
sword into Anya's chest and after a long cutaway Anya removes the
sword and they fight briefly again before it is interrupted by a male

Buffy the Vampire Slayer /2002 TVs; season 7 episode #7ABB06 "Him" (@
24min. a 20s long traditional hairpulling, rolling on the floor
catfight between 2 attractive long hair girls, one is Buffy's sister,
outside a nightclub at night that is broken up quickly by Ms. Geller)

Charlie's Angels /1976 TVs; season 1 episode #1-03 "Night of the
Strangler" (Jaclyn Smith (as Dana Cameron) has a quick fight with
Rosemary Forsyth (as Michelle St. Clair)

Charlie's Angels /1976 TVs; season 1 episode #1-04 "Angels in Chains"
(Angels go under cover in prison, Catfight?)

Charlie's Angels /1976 TVs; season 1 episode #1-06 "The Killing Kind"
(the Swedish masseuse Janis Jamison fights Nancy Stephens in the only
catfight from the series which didn't involve one of the Angels)

Charlie's Angels /1977 TVs; season 1 episode #1-17 "The Vegas
Connection" (Jaclyn Smith (as Kelly Garrett) has a brief fight with
Carla Borelli (as Tina)

Charlie's Angels /1977 TVs; season 1 episode #1-18 "Terror on Ward
One" (Jaclyn Smith (as Kelly Garrett) has a much better battle in a
hospital against Sally Cater Hunt (as Nurse Farragut)

Charlie's Angels /1977 TVs; season 2 episode #2-13 "Magic Fire"
(short bout between Cheryl Ladd (as Kris Munroe) and Victoria Carroll
(as Mary Ann) which ended when Ms. Carroll fled the scene, only to
run into Jaclyn Smith (as Kelly Garrett) whom she fought in an even
shorter contest)

Charlie's Angels /1978 TVs; season 2 episode #2-19 "Angels in the
Backfield" (longest and arguably the best catfight in the series,
Jaclyn Smith (as Kelly Garrett) and Cheryl Ladd (as Kris Munroe) are
undercover as members of a women's football team. One of the players,
Heidi Van Beltz, (as Grinelda) starts to bully the much smaller
Cheryl in the locker room. Jaclyn comes over and stands up for Ms.
Ladd, which leads to a decent energetic fight between Ms. Smith and
the much larger Ms. Van Beltz with Ms. Smith's speed and judo skills
eventually giving her the upper hand)

Charmed /200x TVs; season 2 episode #2-xx "Pardon My Past" (brief two
against one fight that pits Alyssa Milano (as Phoebe) against costars
Shannen Doherty (as Prudence 'Prue' Halliwell) and Holly Marie Combs
(as Piper Halliwell), no better than average)

Charmed /200x TVs; season 3 episode #3-xx "The Honeymoon's Over"
(wild fight in a courtroom in which Alyssa Milano (as Phoebe),
Shannen Doherty (as Prudence 'Prue' Halliwell) and Holly Marie Combs
(as Piper Halliwell) team up to battle a bunch of demons. The scene
has brief snippets of Alyssa fighting a female demon portrayed by an
unidentified actress)

Charmed /200x TVs; season 3 episode #3-xx "Power Outage" (Shannen
Doherty (as Prudence 'Prue' Halliwell) and Holly Marie Combs (as
Piper Halliwell) get into a catfight and Alyssa Milano (as Phoebe)
arrives upon the scene and jumps into the fight, causing it to
deteriorate into a three girl free-for-all)

Charmed /200x TVs; season 4 episode #4-xx "Hell Hath No Fury" (Alyssa
Milano (as Phoebe) and Holly Marie Combs (as Piper Halliwell) get
into a catfight)

Charmed /2002 TVs; season 4 episode #4-18 "Bite Me" (@ 45min, Rose
McGowan (as Paige) in long red dress punches and kick fights Alyssa
Milano (as Phoebe) and Holly Marie Combs (as Piper) her two sisters
in a graveyard)

