Fort Worth Daily Gazette from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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SUN FORTHE TIES Moral Effect of Free Masonry Odd Fellowship Knights of Labor and Other Societies Two Ears and One Tongue Physiologically Suggestive that we Ou ht to Hear More than we Tell It Depends Entirely on the Object ol Secret Associations as to Whether they are Right or Wrong pedal to the Gazette Brooklyn April 17 The Rev De Witt Talmage DD announced to his congregation today that as the Brooklyn Tabernacle has been uncomfortably crowded for many years the trustees have purchased the adjoining ground on which a great church prayer and Sunday school room Trill be built which on Sabbaths can be opened into the main auditorium thus giving room for at least a thousand more hearers at services Six thousand people are crowded into the present buildine 4G5u of these in pews and about 1500 seated iu aisles and standing The improvement will add reatly to this capacity The subject of Dr Talmages sermon today was What is the Moral Effect of Free Masonrv Odd Fellowship Knights of Labor Greek Alphabet and Other Societies The text was from Proverbs xxv 9 Discover not a secret to another Dr Talmage said It appears that in Solomons time as in all subsequent periods of the world there were people too much disposed to tell all they knew It was blab blab blab physicians revealing the C3se of their patients lawyers exposing the private affairs ol their clients neighbors advertising the faults of the next door resident pretended friends betraying confidences One half of the trouble of every community comes from the fact that so many people have not capacity to keep their mouths shut When 1 hear something di paraging of you my first duty is not to tell you But if I tell you what somebody has said against you and theu go cut and tell everybody else what I told you and they no out and tell others what I told them that I told you and we all go out some to hunt up the originator of the story and others to hunt it down we shall get the whole community talking about what you did do and wht you did not do and there will be as many scalps taken as though a band of Modocs had swept upou a helpless village We have two ears but only one tongue a physiological suggestion that we ought to hear a good deal more than we tell Let us join a conspiracy that we will tell each other all the good and nothing of the ill and then there will not be such awful need of sermons ou Solomons words Discover not a secret to another Solomon had a very large domestic circle In his earlier days he had very confused notions about monogamy and polygamy and his multitudinous associates in the matrimonial state kept him too well informed as to what was going on in Jerusalem They gathered up all the privacies of the city and poured them into his ear and his family became a Sorosis or female debating society of seven hundred discussing day after day all the difficulties between husbands and wives between employers and employes between rulers and subjects until Solomon in my text deplores volubility about affair that not belong to us and extols the virtue of secretiveness By the power of a secret divulged families churches neighborhoods nations fiy apart By the power of a secret kept great charities socialties reformatory movements and Christian enterprises may be advanced Men are gregarious cattle in herds fish in schools birds in fiocks men in social circles You may by the discharge of a gun scatter a fiock of quails or by the plunge of the anchor send apart tne denizens of the sea but they will gather themselves together again If you by some new power could break the associations in which men now stand they would again adhere God meant it so He has gathered all the flowers and shrubs into associations You may plant one forgetmenot or heartsease alone away off on the hillside but it will soon huat up some other forgetmenot or heartsease Plants love company You will find them talking to each other in the dew A galaxy of stars is only a mutual life insurance company You sometimes see a man with no