Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (2024)

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (1)

Study AbroAdtravel the world while learning

doN’t drIVE ME CrAZy

Fly your FANdoM FlAg

Making the roads safer for everyone

When saying you “like” something simply isn’t

enough to convey your obsession


Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (2)


EdItorIAlEmily Steele - Managing EditorOwen Harvey - Deputy Managing EditorAmy Theodore - Deputy Editor, FeaturesJackson Langford - Deputy Editor, FeaturesLauren Gross - Deputy Editor, FeaturesMadeline Link - Deputy Editor, Uni ContentLiz Crichton - Lead Graphic DesignerKatrina Reeves - Supporting Graphic Designer

CoNtrIbutorSAlex Stute - Contributing WriterAndrew Yapp - Contributing WriterBronte Hoy - Contributing WriterBridget Gunn - Contributing WriterJack Chaffey - Contributing WriterJamie Jeffery - Contributing WriterJodie Millard - Contributing WriterKate Ellis - Contributing WriterSam Rayfield - Contributing WriterJemimah Irvin – Graphic DesignerLaura Unicomb – Graphic Designer

SubMISSIoNSThe Yak editorial team is always on the look out for passionate student writers and graphic designers to contribute to the magazine. If you would like to take the opportunity to get your work published, please send a sample of your writing or graphic design work to [emailprotected].

AdVErtISINgFor advertising opportunities, contact Yak Media at [emailprotected]

Printed by PrintCentre on Callaghan Campus.

Yak magazine is a free publication of UoN Services Ltd © 2014. www.uonservices.org.au


04 Yak Online

05 Five Tips + Health

06 Kate’s Conundrums

07 Clubs

08 Sports

09 College

10 Recipes

11 Rayfield’s Rants

28 Watt Space

29 Unearthed + U Cinema

30 What’s On

Yak Magazine is published by UoN Services Limited at the University of Newcastle. The views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of UoN Services Limited or the University of Newcastle, unless explicitly stated. UoN Services Limited accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the opinions of information contained in this issue of Yak Magazine.

In addition, Yak Magazine may at times accept forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of affiliate compensation to subsidise the costs associated with producing the magazine. We recommend you do your own research and draw your own conclusions about any product claim, technical specifications, statistic, quote or other representation about a product, service, manufacturer, or provider.

• Making and Breaking Habits• Piracy Culture• Male Contraception• Dating Advice

Fandomonium12 Student’s Guide to Exchange16

Mass Debate: Full-time vs. Part-time Students


Harmony Day25 Newcastle: Craft City28

Online Etiquette18


Safe Driving: The Dos, the Don’ts and the Ridiculous


• Genetic Engineering of Babies• Mass Debate on the ‘Newcastle Solution’ • New Zealand Travel

NEXT ISSUE:Check out yak digital online!Scan here.

Get your free copy from press-points around campus on Monday, 7 April.

Cover design by Liz Crichton






Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (3)




‘Allo ‘allo ‘allo. I, your faithful Deputy Managing Editor, will be filling in for Emily this month, but I’m sure she is still happy to take full responsibility for any errors you may find. I’m still a bit of a newbie ‘round these parts, but I look forward to working with the team.

Most of us will just about be emerging from our summer respite, bleary-eyed but eager for an exciting new semester of learning. Did you go to the beach and get amazingly tanned/sunburned? No, you’re right, rhetorical questions don’t work as well in print. Hopefully you’ve gotten all the class times you wanted and have started getting organised by colour-coding your notebooks and sharpening your pencils (maybe not).

With O Week officially wrapped up, I expect everyone took the opportunity to join loads of fantastic clubs and societies, taking advantage of the massive amount of free stuff available in the process. I recall signing up for least 10 different things last year, and I even attended a few of them! But it’s also essential to remember university is not all fun and games; it’s easy to fall behind on the million-and-one assessments you’ll need to do… Oh who am I kidding, you’ll find me at Bar on the Hill most Wednesdays.

In this Yak edition, you can catch colourful commentary concerning crazy connoisseurs, convenient chemists, caring college, conveying comfort, cool clubs, charming cuisine, chilled cafés, changing countries, calming celebrations, careful car-driving, cyber customs, curious columns, child-bearing Canadians and other things not starting with ‘C’.

Yak Magazine aims to offer the best articles and advice on surviving uni, and this year we’re very much complemented by Yak Digital and Yak TV, meaning we’re slowly working our way up to WORLD DOMINATION (if only we could find some volunteers for the nuclear fission lab). If you yourself would like to contribute in any way, feel free to give us a buzz; we’d love you to show us what you’ve got.

So whether you’re a new, returning, part-time, full-time, undergrad, post-grad, teaching, or some weirdo who hangs around uni campuses for kicks, I wish you the best for the year. Be sure to try out as many things as possible, particularly at the upcoming Harmony Week celebrations. And now, to end with a joke; how do you hide a mollusc? Clamouflage!

Would you rather dribble syrup or fart popcorn, and why?


EMIly StEElEAs inconvenient as farting popcorn would be, I feel it could be kept more hidden. Constantly changing your shirt because of dribble isn’t attractive, at all. Plus, popcorn is delicious and it would definitely creep people out if you stuck your hands in your pants and then into your mouth.


oWEN HArVEyFarting popcorn, which I would then capitalise on with Poopcorn™.


AMy tHEodorEDribble syrup. It’s more inconspicuous to lick yummy tasting drool of your face then leaving a trail of popcorn when trying to empty your pants.


JACKSoN lANgFordDefinitely dribble syrup. Syrup’s delicious, plus I can imagine farting popcorn would bring a new level of pain.


MAdElINE lINKDribble syrup - it’s probably the lesser of two evils.


lIZ CrICHtoNThe syrup, it would be really inconvenient to have to empty your popcorn pants all the time.


KAtrINA rEEVESFart popcorn. Expelling a delicious (albeit crunchy) snack from my body would be a huge improvement on the current farting situation. Plus, I’d always be prepared for a movie marathon!


lAurEN groSSDefinitely dribble syrup. God I hope its maple syrup. Mmmmm maple syrup. *Homer Simpson drool*

03Yak Magazine - March 2014

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (4)

Did you just reinvent the wheel in a chemistry lab? Has your philosophy teacher been hit with an existential crisis? Or are you just looking damn cute today? We at Yak want to see it all.

Just when you thought we had no more tricks up our sleeves, the team at Yak have decided to join 2014 and start snapping our adventures on campus.

Follow us on our Instagram account @YakatUoN, and use #yaksnap to show everyone what you’ve been up to! C’mon, we want to know.


#yaksnap is here!

04 Yak Magazine - March 2014

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (5)

Madeline Link tells us what the Callaghan Campus Pharmacy has

to offer.In the famous (and highly inappropriate) words of Lil Wayne, “I’m a pill poppin’ animal.” Guess what? Thanks to the recent opening of the Callaghan Campus Pharmacy, you can be too! (With particular regard to the advice of your medical practitioner and specified label-use only, of course). Located on level one of the Shortland Building (shop 110B), between the Co-Op Bookshop and the U’s office, the pharmacy provides convenient and quality service to students and staff alike. The pharmacy is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm,

and also provides an online ordering service so you can get your flu medication just as simply as you would a pizza.

For those of us who find ourselves sick and needing extensions on assignments or just a

day off work to relax and recuperate, the pharmacy offers medical certificates without the three hour waiting time of your typical medical centre. They also have an on-campus delivery service to cater for those with disabilities. Additionally, the pharmacy has an extremely fast PBS prescription service, which means you spend less time feeling ill and more time getting better. Best of all, the pharmacy can provide quality advice from pharmacists and herbalists, free medication reviews, and emergency contraception available without prescription.

Have a trip planned and aren’t sure how to prepare yourself? Not a problem - the pharmacy offers travel medication and free advice on additional medications which can make tackling authentic foreign cuisine that little bit less daunting (eat your heart out, Bear Grylls). As if this weren’t impressive enough, the pharmacy also stocks a range of gifts, cosmetics and skin-care products for your convenience.

For more information visit the Callaghan Campus Pharmacy online at ccpharmacy.com.au. Find them on

Facebook or Call 02 4968 8070 (uoN ext. 64295)

Who hasn’t resolved to be the ‘best student ever’ - buying a diary and swearing fervently that you’ll attend every lecture, only to find yourself dropping the act by week two? Well, Alexander the great didn’t conquer Persia without a solid game plan, so here’s five tips to stay on track this semester.

by Madeline link

Saying you’ll be organised and actually being organised are two very different things. Get yourself a diary and

mark in all your future assessments, test dates and group presentation meeting times at the beginning of semester. There is nothing worse than finding out the night before that your assessment is due tomorrow.

‘Due today, do today’ is no longer a comical Facebook status opportunity for you. Get started on all of your

assignments at least two weeks before the due date, to give yourself time for research, planning and procrastination. After all, we’re only human, right?

Learn how to navigate the library like a Spanish conquistador. Leave no book unturned, no study room

unexplored. The library runs free tours during orientation, and the staff are always willing to show you how to use the databases and categorise your priorities like a walking Dewey Decimal system. Remember, knowledge is power, and power is awesome.