Cleopatra 2525 /2000 TVs; season 1 episode #1-04 "Mind Games" (Two
fights; at half, sexy blonde Victoria Pratt (as Sarge) and beautiful
black woman Gina Torres (as Hal) engage in a decent leggy rolling
fight in a bar on a stage; near end 2 on 1 fight, Ms Pratt and Ms
Torres in a leggy fight with Danielle Cormack (as Raina) a brunette)

Danger Man /1966 TVs; season 3 episode #323 "Not so Jolly Roger"
(disc jockey Trisha Noble (as Susan Wade) is held at gunpoint by Lisa
Daniely (as Linda Janson) the villainess. Ms Daniely is distracted by
a noise giving Ms. Noble a chance to knock her gun out of her hand. A
fight follows and Ms. Noble skillfully bests the larger woman
finishing Ms. Daniely with 3 hard face chin punches, then drags her
up by the back of her collar in defeat)

Dark Angel /2001 TVs; season 1 episode #015 "Female Trouble" (Jessica
Alba (as Max Guevara "X5-452") has two fights with Shireen
Crutchfield (as Jace). These two fights were the series' weakest
efforts with neither bout being better than average)

Dark Angel /2002 TVs; season 2 episode #041 "She Ain't Heavy" (the
series followed the time honored tradition of having the heroine
engage in a catfight with her double, in this case Max's clone. Ms.
Alba, of course, played both Max and the clone ("Sam"). The fight was
pretty good, with each combatant holding her own and went on for a
reasonable period of time)

Dark Angel /2002 TVs; season 2 finale episode #043 "Freak Nation"
(The best female fight in the series, without question. Jessica's
opponent is Amy Dumas known as "Lita" from the WWF professional
wrestling production. This battle is one of the longest catfights to
have appeared on a television show, was hard fought and quite
realistic. It featured a lot of punching and martial arts moves and
Ms. Dumas, appropriately, employed several of the maneuvers she
utilizes in her professional wrestling career, a great catfight to
add to your collection. An interesting sidelight is that Amy Dumas
sustained a severe neck injury while the fight was being filmed which
precluded her from returning to professional wrestling for almost a

Desperate Housewives /2004 TVs; season 1 episode #09 "Suspicious
Minds" (clothes ripped but no punches, slaps and actual assault takes
place between Teri Hatcher (as Susan Mayer) wearing a white dress and
Eva Longoria (as Gabrielle Solis) wearing long blue jean pants
backstage during a charity fashion show, is sparked by Ms. Harrold's
incorrect suspicion that Ms. Hatcher is having an affair with her
son. The brief scuffle does culminate in some clothes ripping off Ms.
Hatcher, though it's just a floor length skirt that gets ripped off
and a broken high heel that, again, has more humorous than salacious
value. Short and not a particularly great catfight)

Desperate Housewives /2006 TVs; season 2 episode #36 "There's
Something About a War" (catfight between Eva Longoria (as Gabrielle
Solis) and pretty blonde nun Melinda Page Hamilton (as Sister Mary
Bernard) in a Catholic church)

Dukes of Hazzard /1980 TVs; season 2 episode #216 "Treasure of
Hazzard" (Catherine Bach (as Daisy Duke) fights old Doris Dowling (as
Stacey Williams) outside in the mud)

Dukes of Hazzard /1980 TVs; season 2 episode #217 "Officer Daisy
Duke" (Catherine Bach (as Daisy Duke gets knocked out by a female
prisoner in jail faking an illness)

Dukes of Hazzard /1981 TVs; season 3 episode #321 "The Great Hazzard
Hijack" (brief fight near end, Catherine Bach (as Daisy Duke) fights
Simone Griffith (as Kate Rhoades) during a brawl. Daisy goes up to
the bad girl and pops her with a hard punch right square on the jaw
instantly dropping her to the ground, as she attempts to gets up, the
gorgeous Daisy pops her again with a punch right square in the jaw.
Dazed and confused, she gets up one more time. This time Daisy grabs
her by the arm, rolls her over the back and slams her on the ground.
Believe it or not, she tried to get up again. Feeling sorry for her,
Daisy grabs the woman by her collar and says "stay down". The woman
convinced she has no chance against this tall, beautiful, strong
country gal, listens to Daisy and stays down. Daisy walks away with
everyone cheering)