outbranchings of sympathy Ills nature is cold and hard like a ships mast iceglazed which the most agile sailor coula never climb Others have 1000 roots and 1000 branches Innumerable tendrils climb their hearts and blossom all the way up and the fowls of heaven sing in the branches In consequence of this tendency we find men coming together In tribes in communities in churches in societies Some gather together to cultivate the arts some to plan for the welfare of the state some to discuss religious themes some to kindle their mirth some bo advance their crafts So every active community is divided into associations of artists of merchants of bookbinders of carpenters of masons of plasterers of shipwrights of plumbers Do you cry out against it Then you cry out against a tendency divinely implanted Your tirades would accomplish no more than if you should preach to a busy anthill or beehive along sermon against secret societies Here we find the oftdiscussed question whether associations that do their work with closed doors and admit their members by passwords and greet each other with a secret grip are right or wrong I answer that it depends entirely on the nature of the object for which they meet Is it to pass the hours in revelry wassail blasphemy and obscene talk or to plot trouble to the state or to debauch the innocent then I say with an emphasis that no man can mistake no But is the object the defense of the rights of any class against oppression the improvement of the mindthe enlarge ment of the heart the advancement of art the defense of the government the extirpation of crime or the Kindling of a purehearted sociality then I say with just as much emphasis yes There is no need that we who plan for the conquest of right over wrong should publish to all the world our intentions The general of an army never sends to the opposing troops Information of the coming attack Shall we who have enlisted in the cause of God and humanity expose our plan to the enemy No we will in secret plot the ruin of all the enterprises of satan and his cohorts When the expect us by day we will fall upon mmmtfntn WifH iy them by night While they are strengthening their left wing we will double up their right By a plan of battle formed In secret conclave we will come suddenly upon them crying The sword of the Lord and of Gideon Secrecy of plot and execution are wrong only wnen the object and ends are nefarious Every family is a secret society every business firm and every banking and insurance institution Those men who have no capacity to keep a secret are unfit for positions of trust anywhere There are thousands of men whose vital need is culturing a capacity to keep a secret Men talk too much acd women too There is a time to keep silence as well asa time to speak Although not belonging to any of the great secret societies about which there has been so much violent discuesion 1 have only words of praise for thos associations wnich have for their object the maintenance of fight against wrong or the reclamation of inebriates or like the score of mutual benefit societies called by different names that provide temporary relief for widows and orphans and for men incapacitated by sickness or accident from earning a livelihood Had it not been for the large number of secret labor organizations in this country monopoly would long ago have under its ponderous wheels ground the laboring classes into an intolerable servitude The men who want the whole earth to them selves would have it before this had it not been for the banding together of great secretorganizations And whilewe deplore many things that have been done by them their existence is a necessity and their legitimate sphere distinctly pointed out by the providence of God Such organizations are trying to dismiss from their association all members in favor of anarchy and social chaos They will gradually cease anything like tyr rany over their members and will forbid violent interference with any mans work whether he belongs to their union or is outside of it and will declare their disgust with any such rule as that passed in England by the Manchester Bricklayers