Stay motivated! ‘But for the love of God, how?’ I hear you ask. By rewarding yourself! Start by setting small

goals, word limits to achieve, or allocate a certain amount of time to spend researching, (a quick Google doesn’t count). Once you have completed these tasks, allow yourself half an hour of time away from the computer. If half an hour isn’t enough to motivate you, don’t be afraid to set bigger rewards for yourself, like buying a Ferrari or taking a sailing trip to Morocco. You’ve earned it.

Unchain yourself from the desk once in a while. Sounds pretty counter-productive, right? Getting away from

uni work and putting aside time to do things you enjoy will likely improve your mood and your motivation to sit down later and get some work done! The important thing is to remember that this is just a break, and to be responsible in setting limits for how much time you can spend away from your assignments and still get them done on time. This wouldn’t be worthy advice without a carefully placed cliché, so remember: you only get out what you put in!

05Yak Magazine - March 2014

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (6)

I have contracted the travel bug.

It wasn’t obvious, there was no defining moment in the process; it sort of just crept up on me. Whilst I did the obligatory trip around Europe last year, I was happy to return home (and purge my liver) to the boring old student life. The extremely limited funds I had left myself following my overseas expedition meant my only immediate future was knuckling down to scrounge up some extra bucks.

Yet here I am, less than six months after returning, and my foot itches to get out the door and do it all again. Experience other places, and cultures and foods. I think about my friends who right now are enjoying the cool weather up in the northern hemisphere. A white Christmas. I want to do that. Driving on the wrong side of the road. I want to do that. Heck I’ll even go just to double check that the water in the toilet spins the other way. I think I have a problem.

So what’s the cure? One would immediately suggest it was as simple a matter as getting up and going overseas.

How I would love to agree with you, but unfortunately, I also suffer from two other conditions, called being a student, or as social media has affectionately dubbed it – student life – and being a member of the female species. This means that whilst I would love to be saving every penny I have, I am a student and I have no pennies. And, being a woman, I am constantly thinking of things I need to spend my notably absent pennies on. It’s a catch-22 really.

The only cure I can come up with is to be the creepy Facebook stalker who thinks it’s appropriate to trawl through other peoples travel photos. So keep an eye out.

“My foot itches to get out the door and do it all again.”

With Kate Ellis

06 Yak Magazine - March 2014

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (7)

‘Just picture the audience naked.’ For those of us who find the idea of mentally undressing the audience, well, unsavoury to say the least, but still get sweaty palms and heart palpitations at the thought of public speaking – fear no more. Toastmasters is the club for you.

Everyone please raise a glass as we toast the Newcastle University Toastmasters club; “where leaders are made.” Established in 1924, the club now has over 290,000 members in over 100 countries around the world. At the University of Newcastle, Toastmasters aims to provide a friendly, supportive and engaging environment where members can feel comfortable presenting in front of a group.

The club was officially established at UoN in 2012 and has since run successfully with members regularly reporting they feel more confident in interview situations, giving presentations at university and communicating with people they are unfamiliar with. For those of us who find

Madeline Link raises a glass to the NuNi Toastmasters Club

the idea of speaking in front of a large group of people terrifying, Toastmasters aims to build self-confidence through education in the form of self-paced manuals. The clubs provides opportunities to give presentations, assume leadership roles and answer impromptu questions. Members are then provided feedback on their work in order to build on their strengths and quash their weaknesses.

The club is internationally recognised by employers as an organisation that cultivates leaders, promotes self-growth and transforms the confidence of its members. There are a slew of famous Toastmasters, including Apollo 13 astronaut James Lovell and Tom Monaghan, founder of Domino’s Pizza. Newcastle University Toastmasters meets on Tuesdays at 4pm in the Language Centre, room 205, and non-members are welcome to sit in and get a feel for the way the club conducts itself. Cheers to that.

For more information contact:Janelle Walker on 0477 668 807 or at


07Yak Magazine - March 2014

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (8)

get behind your university teams this season!As the winter sports season approaches, our teams are gearing up for a crack at sporting glory – and they need your support! Why not get a bunch of mates together on the weekends and help lift our students to a home ground victory?

The uni has nine clubs competing over the winter season, with well over 50 teams between them!

rugbyCatch rugby in the premier Newcastle & Hunter Rugby competition. This year marks their 60th anniversary! Men’s and Women’s home games are played at Uni Oval 1. The old “grassy knoll” is now abuzz with construction of the new student accommodation precinct so join the crowd up on the balcony of the Harry Bradford Lounge for the best view of the game. Bar facilities are operated on club days to keep you well hydrated.

rugby lEAguEOur league boys also play at Uni Oval 1 in the Newcastle Rugby League competition. They generally play on the weekends that rugby union play away so there is barely a weekend that you won’t be treated to a footy feast.

bASEbAllThe ‘Camels’ play both Major and Minor league in the Newcastle Baseball competition, meaning they will have home games almost every weekend of the season. You’ll find the diamond on Uni Oval 3, behind The Forum Sports & Aquatic Centre. Grab a spot on the hill behind the plate for a close-up view of the action – and make sure you sample their mean bacon and egg sangas!

MEN ANd WoMEN’S FootbAllBoth guys’ and girls’ clubs have teams playing in Zone Premier League all the way through to lower all-age grades. Their home base is Ray Watt Oval on Wirra Crescent and you can see them on Saturdays (men) and Sundays (women) throughout the season. Park yourself on a picnic table or on the pavilion balcony for the best view.

MEN ANd WoMEN’S HoCKEyThe Seapigs are the biggest hockey clubs in the Newcastle Hockey competition and have a long and proud history spanning over fifty years. Though there are no hockey facilities on campus, you can make the short trip to Broadmeadow to see them on the turf. Be sure to keep an eye out for the regular Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Days!

NEtbAllThe new kids on the block – the netball team reformed in 2013 after a number of years off the scene. They’ll be playing Saturdays at Newcastle Netball (National Park), with some teams organised in The Forum’s social netball comps.

For all your sport info head to www.unisport.com.au/nusport

Designed by Liz Crichton

by Andrew yapp

08 Yak Magazine - March 2014

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (9)

As I travelled from my small country hometown to the regional city of Newcastle, I couldn’t help but feel nervous. I had left my friends, my family and everything about my local area to be chucked into a college filled with over 200 complete strangers.

Eventually I arrived at Evatt House, assuming the role of a nervous, shy, but eager ‘fresher’. There were crowds of people rushing around with bags and luggage frantically trying to find their new rooms. I met about fifty people within minutes of arriving and though it was overwhelming at first, everyone on college is so friendly and supportive that it’s hard not to be excited.

Evatt House co-ordinator Liam Mobray showed me the ropes on college life, explaining that Evatt House is concerned with involvement and fostering lifelong friendships. We live with nine other people and, throughout the year, they become like a second family. These are the people who truly make your year great and go on to become lasting friends.

Social events are a massive part of the college year. Everyone’s together and there are always ridiculous shenanigans. Most events are based around working together with the people in your block and dress-up parties fill the social calendar. They’re really fun and help everyone get to know each other better.

The sporting rivalry and passion on Evatt is one of its biggest traditions. Everyone is involved in sport, even if it’s just attending the games to support others. Evatt’s residents have rightfully gained a reputation as being sports fanatics, particularly considering Evatt House has been the sole winner of the mass participation trophy since 2004.

Looking back, living on Evatt House (or any college for that matter) is one of the best experiences you will have at university. The friends and memories you make last a lifetime. If you get the chance, don’t miss out on it.

College.Jamie Jeffery goes from being a big fish in a small pond, to a small fish in a really, really big pond.

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (10)

(Found on veganeasy.org)A hearty vegan meal that’s just a little bit fancy.

With salt, cracked pepper and a Mockney accent.

(Found on Taste.com.au)A delicious vegan cheesecake you can eat guilt-free on leg day.

Ten, if you’re up for sharing.

With the Valencia Instagram filter and appropriate health hashtag.

Just call me Jamie Oliver risotto

#Fitspo raw strawberry cheesecake

Scan for more recipes online

500g Arborio rice500g mushrooms, roughly chopped1.5 litres of water 1 tablespoon of mixed dried herbs1 ½ tablespoons of vegetable stock

powder150ml white wine or vermouth1 teaspoon of onion powder1 large onion, finely chopped1 bunch of asparagus, cut into 2cm pieces

1 bunch of fresh parsley, finely chopped1 tablespoon of vegan margarine Olive oilSalt and black pepper

22cm round spring form cake tin1 cup of macadamia nuts½ cup of walnuts ½ cup of pitted dates¼ cup of shredded coconut

A pinch of Himalayan pink salt3 cups of raw cashews (soaked for 2-4 hours and drained)¾ cup of lemon juice ¾ to 1 cup of coconut nectar

¾ cup of coconut oil1 vanilla bean, split and scraped2 cups of frozen strawberries½ cup of pitted dates1 cup of sliced fresh strawberries

• Mix together stock powder, dried herbs and onion powder with the water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and then turn down and leave to simmer.

• Meanwhile, place the margarine and a dash of olive oil in a large heavy pan and place on medium heat. Add the onion and cook until translucent (approximately 2-3 minutes).

• Stir in the rice and cook for a minute without letting the rice brown.

• Add the wine to the rice and stir. When the wine has been absorbed add a ladle of the warm stock, then add the mushrooms and stir through.

• Keep adding stock to the rice one ladle at a time, letting the rice absorb it before the next.