The D.R.E.A.M. Team /1999 TVs; season 1 episode #102 "Pilot (2)"
(Angie Everhart (as Kim) wearing a black military long pant outfit is
attacked by Tracy Lords wearing a black leather jacket, red top and
black long pants and have a back and forth punching and kicking fight
of good length until Ms. Lords is knocked out, some scene cutaways)

The D.R.E.A.M. Team /1999 TVs; season 1 Unknown episode (Angie
Everhart (as Kim) disarms a gun from a blonde female terrorist
outside after her truck crashes and fistfights her until the blonde
is knocked out)

Earth 2 /1994 to 1995 TVs; Unknown episode (One of the episodes had a
pretty nice little catfight between series regulars Debrah Farentino
(as Devon Adair) and Jessica Steen (as Dr. Julia Heller)

Earth 2 /1994 to 1995 TVs; Unknown episode (very good fistfight where
the girls fought like old time fighters even with one girl being
punched over a cliff, (note, not tripping after a single missed punch
but being punched deliberately at the end of a long fight by the bad
girl) the problem is that in subsequent reruns the fight was edited
to the standard punch and fall type thing)

Farscape /1999; TVs; season 1 episode #105 "Back and Back and Back to
the Future" (at 16min, the ship takes on a mysterious alien woman
Lisa Hensley (as Matala) as a passenger, not so pretty and definitely
up to no good, and crewmember attractive brunette with dancer's type
body named Claudia Black (as Aeryn Sun) don't click from the start
and at some point they agree to "exercise" together. The next scene
has Claudia practicing judo wearing nice outfit with a bare stomach
and the women begin to fight (just for exercise, of course). It's
clear from the start they're playing for real, and the punches and
kicks keep coming faster and harder, there's also a little taunting
going on. Claudia is clearly better at judo, but just when it looks
like she's winning the alien woman does this move where she waves her
hand in front of Claudia's face and gets her stunned for a second
(like a praying mantis). She then nails Claudia with a vicious chop
across the upper chest and Claudia falls back unconscious. The whole
thing is not too long, maybe like a minute, but it's got a great last
camera shot, the alien woman bows and sneers something like "Thank
you for the exercise" and as she walks away the camera cuts to a wide
overhead shot of Claudia on her back out cold. Very good 1m25s scene
and totally uninterrupted)

Farscape /2001; TVs; season 3 episode #310 "Relativity" (at 24min,
brunette Claudia Black (as Aeryn Sun) and another brunette with a
neck tattoo fight in a uninhabited jungle with Ms Black winning and
later on getting knocked out, both women are wearing long pants)

Friends /2002 TVs; season 9 episode #908 "The One With Rachel's Other
Sister" (at 15min, Thanksgiving day fight between Christina Applegate
(as Amy) and Jennifer Aniston (as Rachel Green)

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys /1996 TVs; season 2 episode #2-
13 "The Enforcer" (catfight between Karen Sheperd (as Enforcer) and
Teresa Hill (as Nemesis)

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys /1996 TVs; season 3 episode #3-
05 "Not Fade Away" (lengthy martial arts fight between Karen Sheperd
(as Enforcer) and Cynthia Rothrock (as Enforcer 2)

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys /1997 TVs; season 4 episode #4-
06 "Two Men and a Baby" (near end, short but sweet catfight between
brunette Meighan Desmond (as Discord) and Kimberley Joseph (as
Nemesis) that takes place in a castle. The women whose characters
despise each other enthusiastically exchange blows, but their
confrontation is interrupted prematurely. Good fight)