Association which says any man found running or workiug beyond a regular speed shall be fined 2 shillings and 0 psnee for the first offense 5 shillings for the second 10 shillings for the third and if still persisting shall be dealt with as the committee think proper There are secret societies in our colleges that have letters of the Greekalphabet for tneirnomenclature and their members are at the very front in scholarship and irreproachable in morals while there are others the scene of carousal and they gamble and they drink and they graduate knowing a hundred times more about sin than they do of geometry and Sophocles In other words secret societies like individual are good or bad are the means of moral health or of temporal and eternal damnation All good people recognize the vice of slandering an individual but many do not see the sin of slandering an organization There are old secret societies in this and other countries some of them centuries old which have been widely denounced as immoral and damaging in their influence yet I have hundreds of personal friends who belong to them friends who are consecrated to God pillars in the church faithful in all relations of life examples of virtue andjMety They are the kind of friends whom I would have for my executors if I am so happy as to leave anything for my household at the time of decease and they are the men whom I would have carry me out to the last sleep when I am dead You cannot make me believe that they would belong bad in stitutions They are the mm who would stamp on anything iniquitous and I would certainly rather take their testimony in regard to such societies than the testimony of those who having been sworn in as membersby their assault upon the society confess themselves perjurers One of these secret societies gave for the relief of the sick in 187o in this country 14110271 Some of these societies have poured a very heaven of sunshine and benediction into the home of suffering Several of them are founded on fidelity to good citizenship aid the Bible I have never taktn one cf their degrees They might give me the grip a thousand times and I would not recognize it I am ignorant of their passwords and I must judge entirely from the outside But Christ has given us a rule by which we may judge not only all individuals but all societies secret and open By their fruits ye shall know them Bad societies make bad men Good societies make good men A bad man will not THE GAZETTE FOBT WORTH TEXAS MONDAY APBIL 18 stay in good society A good man will not stay in a bad society Then try al secret societies by two or three rales Test the first Their influence on home if you have a home That wife soon loses her influence over her husband who nervously and foolishly Iooks upon all evening absence as an assault on domesticity How are the great enterprises of reform aud art and literature and beneficence and public weal to be carried on if everyman is to have his world bounded on one side by his front door step and on the other side by his back window knowing nothing higher than his own atl ic or lower than his own cellar That wife who becomes jealous of her husbands attention to art or literature or religion or charity is breaking her own scepter of conjugal power I know an instance where a wife thought that her husband was giving too many nights to Christian service to charitable service to prayermeetings and to religious convocation She systematically decoyed him away until now he attends church waits upon no charitable institution and is on a rapid way to destruction his morals gone his money gone and I fear his soul gone Let any Christian wife rejoice when heir husband consecrates evenings to theservlpe of humanity and of God or charity of art or anything elevating But let no man sacrifice home life to secret society life as many do I can point outto you a great many names ol men who are guilty of this acrileg They are as genial asrangels atttie society room and a3 ugly as sin at home They are generous ou all subjects of wine suppers yachts and fast horses but they are stingy about the wives dresses and the childrens shoes That man has made