• Stir through the parsley and serve.

• Lightly grease the 22cm round spring form tin with coconut oil and line base and sides with baking paper. Place all ingredients for the crust except for the dates in a food processor until you get the texture of crumbs. Add dates and pulse until well combined. Press into the base of the spring form tin and pop into the freezer while you prepare the other components of the cheesecake.

• In a blender, blend all the ingredients for the filling at high speed until smooth. Pour onto the base layer and return to the freezer until set enough to pour strawberry mixture on top.

• Wash out the blender and blend the frozen strawberries and dates on high speed until smooth. Pour on top of the cheesecake layer and return to the freezer for four hours or overnight.

• To serve, sit at room temp for 10-15 minutes. Carefully remove the sides of the spring form tin and transfer the cheesecake onto a serving platter (you may need to use a sharp hot knife to ease the cheesecake from the tin). Gently peel away baking paper from base and sides. Arrange sliced strawberries on top to serve. Keep cheesecake frozen when not being served.

Four, but they’ll definitely be asking for more.

10 Yak Magazine - March 2014

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (11)

ID photo isn’t that ubiquitous, so why would a terrorist want steal that to gain entry into the United States? But these are all just miniature anxieties so you return to the living room to peruse the final paragraph of this laborious translation.

But then your friend returns and is just as bewildered as you. Where were you? You were here all along. Apparently the apartments were either too small or too pricey, so you didn’t miss out on much. He even hands you the passport. Then you ask him: what did you think I was doing? The best bit follows: I thought you went to Monte Carlo.

Only in Europe could a sentence like “I thought you went to Monte Carlo” be conceivable. And he thought you ditched him and apartment browsing to catch a train to Monte Carlo for no reason other than to say, “I went to Monte Carlo instead.”

Only in Europe.

“Your ID photo isn’t that ubiquitous, so why would a terrorist want to steal it to gain

entry into the United States?”

There comes a time when a man realises he actually needs to know what the time is. A vague comprehension of it will do, but when one loses track of the time, unforeseen complications needlessly arise.

For example, when you’re meant to meet a potential landlord at the agency at 12pm and it’s 11:55am. You’ve been sitting in a hostel living room for over an hour trying to translate the one-page preface of a Jack Kerouac book from French to English and suddenly you’re rushing up the stairs presuming you’re more on-the-ball than your hungover friend who was to accompany you to this appointment. But then you find out that he’s left because he thought you had already, plus he’s conveniently taken your passport as well. Of course, you spend 30 minutes chucking the clothes up from the floor like a salad in the hope that maybe, just maybe, a passport will fly out of something, but it doesn’t, and now it’s already 12:28, so there’s no real point going to the appointment because you’ve no idea where the apartments you were being shown exist in the labyrinthine streets of Nice.

Until your friend comes back, you’re left with the lingering thoughts that while you’re sure you haven’t lost your passport (because how could that happen to you?), you don’t know where it is. Was it stolen? What would someone want to do with your face? Your


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With Sam Rayfield

11Yak Magazine - March 2014

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (12)

Jackson Langford takes a look at both the ‘fan’ and the ‘dumb’ in fandom.

Despite all the controversy surrounding the 19-year-old pop star, Justin Bieber tweeting his retirement on Christmas Eve last year caused more stir among his fans than ever before. His dedicated fan base of ‘Beliebers’ - an entire legion of predominantly *shudders* tween girls - cried, screamed and willed his retirement to be false. Responses from fans included “Christmas is over forever,” “I will never enjoy Christmas anymore” and “when Justin Bieber retires, his Beliebers retire too.” A pretty extreme reaction to someone’s retirement, don’t you think? Especially considering less than an hour later, Bieber tweeted about the media feeding people lies and how he is here forever. Nevertheless, I think everyone is a fan of something, whether it is Britney Spears, Doctor Who, the NRL, or the works of troubled American poet Robert Frost. Fandom is an entity; it unites people with common affinities in a way that nothing else can. However, that entity has more power than some are willing to admit. I’m going to take a look at the ins and outs of fandom, the power it has, and inform you of those fandoms that take things a little (or a lot) further than they should rightly go.

The 1960s was time of revolution, both socially and culturally. Man stepped foot on the moon for the first time, Woodstock happened, Martin Luther King Jr delivered his legendary “I Have a Dream” speech, and of course, it marked the appearance of a little rock group from Liverpool, called The Beatles. Growing up in the swinging sixties meant the opportunity to listen to new music was fairly limited, considering iPhones, YouTube, and Triple J Unearthed were decades away, and even FM radio was still in its preliminary stages. Regardless of said limitations, history was made on February 7, 1964 when Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison were met at an airport in New York by over 3,000 screaming women, marking the conception of Beatlemania. The Beatles sent women worldwide into a complete frenzy. Hysteria, loud squealing and occasional fainting pretty much sums up the crowds that appeared wherever the Beatles went. This was a defining glimpse at the absolute insanity celebrities can create among us common folk.

Keeping with the British, during the 1990s - a decade where everything in pop culture was so outrageous that sometimes I doubt its actual existence - a group of girls achieved world domination in union jack dresses, spouting the term ‘girl power’ and whatever the hell “zig-a-zig-ahhh” meant. They went by the Spice Girls, and during their short five years in the spotlight, they completely changed the pop landscape. Nowadays, you’ll find these girls judging X Factor or being David Beckham’s wife, but the late 90s were theirs for the taking.

A modern example of undeniably massive pop icons are the five X Factor contestants who formed the group One Direction. Harry, Zayn, Niall, Louis and Liam have become more famous than I think anyone really expected them to be. Even though their musical styles are strikingly different, the hype behind One Direction is reminiscent of the 60s’ Beatlemania. In fact, One Directions’ fanbase – referring to themselves as “Directioners” – are so intense they’ve sent death threats to the girlfriends of the band members.

FANDOMONIUM12 Yak Magazine - March 2014

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (13)

Designed by Laura Unicomb

Of course, fandom isn’t limited to the music industry. Recently, it’s been proven that film and TV audiences have quite the pull when it comes to what they want to see. Case in point: Agent Phil Coulson of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In Joss Whedon’s mega blockbuster smash The Avengers, *spoilers* Coulson is brutally but heroically killed. However, the outcry from Coulson’s fans over his death was irrepressible, and in late 2012, Clark Gregg, the actor who plays Coulson, announced his return to the beloved role in the television spin-off, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. That’s a lesson for you, kids: if you get angry enough about a character’s death, you may just bring them back to life! (Take note as Game of Thrones season four starts again soon).

Whether it is your dad yelling slurs at the opposing team in your under eights soccer grand final, or Miley Cyrus fans threatening to kill Lorde for taking their beloved twerk queen’s number one spot on the Billboard chart, some fans really just need to chill out. I’m not talking about the distress we all went through watching the last episodes of Breaking Bad, or the perfectly reasonable, universal sadness that was felt when we all realised there were no more Harry Potter books. I’m now talking about the fans that are so obsessive and so insane, they will do whatever it takes to bring themselves closer to their idol. The most well known example would have to be Mark David Chapman, who was such a massive Beatles fan that when the Beatles proclaimed they were “more popular than Jesus,” he felt that Lennon needed to be ‘cleansed,’ and assassinated the singer. Obviously, nowadays we’re used to less extreme displays of obsession, but they’re often still creepy just the same.

Remember that time Beyoncé was pulled off stage by a fan in Brazil? Or that time that a 13-year-old girl was so mental that she knocked Justin Bieber and his grand piano off stage in Dubai? At the risk of sounding like Chris Crocker in his infamous “LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!” video, I feel the need to remind you that celebrities are people too (albeit very rich and very famous). I remember seeing Lana Del Rey live a few years ago, and seeing her fans clawing to touch her as she ironically sang her hit ‘Born to Die.’ Of course I’m aware that celebrities - recording artists in particular - are nothing without their fans, but there should at least be the mutual respect of “I’ll perform for you if you don’t claw my eyes out.” I think they’ve earned that right, don’t you agree?

Whether you’re recovering from finally finding out who Supreme on American Horror Story: Coven really is, putting Bepanthen on your newly inked Lord of the Rings tattoo, or still getting over the devastation of Pitbull and Ke$ha’s cancelled Australian tour - *crickets chirping* - we are all a fan of something. Thus, I leave you with my closing thoughts: DON’T, UNDER ANY CIRc*msTANCE, EVER BE ASHAMED OF YOUR FANDOM, EVER. Feel pride in whatever aspect of pop culture you’ve placed all your devotion into, and never let someone tell you that you shouldn’t be a fan of that thing. Wear band shirts to uni, wear basketball jerseys to uni, wear your Darth Vader costume to uni (this may attract a few stares). Please don’t be that person that tries to prohibit someone else from liking something, and definitely don’t be that person that mauls a singer while they’re performing for you.

“It unites people with common

affinities in a way that nothing else can.”

13Yak Magazine - March 2014

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (14)

uni can be a bit of a drag sometimes, right? Early morning lectures, strenuous assignments, the dreaded exam period and the never-ending queue for The Bakehouse – who wants that? However, despite all the sleepless nights, frugal living and morning hangovers, we have it pretty good. I mean, getting a great education while meeting tonnes of new people with four or five months holidays isn’t the worst way to live your years in tertiary education. Among the range of good and bad that uni brings us, there’s more than enough time to volunteer yourself for a greater cause, whether that be editing features for a certain student magazine or participating in far nobler causes to help those less-fortunate.