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys /1997 TVs; season 4 episode #4-
07 "Prodigal Sister" (In the beginning of the episode, an attractive
young woman is criticized for not being tough enough, not practicing
her Amazon skills enough, etc. As a demonstration, the Amazon queen
asks the girl to spar with another Amazon a clearly superior fighter.
Mostly kickboxing and flips, but very nice. As expected, the tougher
Amazon digs into the softer girl with gusto until she can't go on
anymore and ends up eating dirt (almost literally, since they were
fighting in soft soil which added a nice touch to the scene)

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys /1998 TVs; season 4 episode #4-
16 "Porkules" (short mud wrestling scene. It takes place on a raised
dais but is not the primary focus of the scene)

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys /1999 TVs; season 5 episode #5-
18 "Love on the Rocks" (blonde Alexandra Tydings (as Aphrodite the
love goddess) and brunette Meighan Desmond (as Discord) have a fight
in the midst of a brawl involving Kevin Sorbo (as Hercules). There
are multiple cutaways from the Tydings-Desmond catfight and another
detriment is that the fight has its comedic elements, notably the
catty remarks that the women exchange throughout the bout. Still, it
is pretty long and overall it's not a bad female fight)

Highlander: Raven /1999 TVs; season 1 episode #112 "A Matter of Time"
(sword fight between Elizabeth Gracen (as Amanda) and brunette Ellen
Dubin (as Crysta) outside in a foggy area and Ms Gracen takes her

Highlander: Raven /1999 TVs; season 1 episode #115 "Inferno" (sword
fight between Elizabeth Gracen (as Amanda) and Michelle Gomez (as
Talia Bauer) on a channel at night and Ms Gracen takes her head)

Highlander: Raven /1998-9 TVs; Unknown episode (sword fight between
Elizabeth Gracen (as Amanda) and a brunette in an apartment all over
a coffee table, Ms. Gracen puts the sword to her throat and the
brunette surrenders, both women wearing long pants)

Highlander: Raven /1998-9 TVs; Unknown episode (fist fight between
Elizabeth Gracen (as Amanda) and a blonde in a cave with counterfeit

Highlander: Raven /1998-9 TVs; Unknown episode (struggle between
Elizabeth Gracen (as Amanda) and a blonde inside a limousine Ms.
Gracen loses and gets hit with a long flashlight)

Knight Rider /1983 TVs; season 2 episode #030 "Custom K.I.T.T."
(Denise Miller (as Carrie Haver) waist tackles Angel Tompkins (as
Nora Rayburn) a fleeing car thief, they fall to the ground into a
patch of engine oil. After a brief roll in the oil, Denise is
victorious, sitting on top of whining, oil covered Angel, average and
takes place in a large garage or warehouse)

Knight Rider /1985 TVs; season 4 episode #078 "Knight Behind Bars"
(near end, Series regular Patricia McPherson (as Dr. Bonnie Barstow)
goes undercover as an inmate at a women's prison, David Hasselhoff
attempts to sneak into the prison. To assist him, Ms. McPherson
distracts the guards by initiating a catfight with fellow inmate
Faith Minton (as Darleen) in the exercise area. Patricia slams a
volleyball into Faith's stomach. The actresses, each wearing jeans
and a light blue shirt, then start to wrestle and roll around on the
ground. After the McPherson-Minton bout gets off to a promising
start, the camera abruptly cuts away to an extended scene that
depicts Mr. Hasselhoff scaling the prison wall and then sneaking up
behind and incapacitating a guard. By the time we return to the
catfight, the action is winding down. A third actress, identity
unknown, has entered the fray, seemingly on Ms. Minton's behalf. The
three women struggle on the ground for only a few seconds before the
guards break up the melee. Quite disappointing when you take into
account the promising start, average rating primarily because most of
the fight takes place off camera)

La Femme Nikita /1997 TVs; season 1 episode #113 "Recruit" (gym
practice fight becomes real between brunette Felicity Waterman (as
Karen) and blonde Peta Wilson (as Nikita) both wearing a long gym