that which might be a healthful influence a usurper of his affections and he has married it and he is guilty of mo al bigamy Under this process the wife whatever her features becomes uninteresting and homely He becomes critical of her does not like the dressdoes not like the way she arranges her hair is amazed that he was ever so unromantic as to offer her hand and heart There are secret societies where membership always involves domestic shipwreck Tell me that a man has joined a certain kind and tell me nothing more about him for ten years anb I will write his history if he be still alive The man is a wine guzzler his wife brokenhearted or prematurely old his fortune gone or reduced and his home a merename in a directory Here are six secular nights in the week Combining IBON with PDBE VEGETABLE TONICS quickly and completely CLEANSES and ENBICHES THE SLOOD Quietens the action of the Liver sst Kidneys Clears tho complexion makes the skin smooth It does not inj ure the teeth causeh eadachc or produce con stipationALL OTHER IKON MEDICINES DO Physicians and Druggists everywhere recommend it Dr 8 RttQOLES of Marion Mass says I rocommend Broirns Iron Bittere as a valuable tonio for enriching the blood and removing all dyspeptic symptoms Jfctloes not hurt the teeth Dr Mj Delzeix Reynolds Ind says I hive prescribed Browns Iron Bitters in cases of Antenna and blood diseases also when a tonic was needed sad it has proved thoroughly satisfactory Mb Wji Btbns 28 St Mary St New Orleans La says Browns Lon Bitters relieved mo in a case of blood poisoning and I heartily commend it to thosaneeding a blood purifier Mb Monahan Tnscumbia Ala says I hare been troubled from childhood with Impure Blood and eruption on my face two bottles of Browns Iron Bitters effected a perfect cure I Cannot speak too highly of this valuable medicine Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed ted lines on wrapper Take no other Made only by UUOWN OHEiUCAI CO BALTlAIOItE MD What shall I do with them says the father and the husband I will give four of these nights to the improvement and entertainment of my family either at home or in good neighborhood I will devote one to charitable institutions I will devote one to my lodge I congratulate you Here is a man who says Out of the six secular nights of the week I will devote five to lodges and clubs and associations and one to the home which night I will spend in scowling like a March squall wishing I was out spending it as I have spent the other five That mans obituary is written Not one out of 10000 that ever gets so far on the wroag road ever stops Gradually his health will fail through late hours and through too much stimulants he will be firstrate prey for erysipelas aDd rheumatism of the heart The doctor corning in will at a glance see it 13 not only presens disease he must fight but years of fast living The clergyman for the sake of the feelings of the family on the funeral day will only talk in religious generalities The men who got his yacht in the eternal rapids will not be at the obsequies They haw pressing engagements that day They will send flowers to the coffin will send their wives to utter words of sympathy but they will have engagements elsewhere They never come Bring me mallet and chisel and I will cut on the tombstone that mans epitaph Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord No voa say that would not be appropriate Let me die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like his No you say that ould not be appropriate Then give me the mallet and the chisel and I will cut an honest epitaph Here lies the vicim of dissipating associations Another test by which you can find whether yoar secret society is right or wrong is the effect it has on your secular occupation I can understand how through such an institution a man can reach commercial success I know some men have formed their best business relations through such a channel If the secret society has advantaged you iu an honorable calling it is a good one But has your credit failed Are bargain makers more anxious how they trust you wich a bale of goods Have the men whose