21-year-old Rachel Pettit is many things: a vegan, a diehard Harry Potter fan and an employee at everyone’s favourite burger joint, Grill’d. But one of the most important and admirable traits of Ms Pettit is her generosity and willingness to give back. In September last year, she travelled to South Africa to volunteer with an orphanage, through a company called International Volunteering Headquarters (IHVQ).

“Basically, I looked after the children who were aged three to four. This included things like feeding them, reading to them, teaching them basics and playing games,” Rachel explains.

“It’s by far the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. I’m doing whatever I can to end poverty. I was almost brought to tears when I entered the township in South Africa. I always knew poverty existed, but it doesn’t really hit you until you witness it. What’s truly amazing, though, is that all the kids were so grateful and pleasant to be around, despite their situation. Plus, there’s always the bonus of travelling and meeting new people!”

Of course, not everyone can afford to travel halfway across the globe to volunteer in a developing country. If you really want to give back, there are plenty of opportunities to

volunteer in our very backyard. The U offers some great, fun

volunteering opportunities; whether it be assisting with gigs and parties

at Bar on the Hill, letting out your inner Warhol in the Watt Space, or even working

alongside our fine selves at Yak Media. Check out uonservices.org.au/support-services/volunteering

for more information.

You can also see newcastle.edu.au/students/stepping-out/get-prepared/volunteering/ for more ideas on getting out there and helping. Whether your preference is mentoring, helping with emergency relief, or even something as simple as gardening, there’s a volunteer opportunity to suit everyone. There is no monetary value on volunteering, but who needs the cash when you’re doing something that not only means so much to others, but is also bound to empower yourself?

Designed by Katrina Reeves

14 Yak Magazine - March 2014

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Sam rayfield

It hit me the other day that heading to the south of France to live and study, having never been overseas or lived out of home before, is a big thing for humble me. Words other than ‘thing’ or bigger than ‘big’ are unnecessary because my peregrination doesn’t feel like much more than a thing that is very big. Something immediately ahead of me to think “Whooph…” about, then forget for all the other small things I do.

But other people agree with me - travel is a big thing - and before I left, many offered their advice on what to and what not to do. Invariably, I’ll forget what I’m supposed to do and not do, but these few things I’ll try hardest to remember.

do Not drINK bEEr IN dubAI

In the United Arab Emirates, there is a law owing its ground to the predominant Islam faith forbidding public intoxication. Therefore, it is ironic that my first Fosters pint was consumed in Dubai.

Disproving this dramatic assertion required very little effort. Per the suggestion of a spritely New Zealander, a second-floor Belgian bar was

uncovered at a motel down the road and my whistle promptly wetted. That, and the shisha inhaled from the hookah earlier in the afternoon, and Dubai’s a loose place.


Apparently the French love Australians and detest the English, but despite this, I’ve been stumped in many of my exchanges with the French so far and have failed to instinctively roll this helpful phrase off the tongue. Consequently I’ve been mistaken for being English and upper-class and stuff, and I’m left scrambling through some scattered words to denote my heritage.

Having never been surrounded by so many people whose first language is not English, it’s odd what one will vociferate in an attempt to fit in. Sometimes I

mutter Monsieur when I think I should be saying Excusez-moi and receive what I think have been polite nods. I’ve yet to resort to agreeing with absolutely everything, but blankly smiling and nodding feels like a habit-to-be.

do EVErytHINg you’rE MEANt to do WHEN you’rE MEANt to do It ANd NotHINg CAN EVEr go WroNg

Procrastination has made many things in my life more difficult than I would’ve liked, so some Stoic-inspired philosophy definitely eased my preparation along. Liaising with the International Office, French University and travel agency aren’t stressful processes if you’re forthcoming.

But there are exceptions to every rule, and to this one there are visa applications. Read next month’s column to find out whether I got one!

gIrlS tHAt SMIlE At you gENErAlly WANt to MAKE out WItH you

The last and hopefully the most useful piece of advice I’ve received, it is unfortunately not a reciprocal custom. That is, I can’t just walk around grinning maniacally at every girl I see (not that I’d do that anyway…).

SAM rAyFIEld, brIdgEt guNN ANd JACK CHAFFEy tEll uS About tHEIr


16 Yak Magazine - March 2014

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Designed by Katrina Reeves | Photography by Liz Crichton

bridget gunn

A year spent on exchange is an enormous opportunity to learn a range of things that otherwise never would have been possible. It is amazing to fully experience and live in a completely new culture. During my year in Austria I have been given a completely new perception and understanding of the world we live in. Of course, one of the biggest benefits of living a year in Europe is the travel, which allows you to experience so many different cultures. However, I have faced a number of difficulties during my year - homesickness being one of the initial struggles. Although it was difficult to be apart from my friends and family and to be completely illiterate when it came to German, these problems were eclipsed by the numerous wonders of living a year abroad.

During my exchange I have lived with four different host families. As I became ‘part of the family’ the little differences became apparent and sometimes frustrating, and I’m sure

these frustrations were reciprocated at times. For instance, I found it difficult to adjust to having my host father smoking inside the house, and I know it was equally as difficult for my host family to have to speak in a language other then their natural tongue while I was learning German. But at the end of the day you aren’t ever really going to be a true member of the host family, and this is harder for some students to come to terms with than others.

One of the best parts of being an exchange student is developing so many international connections. Living as part of a family and attending an Austrian school aided me significantly in forming bonds with numerous people from my host country, relationships that I will always treasure. As I was part of an international exchange program I also

met a number of other students from all over the world, and so now I have a very global network of friends.

Personally, I found attending a foreign school to be one of the most challenging yet simultaneously most rewarding aspects of my exchange. Making friends with a group of students who had known each other for years was especially difficult as the language barrier was ever-present. But with persistence and patience, school proved to be a great way to make Austrian friends my own age and a great help in my study of the German language.

All in all, I believe the most important and wonderful part of being an exchange student is watching yourself grow and develop into the person you always had the potential to be. Sometimes all it takes for a person to grow up and to be self content is some distance and time to think about who they are as an individual, without the influences of family, friends and their normal environment. It’s a very unique opportunity we are presented with, to be able to start completely afresh and to be given the freedom every young adult craves.

Jack Chaffey

Going abroad isn’t really as much of a hassle as many people might think, but it does require some planning and foresight which all begins a long time before you even get on the plane. Consider the great reward of exchange (the people, places and culture that you get to experience) and don’t be deterred by the relatively little amount of work required.

In the past, travelling abroad was a luxury afforded only to the upper class, but for a uni student it’s an opportunity more accessible than ever! The drawback is the ways that your money is acquired: saving, taking on extra work hours, borrowing, scholarships and OS-HELP loans. Once you’ve got the money your focus shifts to things like ATM fees, sh*tty exchange rates and international transfer fees, all eating into your bottom line. Look at ways to move your money cheaply: open a bank account abroad, bulk money transfers, specialty credit cards or travel cards, etc. Look online for cheaper ways to transfer between international accounts. When you’re transferring thousands of dollars, a difference of only a few per cent can cost you hundreds of dollars.

Study abroad allows you to travel and keep ticking off those course units so you don’t add time to your degree. For me a big con was taking 3rd year courses in my 2nd year so that I could go abroad in third year. Once sorted, my course coordinator was a great help in helping me find courses abroad that would be recognised at home.

Fortunately for me previous students had done the ground work; I just had to select from the already approved course list. Once you touch down it’s prudent to remember you are there to study - your chosen university and course load will affect how hard you study.

It’s hard to pick just a few elements of what is an entire experience to take in. If you remember just one thing from this article, commit to the adventure; whatever is thrown at you, you can overcome. The fact I was going overseas to another continent didn’t really hit me until I was packing my bags. Take some care organising things that you really want to do before hand but remember to keep some flexibility for the awesome spur-of-the-moment trips that will come up. My last hot tip is to do things that other regular students do; don’t be that person who hangs around with all the Australians - to really get to know a culture you’ve got to meet the local students (you might even end up with a home cooked meal from their parents!) Most importantly, take the right attitude and enjoy the experience!

17Yak Magazine - March 2014

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We’ve been taught basic etiquette since we were little kids. Remember having to say ‘the magic words’ before

and after receiving a chocolate chip cookie (or else risk a smack on the behind)? Throughout our lives we have

learned to hold open the door for the people behind us, to cover our mouths when we yawn and to try our very hardest

not to flatulate in public. Our parents and society itself have drilled these things into us our entire lives, so much so that for

most of us, it is now second nature. But what are the etiquette rules for the online world?

Us early 20-somethings grew up smack bang in the middle of the digital evolution and the rise of the Internet. We had computers and

created instant messenger accounts when we only tweens. We went on to create MySpace profiles, Facebook walls, Twitter accounts and

Instagram feeds. But did anyone teach us how to behave in this online society?

It seems to me that we are nothing more than children poking around a foreign universe and all social behavioural requirements have been thrown out the

window. However, the reality is that the online world is not so separate to our real lives. The things we do online are a representation of ourselves and can affect very

real things, such as relationships and careers.