La Femme Nikita /1999 TVs; season 3 episode #315 "Hand to Hand"
(Blonde Peta Wilson (as Nikita) wearing a long blue dress and
brunette Marjean Holden (as Aurora) wearing long maroon dress have an
arranged fight to the death in a large glass enclosure filled with
water and after a long sexy underwater battle that Ms. Wilson wins
she doesn't kill Ms. Holden)

The L Word / 2004 TVs; season 1 episode #013 "Limb from Limb"
(catfight between Jennifer Beals (as Bette Porter) and Laurel
Holloman (as Tina Kennard) that features some nice action, is quite
intense and warrants a look)

Lexx /2001 TVs; season 4 episode #4-21 "Viva Lexx Vegas" (three Vegas
female cage fights; The first fight is this loony female body builder
throwing around what looked to be a cocktail waitress and that's it
no punches or kicks, just tossing her around a little; The second
fight is Xenia Seeberg's (as Xev Bellringer) first fight against that
same female bodybuilder and you get to see almost none of it. Her
second fight is against another bodybuilder type disguised as a
woman, and it's the same thing, no real action, just Xev knocking her
opponent down with a silly looking final punch, all three below

Little House on the Prairie /1979 TVs; season 6 episode #6-02 "Back
to School (2)" (@ 35min, Melissa Gilbert and Alison Arngrim get into
a fight which starts on land and ends up in a stream. The quality of
the fight is average at best)

Little House on the Prairie /1980 TVs; season 7 episode #7-
07 "Divorce, Walnut Grove Style" (@ 29 min, far better fight between
Melissa Gilbert and Tisch Raye. This fight took place in a street in
front of a group of cheering schoolchildren and was a spirited little
bout a western tussle with the two women slapping and rolling about
in the dirt.)

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman /1994 TVs; season 1
episode #1-14 "Witness" (Teri Hatcher (as Lois Lane) fights Claudette
Nevins (as (as Barbara Trevino). The fight takes place in a supply
room and, while of short duration is fairly decent and the best
series catfight)

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman /1994 TVs; season 2
episode #2-01 "Madame Ex" (Teri Hatcher (as Lois Lane) fights an evil
double of Lois Lane, the result of cosmetic surgery, who was allied
with bad girl Emma Samms. The two eventually have a falling out which
leads to a fight between the double and Ms. Samms late in the
episode. It takes place in the cab of a tanker truck and is little
more than a brief struggle over the possession of a pistol, below

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman /1994 TVs; season 2
episode #2-02 "Wall of Sound" (Teri Hatcher (as Lois Lane) has a
confrontation with bodybuilder Cory Everson which unfortunately
results in a "don't blink or you'll miss it" one punch knockout)

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman /1995 TVs; season 2
episode #2-14 "Top Copy" (very brief but entertaining catfight; Teri
Hatcher (as Lois Lane) fights female assassin Raquel Welch (as Diana
Stride) disguised as a nurse in a hospital with Ms. Welch fleeing the
premises after employing a concealed weapon)

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. /1965 TVs; season 1 episode #1-29 "The Odd
Man Out Affair" (possibly ends with a spanking?)

Monk /2003 TVs; Season 2 episode 19 P.C. #T1406 "Mr. Monk Goes to the
Theater" (near end, blonde Bitty Schram (as Sharona Fleming) wearing
long pants fights blonde Melissa George (as Jenna Ryan) wearing a
long dress on a theater stage and wins knocking out Ms. George)

Monk /2003 TVs; Season 2 episode 23 P.C. #T1412 "Mr. Monk and the
Paperboy" (near end blonde Bitty Schram (as Sharona Fleming) fights
bad girl Nicole DeHuff (as Vicki Salinas) on railroad tracks, Ms.
Schram wins and hand cuffing her)