names were down in the commercial agency A 1 before they entered the society been going down since in commercial standing Then look out You and I everyday know of commercial establishments going to ruin through the social excesses of one or two members their fortune beaten to death with ballplayers bat or cut amidships with the front prow of the regatta or going down under the swift hoofs of the fast horses or drowned in the large potations of cognac or Monon gahela That secret society was the Loch Earn Their business was the Ville de Havre They struck and the Ville de Havre went under The third test by which you may know whether the society which you belong is good or bad Is this What is it3 effect on your sense of moral and religious obligation Now if I should tafce the names of all the people in this audience this morning and put them on a roll and then I should lay that roll back of this organ and 100 ytmrs from now some one jhculd take that roll and call it from A to there would not one of you answer I say that any society that makes me forget that fact is a bad society When I go to Chicago I am sometimes perplexed at Buffalo as I suppose many travelers areas to whether it is better te take the Lake Shore route or the Michigan Central equally expeditious and equally safe getting to aeir destination at the same time But suppose that I hear that on one route the track is torn up the bridges are down and the switches are unlocked It will not take me a great while to decide which road to take Nowhere are two roads in the future the Christian and the unchristian the safe and the unsafe Any institution or any association that confuses my ideas in regard to that fact is a bad institution ana a bad association I had prayers before I joined that society did I have them afterward I attended the house of God before I connected myself with that union do I absent myself from religious influences Which would you rather have in your hand when you come to die apack of cards or a Bible Which would you rather have pressed to your lips in the closing moment the cup of Belshazzar ean wassail or the chalice of Christian communion Who would you rather have icfr your pallbearers the elders of a Christian church or the companions whose conversation was full of slanc and inuen do Who would you rather have for your eternal companions those men who spend their evenings betting gambling swearing carousing and telling vile stories or your little girl that bright child whom the Lord took Oh you would not have been away so much nights would you if you had known she was going away so so soon Dear me your house has never been the same place since Your wife has never brightened up She has never got over it she never will get over it How long the evenings are with no one to put to bed and no one to whom to tell the beautiful Bible stories What a pity it is that you cannot spend more evenings at home trying to help her Dear that sorrow You can never drown that grief in the wine cup You can never break away from the little arms that used to be flung around your neck when she used to say Papa do stay with me tonight Do stay with me tonight You will never be able to wipe away from your lips the dying kiss of your little girl The fascination of a bad secre society is so great tha sometimes ESS rf iW iM JC MtVUir strand is enough to hold fast a world No I will take these strands and I will twist them together and one end of that rope I wiil fasten not to the communion table for it shall be removed not to a pillar of the organ for that will crumble in the ages but I wind it round aud round the cross of a sympathizing Christ and having fastened one end of the rope to the cross I throw the other end to you Lay hold of it Pull for your life Pull for heaven Jackson OjOfl ft BrooJ Ufl Buttii rank Brlttaib Culiln Beet HrJ Bates nk Uowen OG Brady Bagwell Teemy Bowen Broyles Glmlson Bery Samel Salvation Oll relIoves Instantly and cares speedily all bodflj nnln Price only 25 cents Verdict of a ctjyoncre jury Died from want of Dr gttlls Cpugh Syrup 25 cents ifsT OP SETTERS Remaining In tho uostolhce at Fort Worth Tox Monday April