You may be thinking; to hell with online etiquette! I’m already nice to idiots who don’t deserve it, so when it comes to online forums I’m not going to let manners hold me back. That may be true, but being online does not automatically make us entirely anonymous or immune to the negative consequences of our behaviour. We need to find online equivalents to the etiquette we demonstrate in person.

Take PR executive Justine Sacco as an example. She tweeted “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!” before boarding a plane in December. By the time the plane landed her tweet had gone viral and the company she worked for had seen it. IAC (parent company of Vimeo, Tinder and About.com) fired her and released a statement saying: “The offensive comment does not reflect the views and values of IAC.”

Most of us know how offensive it is to make racist jokes, particularly in professional situations. I’m sure Justine possesses

the basic etiquette skills necessary to know better than to march up to the head of IAC and tell him racist jokes in person. But, she did post it on Twitter.

It is interesting to think that maybe if she had verbally told the joke in her office she might have been let off with a warning, but because she embarrassed the entire company with a viral tweet she was immediately fired. This is because we list whom we work for on our various online accounts. Therefore, anything we say online can be connected back to the company, and if your tweets or statuses go viral for a bad reason, that is bad press for your boss. Obviously no company wants to have a reputation for being racist, so Justine understandably got the boot for her lack of online etiquette.

Justine’s story is not an isolated incident. 22-year-old North Carolina waitress Ashley Johnson posted a status on Facebook blasting

two customers for giving her a bad tip

and making her late. She was then fired for breaking

a rule about disparaging customers. John Mazzocchi was fired from Gamestop for planking at work, which his employers discovered while

browsing his Twitter feed. The Good Guys fired Damien O’Keefe

when they learned he had made

Lauren Gross breaches the gap in our education and teaches us the pleases and thank yous of the online world.

Obviously, a lot of us

have missed a very important

etiquette lesson.

18 Yak Magazine - February 2014

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (19)

Designed by Jemimah Irvin

thou shalt not be a keyboard warrior

Sadly, some people think that they can be mean to other people online. Things that you say online can really hurt people, even to the point of self-harm or suicide. If you have a problem with someone, talk to them about it one-on-one - don’t do it online where you’ve got a massive audience watching you humiliate them. You’re a coward if you need hundreds of online friends to watch or help you bully someone.

thou shalt not post a status whining about something being

wrong, yet refuse to share what’s actually wrong

Okay, this one is just annoying. I’m sure this won’t really impact on your career or life with any disastrous consequences, but it will cause people to silently hate you through their computer screen. If you don’t want people asking you what’s wrong, don’t post a status complaining that something is wrong! The golden rule is: if you don’t want everyone to know something, don’t post it on social media. Buy a diary and write it in there instead.

thou shalt not post anything you would not say in person

If you are writing about your workplace, stop and think; would I say this to my boss? If the answer is no, you are probably better off aborting that post. If you are writing about someone, ask yourself if you would say this to that person’s face. If the answer is no, hit the delete button. Just because Facebook asks you ‘what are you thinking?’ doesn’t mean you have to write anything that pops into your brain. Stop and think about who is in your friends list and who will actually see the post. If you feel a little uncertain about it, it is better not to post. Similarly, if you’re angry, don’t unleash your frustrations online. It’s never a good idea because we all say things we regret when we are angry and if you do it online it can be seen by everyone. Go take a hot bath, pump some music and come back in a few hours when you’ve calmed down.

thou shalt not upload naked or semi-naked selfies

I’m sure you have a hot body, and hey, if you have been pumping it out on the treadmill and eating well for the past few months I understand that you are proud of yourself. I guarantee you people will still notice how good you look when you are clothed, and you will come off a hell of a lot classier. If you upload a risqué selfie it can really come back to bite you in the bum. Employers search social media sites for their potential employees. Would you really like a potential boss to see you half naked? What if your Dad saw it? God, what if Grandma saw? Images uploaded online are very difficult to erase, and can be spread with the click of a button. Before you upload an image, ask yourself if you are prepared for (potentially) the whole world to see it, and know that it may crop up again in a few years times to ruin a career or relationship. I’m sure when that lucky person gets to see you naked in the flesh, they’ll appreciate not sharing the experience with your 500 Instagram followers. Sometimes it’s just better to leave a little something to the imagination, people.

threatening and derogatory comments on his Facebook page about the business and one of his colleagues.

These real life incidents (and believe me, there are plenty more!) show that our personal and professional lives aren’t as separate as we’d like to think they are, and our online activity can definitely have serious consequences on our lives. Obviously, a lot of us have missed a very important etiquette lesson. So here are my commandments regarding online behaviour (sure to save you from being fired, dumped, or punched in the face for being rude and annoying).

19Yak Magazine - March 2014

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For me, getting my licence felt like a necessity. As fantastic as the public transport systems are in my area,*cough, cough*, I felt time would be better spent acquiring a car and a licence than waiting for the bus that arrives once an hour.

It’s now been almost five years (dear god) since the exciting day of receiving my red P plates and since then, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. despite what my younger brothers say, I have always believed myself to be a good driver. but it never matters how good you are unfortunately, because you are only as safe as the other drivers around you.

It’s funny how we go through so many tests when we are younger, but once we get our full licences, most of us are never tested on the road rules again. Forget about ten to two. See ya later rear view mirror checks. So long three seconds at the stop sign. It’s not until (if you are lucky enough) you turn 85 when you will be tested again. Here at yak, we feel that may not be enough to keep your mind fresh and up-to-date on all you need to know on the road, so here’s a handy guide.

Although we all hope it will never happen, it is perfectly reasonable to assume you are going to be involved in some form of motor vehicle incident (though we pray it isn’t major). However, most people don’t have a clue what to do when it happens. Only last year, a kind fellow slammed into the back of my tiny Toyota Echo, almost joining my friend and me in the front seat. I was so panicked and flabbergasted, that I was at a loss of what to do. Here’s what you will need to remember;

Stay calm – check you and your passengers are okay. If they are, then everything else is a bonus. Your car can be fixed.

be aware – don’t get out of your car if you are in a dangerous spot, if you fear you may have hurt yourself or if the other driver is being abusive or acting aggressively. If it is safe, move the car off the road to avoid a pile up.

Call for help - you don’t have to call the police for all accidents. However, you must call the police for assistance if someone is killed or injured, someone drives away without providing insurance details or if a car needs to be towed.

get details – make sure you get the details of the person/people you have had an accident with. This includes; name, address, contact number, registration and who owns the vehicle. It is also a good idea to take note of their licence number, the accident location and to take a picture of the damage to either car.

One of the most dreaded times of the year for students is paying for car insurance. It takes a massive stick and belts us in our monetary groin, but do we actually know what we are paying for?

Compulsory third Party (CtP) – as hinted by the name, the CTP is a must have. Literally. Also known as your green slip, every registered car in Australia must have one. Reason? The CTP will compensate any person who is killed or injured in an accident, including passengers in your car, other cars, and pedestrians and bike riders. Yep, this one, my friends, is a biggy and is required before you register your vehicle.

third Party Property – this is optional. It can cover you if you are at fault for an accident and cause damage to another vehicle. If you run your 15-year-old car into a brand new Mercedes, this beauty will seem like a godsend.

Comprehensive – optional again, but this type of insurance covers the whole kit-and-caboodle. You may have to pay an excess depending on your age, insurer and whether you are the designated driver of the car, but it will pay for damage to other vehicles, property and your own car, whether you are at fault or not.

20 Yak Magazine - March 2014

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Designed by Katrina Reeves

• In NSW, you can be fined up to $165 for splashing a passenger who has disembarked from a bus with mud. Not water though, water is fine.

• Honking goodbye to friends can be a pocket killer if you get caught - $298 for illegal use of a warning device, plus three demerit points.

• You can be fined $298 for having a limb protruding from the car, plus three demerit points. This includes elbows out the window.

• Not only will a passenger not wearing their seatbelt cop a fine, you as the driver will have to fork out $298 and three demerit points. Same punishment for those not wearing it properly either. Four passengers not wearing seatbelts? Up to $1258 and six demerit points.

• However, you don’t have to wear a seatbelt when reversing (too bad if you reverse into something).

• It’s a $99 fine if you leave your keys in the ignition of an unlocked car (I may have to start taking them with me when I pay for fuel).

• Horses and other ridden animals are considered a ‘vehicle’ and must abide by the road rules.

The world is a dangerous place, particularly on the roads. We don’t need to be clouding our senses before getting behind the wheel that controls a few thousand kilos of metal and plastic and attempting to make our way home. If you think a few is okay, here are some statistics that will hopefully make you think twice.

• Research shows that any BAC above the legal limit (for full licence drivers) of 0.05 will at least double your chances of being in an accident.

• Alcohol is the single leading cause of accidents within Australia. On average, one in four accidents involves a driver who is over the legal limit.

• Even when drinking below the legal limit, you have slower reflexes and lessened abilities in judging distances and making decisions.

• Drink Wise Australia states* “At 0.08 BAC drivers are five times more likely to have a crash than before they started drinking. At 0.08 to 0.12 BAC – “euphoria” sets in – you overestimate your abilities, which leads you to drive recklessly, your peripheral vision is impaired (resulting in accidents due to hitting vehicles while passing), and your perception of obstacles is impaired. Drivers are up to ten times more likely to have a crash.”

• It’s also not a good idea (at all) to do drugs and get behind the wheel, as most drugs will impair the decision-making process, as well as our nervous system and reflexes.