Mutant X /2003 TVs; season 2 episode #208 "Sign from Above" (near end
1m45s scene blonde Victoria Pratt escapes from a table tie up and
chases brunette Colette Stevenson (as Dr. Sarah Wolf) to another room
where Ms Stevenson drinks a potion that gives her power and she mops
up on Ms Pratt but when the Ms Stevenson gets shot with a dart that
takes away her powers Ms Pratt knocks her out with a flying kick)

Mutant X /2003 TVs; season 2 episode #210 "Understudy" (blonde Jeyna
Lano (as Nikki Rodgers) breaks a woman's neck on a park bench; near
end, recovering from a foot injury on crutches blonde Victoria Pratt
(as Shalimar Fox) wearing long pants and a blonde Mutant Jeyna Lano
wearing long pants have a long fight in their control room which Ms
Pratt darkened to give her an equal advantage for the fight)

Mutant X /2003 TVs; season 2 episode #215 "Under the Cloak of War"
(near beginning 52s scene blonde Victoria Pratt (as Shalimar Fox) has
a short brutal fight with a blonde assassin Laura Catalano (as
Serena) wearing a red cocktail dress in a mall who is trying to kill
John Shea (as Adam Kane). Ms Pratt wins the punching exchange and
throws her over the balcony rail to a lower floor)

Mutant X /2003 TVs; season 3 episode #305 "The Taking of Crows"
(blonde Victoria Pratt (as Shalimar Fox) disarms a knife from an
attacking female prisoner in a jail cell; Ms. Pratt has an outdoor
catfight with a female prisoner while on a prison work detail to
allow Karen Cliché to escape; Ms. Pratt is roughed up by a female
guard who she ends up killing)

Mutant X /2003 TVs; season 3 episode #307 "The Hand of God" (at half
way, Jeanette Roxborough attacks Karen Cliché one knock down; near
end paramilitary female mutant redhead Jeanette Roxborough attacks
Karen Cliché and later has a nice fight with blonde Victoria Pratt
(as Shalimar Fox)

Mutant X /2004 TVs; season 3 episode #319 "Dream Lover" (excellent
fight, blonde Victoria Pratt (as Shalimar Fox) fights her identical
clone with both women wearing identical red dresses)

Mr. and Mrs. North /1952 TVs; Unknown Episode (Barbara Britton (as
Pam North) loses several catfights)

Oz /1999 TVs; season 3 episode #24 "Out o' Time" (Edie Falco gets
into a fight in the prison infirmary with Kristin Rohde as fellow
corrections officer Claire Howell. It was quickly broken up and rates
as slightly below average in quality)

Remington Steele /1984 TVs; season 2 episode #212 "Steele Eligible"
(1m20s enjoyable brief fight between Stephanie Zimbalist (as Laura
Holt) and tall cute blonde villainess D.D Howard (as Millicent
Fairbush) who is about to push the wheelchair bound Pierce Brosnan
down some auditorium stairs. Ms. Zimbalist drops down from an
overhead line with her feet out knocking Ms Howard backwards. Ms
Zimbalist finishes her off with a kick in the stomach and a punch in
the jaw, sending Ms Howard crashing into a pile of boxes)

Remington Steele /1984 TVs; season 2 episode #219 "Dreams of Steele"
(Stephanie Zimbalist (as Laura Holt) chases after her and grabs
Judith Light (as Clarissa Custer) bad girl who tries to run away by
her arm. Judith comes back with a vicious backhand slap to the face
of Stephanie making her fall on her ass. Judith runs to the balcony,
Stephanie chases after her only to be thrown from the balcony to the
ground several stories down)

Jayne Mansfield {Dog Eat Dog}


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I want to let any UK members interested in purchasing the dvd
DOG EAT DOG starring JAYNE MANSFIELD know that I've found it is
available to buy at However, it is only
available in Region 1 format. It is priced at £11.99 with free
delivery within the United Kingdom.