IS 18S7 To obtain any of these letters the applicant must call for advertised letters and give the date of this list Alford Mrs Brown Laura Butcher Emma Barr Lizzie 2 BrandonMrs Barnes Mattie Beazles Al Creed Mrs Mollle Colton Mrs 2 Carlson Charlottle Casdenarl Elvira Dodds Mrs A Dixon Amanda Davis Arale col 2 Davis Eso Ladles Jones Nanle King Perle Kragor Vander Little Elvra 2 Lenoir Ada Long Myrtle Morton Belle Moore Lizzie Mechon Mrs MayfleldiKalte McNamara Mrs Joe McUulloch Elleni vIcClure Llbble tNlemever Mrs WSH BMce Miss Mome Edwards Panola col2fvape Emily Edwards Cynthia CJ Mtne Llllle Ederle Lena Fleming Minnie Fleming Allle Ai Ferg 8on Sarah Fendrk Klla FrazlenIrs Graves Mrs Ann Gaines Emma Galla feherBMollIe HlttsoSfcLGlaifc Hcndergor Mr4jI Uartman iSfe Haines Lizzie Hall Nellie llahn Allicc UubbsCaihe ne Jones Alice Johnson Mrs MeB Johnson Lue OrryMollle Parkin Mrs LJllle nnirrgioujEolti Parker MrsTSannic JWOKasollng Alice Stewart Mrs Albert Smith Leila Smith Mrs Anet Tobln Sable or 2 Tnompson Mrs Geo Terrv airs Ike Thomas Mollie Wesley Eller Willi Martha Wllkey Jennie Williams Mary Armstrong JenlngB 1Turray Geo A Bennett Jahjes A fe Morris Billngsj Wffliam Moore James Brooka Browjf BrowmHBWBell Williams Lottie Wilson Mrs care Jatne Wilson Willis Miss Gustus ta List MooreLL Miller MIns LE Murcur Dallas Miller Edle Mathews John McLaury John McMakln A A McCuneC Newman Jno Oualoy Frank ONeal James Putnam Pope Henry I HAYE JUST RECEIVED tfcrv Avrr of RL LO j9lJD Crabb Conway John OhlhonPnil Calhoon Andy Uammaclbco Caes Caesidy Mistical Drum James Drane joougla Walter Donnelly Jaoies DeC osky Henry Daniel A Estill Evans Walter Erlmeau John Elme Frlell Greaves Louis Goodrich bllas leghorn li Golden Philsmena Geitgey Ganlatty ThosK Howe Holloman Wm Hogan Ulll If Illreh Joe HI 1 BS Herold Will Hern Harris Hriman Jesse Hounter Ed Inman Plesant Jones fteo Jones Jones Frank Johnson Davie Johnston James Krawnack A Kerby Wm Keys Ijytte a Lorde Louis JohnWe ec Janres ft Lei hthlser Peter Lalne Louis Fuller Patrick Hiram Martin JacksonT 5 CHOICE IVIES3SNA your orders if in need Pounders Powell Parker Spencer Payne II KaynelB Randall John Reynolds Dick Rl Bascl Richmond Robertson Louis Slendentop Schoenlsr Leon Schatz Eddlo Screg Henry sackW Sargeant Saoon Henry 2 Storick A Stevens Dodridgc Strickland II Stinnett Aley Stnrgie Spencer William SpracueT Smith James Smith Ual Smith Mr Mr Lasbus Smith Dr A mlth car Smoot It Terry Thompson Jim Tennlson Wm ylor Taylor James Vlckers James YljkeryR Wallace Wallace Decle Wail Charley Walker A Weddllng Wilder Henry Williamson Dr WlllsonThos Wors Robert Wolf oeorge Work Joseph Waruen Louis Young Foreign Gordon Alexander Hall Taylor JCLIANFEILD Alaska Krfrlgeraiorg Under the most iSMeM and trying test have shown that thg are superior to all others LafcffTfondles them yy FOK1 OKT3 MAKKKtS yailiV KK VIEW OFFICE OF TKK GZETTK I iropT Worth Tex April 161SS7 I BU ITER 20c per lb creamer 25c 0 FFEE Rio fair 17c prime 17 choice 18icLaguyra lS Java 30J4 Golden Rio lS3ii Pea Berry Sc HEESE The better grades and Ohio factory ICSIO fnil cream twins lGc CAinJAGE In bulk southern new crop 5c per pound CANNED GOODS Prices per dozen Pineapples standard 1 50 peaches standard 2 lbs 1 45 3 lbs 2 00 seconds 2 lbs 1 15 3 lbs 5160 tomatoes standard 2 b1 00 seconds 2 lbs 3 lbsSl 30 green corn 51 101 50 green peasSl 101 50 gooseberries 1 25 raspberries 1 31 ovslers full weight I lb 9095c 2 lbs II 75190lt wt 1 a 2Hs salmon 1 lb 51 65 2 lbs 5 mackertl 1 tb lJ0c51 OJ sardines American 56 50 case lmnorted 12 50 14 00 case strawberries 2 lbs 51 35 blackberries 51 15 green gages 5 Ea le condensed milk 51 25 SPRING 1SS7 PRICE LIST OF DRY GOODS Prints Ablon solids 5J Ablon Shepard plaids 6Kc Abion silver greys 5 ic Allens fancies 5j Allens special 5 American fancies 5Kc American Indigo 7j anchor sheetings 5c Berlin oils all colors 6J Berwick fancy 4c Cone tofta new fancies 5 Conestoga chocolates 5J Eddystone novelties 6c Eadystone satlnes 6c Gloucester silver greys 5 fc Hartel fancies 5 Hartel Batlnes 5j ic Hartel shirting 5c Hamilton staples5 cltrmapo fancies 4c Simpsons