Not a statistic, but worth mentioning none the less: the blood alcohol concentration (bAC) limit for l and P platers is 0.00. Nothing. Nada. Not a drop. So don’t push it.

Australia is sometimes known for being a nanny country, with our laws and fining system often seeming, well, slightly over the top. the fines to the left are only the tip of the iceberg of stupid things you can lose money for. but rules are rules and you have been warned. So after this low-down on the things you need to know, you should pretty much be the perfect candidate for driver of the year.

Please note, while all care has been taken to accurately publish correct information, yak takes no responsibility for incorrect information or for any fines you may incur after reading this article.

*drink Wise Australia - www.drinkwise.org.au/you-alcohol/alcohol-facts/drink-driving/

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Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (23)

Bronte HoyFor being a full-time student

Alex StuteFor being a part-time student

Being a full-time student is a mixed bag of fun for all ages!

The major benefit of taking on a full-time study load is having the hellish nightmare that is tertiary study, over and done with in the shortest amount of time possible. Sure, the constant influx of assignments and pressure to get things done can be SUPER INTENSE towards the end of semester, but as long as you’ve been actively (or at least occasionally) keeping up with your study, then you should be fine! Also, in the long run, you’re learning life skills and a tonne of content in a crash-course fashion.

Since each course you take when studying full-time is crammed into 13 weeks per semester, the content that you learn is pretty much as fresh as a daisy all the time. By giving you a long line of connected assignments that are designed to cover and cover and cover the course material, your tutors and lecturers aren’t going to let you doze off or daydream enough to forget anything that they’ve taught you. Basically, your concentration level is through the roof a lot of the time – but don’t let that scare you…

You don’t actually feel like you’re studying all the time! Trust me: I’ve just completed my first year of study at the University of Newcastle doing a full-time Communication degree. While it’s probably not as mentally strenuous as other degrees, I still had a pretty heavy workload over the semester. Despite this, I still managed to find myself at the pub or lazing around watching Game of Thrones (again). I even made it to the movies every cheap Tuesday for the first month and a half of semester! As hard as things may seem during a university semester, there is always, ALWAYS time to chill out, relax, and possibly kill some brain cells.

If you’ve got a five or 10 year plan, you’d really ought to consider full-time study to get where you’re going ASAP. It’s not as scary as it sounds!

The choice between being a full-time or part-time student is an immensely important one, because balancing your lifestyle, personal commitments and work with study is crucial to your success as a student.

I must admit I was disappointed when I first got into university. I wanted to get into a Bachelor of Science, but unfortunately my ATAR didn’t make the cut. So instead, I studied a Bachelor of Arts. Studying part-time was something I kind of fell into with being so unsure of what I wanted to study. But it is something I’m glad I stumbled into because part-time study has so many benefits over regular full-time study.

Part-time study involves only taking two courses instead of the full-time course load of four. This gave me so much more time to learn the courses I was studying properly instead of trying to cram the readings, assignments, group work, lectures and tutorials of four courses into my already busy life. I think my grades were a lot better as a result because with part-time study, there is nowhere near as much stress because you are literally doing half the work. I noticed my friends and other students around me were usually a lot more stressed than I was. Instead of time that would have been occupied by two extra courses, I was able to study more and get a GPA that enabled me to get into a Bachelor of Science (yay!)

One of the most influential points that makes part-time study a winner over full-time is being able to earn money! Every uni student experiences the horrible pain of being flat broke, but as a part-time student you have the option of working part time or even full-time! Being able to earn a decent income while studying would decrease the stress for many people I know.

As awesome as part-time study was, this year I am going to try full-time study to get through my degree faster. There is no real across the board winner between full-time study and part-time study - I think it all depends on the individual and their circ*mstances. Choose a study lifestyle that’s right for you!

“there is nowhere near as much stress because you are literally doing half the


“you’re learning life skills and a tonne of content in a crash-course fashion.”

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Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (25)

Designed by Katrina Reeves

It was March 21, 1960, in the town of Sharpeville, South Africa. The police opened fire on a group of black protestors who were peacefully contending apartheid laws. 69 were killed. In 1996, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the anniversary of this day to be “the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination” in memory of those who died in the massacre. In creating this day, the United Nations called upon the international community to intensify its efforts to eliminate all forms of racial discrimination and hatred, and prevent such devastating abuses of human rights from occurring again.

“The focus of this day is to build social cohesion

through the promotion of respect, participation and

a sense of belonging.”

Since the massacre, we have come a long way in fighting racism. For one thing, the apartheid laws in South Africa that the protestors died fighting against have been abolished. However, we still have some way to go.

Australia celebrates Harmony Day annually on March 21, and its purpose is to celebrate Australia’s success as a diverse, multicultural society. The focus of this day is to build social cohesion through the promotion of respect, participation and a sense of belonging.

This is a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home and is widely celebrated across the country, including right here on campus. The University of Newcastle extends this celebration to a week-long range of activities and events to recognise and celebrate the cultural diversity of our staff and students.

Join the fight against racism and honour

Schedule of events and activities Monday 17 March

• Harmony Week Launch, Entertainment and Cultural Stalls 11am – 1pm, Auchmuty Courtyard

tuesday 18 March

• Harmony Trivia Bar on the Hill

• Multi-faith Dinner Celebration 6:30pm – 8:30pm, Jesmond Park Uniting Church Hall

Wednesday 19 March

• Harmony Sports and Games Day 11am – 1pm, Auchmuty Courtyard

thursday 20 March

• A Taste of Harmony ‘Free Cuisine From Around the Globe’ 12pm – 2pm, Bar on the Hill lawn

Friday 21 March

• Local schools and community day

the people who died in the Sharpeville massacre by taking part in some of the fun events and activities on campus from the 17th to the 21st of March. By participating in Harmony Day activities, we can learn and understand how all Australians from diverse backgrounds equally belong to this nation and enrich it.

Lauren Gross discovers the sad history behind Harmony Day.

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Fine dining can be found in abundance in the city of Newcastle, but with so many establishments to choose from one can get lost amidst the excitement. So I’ve worked hard to uncover some new gems you may not have yet visited.

1. The Press, Hunter Street Imagine a place where you are surrounded by second hand books while being served first-class coffee; well say hello to The Press.

Opened seven months ago on Hunter Street, you may have already noticed the bright green exterior. The Press already has quite a following and no wonder; the owners are passionate not only about coffee, but also have a keen knowledge of the books that fill their shelves.

Regularly changing their beans according to the season, the bean of choice during my visit was ‘Code Black’ - a smooth and tasty blend from Melbourne. I also highly recommend the sweet-smelling chai latte, which was very creamy while being non-dairy!

Each table is complemented by a neat stack of books and an assortment of odd chairs and lamps. With a warmly vintage record player adding to the atmosphere,

2. The Hop Factory, Darby StreetI’m considered a bit of a ‘beer snob’ by some because I favour the delicious, rich craft varieties of the beverage. So for me and other fellow ‘beer snobs,’ places like The Hop Factory are something of a godsend, especially when they have a Kölsch beer on tap.

The Hop Factory has been open for three months and is substantially bigger on the inside than it looks from the outside. With minimal décor, I would particularly recommend visiting the toilets. Sound strange, I know, but not only are they incredibly clean, they are also adorable, with a paint job resembling a little seaside shack.

The beers are well priced and there are some interesting flavours available, such as Choc Cherry beer. The sizes are also quite reasonable; a regular is just shy of a schooner and a large is “basically a pint.” There is also a tasting bat on offer with four beers for $10. The beer battered chips are amazing; hand cut and incredibly crunchy, offering mighty competition for the title of Newcastle’s best chips.

Jodie Millard indulges in the delights of being a coffee, beer, burger and tea snob in the Hunter region.

when you’re drinking your delicious coffee while thumbing through your newly purchased book, you might feel like you’ve travelled back in time.

On the shelves you’ll find everything from sci-fi to Australian and international literature, history books and vintage hardcover books, including titles like The Wonderful World of Insects and The Astronomer’s Guide to the Galaxy.

Small and friendly, The Press is an excellent venue for anybody wanting to escape reality for a while, possibly finding a few books to get lost in as well.

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Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (27)

3. Flipped, Nelson Bay TowersOkay, so I’m cheating a bit with this one. Nelson Bay is a 45 minute drive from Newcastle and is a highly sought after tourist destination. As someone who grew up in Nelson Bay, finding a place that isn’t just catered towards tourists is something I cherish, and for me that is Flipped.

The sign out the front says “Not just a burger joint,” which I somewhat resent because I’m the kind of person who worships burgers. I was really hungry when I arrived, so I ordered chips and a lamb fetta burger, thinking it wouldn’t be too much. Boy, was I mistaken.

First served was a seemingly endless bowl full of hand cut, deep fried, sweet potato chips. The burger followed shortly after and, even though I was already feeling full, I couldn’t help myself but to eat the delicious meal. I ended up sitting around in a food coma afterwards, which was fine because the walls of Flipped are covered in local artists’ works and a comfy couch with Frankie and Peppermint magazines available to browse.

4. Madam Mo’s Dumpling Emporium, Islington RoadMadam Mo’s opened last November and is owned by Silva Osaki who strives for quality over quantity, taking time to ensure that only the best of the best is served.