Answers to some questions


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Kudos to galien55 for his post yesterday (message number
2751, "Jayne Mansfield Catfight") in which he mentioned an obscure
movie/t.v. catfight that deserves much more recognition than it has
received. The fight in question involved one of the most storied and
incredibly built actresses from the 1950's and 1960's, Jayne
Mansfield. While he couldn't remember the name of the film, galien55
accurately recalled that it was a black and white production and
that Ms. Mansfield's opponent was attempting to escape from her
immediately before the fight started. The title of the movie is Dog
Eat Dog (1964), a German/Italian co-production filmed in the former
Yugoslavia. The flick received minimal distribution in the United
States, which probably explains why this particular catfight is
relatively unknown among fans of female combat in this country.
Jayne Mansfield's character is the moll of a gangster portrayed by
Cameron Mitchell. The catfight scene takes place on an island. Mr.
Mitchell and Ms. Mansfield have cornered Dodie Heath and a male
companion. A fight breaks out between the men, during which Ms.
Heath makes a run for it with Ms. Mansfield in hot pursuit. Dodie
runs to the harbor where she boards a small boat and starts to sail
away. Before she gets very far, Jayne arrives and manages to jump
into the boat. Ms. Heath tries to hit her with an oar but Ms.
Mansfield tackles her. The women engage in an energetic battle in
the boat that includes hair pulling and wrestling. They eventually
tumble into the water and continue to fight while making their way
back to shore, where the bout ends. A very nice female fight,
notable of course for Jayne Mansfield's participation. Dog Eat Dog
was difficult to track down until recently. Dark Sky Films
( released it on DVD last month. You can
also get the film from Netflix (

On March 9, 2005 (message number 2734, "Re: Catfight Spotlight on
Mamie Van Doren") our friend arijit_mookerjee inquired where he
could find a clip of the fight between Rhonda Fleming and Mamie Van
Doren from the movie Yankee Pasha (1954). I haven't come across it
on the Femalesfighting or oldies but goodies femfight message boards and am unaware if you can download it anywhere else on the internet. The only place I have found it is on the tape titled "Special Requests Catfights #2" compiled by USA Publications (

We received a question that was pretty broad in scope from
flshane1981 on March 14, 2006 (message number 2745, "Which TV series
have a decent number of catfights?"). He asked which television
shows have shown fights between females. That category, of course,
is voluminous. I couldn't possibly list every catfight that has
appeared on television since the advent of that medium. However, an
excellent starting point is the comprehensive list that leonovak2000
posted in two parts on October 27, 2004 (messages number 1384 and
1389, "List for Movies and TV series continued!"). You can also get
some good leads by checking out the entries on our various polls
about prominent female fights on television or by reading the many
posts on the message board about various girl fights that have been
televised. If you'd like some information about the show that far
and away featured the most catfights (forty-one) ever seen on a
television series, read the message we posted on March 27, 2004
(message number 661, "The Black Scorpion Episodes").

Re: Which TV series have a decent number of catfights?


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Forgiven was the fourteenth episode in season three.
Path of Vengeance was the fourteenth episode in season six. Both episodes are worth the rental fee. I particularly enjoyed the Path of Vengeance fight.


--- crudaddy2k@... wrote:

toggle quoted messageShow quoted text

You mentioned that you have all six seasons of Xena.
I've seen numerous references in this group to two
episodes, "Path of Vengeance" and "Forgiven," but I
don't recall the seasons in which they occur.
Perhaps you can remind me. There's a local video
store that rents the series, but only in pairs or
the entire collection. I'd like to rent only those
particular episodes if I can pinpoint them. Thanks.

Jayne Mansfield Catfight



Jayne Mansfield had a catfight with a good girl. The good girl was trying to escape from Jayne. I can remember some slaps to the face and a struggle on the beach, but I don't remember the name of the film in which the catfight happened. I think it was a black and white film but I'm not sure.



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On Thursday, March 16th the SMALLVILLE repeat episode titled LOCKDOWN will have an all too brief altercation involving Lana Lang and a corrupt female sheriff inside a warehouse.

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.