mourning 6c Simpsons silver grey SImp sons linen finish 6c Windsor fancies 6c Martha Washington fancies 42 assorted standards 5c Ginghams Amoskeag staple checks IXc Amoskeag novelties SJ Amoskeag lotus Sc Caledonia staples 7 72 Elinsdale dress styles SJic Glen Kails dress yies Sc Grey iock dress style sl0J Normandie dreBs styles Langdalc book foldHe Renfrew cress styles jc RenfrewbouclJred 10 Scotch book fold Slatervllle Nubians he Whites fancy 7Jc York favorite 7Aio Warsaw 7 zephyr che ka 9c Colored Cambrics RosEmore flat 5c Garner rolled 4 Masonvlllc rolled 5 Slater Sons rolled 5 ic Brown Cottons Atlantic A 44 7c Atlantic P445 Atlantic LL 4 45J Adriatic 44 6J Alaska 44 6 Allendale 4 46J Appleton A 44 7c Argyle family cotton 62 black crosv ic cl*tton 6 Jc Derby fine brown 6c exposition 44 6Kc Chapman 44 3c Granitevllle 6Kc Granitevlllc II 5Xc Marshall 44 4c Maginnls 44 5 Bleached Cottons Security 5c social 44 7 Fairfield 6 and 7c CtiaDman 7 ic Dyervllle 447c Ellerton 44 Hic gilded age 44 7c Lonsdale 4 4 SKc Lonsdale cambric lie hero 44 Vic fidelity 4 4 7K i forget me not 6c John Hanco*ck 7 Langham cambric 8c ne plus ultra 6c Cotton Checks Black Warrior 7Kc Carolina 7K Southern 7 Georgia 7 Mississippi 7 Utility 6X Ottoway Randleman 1i Greenbnar 7 Cottonades Aoerdeen 9c Little Rock Sc Ollles choice 8 Bell 17 Blue Ridge 18c Mt Vernon 19c Mt Vernon 17c Mt Vernon 13 fc Norman 20c Richmond 14 Surrey 13 Bnrment 17 i And am ofieringstftem at lowest market prices Send me CORNEUltAIN AND FOURTH lyl1 wYlw a lr MJ1 1 a man has turned his back on his home when his child was dying of scarlet fever He went away Before he got back at midnight the eyes had been closed the undertaker had done his work and the wife worn out with three weeks watching lay unconscious in the next room Then the returned father comes upstairs and he sees the cradle gone and the windows up and says What is the matter On the Judgment Day he will And out what was the matter Oh man astray God help you lam going to make a very stout rope You know that sometimes a ropemaker will take very small threads and wind them together until after a while they become ship cable And I am going to take some very small delicate threads and wind them together until they make a very stout rope I will take all the memories of the marriage day a thread of laughter a thread of light a thread of music a thread of banqueting a thread of congratulation and I twist them together and I have one strand Then I take a thread of the hour of the first advent in your house a thread of the darkness that preceded and a thread of the light that followed and thread of the beautiful scarf that little child used to wear when she bounded out at eventide to greet you and then a thread of the beautiful dress in which you laid her away for the resurrection and then I twist all these threads together and I have another strand Then I take a thread of the sciriet robe of a suffering Cnrist and a thread of the white raiment of your loved ones before the throne and a striug of the harp cherubic and a string of the harp seraphic and I twist them all together and I have a third strand you say either 17 iioons mrwHammMwiimHiMtj Golaen Peak 20 Old Cabin Tec*mseh 1S Waterloo 16 Dress Goods American seiS Imported 1G 45 EGGS lie per dozen FhUITS AND VEGESABLESOrange355 50 per box lemons5no per box applesper bbl 55 75600 Irish potatoes UicSJfl 10 per du seed potatoes Early KoscSOcper bu sacked onions 3X cper und navy beans 352 chana plcked in bbls medium bbls 3l large Lima 4c bananas 51 003 00 per bunch sweet potatoes 51 0ul 50 per bu celery per dozenSOc FLOUR Best patents 52 90 per 100 as half patents 2 65 ird grade 52 40 FUEL McAllister coa carload on track at yard 56 00 delivered 56 50 McAllister coal 5 to 10 tons at yard 6 25 delivered 56 75 McAllis ter coal i to 3 tons at yard 56 50 delivered 5715 McAjllstercoal 1 ton at yard 56 75 delivered 5750 McAllister coal i ton at yard 53 50 delivered 54 03 McAllister coal ton at yard 51 75 delivered 52 10 McAllister coal loss than ton per 100 at yard 45c Pennsylvania hard coal 5 tons at yard 511 50 delivered 512 00 Pennsylvania hard