Madam Mo’s is inspired by a traditional Tokyo style business that has a bit of everything – it’s a teahouse, a grocery store and even has kimonos and jewellery for sale!

After living in Japan for 11 years and studying the martial art form of Aikido, Silva wants to educate the people of Newcastle on the health benefits and enjoyment of tea - it may seem peculiar but one can even become a black belt of the tea ceremony.

Madam Mo’s has a range of teas that can be purchased by the pot or tin from around $6.50. I would recommend smelling all the teas available, especially the “Choco Nut” flavour which left me with a dopey smile on my face. For a more unique experience,

“The sign says ‘Not just a burger joint,’ which I resent because I’m the kind of

person who worships burgers.”

Most days you will see the owner behind the counter, who is just the chillest dude around with a great taste in music, and the sounds of The Black Keys, Pixies and The Beatles likely to be heard. They are also fully licenced, so you can end your trip with a nice glass of Kraken rum, Sailor Jerry or whatever your heart desires (if it’s in stock).

I would recommend the Blooming Flower teas. I ordered the Jasmine Vanilla Blossom Black, which came served in a double glazed glass so I could watch the magic unfold. What started out as a slightly ugly bud unfurled into a beautiful string of white flowers, definitely more exciting than bobbing a tea bag up and down! The tea was delicious; sweet, with a hint of vanilla.

The interior has been painted in a rich red, with hanging pictures, and the tables have been adorned with origami creations. Madam Mo’s offers a range of food, from edamame beans to seaweed salad (don’t knock it ‘til you try it!), to locally handmade Tibetan and Japanese dumplings that are served with a range of delicious chilli sauces.

I love everything about Madam Mo’s - the food, the service, its uniqueness, and even the name, which is partly inspired by Silva’s daughter Morgana, as well as referring to the character for Miss in Japanese and the character for Jasmine in Chinese. Come for a visit; you may even see me there!

Designed by Liz Crichton

27Yak Magazine - March 2014

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (28)

Watt Space March Exhibitions5 – 23 MArCHEngland | Flynn Doran and Leah Poi

Paralysed: Expressions from the Chair | Dom Freestone

A Journey into the Dark | Thomas Hadland

A Dinnae Ken | Curated by Andrew Styan

Process of Abstraction | Sascha Bravery

26 MArCH – 13 APrIlCeramics Showcase 2013

Ulterior Connection | Curated by Michaela Swan

Street Stories | Tim Buchanon

The Mad Scientist’s Study | Emma Collins

Mixed Media | Natalie Engdahl

opening nights: 6.30pm thursday, 6 March and thursday, 27 March

Not all of us have the courage to do what we want despite the prospect of an unstable income, but 33-year-old Breony Delforce is testament to the fact that by understanding and

chasing your passions, you won’t have to work a day in your life.

After a lifelong romance with art that led her to travel the globe, exhibiting internationally in countries including Italy, Singapore and the United Kingdom and developing her artistic presence, she said there’s nowhere quite like home.

“I’ve been to some amazing places but I always seem to come home to Newcastle. The Hunter is such an astoundingly beautiful place,” she said.

Delforce believes her artistic style to be versatile, from en plein air realism to highly abstract, geometric imagery. Her preferred medium is drawing, printmaking and installation art. She began to appreciate shapes, patterns and balance at a young age and her works reflect her interest in landscape studies. She captures the grandeur and romanticism of nature and then deconstructs it through abstraction, geometry and pattern.

Currently studying a Masters in Secondary Teaching, specialising in visual art, Delforce is a passionate advocate for art education.

“I feel very strongly about the status of the Arts in schooling, particularly as they are often relegated as the ‘easy’ or ‘crafty’ subjects,” she said.

Her decision to seek art as a career was spurred by her passion for creativity.

“I don’t think artists have much choice in whether they pursue their work or not. It really is a way of life. It does, however, take a lot of courage to be true to yourself and walk away from a more financially stable career or convince those around you that becoming one of ‘those’ art students is a good idea. I think that’s why we have so many artists in hiding!” she said.

After spending ten years studying a range of subjects including medicine, Delforce finally plucked up the courage to come out of the artistic closet. In the future she hopes to continue developing her presence as an artist through exhibitions and her work in art education.

Breony Delforce paints the picture for Madeline Link

Email: [emailprotected] Website: www.uonservices.org.au/culture-arts/watt-spacePhone: (02) 4921 8733 | office: (02) 4921 5188 Facebook: facebook.com/WattSpaceGallery

Watt Space Gallery, University House, Auckland St Newcastle. Open 11am -5 pm.Watt Space, the University of Newcastle’s student art gallery, is brought to you by the U.

28 Yak Magazine - March 2014

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (29)

The film begins as a comedy with excellent one-liners and impressively witty exchanges between characters. The unique and intelligent dialogue continues throughout the entire film, however Juno ends up as so much more than just a comedy. The end of the film is touching, emotional and sweet, and showcases raw human emotion and realistic relationships. Ellen Page delivers Juno’s ironic sense of humour perfectly while also portraying a multifaceted, complex personality. She may seem like the girl who knows it all, but in reality Juno is still young and still learning that people are not always who you think they are.

If you haven’t seen Juno before, please give it a shot. If you won’t take my word for it, the film has a 94 per cent fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes and won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay.

Juno is a charming and warm-hearted coming-of-age tale and by the end of the film, you’ll find it difficult to not fall in love with the characters. Grab your hamburger phone and call your friends – Juno is a must see comedy, airing at the U Cinema on April 7.


It’s frank, fresh and funny, but also surprisingly emotional and touching; a balance that has been executed perfectly by a talented cast.

Juno (Ellen Page) is 16 years old and pregnant after having sex with her dorky, Tic Tac gobbling, track running best friend, Paulie Bleaker (Michael Cera). After multiple pregnancy tests, Juno is forced to accept that this “ain’t no Etch-A-Sketch. This is one doodle that can’t be un-did, Homeskillet.” She decides on adoption and turns to advertisem*nts in the Pennysaver for parents who are “desperately seeking spawn.”.









Juno is one of those films that just about everybody has seen, maybe even a few times. It’s not one that you watch often, but when you do catch it - usually by chance - you always have a really, really good time. That’s because Juno is one of the best comedies of the noughties. "This is one doodle that can't be

un-did, Homeskillet."

JunoApril 7th 2014, 7.30-10.00

I was driving home from work one Friday night pumping some tunes from Triple J, singing along and hitting the steering wheel like an idiot. You know, the usual. When the pumping dance song finished, Linda Marigliano interrupted my shameful car dancing to chat to a caller who was squealing about an Unearthed artist who had such ‘chill beats’ that caused her to be ‘so so sooooo obsessed’ with the song that she had it ‘like, constantly on repeat’. Mildly annoyed, I turned down my radio. But, as soon as the song she was raving about started, I turned the volume back up, even louder than before.

The song that was playing was AMAZING. It begins with a mellow sound that makes you feel like you are floating along on a pool toy, completely relaxed. The beat gradually deepens and it isn’t until one minute and eight seconds in that Yeo starts crooning, “Don’t you know a heart can be broken. “ The track is so smooth with an underlying beat that is completely addictive. I played this song over and over again for weeks.

lauren gross discovers yeo and his chill, unique beats

It’s frustrating because I don’t feel like I’m describing just how great this tune really is. In the words of Triple J’s David Howe, “This one slinks along smoother than velvet. Yeo never crowds the tune, his croons only chirping in here and there which gives ample time to get a little bit lost in this groove.” Linda Marigliano also espouses the tune: “Ooooooooh, the way you make those notes pitch around after the two minute mark, and then the extra melodic touches until the end. Love this. Clever, uncluttered, crazily crisp.” That said, the only way you will truly understand this unique tune is to do yourself a favour and listen to it.

The man earning himself this rave review is Yeo (pronounced Yo); an indie pop producer-musician from Melbourne. His Triple J feature artist page describes his many talents; “He combines his skills as keyboardist, bass player, vocalist and drum programmer to create some joyful organic sounding pop numbers. His tracks have got catchy hooks and lyrics to make you smile.” Girl is Yeo’s first track from his forthcoming EP, which is slated for a 2014 release.


“It begins with a mellow sound that makes you feel like you are floating along on a pool

toy, completely relaxed.“

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (30)


31Monday Movies by MoonlightPitch Perfect (PG)

Semester 1 Census date

1/Satolive tree

Market9am - 3pm, The Junction Public School


3Monday Movies by MoonlightSlumdog Millionaire (M)

4triviaBar on the Hill

tanner tuesdayShanil Samarkoon (Empower Projects)

u lunchtime bbQ12pm - 1pm, Auchmuty Courtyard

5Pool CompGodfrey Tanner Bar

Wednesday NightsBar on the Hill

6games with godfreyGodfrey Tanner Bar

Watt Space opening Night6.30pm, Watt Space Gallery

Public Enemy7pm, Newcastle Panthers

7triviaGodfrey Tanner Bar

Friday ArvosBar on the Hill

8/satCherry blossom Markets9am - 2pm, New-castle Harness Racing Club

Maitland Food, Wine and Music FestivalMaitland City Centre

Newcastle Jets vs Melbourne Heart5.30pm, Hunter Stadium

International Women’s day

9/sunMaitland Food, Wine and Music FestivalMaitland City Centre

10Clubs & Societies Showcase11am - 2pm, Auchmuty Courtyard

Monday Movies by MoonlightFinding Nemo (G)

11Clubs & Societies Showcase11am - 2pm, Auchmuty Courtyard

triviaBar on the Hill

tanner tuesdayOpen Mic Night

u lunchtime bbQ12pm - 1pm, Auchmuty Courtyard

12Pool CompGodfrey Tanner Bar

Wednesday NightsBar on the Hill

13games with godfreyGodfrey Tanner Bar

14triviaGodfrey Tanner Bar

Friday ArvosBar on the Hill

CMC rocks the Hunter Hope Estate, Pokolbin

15/satCMC rocks the HunterHope Estate, Pokolbin

16/sunraid My Ward-robe10am - 1pm, New-castle Basketball Stadium

Newcastle Knights vs Can-berra raiders6.30p, Hunter Stadium

CMC rocks the HunterHope Estate, Pokolbin

17Monday Movies by MoonlightLost in Translation (M)

Harmony Week launch11am, Auchmuty Courtyard

18triviaBar on the Hill

tanner tuesdayGreat Debate

u lunchtime bbQ12pm - 1pm, Auchmuty Courtyard

19Pool CompGodfrey Tanner Bar

Wednesday NightsBar on the Hill

Harmony Sports & games day11am - 2pm, Auchmuty Courtyard

20games with godfreyGodfrey Tanner Bar

A taste of Harmony12pm - 2pm, Bar on the Hill Lawn

21triviaGodfrey Tanner Bar

Friday ArvosBar on the Hill

Harmony day

22/satNewcastle Jets v Wellington Phoenix5.30pm, Hunter Stadium


24Monday Movies by MoonlightLittle Miss Sunshine (M)

25triviaBar on the Hill

tanner tuesdayOpen Mic Comedy

u lunchtime bbQ12pm - 1pm, Auchmuty Courtyard

26Pool CompGodfrey Tanner Bar

Wednesday NightsBar on the Hill

27games with godfreyGodfrey Tanner Bar

Watt Space opening Night6.30pm, Watt Space Gallery

28triviaGodfrey Tanner Bar

Friday ArvosBar on the Hill

29/sat 30/sUN

WHAT’S ON MARCHwww.uonservices.org.auFind out more at

30 Yak Magazine - March 2014

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (31)

Monday Movies by Moonlight at u CinemaLaze on the lawn under the stars and catch a flick for free!

7.30pm, MondaysDerkenne Courtyard

triviaTest out your trivia skills each week at Bar on the Hill or Godfrey Tanner Bar!

Bar on the Hill: 1pm - 2pm, TuesdaysGodfrey Tanner Bar: 1pm - 2pm, Fridays

tanner tuesdaySample something a little bit different each week, from open mic to debates, Q&As and more!

6.30pm, TuesdaysGodfrey Tanner Bar

Pool CompPool sharks of Callaghan unite! Free to enter and there are prizes for the winner!

3pm - 5.30pm, WednesdaysGodfrey Tanner Bar

Wednesday NightsStudent night starts here with $4 drinks, DJs, free pool and buses into town!

From 7pm, WednesdaysBar on the Hill

games with godfreySettle down in the bar and roll the dice for a social board game or two!

From 3pm, ThursdaysGodfrey Tanner Bar

Friday ArvosChill out and enjoy $9 jugs, $6.50 Schnitzel + chips and free lawn games!

From 3pm, FridaysBar on the Hill

Happy HourSign up to be a U Member and enjoy a delicious 20% off the price of all drinks!

Godfrey Tanner Bar: 4pm - 5pm, each weekday of semester

Bar on the Hill: 5pm - 6pm, each weekday of semester

ourimbah Movies by Moonlight We’ve rolled out the picnic blanket and you can set up your deck chairs, or you could just laze on the lawn under the stars. You can catch a flick for free every month in the main quad featuring great films from Bollywood, Disney and beyond. Enjoy the relaxing setting under the stars as we provide you with your nights entertainment.

All welcome - free entry.

Screening Finding Nemo (G)

8pm Thursday, 6 MarchMain QuadrangleCentral Coast Campus, Ourimbah


CLUBS & SOCIETIES SHOWCASE10 & 11 March, Auchmuty Courtyard, Callaghan.This is your chance to sample some of the 70+ clubs and societies UoN has to offer. There’s something to interest everybody with sporting, social, cultural, political and religious groups. There will be demonstrations, expo booths, games and information galore, with each club and society keen to show you their stuff.

Joining a club or society in 2014 is the perfect opportunity to get involved on campus and make likeminded new friends.


31Yak Magazine - March 2014

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (32)

part of the community

Yak March 2014 - [PDF Document] (2024)


Is yak meat legal in the US? ›

Not Currently Allowed- The importation of this commodity is not currently allowed due to other foreign animal diseases of concern in the country of origin, the lack of a negotiated or updated import protocol, or the lack of a negotiated export health certificate from the country of origin.

Is yak male or female? ›

An adult pack yak can carry up to 130# at 15 miles a day. A castrated male yak is called a yak. An intact male (bull) is called a boa while a female (cow) is called a dri. The white color in some domestic yak is not seen in the wild; most are brown or black in color.

How many yaks are left in the world? ›

Wild yaks are one of the few mammals that thrive at high altitudes but are a vulnerable species. Less than 10,000 individuals remain. They live in China (in northern Tibet and western Qinghai) and in Ladakh, India.

What does the yak symbolize? ›

Magick: Yak is an enduring symbol of brawn, strength, willpower, and progress. According to Tibetan Buddhism, a yak's head, eyes, intestines, hair, hoofs and heart were transformed into the sun, moon, stars, rivers, lakes, forests and mountains.

Is yak meat healthier than beef? ›

The healthiness of yak is also better than beef. Having much less fat than found in traditional red meats and even other proteins like salmon, it also is very low in saturated fats and higher in the healthier Omega-3s, which promotes not just health in the body but also mental health.

Is yak meat safe to eat? ›

The nutritional properties of yak meat are matched well with a healthy dietary requirement of humanity that allows producing high value-added functional food products.

Can yaks breed with cows? ›

A dzo (also spelled zo, zho and dzho, Standard Tibetan: མཛོ་, romanized: mdzo) is a hybrid between the yak and domestic cattle. The word dzo technically refers to a male hybrid, while a female is known as a dzomo or zhom.

Is yak dung poop? ›

Cow dung, also known as cow pats, cow pies or cow manure, is the waste product (faeces) of bovine animal species. These species include domestic cattle ("cows"), bison ("buffalo"), yak, and water buffalo.

Are yaks aggressive? ›

Although yaks are not typically considered aggressive, they should not be approached as they may charge at perceived threats, and this is especially true of mothers who are highly protective of their calves.

What is yak slang for? ›

Noun. yak (countable and uncountable, plural yaks) (slang) A talk, particular an informal talk; chattering; gossip. (slang) A laugh. (slang) Vomit.

What is the rarest yak? ›

The yaks are in Changtang Nature Reserve, a 200,000-square km area in Tibet's Ngari Prefecture where more than 400 animal species live, including the endangered Tibetan antelope and the kiang, or wild Tibetan ass. The wild golden yak, known for its lustrous fur, is the rarest yak and unique to Changtang.

How cold can yaks survive? ›

Yak are extremely well adapted to intense cold. They can survive ambient temperatures of −40 °C, and they perform best when the average annual temperature lies below 5 °C and the average temperature in the hottest month is less than 13 °C [6].

What is the yak controversy? ›

Even though the company has made clear that it can identify its users, Yik Yak has still been used to make threats of violence against individuals or groups within a specific geographic radius. This is particularly alarming for schools or other institutions that were targeted by such threats.

What is unique about yak? ›

Yaks live at the highest altitude of any mammal. Similar to other cow species, the yak has more than one stomach which it uses to successfully get all the nutrients out of the plants it eats. Yaks have firm, dense horns which they use to break through snow in order to get the plants that are buried underneath.

What is a yak crossed with? ›

The yakalo is a cross of the yak (Bos grunniens) and the American bison (Bison bison, known as a buffalo in North America). It was produced by hybridisation experiments in the 1920s, when crosses were made between yak bulls and both pure bison cows and bison-cattle hybrid cows.

Can you raise yaks in the US? ›

Yak farming is a new but growing industry in the United States. Yaks are beginning to be used for multiple purposes including their fiber, meat, leather, and as pack animals.

What are yaks used for in the US? ›

The breed produces lean, nutrient-dense beef; their hair and dense undercoat are valuable for high-end fiber production. Dairy farmers and cheesemakers appreciate their rich milk, and the yak's trainability means they can be used as pack animals.

Does yak meat taste like beef? ›

In a lot of ways, it really tastes a lot like it, too... but it tastes a bit more robust. A bit more savory. And a lot more juicy, tender, and delicious, if you ask me. Because yak came about in the very high elevations of the Himalayas, it physically changed the meat to allow for the reduced oxygen atmosphere.

Is it legal to eat deer meat in USA? ›

If wild game meat has received a mark of inspection by a state or federal inspection program, or it has been legally imported, then its sale is legal anywhere within the United States. Game meats that do not have a mark of inspection cannot be sold. This is the case for game meat harvested by a recreational hunter.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.