coal 1 ton at yard 512 00 delivered 512 50 Pennsvlvania hard coal a ton at yard 56 00 delivered 56 50 blacksmith coal 1 ton at yard 512 00 delivered 512 50 Cord wood 1 cord delivered 54 00 cordwood cord delivered 125 stove wood I cord delivered 55 00 stove wood cord de livered 2 75 GRAIN AND FEEDSTUFFS Quotations below are on grain from store In carload lots corn and oats are 3c per bushel lo er tnan quoted Wheat S5S97c Com Bulk shelled 57Sc sack shelled 60XC Oats Bulk 454Sc sacked 60c Bran 51 CO per hundred Hay Loose local 57C0eS00 Johnson and Hill county5111013 00 best 515 01C Ow Barley 65c per bu Rye 51 per bu Amber cane 51 25 per bushel Johnson grass 53 50 per bu Alfalfa IGjC er pound THORPE5 AND MULES In car or train load lots Mexican mares 12 to I3K hands high unbroken 5i5 OOttlS 00 per head Mexican mares 13 i to 14 tiands high unbroken 1S 00 3 22 00 per head Mexican mares 14 to 5 hands hlchunbroiien 52 00525 00 per head Texas mares 13 to 14 hands high unbroken 520 00 30 00 per head Txas mares 14 to 15 hands high unbroken 550 CO40 00p head Texas marcs 15 to 16 hands high unbroken 540 00 6000 per head Texas hors 13 to 14 hands Mich unbroken 525 OOffi 00 per head Texas lurses 14 to 15 hands high unbroken 530 00 50 to per heal Mexican hoses 13 to 14 hands high unbroken 51S CO25 00 per head Mexican horsei14 to 15 hands high unbroken525 00 30 00 par head Mexican mules 12 to 14 hands high ur broken 525 C050 00 per head Texas mu es 13 to lRi hands hlphbroke 550 00 150 00 American drit horse 15 to 16Ji hands high broke 510J ICS175 00 From 52 to 55 ad ditional for thoroughly broke stock HIDES AND SKINS No 1 hcbvv hides 13 ic per lb No 2heavy 10 No 1 light 10 No 2 light 7c Dry 6alted 10llc bull hides 9c glue 5c green salted 7c butchers grcen5K6c Bhear Hng3 20c pelts 4075c MOLASSES Prime new crop3235cchoice new crop 3S45c fancy new crop 5355c NAILS 53 25 per keg basis 10dbnrden horseshoe per keg 55 PerktnB stme 55 90 Walker fame 53 50 Burden mule 56 northwestern horseshoe nails No 450c No 526c No 6 23c No 721c No 20c LakeB No 445c No 5 26c No 22c No 7 20c No 819c Ausable same No 445c No 524c No 621c No 719c No 818c NUTS Peanutrcholce 7Scpecans 10 12c for Texas Brazlknuts llcjper lb Alberts i3fjc per lb English walnuts 15c almonds 2022c per tt PROVISIONS We quote on the basis of car lotsFish Fish Mackere 10 lb kits No 1 51 00 No 2 90c half bbls No 155 50 No 255 00cod fish 6c Spiced pickled herrings per bucket 51 50 Holland herrings Kegs 51 501 75 Dried herrings Per box 40c Bologna sausage 7Kc Buckwheat Hour 16 6lb cases 55 00323tb 55 15 Meat Suarcured hams 13c sugarcured breakfast bacon lOJXc Bhort ciear bacon 10 short clear dry salt 9J Lard Tierce 73 50 tb cans Uic 20 cans 8c 10tb cans 5lb cans 8 3tfc cans SKcHominy Hominy and grits Per bbl 54 00 Kraut Ha barrels 54 25 Oatmeal Per haifbarre 53 75 LCracked wb at Per tb 6 Cracker i Eoda 5 XXX soda 6c creamS ginger snaps 8c lemon creams Sc Sundries Starca 350 candles ful boxes 12 halves quarters stick candy9d lO iai cy 10lPe rope 9c do cotton 16c herring Imported 5125 per keg ralsliB layer 53 50 cider crab apple 40c Missouri 30a vlnezar 15325c concentrated lye 52 75Q 4 00 jugs glazed 16c per gal crocks glazed 10c per gal dried peaches 6c Indigo 75c per tb blueing 30c51 00 per dozen Colemans mustard 51 301 0 per dozen caronl lm Eortcd 15c per tb American 75c per box ncketfl two hoops 16l per dozen brilliant oils bbls 18c Euplon do 28c do 25 cases 5310 brilliant 25 cases 5110 do i cases 53 90 baking powders bulk lie 1 and 2 tb canB 2 50 macaroni smatl box 65c vermlcelllsmall box 65c catBup In bulk per gallon Soc Worcester sauce In bulk per gallon 5125 Sugar Fine powdered bbls 7 do half bbls 7 3 cut loaf 7J trranulatsd standard 63 Louisiana granulated 6fc standard A 6J choice white 6 Louisiana 64 6cRice Rice Louisiana 4 5Xc POULTRY We quote Young frylngchlckens 53 00 per doz old 52 00 turkeys 60S75c WHISKY Rectified 5110150 as per proof sourmash two yea old 5160 170 three years old 51 90Q2 20 fancy extra old whisky 54 005 00 WOOL Spring clip bright medium 1S 21c light fine 18c coarse 13 16c.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.